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Name: layda Karadeniz
Instructors Name: Sezar Erkin Ergin

Apart from the positive aspects of emerging technologies, has a negative impact on people's

eating habits. When changes in eating habits and lack of physical activity come together, they

result in various adverse conditions and today, the incidence of these kind of problems is quite

fast increase in the whole world. Because of that people are face to face with a lot of diseases in

their lives. These threats affect human life in many ways and obesity is the powerful example to

being killer of peoples lives. Thats why obese people try to find a way to be rescued. So, no

matter what opponents say, weight-loss surgery is a good method to lose weight.

Weight-loss surgery can solve the problems which destroy persons life totally. It is

impossible to ignore because obesity has many bad effects on human life physically and

psychologically. Firstly: Obesity-related medical conditions usually improve or even go away

after weight, including; type 2 diabetes, severe arthritis, obstructive sleep apnea, high blood

pleasure After weight-loss surgery, most people about95%- say their quality of life is better.

Some studies also suggest people live longer after weight-loss surgery, compared to equally obese

people who dont get surgery. (Hoffman, 2015) Also, obesity causes lack of body control. They

sometimes cannot walk, dress on their own or go to bathroom, even cannot go out of their beds so

this limited physical activity causes other disease such as; high blood pressure, metabolic

syndrome, unhealthy bones and muscles and even cancer.

In addition to all of these, obesity ruins people psychologically too. A high prevalence of

psychological comobidities exists in obese patients, particularly mood disorders, anxiety, and low

self-esteem. () Body image dissatisfaction commonly seen in obese patients is heavily

correlated with symptoms of depression. (Kubik, Gill, Laffin, Karmali, 2013) For example,

societal emphasis on the female physique drags women who are brilliant but overweight to

depression and insecurity. Furthermore, obese persons are faced with bias in their fellowships.
Especially, obese children experience it in daily lives to much. They bullied by other children as a

result of this they exclude from the groups so they feel lonely and this situation affects them

throughout their lives. Today, obese individuals seek medical treatments for obesity because they

dont want to live these type problems and weight-loss surgery can salvage them easily from their


Surgery can fix effects of obesity on family relationship and family expenses. Firstly, obesity

is a big hassle economically because obese people need special care and equipments. For

instance, they need orthopedic and big size beds or a staff to walk. Also, their cost of safety and

health increase because they usually have to go to hospital and use medical drugs. Moreover,

people can lose their jobs because of illness and disability or they cant handle it jobs as they used

to so lose their income. (Colditz, 1992) All of this requirements and less return to family as extra

expense. Secondly, obesity cannot affect only the person. It affects also their family members

because the presence of an obese person in the family can create stress among members. They

feel sad about obese persons health and worry about this. Also they cannot talk enough each

other because sometimes they requires to be in bedroom a lot of time but this almost impossible.

Due to miscommunication family ties become weaker.

Solving obesity problem can also change many things on societys future because this

disease is growing and will continue to grow day by day so t will creates long term negative

effects. For example, if we are not blocked obesity, government portion of the budget allocated to

health will increase. It means that other needs of societies remain in the background so countries

will regress in many areas. Another reason why weight-loss surgeries have to be prevalent is that

growing unhealthy generation because of child obesity. According to researchers, Childhood

obesity increases the risk of multiple acute and chronic medical problems as well as

psychological issues. () Obese children can suffer from orthopedic complications, including
abnormal bone growth, degenerative disease and pain. They are also more likely to have low self-

esteem, leading to depression and suicidal ideation, and to engage in substance abuse. () Health

issues related to obesity are also linked with decreased life expectancy. (Wiething, 2008) In

addition to increasing number of obese people in society causes changing food and health culture.

Popularity of consuming foods will affect types of restaurants and because of the increasing

health problems will change hospital rules and habits.

People who dont support weight-loss surgeries said that this is not a solution also it has

many risks. Weight-loss surgery carries real risks. As many 10% of people have complications

afterword. Usually problems are only unpleasant or inconvenient. Some might cause some pain

and discomfort or require additional surgeries, including; nausea, vomiting and diarrhea,

abdominal hernias. Serious complications can happen too such as; blood clot to lungs, bleeding

ulcers, heart attacks, and leak in the new surgical gut connections (Hoffman, 2015) They also

think that removing healthy organs is unnecessary and dangerous. For example bariatric surgery

harm stomach one way or another. Moreover these kinds of surgeries threaten human beings

nature and ruins to balance of nature.

Despite the opponents ideas, medicine is developing. "The investments of surgeons in

developing their skills, investment from hospitals in developing high quality teams, and

investment from companies in the development of instruments and tools used every day in the

operating room, contribute to the safety and efficacy of bariatric procedures." (Fegelman, 2013)

Also there is much evidence of obese people who had weight-loss surgery have a lower risk of

death than individuals affected by obesity who do not have surgery so their longevity is

improved. When we look at these in many aspects, weight-loss surgeries help people for develop

themselves and increase their life of quality.

To sum up, weight-loss surgery can help a lot of people and can solve many problems in
many areas. In this way they can devote more time to activities they care about and theyll

become individuals who care more about their health and give place for sport in their lives. So

weight-loss surgeries bring back to life those persons. I think thats good for everyone and

meaningless to reject this.


Colditz, G. A. (1992, February). Economic costs of obesity. Am J Clin Nutr , 503S-7S.

Fegelman, D. E. (2013, November). Weight loss surgery: do the benefits really outweigh the

risks? (H. Whiteman, Interviewer) Medical News Today.

Hoffman, M. (2015, February). webMD. Retrieved from


Jeremy F. Kubik, R. S. (2013, January). Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Retrieved from

Wieting, J. M. (2008, October). Cause and Effect in Childhood Obesity: Solutions for a National

Epidemic. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (108), pp. 545-552.

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