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Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna

Date: 12th January 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)

1. My cooperating teacher was very I felt so respected when she called me miss. I was
welcoming and she referred me as Miss. very nervous but she made things so comfortable
and welcoming. I was really happy. She even
gave my schedule for the day.

2. Interacting with the students. Surprisingly my cooperating teacher asked me to

communicate with the students and asked me to
walk around and observe what they are doing and
how do they do those things. I was surprised
because usually teachers dont do like this, but
lets say I was lucky enough.

My cooperating teacher took out her time from

teaching and sat down with me to discuss about
3. Discussing about teaching. the teaching. She was so direct that she started
asking questions and giving me suggestions. She
asked me if I want to teach math or science and I
chose science and right after that she gave me the
whole unit and photocopied it. Everything was
just happening so fast and she was very organized
and systematic. She even asked me to bring the
draft lesson for the next observation so that she
can give me some feedback.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna Sundas

Date: 19th January 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)

1. English class: Teacher focused more on The English teacher is not my cooperating
students who were a little weak. teacher, but since my cooperating teacher was not
arrived I just stayed in English class. So, the
teacher had given some work to do for the class
but she called out 4 students and played UNO
with them. I also joined to play and the UNO
game was of words representing nouns, verbs,
pronouns, and so on. I liked this strategy because
the students are playing and at the same time they
are learning too.

I really liked the idea of completing the

2. Bible class: Teacher opened the lesson by workbook strategy, because this is also the way of
reviewing and completing the workbook. reviewing last class. She asked everyone to
complete and she wrote the answers in the board
for the students who are special.

I found this interesting because the teacher didnt

3. Teacher gave a classwork to do and few mention to do in groups but few students
students formed their own group. discussed with each other and formed groups. I
was thinking in my mind that every student has
their own way of learning, some learn by working
alone and some learn by working in groups.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna Sundas

Date: 30th January 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)

1. Monday morning: My cooperating teacher This is a great starts since its Monday morning
started class with rotating their seat and beginning of the week, students need to
arrangements and by cleaning up their rotate their seats so that everyone have their
tables. chance to either sit in the front or at the back.

I think teachers should take an action or make a

2. Students were talking in their mother rule or a strategy where they can encourage
tongue. students to talk in English rather than in their own

The idea behind it is that some students got 100

3. My math teacher distributed the test out of 100 but it might make few students sad
papers and asked students not to react who didnt get 100. Its a great way to ask
when they see their marks. students not to shout or scream and simply just
say yes so that everyone feels comfortable.

Once Dea had introduced this mirror method

4. The English teacher did the mirror during out micro teaching and it was interesting.
strategy to memorize the meaning of It helps students to follow what the teacher is
prepositions. teaching and also memorize.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna Sundas

Date: 31st January 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)

1. When I was teaching, I grouped the I think I should have turns like one day I group
students by myself and the students didnt them and the other day I should give them to
like it. choose their own groups. I have to think about
this in my future teaching.

I was really nervous about this thing, because I

2. Students reacted in a negative way while also hate people who mispronounce. I was trying
mispronouncing the students names. my best to pronounce properly but they got
offended. So, Im planning to do something that
can help me and the students at the same time.

This is a huge thing as a teacher. I thought that

my cooperating teacher did great. In the previous
3. My cooperating teacher admitted her math class she taught the formula in a wrong way,
mistake and apologized to the whole class but today she came and asked for apology and
for it. corrected herself. She even gave them answers to
bonuss questions.

I liked this strategy of calling the students out

4. After lunch one of the students was crying instead of scolding or asking questions in front of
and my cooperating teacher asked her to the whole class.
come out with other two girls.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna Sundas

Date: 1st February 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)

1. Since Wednesday is short day for the I think teachers always need to be prepared with
students, Teacher had limited time for lesson and be flexible. I usually hate flexible
teaching. My cooperating teacher utilized word but today I came to know the importance of
her 30 min in completing her lesson. being flexible.

2. My cooperating teacher showed a video of During the 30 min lesson, my teacher showed
pollination and the process of pollination. video for about 10 min and the other 10 min she
asked questions and reviewed the process again.
The thing that I liked the most is that she covered
the lesson and for assessment she gave

3. Chapel: from grade 3-6 were gathered in Chapel was fun and the students were very
the chapel. The chapel was for an hour. excited to dance and sing. One things amazed me
was that when the speaker asked questions my
grade 3 students were all ready to answer
compared to grade 5-6. It was really nice to see
how excited they were to share their thoughts and
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna Sundas

Date: 2nd February 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)

1. My cooperating teacher was sick today I was pretty nervous first but it was fun to
and I was asked to supervise the class. actually own a classroom. The students were very
kind, that they guided me throughout the day.
They respected me even more.

2. Math teacher: she wrote the names of the It is a great strategy to encourage students that
students on the board who have improved they have improved and they can do more. It also
superbly. helps students whose name is not there to actually
try to put their names on the board and get a

3. Today my cooperating teacher didnt I was really nervous and I didnt know how to
come to school due to sickness. Another react and I was just praying in my head.
teacher evaluated me and I was quite Surprisingly everything went through so nicely.
nervous. She called me after lunch to have The teacher told me that Im quite ready to be a
a talk with her which made me even more teacher which meant a lot to me. I wasnt sure
nervous. until this year if I really wanted to be a teacher or
not but I think I have made my mind now. She
also taught me few things to improve and I didnt
even feel like she is telling me to improve. Her
words were so thoughtful and kind.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna Sundas

Date: 3rd February 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)

1. My first class was English with another I think the idea is that she doesnt want to
teacher. Since it was Friday she did a 5 pressure the students with a lot of work since
play group. She formed students into 5 Friday is always exciting for weekends. She did
groups into 5 categories. five play groups but connected it with the lesson
itself. The plays were: UNO with nouns,
pronouns and prepositions, reading story book
and answering the questions, coloring, computer,
and worksheet of nouns and prepositions.

I find it amazing how nowadays I get to learn all

2. During math class, my cooperating of these things. My school days I dont remember
teacher distributed the math test paper to my teacher encouraging me instead they would
the students and she encouraged students say if you dont do better next time you will fail.
who didnt do well to do better next test. But here the teacher gave very positive comments
so that everyone can feel good. She encouraged
the students who didnt do well and also
encouraged the students who did well to not boast
but instead work more so that they can do better
next time too. I would definitely try my best to
encourage my students and use positive words.

I wasnt surprised that the students were tired

because I know its Friday and I realized that from
next time I should think of some other creative
3. One thing that I saw today is that when I ideas and give less work instead of pushing them
was teaching few students were so tired hard on Friday.
and sleepy that I had to slow down my
lesson and just cut off the rest of the
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna Sundas

Date: 6th February 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)

1. My cooperating teacher taught math in the I always hate math and I still do but it was fun
first period and she used her creativity to today when my teacher used a creative way of
teach math in group. doing math. She formed groups of 5 and gave
them one question each group and asked them to
solve. She then asked them to write it in a bigger
paper (chart). She asked them to copy the
question and answer with the process of addition
or subtraction. She even asked the students to
draw. It helps people who dont like math.

There are always strategies that we need to follow

2. My cooperating teacher saw a student according to the situation. Today a boy spoke
behaving rude with another student. She very rudely with his friend and my teacher rewind
called on that student and asked him to the same picture and asked the boy to say in a
repeat the same thing but in a good way. good way. In this way he feels guilty but also
reminds not only him but the rest of the students
to speak in a good way. She even gave good
words and ways of speaking to the students.

I think I should practice raising my voice a little

3. Classroom management: I think this is the bit louder and also find some other way of
most difficult part of teaching. In my class grabbing their attentions. The students listen for a
it has always been a problem since I dont while and again starts to talk or do something.
have a loud voice. When I want to shout or take action against it, I
somehow see myself in them and I stop myself
from it. (I dont know if this represents a good
teacher or not) I try to lower my tone and be good
and not strict.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna Sundas

Date: 7th February 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)

1. My cooperating teacher taught math for I think by the end of my practicum I might fall in
the first period and she did it in an love with math. She teaches in such an interesting
amazing way. She showed a video of way. She showed video and paused In between
converting kilogram to gram to the where she thought was important and she
students and asked them to follow. explained. She also gave a problem and asked
them to solve.

2. The second period I was teaching science I think I should only focus on the important thing
and I was happy that I was able to finish and maybe take out at least 15-20 minute time for
my activity and as well as my conclusion. activity. I kept looking at the clock and maybe
Usually I lack time and I am not able to do thats the reason why I was able to finish my
my whole lesson. lesson.

3. My cooperating teacher taught about I think she did a good job. I liked how she only
plants. My teacher introduced to two introduced the word and showed pictures and
important words which is Irrigation and videos, but she didnt push the students much. Its
Fertilizer. In the morning class she taught very important to focus on important thing since
fertilizer and showed video and gave some it might be hard to understand in grade 3. She
work to do. In the afternoon class she simplified her lesson and made the lesson easy to
taught irrigation and showed pictures and understand. She also involved a lot interaction
gave some work to do. She used her time between the students.
to finish about plant because on Thursday
the class will be going for field trip.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna Sundas

Date: 8th February 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)

1. During my teaching, I had an activity of I was so happy to see how excited they were to
building a house with using toothpick and do the activity. I learned that I need to think very
marshmallow. The students started getting carefully for activities so that the students are
Excited and shouting. excited for it. The students were so excited and
were doing their work and the classroom was in
control. I was amazed that if we do activities
which they like then teaching will be much easier.

I think group work should be introduced to the

2. During the English class, the teacher class from the very beginning of the year and
introduced them to a group project and it explain them the reason why we do group work.
was not good. The students started Some students were behaving so rude. Teacher
shouting because their group was not good said this is what it is, but I thought it would be
and some were angry and some were better if she could remind them the why reason
about to cry. so that they can realize that its wrong.

I liked this method of making everyone

accountable for oneself. Students were so happy
3. The English teacher reminded the students and was laughing and enjoying their time to teach
the due dates of their assignments. She their friends and remind them.
used the mirror strategy. One thing that
was interesting to me was that she asked
students to do mirror with their friends.
She asked them to remind their friends
and teach them.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna Sundas

Date: 9th February 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be
improved? How? What will I do differently? How
does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)

- Today my Class went for a field trip, so - It was very thoughtful of her as I had to
my cooperating teaching put me in other do my dialectical journal and she wanted
classes. me to observe other classes for it.

- When I saw this class, I immediately said

- I observed grade 2, math class. It was in my head that I want like this class. The
really interesting that the students where students were so welcoming and they
quiet and much disciplined. even asked me questions and were so
curious to know about me. They were
very sweet.

- I was very happy that I was not just

sitting there but instead doing something.
I love when I have work to do. The
- The next class I observed was K2. The
teacher asked me to be in the word play
teachers asked me to help them during the
spot and asked me to help the students. It
class. They were having 5 plays.
was really fun as the students were
interactive and asking me questions for
help. I was happy to help them.

- I was thinking that my class is pretty hard

to handle but I was wrong because this
class is pretty hard to handle, as the
students were very active and loud. They
- The Difficult thing in K2 was that the
didnt want to sit and listen. They wanted
students were very active and very loud.
to walk around. I think I need to learn
The teacher tried so many times to control
more about classroom management for
the class but it was very difficult to make
an active class.
them quiet. The students
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Audrinna Sundas

Date: 10th February 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well?
What could be improved? How? What will I
do differently? How does this connect to
the theory I have read from class?)
- My students had spelling bee - My teacher asked the 6 students to
competition, so my cooperating sit in the front and the rest class to
teacher took the first class to be audience. The interesting thing
practice with the kids as we had 6 was that she asked the audience to
students participating. participate. She asked the audience
to get a dictionary and look for
simple words and give the
participants for practice. So the
whole class is actually participating.

- It really melted my heart by

seeing the students crying. It
- When we went to the spelling bee shows how innocent they are. My
competition, my students were out of teacher tried to comfort them. I
the game one by one. Three thought at that time that I also
participants were so upset that they need to expect like this kind of
cried. I was really surprised to see thing in my future class. It was
that. really heart breaking, but it is
what it is.

- My class was going well at first

- I taught after lunch, and I had but during the activity time
Mrs. Talbot observing me. I was things went pretty bad, because
pretty nervous but it somehow my class is also very active and
went pretty well, but I still had they were all so excited and they
problem managing classroom. started talking and screaming. I
somehow tried my best to
control, but I still need to work
on strategies.

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