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Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Matthew Uk Peng Cung

Date: 7 February 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What
could be improved? How? What will I do
differently? How does this connect to the
theory I have read from class?)
Today I taught mathematics at 7:30am. It was great lesson. In this lesson, I made
First of all, I greet them and asked them more engagement with my students
to come to carpet because students unlike before. Asking them sit on the
usually give me more attention when carpet was only purposed to get their
they are on the carpet with me. attention. And It was really helped me to
Then I checked their answer. I picked one get their attention rather than let them
random student for one question to sit at their seat.
explain why he or she got this answer Before I was having hard time to get
and how he or she got. their attention when I let them to sit at
Some students were really keen to their seat. Finally, I found out one great
answer but some were just keep quiet. strategy to get students attention.
All of the students were able to explain In mathematics, I believe that practice is
why they got that answer. And they did really important. So I always do the first
pretty well in reasoning. worksheet with them. But I didnt spoil
After checking their answer, I got the them instead I instructed them how to
worksheet that they supposed to do for think and how to approach the problem.
their table-work. But before that, I asked If their thinkings are not quite right, I
them to cooperate with me and we give suggestions to think differently.
solved every problem together on the
board. And I asked them if they have any
Then I gave the same worksheet paper
and another new worksheet paper. So
they did two worksheets. But some did
not finish in the classroom so they took
them to home as homework.

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