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Consumer Behavior

Internal Assessment Questions

Unit 1

Fill in the Blanks

1. Consumer behavior can be looked as study of how ___________ make decisions

on how to spend their resources on various consumption related items
2. Consumer behavior is _________ in nature
3. _________ enables a marketer to understand what factors influence the decision
making process of a consumer
4. The ________ process is influenced by the selective information received by the
5. Understanding why a consumer buys a product is very _________
6. _________ needs include food, health, hygiene and clothing
7. The marketing strategies are now shifting from ________ marketing concept to
individual marketing concept
8. The feelings, thinking, perceptions, and actions of the consumers and society at
large keep _______
9. Consumer Behavior involves _________ between human beings
10. _________ approach of CB studies the environmental effects and their influence
on the individual consumer
11. The limitation of Managerial approach is it over emphasizes the rationality of
12. ________ approach focuses on consumption experience
13. One of the criticism of _______ approach is that it is being non actionable
14. Consumer Behavior is a _______ process
15. When a need is supported by a will power to buy it becomes a _______
16. A consumer may or many not be the ________
17. _________ is defined as the dynamic interaction of affect and cognition, behavior,
and the environment by which human beings conduct the exchange aspects of the
18. _________ is the systematic collection and analysis of consumer information for
the purpose of important decision making in marketing
19. Consumer research is mainly used for _________ types of application
20. Marketers are often interested in the _________ of consumers
21. Consumer Research is extremely important for the formulation of ________
22. The _____________ step in creating a good consumer research to define a
problem and the purpose of doing research
23. The second step is to ___________ the research process and the methodology
24. The researchers need to maintain a high standard of _________
25. ________ approach involves less bias
26. Observation study is less ___________
27. Survey Approach is the most versatile approach for the collection of _________
28. Major disadvantage of the _________ approach is that the Interpretation of the
question by the respondents can greatly vary their responses
29. In depth Interviewing is a __________ approach
30. _______ tries to discover the hidden motivations affecting the consumer behavior
31. There are _________ types of sources of secondary data
32. Secondary data is more _________
33. Secondary data is used as a basis of comparison with ________ data that the
researcher has just justified
34. The success of consumer research depends on the cooperation of _________
35. _________ research tends to be Fragmentary in its approach
36. Motivation is the __________ for behavior
37. Under Mc Guires Psychological motives the motives are classified into _______
38. People often seek variety and difference is called Need for ___________
39. ________ motive deals with the need to express ones identity to others
40. _______ is a need to develop mutually helpful and satisfying relationships with
41. A marketing manager needs to unearth all motives and use them to formulate
________ strategies
42. Researching manifest motives is a _______ task
43. Researching _______ motives is a tough task
44. The resolution of motivation conflict often affects _______ patterns
45. The characteristic and distinctive trait of an individual, the stable shifting pattern
of relationship between these traits and the ways traits interact to help or hinder
the adjustments of a person to the other people and situations is __________
46. The multitrait theory used most commonly by marketers is the ________- model
of personality
47. Freuds Psychoanalysis theory is based on the premise that ________ needs are
root forces determining human motivation and personality
48. ________ acts as a balancing force between ego and ID
49. __________ personality is very much interested in building social relationships
50. Freud theory has a wide application in ___________

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Buying actions of consumers are greatly affected by ___________

1) Thought Process
2) Feelings Experienced
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above.
2. Consumer Behavior is _________- in nature
1) Dynamic
2) Involves interactions
3) Involves Exchange
4) All the above
5) None.

3. The Buying process involves _____ players

1) 8
2) 4
3) 2
4) 5
5) 7

4. Human beings have _______ types of needs

1) 2
2) 3
3) 1
4) 4
5) 0

5. Secondary needs include _______- needs

1) Health
2) Safety
3) Emotional
4) All the above
5) None

6. ________ involves the understanding the needs of the customer and translating
these needs into products or services to satisfy these needs
1) Production
2) Selling
3) Marketing
4) Production
5) Both 1&2.

7. The basic goal of marketing is to achieve the goal of profit making through
________ satisfaction
1) Customer
2) Employee
3) Supplier
4) None
5) All the above.

8. the major reason for the shift to focusing on consumers is _________

1) Liberalization
2) Dramatic increase in quality of consumer and Market Research
3) Development of consumer behavior research
4) All the above
5) None

9. As per the managerial Approach Consumer Behavior is _________

1) Micro
2) Cognitive
3) None
4) Both
5) Macro

10. The managerial approach is more focused on _______________

a. Sales
b. Consumption
c. a & b
d. none.
e. All the above.

11. Holistic Approach is ________ in nature

1) Micro
2) Macro
3) Both
4) None

12. Holistic Approach overemphasizes on ___________ behavior

1) Pre Purchase
2) Post purchase
3) Purchase
4) None

13. Knowledge of consumer behavior influences __________ decisions

1) Marketing
2) Management
3) Product
4) None
5) All the above.

14. The outcomes of consumer decision process are __________

1) Individual
2) Firm
3) Society
4) All the above
5) None

15. An individual who pays for the product is __________

1) Consumer
2) Customer
3) Both
4) None

16. An individual who consumes the product is __________

1) Consumer
2) Customer
3) Both
4) None

17. _________ can never be created and always exist

1) Demand
2) Desire
3) Need
4) Want
5) None

18. When want is supported by money power it becomes ________

1) Demand
2) Desire
3) Need
4) Want
5) None

19. The purpose of consumer research is to take important decisions in _________-

1) Management
2) Service
3) Marketing
4) None
5) All the above

20. Consumer Research is the systematic ________ of the consumer information

1) Collection
2) Analysis
3) None
4) Both
5) All the above
21. Consumer research has become extremely relevant in the present scenario because
of ________
1) Complex Business Decisions
2) Globalization
3) Liberalization
4) All
5) None

22. The first step in consumer research is to define __________

1) The problem
2) Purpose of doing research
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above

23. The approaches of consumer research are __________

1) Observation Study
2) Survey Research
3) In-depth Interviewing
4) All in one
5) None

24. In observation method __________ data is collected by recording observations

1) Past
2) Current
3) Both
4) None

25. The approach of consumer research is slow and expensive

1) Survey
2) Observation
3) In Depth Interviewing
4) All
5) None

26. __________ is a questioning approach which involves questioning respondents

and recording their responses
1) Survey
2) Observation
3) In Depth Interviewing
4) All
5) None
27. _________ involves a detailed probing of the respondent by a specialist
a) Survey
1) Observation
2) In Depth Interviewing
3) All
4) None

28. The focus of In Depth Interviewing is to ________ the reactions of the respondent
1) identify
2) record
3) None
4) Both

29. The pitfall of In Depth Interviewing is ________

1) Unstructured
2) Subjective Information
3) Diverse Interpretations of the same information
4) All the above
5) None

30. There are _________ types of data

1) 2
2) 4
3) 6
4) 8
5) 5

31. Data collected at the first hand for a specific purpose is called _________ Data
1) Primary
2) Secondary
3) Both
4) None

32. Data collected earlier for some other purpose is ________ data
1) Primary
2) Secondary
3) Both
4) None
33. Data available within the organizations like financials and sales records is called
____________ sources
1) External
2) Internal
3) Third Party
4) None
5) All the above

34. The advantage with Secondary data is _______

1) Low cost
2) Saves time
3) A basis of comparison with primary data
4) None
5) All the above

35. The pitfalls with the secondary data is _________

1) Units expressed may not be as per the requirements
2) Accuracy is unpredictable
3) Data being outdated
4) All
5) None

36. ________ theory of motivation is based upon the argument that all human beings
acquire a similar set of motives through genetic endowment and social interaction
1) McGuires Psychological Motives
2) Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
3) Both
4) None

37. According to Maslows Hierarchy theory there are ______ types of needs
1) 5
2) 3
3) 4
4) 2
5) 1

38. _________ set of motive deals with need to determine who or what causes the
things to happen
1) Need For Consistency
2) Need for Attribution
3) Need for Categorization
4) All
5) None
39. People have a need to categorize and organize the vast array of information and
experiences they encounter in a meaningful yet manageable way this is called
1) Need For Consistency
2) Need for Attribution
3) Need for Categorization
4) All
5) None

40. The need for independence and individuality is a characteristic of __________

1) Indian
2) European
3) American
4) All the above
5) None

41. The motives which are admitted and are known to the customers are called
___________ motives
1) Latent
2) Manifest
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above

42. There are _______ types of motivational conflicts

1) 5
2) 3
3) 2
4) 1
5) 4

43. A consumer who must choose between two attractive alternatives faces
___________ conflict
1) Approach-approach
2) Approach-avoidance
3) Avoidance-avoidance
4) None
5) All the above.

44. A consumer who is faced with a both positive and a negative consequences
confronts ________ conflict
1) Approach-approach
2) Approach-avoidance
3) Avoidance-avoidance
4) None
5) All the above.

45. A choice involving only desirable outcomes provides ________ conflict

1) Approach-approach
2) Approach-avoidance
3) Avoidance-avoidance
4) None
5) All the above

46. Personality of an individual is _________

1) Stable
2) Consistent
3) Enduring
4) All
5) None

47. The five factor model identifies 5 traits that are formed by ________
1) Genetics
2) Early Learning
3) Both
4) None

48. According to Freud personality of an individual is a resultant of ______ of the

following forces
1) ID
2) Ego
3) Super Go
4) All the above
5) None

49. _________ personality is always occupied with his own inner world of fantasy
and incapable of outgoing social interactions
1) Introvert
2) Extrovert
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above.

50. The term brand _______ is a metaphor for the emotional relationship that exists
between a consumer and a brand
a. Identity
b. Image
c. Personality
d. Equity
e. All the above.

Fill in the Blanks

1. Individuals
2. Dynamic
3. Consumer Behavior
4. Buying
5. Complex
6. Primary
7. Mass
8. Changing
9. Exchanges
10. Managerial
11. Consumers
12. Holistic
13. Holistic
14. Multidimensional
15. Want
16. Buyer
17. Consumer Behavior
18. Consumer Research
19. 2
20. Feed back
21. Marketing
22. First
23. Describe
24. Ethics
25. Observation
26. demanding
27. Abstract
28. Survey Research
29. Informal
30. In Depth Interviewing
31. 2
32. Economical
33. Primary
34. Public
35. Consumer
36. Reason
37. 16
38. Stimulation
39. Need for Expression
40. Affiliation
41. Marketing
42. Simpler
43. Latent
44. Consumption
45. Personality
46. Five Factor
47. Unconscious/Biological;
48. Superego
49. Extrovert
50. Brand Positioning

Multiple Choice Questions

1. c
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. c
7. a
8. d
9. d
10. d
11. b
12. b
13. c
14. d
15. b
16. a
17. c
18. a
19. c
20. d
21. d
22. c
23. d
24. c
25. b
26. a
27. c
28. d
29. d
30. a
31. a
32. b
33. b
34. d
35. d
36. b
37. a
38. b
39. c
40. c
41. b
42. b
43. a
44. b
45. c
46. d
47. c
48. d
49. a
50. c




Fill in the Blanks

1. _________ is defined as a relatively enduring change in behavior due to

2. Learning involves change in __________
3. Learning is a process which continuously changes and evolves as a result of
newly _________ knowledge
4. Learning that is acquired after a careful search is called ________
5. Learning that is acquired accidentally is called ________
6. An individual receives a variety of stimulus ______
7. Learning occurs because of the presence of a _______
8. ________ is an important concept of learning theory
9. ________ occurs because of motivation
10. Cues give _______ to motives
11. Marketers have to take care that the cues used by them to stimulate the
consumers are consistent with consumer __________
12. ________ is closely related to the psychological process of motivation
13. Without Reinforcement one cannot observe and measurable __________ of
14. _______ is a well learned response which is achieved by the passage of time
15. Under repeated conditions of ___________ reinforcement there is a
tendency for the conditioned response to continue for a long period of time
16. Elaborative learning process involves _________ research
17. Purchasing a loaf of bread is a _______ process
18. In ________ the behavior becomes dependent on certain events in the
19. For predicting ________ behavior understanding different learning processes
is important
20. ________ learning theories are also called as stimulus-response theories
21. Learning is acquisition of new ________
22. The starting point of classical Conditioning is the presence of an
unconditioning ________
23. Unconditioned _______ is a natural spontaneous reaction_
24. Classical conditioning is also known as cognitive associative _________
25. One proven method of increasing retention of learning is ___________
26. Learning follows a pattern which is called as _________
27. The rate of learning is _________ in early stages
28. In the _________ stages the rate of learning per repetition decreases
29. Advertising Wear out is a situation where there is _______ exposure of the
advertisement which leads disinterest, boredom etc
30. _________ becomes necessary to maintain consumers level of learning
31. Classical Conditioning is more effective when the conditioned stimulus is
32. Stimulus ________ makes the life of consumer easier
33. _________ branding refers to the practice of marketing the entire product
mix of a company under same family brand name
34. In Product line extension the core value of the product remains ________
35. In product form extension the product is available in different _______ forms
36. In Product Category Extension the ________ name is same
37. Stimulus discrimination is ________ to Stimulus generalization
38. The ability to discriminate is _______
39. Stimulus Discrimination strives to create a _________ brand image in the
consumers minds
40. It is very difficult to unsettle a brand leader from its position after stimulus
________ has occurred
41. The key to effective stimulus discrimination is effective _______ positioning
42. In Instrumental conditioning the _________ elicited is within the conscious
control of the subject
43. In instrumental conditioning the learner is required to discover the correct
behavior through __________
44. According to instrumental conditioning behavior is a function of its
45. Favorable consequences reinforce the behavior and increase the likelihood of
46. ___________ is applied to discourage behavior
47. To buy a product for the first time the consumer undergoes a _______
48. The habit formation will result if there is _______of the past purchase
49. _________ is the elimination of the link between the stimulus and the
expected favorable outcome
50. There are ________ types of reinforcement

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Learning is change in ________ due to experience

1) Consumption pattern
2) Behavior
3) Spending pattern
4) None
5) All the above

2. Learning is a _________
1) Process
2) Experience
3) Behavior
4) All
5) None of the above.

3. Learning is based on __________

1) Behavior
2) Experience
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above.

4. Learning can be ________

1) Intentional
2) Incidental
3) None
4) a or b

5. There are ________ components of learning process

1) 4
2) 5
3) 6
4) 7
5) 8

6. _________ is said to be any strong stimuli that impels action

1) Drive
2) Cue
3) Response
4) Reinforcement
5) None

7. Drive and motive are ________

1) Same
2) Different
3) Both
4) None

8. A motive is based on
1) Needs
2) Goals
3) Both
4) None

9. The degree of involvement will be dependent on the _______ level of motivation

1) Management
2) Employee
3) Partner
4) Customer
5) None

10. _________ stimuli can be any objective existing in the environment as perceived
by the individual
1) Drive
2) Cue
3) Response
4) Reinforcement
5) All the above

11. Response is how people react to a _______

1) Drive
2) Cue
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above.
12. The response may be in the following form
1) Attitudes
2) Perception
3) Familiarity
4) All
5) None

13. ___________ is a very basic condition for learning

1) Drive
2) Cue
3) Response
4) Reinforcement
5) None

14. The stability of learned behavior maintained by the individual over a period of
time is called _______
1) Retention
2) Reinforcement
3) Response
4) None
5) All the above.

15. Types of learning processes are _______

1) 4
2) 3
3) 2
4) 1
5) 6

16. Consumer behavior occurring without any involvement of extensive consideration

and reflection is called _________ learning process
1) Routine
2) Elaborate
3) Both
4) None

17. In Routine learning process the ________ involved are very short
1) Thinking process
2) Actions
3) Both
4) None

18. Behavioral theorists are interested in the relationships between the inputs selected
and ______
1) Process
2) Methodology
3) Output
4) None
5) All the above.

19. There are ________ types of behavioral theories

1) 4
2) 2
3) 6
4) 8
5) 7

20. _________ conditioning describes behavior as a learned process by repetitive

association between stimulus and response
1) Classical
2) Operating
3) Both
4) None

21. Much of CB is learned under the influence of __________ conditioning

1) Operating
2) Classical
3) None
4) Both

22. CS preceding US is called __________ conditioning

1) Backward
2) Vertical
3) Forward
4) Horizontal
5) All the above

23. CS following US is called ________ conditioning

1) Backward
2) Forward
3) Horizontal
4) None
24. There are _________ emerging concepts of classical conditioning
1) 5
2) 3
3) 4
4) 2
5) 1

25. ________ of the following is a concept of classical conditioning

1) Repetition
2) Stimulus Generation
3) Stimulus Discrimination
4) All
5) None

26. Repetition slows the process of ________

1) Learning
2) Forgetting
3) Conditioning
4) None
5) All the above

27. In learning curve the x axis represents ___________

1) Number of repetitions
2) Amount of learning
3) Amount of repetitions
4) No of learnings
5) All the above

28. In Learning curve the y axis represents _____________

1) Number of repetitions
2) Amount of learning
3) Amount of repetitions
4) No of learnings
5) None

29. The Three hit theory says that ________ad exposures are optimum for the desired
1) 5
2) 3
3) 1
4) 7
5) 4
30. A per the Three hit theory ________ exposure is used to make consumers aware
of the product
1) First
2) Second
3) Third
4) Fourth
5) fifth

31. A per the Three hit theory ________ exposure is used to show the consumrs the
relevance of the product/service
1) First
2) Second
3) Third
4) Fourth
5) sixth

32. A per the Three hit theory ________ exposure is used to remind the consumers
1) First
2) Second
3) Third
4) Fourth
5) fifth

33. Stimulus generalization occurs when 2 stimuli are seen as ________

1) Different
2) Similar
3) No relation
4) All
5) None

34. Stimulus generalization makes the _________ of consumer simple

1) Information Search
2) Buying
3) Evaluation
4) All
5) None

35. _________ extension is the strategy of introducing variations of the same product
1) Product line
2) Product Form
3) Product Category
4) None
5) All the above.
36. __________ extension mean that the same product is available in different forms
1) Product line
2) Product Form
3) Product Category
4) None
5) All the above

37. __________ extension is diversifying into producing products in different

categories and using the same established brand name
a) Product line
1) Product Form
2) Product Category
3) None
4) All the above

38. Stimulus Discrimination is the reaction to ________ between the stimuli

1) Similarities
2) Difference
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above.

39. the concept of ________ is based on discrimination

1) Brand Image
2) Brand Positioning
3) Product Positioning
4) Both b & c
5) None

40. __________ use Stimulus discrimination

1) Market Innovators
2) Market Leaders
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above.

41. Instrumental conditioning is also called as _________ conditioning

1) classical
2) operant
3) Both
4) None

42. ________ depends on already established stimulus response connection

1) Classical
2) Instrumental
3) Operant
4) All
5) none

43. The learner in __________ conditioning is required to discover a correct behavior

through trial and error that will be reinforced
1) Classical
2) Instrumental
3) Operant
4) b & c
5) only A

44. Instrumental conditioning suggests that most learning takes place by means of
1) Trial & error process
2) Consumer Experience
3) Both
4) None
5) Only A

45. Reinforcement is anything that __________ the strength of response

1) Decreases
2) Increases
3) No effect
4) None
5) All the above.

46. reinforcement can be of ________ types

1) 3
2) 4
3) 2
4) 5
5) 1

47. Punishment and negative reinforcement are __________

1) Same
2) Different
3) Both
4) None

48. __________ appeals rely on negative reinforcement

1) Fear
2) Humor
3) Slice of life
4) Fantasy
5) All the above.

49. Forgetting occurs when the stimulus is ________

1) Not repeated
2) Not perceived by consumer
3) Both
4) None

50. ___________ appeals rely on positive reinforcement

1) Fear
2) Slice of life
3) Humor
4) Both b & c
5) None.


1. Learning
2. Behavior
3. acquired
4. intentional
5. incidental
6. Inputs
7. Drive
8. Motivation
9. Learning
10. direction
11. Expectations
12. Reinforcement
13. Modification
14. Retention
15. Positive
16. Extensive
17. Routine
18. Conditioning
19. Consumer
20. Behavioral
21. Behavior
22. Stimulus
23. Response
24. Learning
25. Repetition
26. Learning Curve
27. rapid
28. later
29. Over
30. Repetition
31. new
32. Generalization
33. Family
34. same
35. Physical
36. Brand
37. Opposite
38. Learned
39. Unique
40. discrimination
41. Brand/Product
42. response
43. Trial & error
44. consequences
45. repetition
46. Punishment
47. decision
48. reinforcement
49. Extinction
50. 2

1. b
2. a
3. c
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. b
8. c
9. d
10. b
11. c
12. d
13. d
14. a
15. c
16. a
17. c
18. c
19. b
20. a
21. b
22. c
23. a
24. b
25. d
26. b
27. a
28. b
29. b
30. a
31. b
32. c
33. b
34. c
35. a
36. b
37. c
38. b
39. d
40. c
41. b
42. a
43. d
44. c
45. b
46. c
47. b
48. a
49. c
50. d



Fill in the blanks

1. __________ is an underlying determinant of human behavior

2. Study of culture explains _________ human beings behave
3. Culture is a set of learned beliefs, values, attitudes, habbits and forms of behavior
that are shared by ____________
4. Culture is _______ from the society, throughout our lifetime
5. Culture is ________ from generation to generation
6. ________ uses an analysis of past and present media to know the cultural changes
7. Depth Interviews and group discussions are used to discover ________ cultural
8. Culture is a ________ response
9. Much of human behavior is determined by ________
10. An individuals way of thinking and behaving is governed by the society and
groups he _________ with
11. Acculturation is learning of a culture of which one is not ________
12. ________ is learning ones own culture
13. The society _________ people whose behaviors are gratifying for its members
14. ________ are a set of learned beliefs, values, attitudes, habbits and forms of
behavior that are shared by subsets of a society and are transmitted from
generation to generation
15. The size of upper class is very _________
16. Middle class forms the _____ basis for most of the products
17. The middle class are essentially ________ seeking customers
18. Cross culture marketing is the firm going __________
19. There is a great element of _________ involved in cross cultural marketing
20. ________ marketing is defined as the effort to determine to what extent the
consumers of 2 or more nations are similar or different
21. A marketer will have to consider various dimensions of ______ market while
formulating a suitable cross cultural market strategy
22. __________ is one of the aspects of cross cultural marketing
23. The international marketer have to select products based on _____ customs and
24. There are striking _________ in the number and type of middleman serving each
foreign market
25. Their lies a difference in the size and character of ________ units abroad
26. _________ is related to determining the interactions and forces between group
members in a social situation
27. The word dynamics means __________
28. Groups act as a vehicle for ________
29. Groups helps in group decision making and getting the _______ done
30. _______ serves as a means of need satisfaction
31. In a group all taska are carried out effectively with the group members ________
job knowledge
32. A group provides a supportive _______ for decision making
33. Group Decision making is a source of development of _______ in the
34. Individuals join groups with persons who has ________ system similar to his own
35. Groups are useful for sharing and transmitting _________
36. Groups provide __________ satisfaction to its members
37. Groups provide opportunities for promoting _________
38. The most influential group in the consumption behavior pattern of the individual
is the _________
39. Within a family __________ specialization is obvious
40. The family member who controls the flow of information about a product/service
into the family is __________
41. The family member who decides when to shop for, purchase, use, consume of a
specific product/service is ____________
42. The family member who gathers and imparts information to others is ________
43. The family member who actually buys a product is _______________
44. The family member who transforms the product into a form suitable for
consumption by other family members is ________
45. The family member who actually makes use of the product is _____________
46. The family member who services or repairs the product so that it will provide
continued satisfaction is __________
47. The family member who takes the decision to dispose of or discontinue with the
usage of particular product/service is ____________
48. Family __________ plays a role in influencing Consumer Behavior
49. In _________ stage of Family life cycle there are no financial burdens
50. In Post parenthood stage the buyers concentration is on ________ improvements

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Psychology explains _________ human beings behave in a particular way

1) Why
2) How
3) When
4) All the above
5) None

2. Culture consists of __________

1) Traditional ideas
2) Values
3) Both
4) None
3. Culture is defined as a selective, manmade way of responding to _________
1) Experience
2) A set of behavior patterns
3) None
4) Both

4. Culture has ________ main characteristics according to keith Williams

1) 2
2) 5
3) 3
4) 6
5) 4

5. Culture exists to serve the needs of the _________

1) Customers
2) Employees
3) Society
4) Management
5) All the above.

6. _________ tests are used to assess individuals motivation and personality

1) Projective
2) Attitude Measurement
3) Observation
4) Content analysis
5) None

7. Attitude measurement tests will be used to measure _________

1) motivation
2) beliefs
3) values
4) both b & c
5) none

8. Culture includes inculcated _________

1) Beliefs
2) Values
3) Attitudes
4) Ideas
5) All the above

9. cultural values and norms are inculcated and passed from generation to generation
by specific __________
1) Groups
2) Institutions
3) Both
4) None

10. Culture is a _________ phenomenon

1) Statistical
2) Social
3) Psychological
4) None
5) All the above.

11. Culture consists of ________

1) Individual thinking
2) Individual behaving
3) Group Behavior
4) All
5) None

12. __________ are groups that are homogeneous in relation to certain ways of
1) Society
2) Sub Cultures
3) Social class
4) All
5) None

13. The individuals of particular subculture may show ____________ consumption

patterns to their life style
1) Same
2) Different
3) Both
4) None

14. One of the sub cultural variation is ___________

1) Social Class
2) Income
3) Culture
4) All
5) None

15. The social class is divided into ________ types of classes

1) 4
2) 5
3) 3
4) 6
5) 7

16. ________ classs consumption pattern is of interest to the marketers

1) Upper class
2) Affluent class
3) Low class
4) Middle
5) Upper middle class.

17. The notable aspect of middle class is they follow a common pattern of _______
1) Life Style
2) Buying Behavior
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above.

18. _________ classs consumption pattern will not be much significant because they
are hardly able to make their ends meet
1) Low
2) Upper
3) Middle
4) All
5) None

19. The middle class customers want the following ___________ security
1) Social
2) Emotional
3) Economic
4) All
5) None

20. The reasons for cross cultural marketing is _________ opportunities in domestic
1) Poor
2) Better
3) Both
4) None

21. A firm going global has following advantages

1) Cost
2) Differentiation
3) None
4) Both

22. Cross Cultural marketing facilitates marketers to understand the ____________

aspects of foreign consumers they wish to target
1) Psychological
2) Social
3) Cultural
4) All
5) None

23. Culture is ________

1) Alive
2) Moving
3) Ever Changing
4) All
5) None

24. Before entering the international market the company must determine its
international marketing _________
1) Objectives
2) Policies
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above.

25. Each _________ is a product of his culture

1) Company
2) Customer
3) Product
4) All
5) None.

26. Study of group dynamics will help the marketers to understand the impact of
various _________ on individuals buying behavior
1) groups
2) individuals
3) promotions
4) All
5) None.
27. A group comprises of 2 or more people who are ________ on each other
1) Interdependent
2) Dependent
3) Independent
4) All
5) Both.

28. A group is defined as 2 0r more persons with ________

1) Collective identity
2) Interaction
3) Shared good interest
4) All
5) None

29. People form groups for following reasons

1) Interpersonal attraction
2) Socialisation
3) Need satisfaction
4) All
5) None

30. The group has a shared __________- which binds the group members together
1) Goal
2) Objective
3) Interest
4) All
5) None.

31. In groups each member brings his ________ into the field
1) Knowledge
2) Expertise
3) Both
4) None

32. ________ as a motivator

1) Group
2) Culture
3) Customer
4) All
5) None

33. The group has an important influence on ______ of the members

1) Attitudes
2) Values
3) Behavior
4) All
5) None

34. of the following __________ is a advantage of Groups

1) Conflicts
2) Compromised results
3) Participation increases acceptance
4) All the above
5) None

35. Of the following ________ is a disadvantage of groups

1) Serves as a means of need satisfaction
2) A change from usual work environment
3) Compromised results
4) None
5) All the above.

36. A group meeting involves high cost in terms of _________

1) Time
2) Money
3) None
4) Both

37. The development and formation of attitudes and behaviors are acquired and
influenced by ________
1) Friends
2) Family
3) Peers
4) None
5) All the above.

38. There are _________ types of roles of family members in decision making
1) 6
2) 8
3) 10
4) 12
5) 9
39. The family member who controls the flow of information about a product/service
into the family is __________
1) Gate Keeper
2) Decider
3) Influencer
4) Buyer
5) None

40. The family member who decides when to shop for, purchase, use, consume of a
specific product/service
1) Gate Keeper
2) Decider
3) Influencer
4) Buyer
5) All the above

41. The family member who gathers and imparts information to others
1) gate keeper
2) Decider
3) Influencer
4) Buyer
5) None

42. The family member who actually buys a product

1) Gate Keeper
2) Decider
3) Influencer
4) Buyer
5) None

43. The family member who transforms the product into a form suitable for
consumption by other family members
1) Preparer
2) User
3) Maintainer\
4) Disposer
5) All the above.

44. The family member who actually makes use of the product is
1) preparer
2) user
3) maintainer
4) disposer
5) none

45. The family member who services or repairs the product so that it will provide
continued satisfaction
1) Prepared
2) User
3) Maintainer
4) Disposer
5) All the above.

46. The family member who takes the decision to dispose of or discontinue with the
usage of particular product/service
1) preparer
2) user
3) maintainer
4) disposer
5) all the above.

47. There are __________ stages in Family Life Cycle

1) 4
2) 5
3) 6
4) 7
5) 9

48. The final stage of Family life cycle is ________

1) Bachelorhood
2) Parenthood
3) Post Parenthood
4) Dissolution
5) None

49. The type of group that an individual uses as a point of reference in determining
his own judgments, beliefs, preferences etc
1) work groups
2) reference
3) Family
4) None
5) All the above.

50. Movie stars and sports personalities are examples of __________ refernce groups
1) Indirect
2) Comparative
3) Normative
4) None
5) All the above.


1. Culture
2. How
3. society
4. Acquired
5. Transferred
6. Content Analysis
7. Emerging
8. Learned
9. culture
10. Interacts
11. Native
12. Socialization
13. Rewards
14. sub cultures
15. small
16. demand
17. Security
18. Global
19. Risk
20. Cross Cultural
21. Global
22. Language
23. Local
24. Differences
25. Retail
26. Group Dynamics
27. Force
28. Socialization
29. Job
30. Groups
31. Sharing
32. Climate
33. Individuals
34. value
35. Information
36. Social
37. Self Esteem
38. Family
39. role
40. Gate keeper
41. decider
42. Influencer
43. Buyer
44. preparer
45. User
46. Maintainer
47. Disposer
48. Life cycle
49. Bachelor Hood
50. Home

1. a
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. b
9. c
10. b
11. c
12. b
13. b
14. b
15. c
16. d
17. c
18. a
19. d
20. c
21. d
22. d
23. d
24. c
25. b
26. a
27. a
28. d
29. d
30. d
31. c
32. a
33. d
34. c
35. c
36. d
37. b
38. b
39. a
40. b
41. c
42. d
43. a
44. b
45. c
46. d
47. a
48. d
49. b
50. a




Fill in the Blanks

1. Consumers need adequate information to choose the appropriate ________

2. The benefits of information search exceeds________ of search
3. Consumers vary in their propensity to actively seeking ________
4. _______ search activities are undertaken without the recognition of any
immediate purchase problem
5. Ongoing Search process is __________
6. The consumer purchase the recalled brand is called as _________ decision
7. No further ________ search is required in Nominal Decision making
8. In Extended Decision Making the involvement of consumers is ________
9. After problem recognition the _________ stage is recalling and reviewing
information stored in long term memory
10. In _________ decision making the consumer is satisfied with whatever info he
has and doesnt seek additional info
11. A great variety of information of potential interest to consumers exists in
________ environment
12. An important _______ of the internal and external search for information is the
determination of appropriate evaluative criteria
13. The ________ features will form the evaluative criteria for the consumer
14. Once the evaluative criteria is established the next step is search of _________
15. Evoked set comprises those brands that the consumer will _________ for the
solution of a particular problem
16. If the consumer doesnt have _________ set he would engage in external search
17. The consumer actively _______ the brands which he feels are inept
18. The ______ set is made up of brands that have been rejected from purchase
consideration because of an unpleasant experience
19. The consumer doesnt have any positive or negative evaluative opinion about the
brands in _______ set
20. Consumers make final evaluative and purchase decisions from the brands in
_______ set
21. Consumer _________ the brands in the evoked set to make their choice
22. The process of ________ requires consumers to collect information about each
brand on each relevant evaluative criterion
23. _________ processing consists of assessing several attributes of a single brand
and then assess several attributes for second brand in the evoked set
24. _________ processing involves the consumer examining a specific attribute and
then compare other brands on that attribute
25. Consumers usually process information by adopting ________ strategy
26. CPA strategy is used in the ________ stages of consumer decision making process
27. CPB strategy is used in the ________ stages of consumer decision making
28. ________ sources include advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing etc
29. _________ decides how many and which sources of info to use
30. A purchase decision requires a subset of decisions associated with _________
31. There is a little extent of external search in all purchases involving _______
decision making
32. The amount of external search varies considerably among consumers across
different _________ situations
33. Benefits like lower price, better quality includes __________ benefits of External
34. Risk reduction and enjoyment includes __________ benefits of External search
35. Characteristics of the _______ have a significant influence on external search
36. If there is ________ product differentiation extent of external search increase
37. Many characteristics of __________ consumers influence the extent of external
38. ________ strategy involves maintain the behavior of the consumers who are
habitually buying the products
39. If the brand is not a part of the evoked set the appropriate strategy is ____
40. The capture strategy is appropriate when the information search is _________
41. _________ strategy focuses on the situation when the target consumers do not
search information about the marketers brand
42. ___________ based choice involves general attitudes, impressions, beliefs etc
43. __________ based choice is more likely when consumer involvement with the
brand is high
44. ___________ motives are the basis for behaviors that are intrinsically rewarding
to the involved individuals
45. Motives that cause behaviors aimed at achieving a second goal are called as
_________ motives
46. Marketers have a great interest to learn the _________ consumers assign to each
evaluative criteria
47. _________ discrimination refers to an individuals ability to distinguish between
apparently similar stimuli
48. A _________ specifies how a consumer compares 2 or more brands
49. Consumers affective choice appears to be ____________
50. Consumers evaluation is to be __________ when the underlying motive is

Multiple choice Questions

1. Consumers use ________ searches to solve problems

1) Internal
2) External
3) Both
4) None

2. Information search involves ________ activities

1) Physical
2) Mental
3) None
4) Both

3. The process of information search refers to_________ the consumer surveys for
appropriate information to make reasonable decision
1) How
2) What
3) Where
4) When
5) Whom

4. The purpose of ongoing search activities is to acquire information for _______use

1) Future
2) Present
3) Both
4) None

5. Collecting information from a variety of sources to solve the problem is called

1) Internal Search
2) External Search
3) Both
4) None

6. Recalling and reviewing the previously stored information in the consumers long
term memory is called __________
1) Internal Search
2) External Search
3) Both
4) None

7. Decision based on internal and external information search is called ________

Decision Making
1) Nominal
2) Limited
3) Both
4) None

8. __________ decision making represents a more involving purchasing decision

1) Nominal
2) Limited
3) Extended
4) None
5) All the above

9. External information refers to __________ of the following

1) Friends Opinions
2) Professional info in articles
3) Direct Experience
4) All
5) None

10. Consumer Decision Making process requires _______ types of information

1) 3
2) 4
3) 5
4) 6
5) 7

11. The criteria is the ______ the consumer uses to evaluate a product or service
1) Standard
2) Specification
3) Both
4) None

12. Evaluative criteria _________ from consumer to consumer

1) Same
2) Varies
3) Constant
4) None
5) All the above.

13. The _________ of the evaluative criteria may vary depending on product category
1) Number
2) Type
3) Both
4) None

14. Few Evaluative criteria are used for ________ involvement products
1) High
2) Low
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above

15. More Evaluative criteria are used for ________ involvement products
1) High
2) Low
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above

16. The brands or the products that the customer has learned or recalled as potential
solutions are known as __________
1) Awareness Set
2) Consideration Set
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above
17. Awareness set constitutes of _________ entities
1) 5
2) 3
3) 2
4) 1
5) 4

18. Awareness set constitutes of the following____________ sets

1) Evoked set
2) Inept set
3) Inert set
4) All the above
5) None

19. __________ set comprises those brands that the consumer will evaluate for the
solution of a problem
1) Evoked set
2) Inept set
3) Inert set
4) None
5) All the above

20. __________ set comprises of those brands that the consumer finds totally not
worthy of any consideration
1) Evoked
2) Inept
3) Inert
4) None
5) All the above.

21. _________ set includes alternatives that the consumer is aware of but would not
consider buying and these brands are treated with indifference
1) Evoked
2) Inept
3) Inert
4) None
5) All the above

22. The consumers evoked set is important in structuring further __________

1) Information search
2) Purchase decision
3) None
4) Both

23. Marketers are particularly interested in knowing as _________ consumer process

information about brands in the evoked set
1) How
2) When
3) Where
4) What
5) Whom

24. Following is an approach of evaluation

1) Brand Processing
2) Attribute processing
3) Both
4) None

25. Brand processing involves assessment of ________ brand at a time

1) 7
2) 5
3) 3
4) 1
5) 2

26. CPA is ___________

1) Consumer purchase alternative
2) Consumer process action
3) Choice by processing attribute
4) None
5) All the above

27. CPB is __________

1) Choice by processing brands
2) Consumer purchased brands
3) Consumer processing brands
4) None
5) All the above

28. There are ________ primary sources of information available to consumers

1) 6
2) 5
3) 4
4) 3
5) 1

29. _________ involves stored information based on earlier searches, personal

experiences and low involvement learning
1) Long term memory
2) Personal sources
3) Independent sources
4) Experiential Sources
5) None

30. __________ include family, friends, neighbors, peers

1) Long term memory
2) Personal sources
3) Independent sources
4) Experiential Sources
5) All the above

31. __________ includes newspapers, magazines, journals, consumer reports and

government agencies
1) Long term memory
2) Personal sources
3) Independent sources
4) Experiential Sources
5) None

32. _________ refers to inspection of products or product trial

1) Long term memory
2) Personal sources
3) Independent sources
4) Experiential Sources
5) None

33. ________ messages have only limited direct value for consumer decisions
1) Long term memory
2) Personal sources
3) Independent sources
4) Market controlled
5) All the above.

34. Consumers tend to consider more alternatives as the ________ of product

1) Features
2) Price
3) Promotion
4) Distribution
5) All the above.

35. External Search includes _________ benefits

1) Tangible
2) Intangible
3) Both
4) None

36. Market place characteristics include ________ of the following

1) Number of alternatives
2) Price ranges
3) Distribution outlets
4) All
5) None

37. _________ characteristics refers to product differentiation, range of prices etc

1) Market place
2) Product
3) Consumer
4) All
5) None

38. Social status is a _________ characteristics which influences the external search
1) Market Place
2) Product
3) Consumer
4) Situational
5) All the above.

39. _________ of the following are the Situational factors

1) Available time
2) Pleasant Surroundings
3) Social Surroundings
4) All
5) None of the above.

40. _________ strategy is appropriate when the brand is not a pert of evoked set
1) Disrupt
2) Intercept
3) Both
4) None

41. ________ is appropriate when the brand is a part of evoked set

1) Disrupt
2) Intercept
3) Capture
4) Preference
5) All the above.

42. Consumers choose products based on _________

1) Attitudes
2) Attributes
3) a or b
4) None

43. Affective choice is also called __________ choice

1) Feeling based
2) Attribute based
3) Attitude based
4) All
5) None

44. Consumers evaluative criteria includes ___________ dimensions

1) Features
2) Characteristics
3) Benefits
4) All
5) None

45. Evaluative criteria adopted by the consumer varies in _________

1) Type
2) Number
3) Importance
4) All
5) None

46. the number of evaluative criteria depends on __________

1) Type of product
2) Consumer
3) Purchase situation
4) All
5) None

47. Often consumer make purchase decisions that appear ____________

1) Rational
2) Emotional
3) Optimal
4) None
5) All the above.

48. Marketers must understand different types of __________ because they require
different market strategies
1) Decision rules
2) Information search
3) Evaluative criteria
4) All
5) None.

49. Consumers can easily judge _________

1) color
2) risk
3) quality
4) all
5) none

50. It is difficult for the consumers to judge on _________

1) color
2) price
3) size
4) Quality
5) All the above.


1. Solution
2. Cost
3. Information
4. Ongoing
5. Pleasurable
6. Nominal
7. Information
8. High
9. First
10. Limited
11. External
12. objective
13. Desired
14. Appropriate alternative
15. Evaluate
16. Evoked
17. Dislikes
18. Inept
19. Inert
20. Evoked
21. compare
22. evaluation
23. Brand
24. Attribute
25. CPB
26. Early
27. Later
28. Market controlled
29. Consumer
30. Information Search
31. limited
32. Purchase
33. Tangible
34. Intangible
35. Marketplace
36. High
37. Individual
38. Maintenance
39. Disrupt Strategy
40. limited
41. Acceptance
42. Attitude
43. Attribute
44. Consumer
45. instrumental
46. Importance
47. Sensory
48. Decision rule
49. Holistic
50. Affective

1. c
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. b
6. a
7. b
8. c
9. d
10. b
11. c
12. b
13. c
14. b
15. a
16. c
17. b
18. d
19. a
20. b
21. c
22. d
23. a
24. c
25. d
26. c
27. a
28. b
29. a
30. b
31. c
32. d
33. d
34. b
35. c
36. d
37. c
38. c
39. d
40. c
41. d
42. c
43. a
44. d
45. d
46. d
47. b
48. a
49. a
50. d


Unit 5

Fill in the Blanks

1. Studying of Consumer Behavior is quite ___________

2. _________ is defined as a simplified representation of reality
3. In the micro Economic model the focus is on what _________ the consumer
4. The micro economists ignore ___________ consumers develop various needs and
5. The criticism of Micro Economic model is highly ___________ asumptions
6. Traditional models focused on the ________ of economic behavior
7. In the _________ models emphasis is on ________ mental activity that occurs
during, after and before the purchase
8. The Nicosia model is also known as __________ Model
9. Nicosia presented his model in form of _________
10. All the variable in Nicosia model are _________
11. In Product line extension the core value of the product remains ________
12. In product form extension the product is available in different _______ forms
13. In Product Category Extension the ________ name is same
14. Stimulus discrimination is ________ to Stimulus generalization
15. The ability to discriminate is _______
16. Stimulus Discrimination strives to create a _________ brand image in the
consumers minds
17. _________ strategy focuses on the situation when the target consumers do not
search information about the marketers brand
18. ___________ based choice involves general attitudes, impressions, beliefs etc
19. __________ based choice is more likely when consumer involvement with the
brand is high
20. ___________ motives are the basis for behaviors that are intrinsically rewarding
to the involved individuals
21. Motives that cause behaviors aimed at achieving a second goal are called as
_________ motives
22. Marketers have a great interest to learn the _________ consumers assign to each
evaluative criteria
23. _________ discrimination refers to an individuals ability to distinguish between
apparently similar stimuli
24. A _________ specifies how a consumer compares 2 or more brands
25. In Extensive problem solving buyer has _________ info about brands
26. In limited problem solving choice criteria are ____________
27. Routinized problem solving buyers have _________ disposition towards one
28. _______ major components are involved in Howarth Seth Model
29. _________ model differentiates between autonomous and joint Decision making
30. Howard Seth Model identifies the variable influencimng the __________
31. Much of human behavior is determined by ________
32. An individuals way of thinking and behaving is governed by the society and
groups he _________ with
33. Acculturation is learning of a culture of which one is not ________
34. ________ is learning ones own culture
35. The society _________ people whose behaviors are gratifying for its members
36. Consumers need adequate information to choose the appropriate ________
37. The benefits of information search exceeds________ of search
38. Consumers vary in their propensity to actively seeking ________
39. _______ search activities are undertaken without the recognition of any
immediate purchase problem
40. Ongoing Search process is __________
41. The consumer purchase the recalled brand is called as _________ decision
42. No further ________ search is required in Nominal Decision making
43. In Extended Decision Making the involvement of consumers is ________
44. After problem recognition the _________ stage is recalling and reviewing
information stored in long term memory
45. In _________ decision making the consumer is satisfied with whatever info he
has and doesnt seek additional info
46. _________ needs include food, health, hygiene and clothing
47. The marketing strategies are now shifting from ________ marketing concept to
individual marketing concept
48. The feelings, thinking, perceptions, and actions of the consumers and society at
large keep _______
49. Consumer Behavior involves _________ between human beings
50. _________ approach of CB studies the environmental effects and their influence
on the individual consumer


1. Complex
2. Model
3. Quantities
4. Why
5. Unrealistic
6. Results
7. Economic
8. system
9. Flow Chart
10. Interacting
11. same
12. Physical
13. Brand
14. Opposite
15. Learned
16. Unique
17. Acceptance
18. Attitude
19. Attribute
20. Consumer
21. instrumental
22. Importance
23. Sensory
24. Decision rule
25. little
26. Well defined
27. Strong
28. 4
29. Howard Seth
30. Consumers
31. culture
32. Interacts
33. Native
34. Socialization
35. Rewards

36. Solution
37. Cost
38. Information
39. Ongoing
40. Pleasurable
41. Nominal
42. Information
43. High
44. First
45. Limited
46. Primary
47. Mass
48. Changing
49. Exchanges
50. Managerial

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The most common CB Models are __________

1) Verbal
2) Non verbal
3) Numerical
4) None
5) All the above

2. CB models are designed for _____________

1) To assist in constructing a theory
2) To facilitate learning
3) Both
4) None

3. CB models serves to structure __________ about customers

1) Systematic
2) Logical thinking
3) None
4) Both

4. The traditional models of CB were devised by ___________

1) Psychologists
2) Economists
3) Sociologists
4) None
5) All the above

5. For any given good the Benefit/cost ratio is expressed as ____________

1) MU+P
2) MU*P
3) MU/P
4) MU-P
5) None

6. Behavioral models focus on how _________ variables influence the consumers

1) Economic
2) Psychological
3) Environmental
4) None
5) All the above.

7. The contemporary models emphasis on the mental activity that occurs _________
the purchase
1) Before
2) After
3) During
4) All
5) None.

8. Nicosia model consist of ___________ major components

1) 3
2) 5
3) 4
4) 6
5) 2

9. __________ model tries to explain the buyer behavior by establishing a link

between the organization and its prospective customer
1) Sheth Model
2) Nicosia Model
3) Both
4) None

10. The Nicosia model suggest that the _________ from organization first influence
the predisposition of the consume towards the product or service
1) Marketing Strategy
2) Marketing Plan
3) Message
4) None
5) All the above

11. Response is how people react to a _______

1) Drive
2) Cue
3) Both
4) None

12. The response may be in the following form

1) Attitudes
2) Perception
3) Familiarity
4) All
5) None.

13. ________ classs consumption pattern is of interest to the marketers

1) Upper class
2) Affluent class
3) Low class
4) Middle
5) All the above.

14. The notable aspect of middle class is they follow a common pattern of _______
1) Life Style
2) Buying Behavior
3) Both
4) None
5) All the above.

15. _________ classs consumption pattern will not be much significant because they
are hardly able to make their ends meet
1) Low
2) Upper
3) Middle
4) All
5) None.

16. The middle class customers want the following ___________ security
1) Social
2) Emotional
3) Economic
4) All
5) None

17. The reasons for cross cultural marketing is _________ opportunities in domestic
1) Poor
2) Better
3) Both
4) None

18. The consumers evoked set is important in structuring further __________

1) Information search
2) Purchase decision
3) None
4) Both

19. Marketers are particularly interested in knowing as _________ consumer process

information about brands in the evoked set
1) How
2) When
3) Where
4) What
5) Whom

20. Following is an approach of evaluation

1) Brand Processing
2) Attribute processing
3) Both
4) None

21. Brand processing involves assessment of ________ brand at a time

1) 7
2) 5
3) 3
4) 1
5) 2

22. CPA is ___________

1) Consumer purchase alternative
2) Consumer process action
3) Choice by processing attribute
4) None
5) All the above.

23. CPB is __________

1) Choice by processing brands
2) Consumer purchased brands
3) Consumer processing brands
4) None
5) All the above.

24. There are ________ primary sources of information available to consumers

1) 6
2) 5
3) 4
4) 3
5) 2
25. In Howard Seth Model the word ________ is used in it to refer industrial
purchaser and ultimate consumer
1) Consumer
2) Customer
3) Buyer
4) None
5) All the above

26. __________ model depicts rational brand choice by the customers

1) Nicosia Model
2) Howard Seth Model
3) Both
4) None

27. Howard Seth Model distinguishes _______ levels of decision making

1) 3
2) 4
3) 5
4) 6
5) 7

28. ____________ problem solving is the early stage of decision making

1) Extensive
2) Limited
3) Routinized
4) None
5) All the above

29. ________ problem solving consumer experience uncertainity of which brand is

1) Extensive
2) Limited
3) Routinized
4) None
5) All the above

30. In ________ problem solving buyer has strong predisposition towards one brand
1) Extensive
2) Limited
3) Routinized
4) None
5) All the above.

31. Instrumental conditioning is also called as _________ conditioning

1) classical
2) operant
3) Both
4) None

32. ________ depends on already established stimulus response connection

1) Classical
2) Instrumental
3) Operant
4) All
5) None

33. The learner in __________ conditioning is required to discover a correct behavior

through trial and error that will be reinforced
1) Classical
2) Instrumental
3) Operant
4) b & c
5) none.

34. Instrumental conditioning suggests that most learning takes place by means of
1) Trial & error process
2) Consumer Experience
3) Both
4) None

35. Reinforcement is anything that __________ the strength of response

1) Decreases
2) Increases
3) No effect
4) None

36. reinforcement can be of ________ types

1) 3
2) 4
3) 2
4) 5
5) 1

37. Punishment and negative reinforcement are __________

1) Same
2) Different
3) Both
4) None

38. __________ appeals rely on negative reinforcement

1) Fear
2) Humor
3) Slice of life
4) Fantasy
5) All the above.

39. Forgetting occurs when the stimulus is ________

1) Not repeated
2) Not perceived by consumer
3) Both
4) None

40. ___________ appeals rely on positive reinforcement

1) Fear
2) Slice of life
3) Humor
4) Both b & c
5) None

41. ________ is appropriate when the brand is a part of evoked set

1) Disrupt
2) Intercept
3) Capture
4) Preference
5) None

42. Consumers choose products based on _________

1) Attitudes
2) Attributes
3) a or b
4) None

43. Affective choice is also called __________ choice

1) Feeling based
2) Attribute based
3) Attitude based
4) All
5) None

44. Consumers evaluative criteria includes ___________ dimensions

1) Features
2) Characteristics
3) Benefits
4) All
5) None

45. Evaluative criteria adopted by the consumer varies in _________

1) Type
2) Number
3) Importance
4) All
5) None

46. the number of evaluative criteria depends on __________

1) Type of product
2) Consumer
3) Purchase situation
4) All
5) None

47. Often consumer make purchase decisions that appear ____________

1) Rational
2) Emotional
3) Optimal
4) None
5) All the above.

48. Marketers must understand different types of __________ because they require
different market strategies
1) Decision rules
2) Information search
3) Evaluative criteria
4) All
5) None

49. Consumers can easily judge _________

1) color
2) risk
3) quality
4) all
5) none

50. It is difficult for the consumers to judge on _________

1) color
2) price
3) size
4) Quality
5) All the above.


1. a
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. a
6. b
7. d
8. c
9. b
10. c
11. c
12. d
13. d
14. c
15. a
16. d
17. c
18. d
19. a
20. c
21. d
22. c
23. a
24. b
25. c
26. b
27. a
28. a
29. b
30. c
31. b
32. a
33. d
34. c
35. b
36. c
37. b
38. a
39. c
40. d
41. d
42. c
43. a
44. d
45. d
46. d
47. b
48. a
49. a
50. d

Assignment Questions


Q1. What are the contemporary dimensional of consumer behaviors?

Q2. Discuss the consumer behavior research process?
Q3. What are the individual determinants of consumer behavior?
Q4. Discuss the concept of perception and its impact on marketing strategies?
Q5. Describe the various theories of needs?


Q1. What are the principle elements of learning?

Q2. Classify the learning theories?
Q3. Write down the important aspects of conformation processing theory?
Q4. Explain split-brain theory?


Q1. Social influence on consumer behavior. Discuss?

Q2. Is subcultures effect on advertising media and message?
Q3. What is the objectives and policy of cross cultural marketing?
Q4. What is role of family member in decision making process?
Q5. What is the family life cycle? Discuss the stages in family life cycle.


Q1. How consumer sensory processes influence their behavior?

Q2. What are the steps between evaluation of alternatives and purchase decision?
Q3. Discuss post-purchase behavior?
Q4. Discuss consumer behavior at the time of disposal of product?


Q1. What are the models of consumer behavior?

Q2. How theories and models are useful in understanding consumers?
I- Nicosia Model.
II- Howard Sheth Model.

Q4.Explain Engel-Blackwell-Miniard Model of consumer behavior.



1. Define consumer
2. Define customer
3. Define ultimate customer
4. What is consumer behavior?
5. consumer behavior research process
6. Motivation
7. Perception
8. Personality
9. Stages in the development of personality
10. Maslows hierarchy of need
11. Alderfers ERG hierarchy of needs
12. Psychological needs
13. Goals
14. Drives
15. Traits theory of personality
16. Jungian theory of personality
17. Psychological risk
18. Subliminal perception
19. Depth interviews
20. Qualitative research

1. Define Learning
2. Elements of Learning
3. Types of learning process
4. Define Classical conditioning
5. Define stimulus generation?
6. Define Product line extensions
7. Define family branding
8. Define licensing
9. Define stimulus discrimination.
10. Define encoding.
11. Stages in encoding process.
12. Learning theories?
13. split brain theory
14. cognitive learning.
15. information processing
16. concept of classical conditioning
17. what is cue?
18. what is response?
19. what is reinforcement?


1. Define social stratification

2. What are the factors responsible for social stratification?
3. Define culture.
4. Characteristic of culture.
5. Measurement of culture.
6. Sub-culture.
7. Cross cultural marketing.
8. Problem in Cross cultural marketing.
9. Define group.
10. Reason for formation of group.
11. Advantages of group.
12. Disadvantages of group.
13. Types of group.
14. Family life cycle.
15. Stages in Family life cycle.
16. Friendship group.
17. Formal social club.
18. Reference group.

1. What is Information search process.
2. Types of consumer search activity.
3. What is the concept of Ongoing search.
4. What is External search.
5. What are sources of information?
6. What is Information. Evaluation process.
7. What is the concept Warranty card.
8. In-depth research.
9. Purchase decision.
10. Post purchase behaviors.
11. What is the concept Perceived risk.
12. What is the concept Psychological risk.
13. Functional or performance risk.
14. Monetary or financial risk.
15. What is the concept Social risk.
16. What is the concept internal search
17. evaluation of a brand
18. what do you mean by attributes in cb?
19. What is the main property of cb, whether it is static or dynamic explain the
20. what is the role of decision making in cb?


1. What is a Model & its use?

2. What is the concept of Developing theory.
3. What is Micro economic model.
4. Behavioral economics.
5. What are Contemporary models.
6. What is the concept of Howard-sheth model.
7. Motive.
8. What is the concept of Engle-Blackwell-miniard model.
9. What is the concept of exploratory research?
10. What is the concept of Conclusive research?
11. What is the concept of Mail serve
12. Motivation research.
13. Cognitive measure.
14. What is the concept of Likert scales.
15. Semantic differential.
16. stimulus discrimination
17. what is a decision rule?
18. What is the concept of micro economic model
19. What is the concept of verbal cb model
20. What is the concept of non-verbal cb model?

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