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TLANTIS Ralph Ellis with a Startling New Take

Number 35
September / October, 2002

U.S. $ 95 Canada $5 95

Jeff Nisbet
Digs Up Amazing Evidence of
Ancient Egyptian Connections

Jeane Manning
On the Brewing Future Behind John Kettler Reports
the Former Iron Curtain?


Web Site


or call 800-228-8381 0 74470 88964 9
David H. Childress
Unveils the Little Known
Cynthia Logan Interviews Best-Selling Author Debbie Ford
ATLANTIS Number 35 September / October




SCIENCE Infinite Energy Editor Eugene Mallove
UNEXPLAINED on the Limits of Cold Fusion 17
Michael Cremo, Author of Forbidden Archaeology,
on Darwinism vs. Christian Creationism 19


J. Douglas Kenyon Jeane Manning Explores the Developments
CONTRIBUTORS behind the Erstwhile Iron Curtain 23
W. R. Benedict
Barry Carter
David Childress MT. SINAIS MYSTERY
Michael Cremo
Ralph Ellis
Ralph Ellis Explores Possible Links with the Great Pyramid 24
Julie Gillentine
Frank Joseph
John Kettler
Cynthia Logan
Using the Tools of New Science with Ancient Substance 26
Dr. Eugene Mallove
Jeane Manning
Jeff Nisbet
Rob Resetar Was He Searching for Lost Technology? 30
Did Atlantis Die with a Blow from the Skies? 32
published bi-monthly
Write PO Box 441,
Livingston, MT 59047
COPYRIGHT 2002 by New Evidence of Ancient Design in the Landscape 34
No part of this
reproduced without Ancient Secrets of Seafaring and More 38
written permission from
the publisher.
Please call 406-222-0875 Do New Discoveries Point Toward Life? 42
or 800-228-8381. Direct all
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Publisher reserves the
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Views from the Forums

riting to At- Enoch, of Genesis 5, did
lantis Rising, not die. He was simply taken
via snail mail, is away by God.
not the only The Nephilim were on the
way to make Earth in those daysand also
your views known to our afterwardwhen the sons of
readers. There are also God went to the daughters of
forums on the Atlantis Rising men and had children by
web site (go to www.Atlantis them. They were the heroes of and select Discus- old, men of renown.
sions). Visitors to the site will Nephilimindicates that
find literally thousands of com- these were giants. The sons of
mentsintelligent and other- godindicate the fallen an-
wiseon all topics covered in gels.
this magazine and a few that Therefore, both giants and
arent covered. In this issue, we fallen angels were on earth.
decided that it would be fun to The interbreeding seems to
feature, instead of the custo- indicate that mankinds cor-
mary letters, an assortment of ruptness became more and
intriguing Forum comments. more evil.
(These remarks and their asso- God told Noah to take with
ciated responses can be found him every kind of clean an-
in the sections named in each imal, male and female. This
headline. Forum membership would seem to indicate that
handles are offered as signa- there existed other kinds of an-
tures.) imals that were not normal,
and that these could not be
City of Enoch in Bible Is taken. Unicorn, Pegasus, Cen-
Atlantis taur, Satyrs, etc.
The description in Genesis is If this is true, then the
an absolute match for Atlantis. mythical creatures did exist.
There is too much being Perhaps they were a genetic
claimed that Atlantis is in experiment made by man.
When those which have validity which
every part of the world except where We also know that breeding of cer-
resemble Atlantis, and discounting the
it was definitely located in the Ti- tain animals with others produces a dif-
silly theories which do not, we find
maeus & Critias by Plato. Period. ferent kind of animal, and this also ap-
that the culture was spread all over the
Atlantis was the name of a great na- plies to agriculture...and this was long
world. The peoples that were con-
tion who conquered and enslaved eve- before genetics. It is not improbable
quered built buildings, etc., in order to
ryone all over the planet. Athens was that this same type of breeding was
mimic Atlantis Proper. The Atlanteans
one of the few places left that had not used before which produced the my-
moved all over the world by job
been enslaved. thological creatures that were handed
transfer or for pleasure, making each
The Biblical account of the sons of down of lore.
part a lot like Atlantis, but not quite
god are clearly the gods of the an- If Hercules, Atlas, etc., were real,
able to make it exactly like it, ac-
cients. The descriptions are far too pre- then so, more than likely were these
counting for why so many theories re-
cise not to be so. They had children by creatures.
semble Atlantis, but just a tiny part
human females. These were the men Smiley4554
does not correlate with Platos ac-
of renown such as Hercules. They also
produced giants as well such as Atlas. Global Flooding
Genesis is a perfect description of
Atlantis populated the whole world. IFThe temperature of the earths
everything that happened to Atlantis. It
Its capital was located in the Atlantic crust were to raise a significant
was corrupt. They got too big for their
Ocean. Again, the description is too amount; possibly due to the gravita-
britches. They tried to make them-
precise. tional pull of an additional celestial
selves into gods, and did so by some
I, too, changed my mind off and on body (obviously implying something
of their amazing feats to those who
with other peoples theories until I like PlanetX passing between Mars and
were not versed. They tried to take
began to realize that these theories Earth)...
over. Kind of like the Titanic where
were nothing more than the pieces to Is it possible that the ground water
someone said that not even God could
the puzzle while Atlantis was the could warm enough to begin rising
sink it.
whole puzzle. (from the underground water reser-
This place, originally, was won-
However, we treat Atlantis as being voirs), and raise the earths ocean
derful. But, man has a habit of cor-
a piece of the puzzle. This has to
rupting, and being arrogant.
stop. The theories are the pieces.
Continued on Page 9
John Anthony West James Redfield Anti- Gravity Advanced

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Prices include S/H and based on available supplies at press time. Subject to change without notice.

Continued from page 6 Big Bang Theory
levels? Similarly, the moon Europa is I always had the impression that the
believed to be liquid inside due to the Big Bang theory was just a stage or
forces exerted by Jupiter. If a large phase of the bigger cyclic universe
body (in comparison to Jupiter) passed theory. If something is in motion it is
close to any planet, it would certainly highly probable that it has been in mo-
increase the gravitational pressures and tion for awhile. Especially, if we can
the interior of the planet would be- see similarities in our smaller worlds,
come more heated and molten. the quicker frequencies that seem to
My thought is that this would force last and last.
all of the non-oceanic waters (under
the continents) to evaporate and
greatly increase the water levels, and
And I agree too that time has
nothing to do with physical matter.
Time is constant and forthcoming, and
Signs of
possibly create sink-holes across the
lands. Could this explain the compara-
tive extreme high-water levels that
we use it as a measure of duration.
I dont know much about their
dark energy theory. But I believe that
have occurred throughout earths his-
tory. These water levels seem apparent
there is a simpler answer. Crop circles &
For one, all matter does not have to
due to the fact that nearly all of the
continents were, at some time or an-
arrive and explode at the same time. It Sacred Geometry
can boil like the suns solar flares.
other, beneath oceanic waters.
Does this sound credible, or just too
Therefore, other collections could ex-
plain apparent accelerations after a
November 22 - 24, 2002
incredible? slowdown.
Zyzzyva Secondly, If we explode at the
speed of light (or more), and later we
Architectural Secrets of Egypt are gathering information from light
Passed on to King Solomon and radio waves from long ago (coming
...Im looking for further informa- to us only at the speed of light). We
tion based on a lecture I heard con- shouldnt even see our neighbors
cerning the secrets of Egyptian archae- until we are near time to collapse
ology. The story goes something like again. It will appear that stars are
this. When King Solomon married the moving away from us but in fact they
Pharaohs daughter, he received from are already in a far different position
Egypt archaeological secrets which
they employed in their pyramids. They
and in a fantastic acceleration (us too)
toward the gravitational impact point.
John Anthony West &
taught him to make hydraulic levers
which would remove platforms. It was
We probably wont even see it coming. Drunvalo Melchizadek
So if we are viewing matter in accel- Linda Howe Colin Andrews
said that Solomon had a secret eration after a slowdown, it may be
chamber under the Holy of Holies in Nancy Talbott Barbara Lamb
that we are seeing early signals or light
order to hide the Ark of the Covenant Bearcloud Francine Blake
that used to hang in space between us,
from invading armies. Apparently, the but because we are slowing down we Andreas Mueller
columns out front of the temple were are getting the faster compressed Paul Anderson Chet Snow
hollow and filled with sand. The pillar side of the wave.
caps were designed to sink down Snailcall The First North American
through the pillars and push the sand
out below ground onto large levers. Conference on one of the
One lever was supposed to lower the Telepathy Great Mysteries of our
floor (with the ark on it) of the Holy of J. W. Dunne wrote 3 books, An Ex-
Holies into the secret chamber below periment with Time, The Serial Uni-
Times. Come hear the
ground and the other when activated verse and The New Immortality. Rest of the Story!
was designed to raise an alternate plat- These covered his very interesting
form in its place so that no invaders en- ideas, which may now seem a bit all at the
tering the Holy of Holies would be the 1920s. However in the last named book
wiser. It is said that this accounts for he talks about the Super Mind and de- Hilton Phoenix-
the difference between the lengths scribes our minds as simply marked
given for the two pillars Boaz and Ja- places in the Super Mind, marked by East Hotel
chin in the books Kings and Chronicles the world lines which determine the Alma School Rd &
of the Old Testamentone measure- presence of sensory phenomena. US 60 Freeway, Mesa, AZ
ment before the sand-hydraulic levers Since your mind can possess several
were activated and the other measure- foci it can concentrate on a focus
ment afterwardthey supposedly acti- which occupies another minds atten- or
vated it when the Babylonians were at- tion. And that, of course, is mind-
tacking the city in 587 B.C. Does sharing or, as it is called so absurdly,
anyone know where I can find more telepathy. Dr. Chet Snow PO Box 1738
info on this? Any help would be appre- Sedona AZ 86339
ciated. Catastrophe
(928) 204-1962
S cientists at Bashkir State University
in Russia claim to have found infal-
lible proof of the existence of a highly T he long-sought key to under-
standing Indus Valley script
may finally be in hand. According to
developed civilization in the very an- the Times of India, the director of
cient past. Their evidence is a one-ton- Robertson Medical and Ayurveda In-
plus stone slab (about five feet long, by stitute in Allahabad, Ratna Gopalji
three-and-a-half feet wide, and six Agarwal says he has now deci-
inches thick) which they estimate to phered the enigmatic script.
be, perhaps, millions of years old. Lo- For centuries
cated beneath the house of a local com- scholars have tried un-
munity leader in the town of Ufa, the successfully to decode
slabs surface is a precisely detailed 3-D the symbols found on
relief map of the Ural Mountain region. artifacts at ancient
Its discoverer has dubbed it The Map sites at Mohenjo Daro
of the Creator. and elsewhere throughout the re-
The discoverer, physics and mathe- gion, and, some believe, as far away
matics professor Alexander Chuvyrov as Easter Island. Some have doubted
had been researching evidence of an- whether the Indus Valley script con-
cient Chinese influence in the area and stitutes a language as we under-
had heard stories by early 20th century stand the term today. Graham Han-
investigators of several mysterious an- cock has argued that a powerful
cient slabs. Though interested, Chu- oral tradition took the place of
vyrov had despaired of finding one written language until the develop-
himself, when the chairman of the ment of Sanskrit almost 4000 years
local agricultural com- ago. Agarwal apparently thinks oth-
mittee told him of such a erwise, and in fact, claims his dis-
stone beneath his own covery will lead to radical changes
house. in world history books. Moreover,
After a difficult re- he says, the interpretation of the re-
covery operation, Chu- gions ruins has gone astray for mil-
vyrov reports being star- lennia. According to Agarwal, many
tled to discover that the of the structures are full-fledged zig-
can be said with certainty
map accurately reveals gurat architecture composed of rec-
about the origins of the
many presently existing tangular step platforms supported
stone. The technical diffi-
natural features plus many by bricks with graven iconic lexi-
culty of creating such an
which no longer exist, in- grams based on Indus script.The
accurate relief map is far
cluding a system of chan- script in the temple complex
beyond that of any an-
nels, weirs and dams, as speaks of the mother goddess Tirka
cient culture previously
well as inscriptions in an Alexander Chuvyrov or Durga. This iconic culture, he
believed by orthodox sci-
unknown language (Chi- says, was the original religion of
entists to have occupied the region, or,
nese has been ruled out). Indus and India.
for that matter, any place on earth.
First discovered in July, 1999 the Agarwal also claimed his deci-
Such a production would, in fact, be
slab has been subjected to numerous phering of Indus script reveals the
very difficult to replicate even now.
tests by Russian scientists. The results Indus religion and civilization had
Some investigators believe the slab
have been baffling, to say the least. De- been unfolded to encompass the
is a fragment of a complete map of the
terminations of age have been based world including Britain, Latin Amer-
earth. A search for the missing pieces is
on radio carbon dating of shells em- ican, China, Mexico, and Peru.
under way.
bedded in the material, but not much

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N ational Geographic
has withdrawn
from efforts to investi-
gate a reported under-
water city near Cubas
northwestern coast at
Guanahacabibes. The ap-
parently anomalous find,
however, continues to
provoke considerable in-
terest and controversy.
First reported last
year by Reuters, the dis-
covery by Canadian
ocean engineer Paulina
Zelitsky of a vast com- Retards age-related
plex of seeming ruins at
more than 2,000 feet macular degeneration
below the surface has processes.
created something of a
firestorm of curiosity,
Promotes scavenging of
not only from the new damaging free radicals.
age community but the Helps prevent
general public as well.
Mainstream news media, oxidation of lipids and
from NPR to the AP, promotes blood vessel
have now picked up the health.
story. The possibility
that the area might rep- Retards general
resent an advanced but anti-oxidation
lost pre-diluvian civiliza- processes that damage
tion has not been far
from anyones mind. vision.
Earlier this year a Provides nutrition to
leading Cuban geologist
Manuel Iturralde said he eye lens and
could not explain the supporting structures.
site by any standard Improves the
theory of natural ge-
ology. His report in microcirculation and
Spanish (with pictures) regeneration of retinal
has been posted on the tissue.
web (http:/www.medio Inhibits the
siguenlos.htm). Yet, de- cross-linking of the
spite a demonstrated ap-
petite for more informa-
bodys proteins.
tion, efforts to pursue Bolsters the body's
the investigation seem defense mechanisms.
in jeopardy. National Ge-
ographics withdrawal Supports and
has been a severe blow, strengthens collagen
and even researcher An-
drew Collins, who has
argued in his widely read books that ward in her efforts to raise the money
Cuba was the location of Atlantis, has to pursue the investigation indepen-
expressed doubt about the human ori-
gins of the Guanahacabibes site, stating
Further details, hopefully, will be
that things look pretty natural to him. forthcoming soon.
Nevertheless, Zelitsky is pressing for-


Albert Einstein J. Edgar Hoover


he was.
as J. Edgar Hoover out to get Al-
bert Einstein? A new book says
formation contained in any file your bu-
reau may have on the following
person." That person was Albert Ein-
Chinese Tower According to journalist Fred Je- stein, considered by many to have
rome, recently uncovered FBI files been the greatest scientist of the 20th
A n official Chinese news agency
has reported that researchers are
investigating what have been described
show that from the time Einstein ar-
rived in the U.S. in 1933 until his death
century. The Hoover request appar-
ently intensified a secret campaign to
discredit him.
as ET relics in the far western prov- in 1955 his phone was tapped, his mail
ince of Qinghai. According to Xinhua was opened and his trash searched. The FBI director, Jerome reports,
news agency, nine scientist were exam- A 1950 memo by J Edgar Hoover worried about Einsteins outspoken po-
ining a mysterious pyramid-like struc- opens the file: "Please furnish a report sitions on social injustice and civil
ture which local legend says was a as to the nature of any derogatory in- rights.
launch tower left by aliens from space.
on Mount Bai-
tower is near
three caves
with trian-
gular open-
ings, filled
with red-
S ounds from the deep could be an
unknown monster. That is not the
lead for a Hollywood Sci-fi epic. It is a
hued pipes mystery currently intriguing serious
which lead ocean investigators.
into the According to New Scientist Magazine,
mountain and researchers are baffled by a bizarre sound
a nearby salt- first picked up by cold-war era Navy
water lake. undersea microphones in 1997. The
Moreover, strange unidentified noise has been
rusty iron scraps and pipes amid stones nicknamed Bloop. It has the attributes
of unusual shape are scattered about of a marine mammal but its calls are far
the largely deserted area. According to more powerful than those made by any
the Times of India, a research fellow at known creature including the largest
a nearby observatory of the Chinese whales. Phil Lobel, a marine biologist at
Academy of Social Sciences said the Boston University, says he doesnt think
theory that the pyramid was created by the sound is made by a giant squid which
extra terrestrials was understandable would not have the required gas-filled
and worth looking into. No further de- sac. Or, as the Scotch might say, no
tails on the age of the structure or other bagpipe, no music.
theories of its origins were immediately Whatever it is, the fervent hope is that
forthcoming. its friendly.

be remembered in the
same way as Sep-
tember 11, 2001, but it
could have been. That
was the day when an as-
teroid the size of a foot-
ball field and moving at
23,000 miles per hour
passed within 75,000
miles of earth. If it had
struck this planet, it
could have wiped out an
entire city. The scariest
part is no one saw it
coming. Not until three
days later, as it had al-
ready moved far beyond
us, did astronomers in
New Mexico pick it up.
The last time an asteroid
passed that close was in
2002MN, as the space
rock was dubbed, was
fairly light in weight and
scientists say it could not
have caused worldwide
damage. Of course the
hits on New Yorks World
Trade Center did not
cause global damage ei-
Science and govern-
ment have finally begun
to take measures to deal
with the threat of strikes
from outer space. The
June near miss happened
just as British astrono-
mers had begun to test
telescopes on La Palma as
part of a newly expanded
Astronomers Karl Stapelfeldt and Robin Evans have tracked down about 100 small asteroids by hunting through search for so-called Near
more than 28,000 archival images taken by the Hubble Space Telescopes Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2. Here is Earth Objects.
a sample of what they have found: four archival images that show the curved trails left by asteroids.


C ameras that see through clouds,
walls and even clothes are
coming soon. Forget about X-Rays,
though, these cameras will use T-rays
and pretty soon they will be in every-
thing from airport security to spy sat-
ellites. British scientists are already
hard at work on the project.
T-Rays are terahertz waves and
they come from just about anything.
One camera already built can see a
hidden gun and a human body. Soon
they will possibly see hidden explo-
sives, through a comets tail, or
someday, to detect cancer.
Superman, you are so 20th cen-
tury. Ray Miland as XThe Man with X-Ray Eyes (1964).

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support by Chinese scientific organizations. As our initial re-
COMMENT port in Infinite Energy of July/August 2002 remarks, the
human capital of cold fusion is aging and is not being re-
newed by a healthy influx of younger researchers. This is not

The New surprising for a field that is so widely devalued; the career
risks for becoming involvedeven should some young re-
searcher develop an interestare just too great.

On the scientific front on the other hand, it is not easy to
find a field that has opened wide more of Natures doors
than cold fusion. As reports at ICCF9 and at many other re-
cent LENR conferences suggest, cold fusion has become

Dr. Eugene F. Mallove squarely the field of modern alchemy. The transmutation
of heavy elements in these experiments has become the
order of the day. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries sends its re-
searchers to Beijing to report the repeatable, on demand
THE BOUNDARIES OF COLD FUSION transmutation of cesium to praseodymium and strontium to
molybdenum! This work will soon be published in the Japa-

Q uote: We do not know if Cold Fusion will be the an- nese Journal of Applied Physics. This too will be ignored by
swer to future energy needs, but we do know the exis- mainstream physics, but what a spectacular achievement!
tence of Cold Fusion phenomenon through repeated It has taken far too many cold fusion researchers much
observations by scientists throughout the world. It is time too long to realize that heavy element transmutation is inte-
that this phenomenon be investigated so that we can reap gral to what they are studying. In the early 1990s cold fusion
whatever benefits accrue from additional scientific under- began to show strong symptoms of this alchemical direction.
standing. It is time for government funding organizations to Yet it has taken some cold fusion researchers over a decade
invest in this research. to finally acknowledge the reality of the low-energy nuclear
So wrote Dr. Frank E. Gordon, Head, Navigation and Ap- transmutation of heavy elements.
plied Sciences Department Space and Naval Warfare Systems This brings up the compelling scientific question: What
Center, San Diego, in introducing a just released official U.S. are the scientific boundaries of cold fusion? Were no longer
Navy Report, TECHNICAL REPORT 1862, February 2002, talking about the now obsolete question of 1989: Is it chem-
Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System, istry or physics? We now need to know where cold fusion
Volume 1: A Decade of Research at Navy Laboratories; fits within physics such that a profusion of alchemical results
Volume 2: Simulation of the Electrochemical Cell (ICARUS) should be coming forth. Why is it so damned simple to
Calorimetry. create element changes in low-energy experiments? This just
Cold fusion pioneer Dr. Martin Fleischmann is one of the has to be a significant clue to the nature of cold fusion
reports co-authors, a modest acknowledgment of the impor- physics, but it may not lead to an answer that many in the
tance of his work by at least one official U.S. organization. field may appreciate.
But this is far short of the high-level apology that is due this
scientist for the inexcusable malfeasance of its DoE Cold Fu-
sion Panel in the 1989 trashing of his work. Across the pond
in the U.K., by now Martin should have become Sir Martin
Fleischmann. How unjust that his work is not honored even
in his own land, while Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones will
soon be Knighted! (Please excuse me while I have my 19th
Nervous Breakdown.)
Dont expect that the Navy report will move the U.S. gov-
ernment one millimeter closer toward re-evaluating cold fu-
sion. In fact, one bigoted anti-cold fusion scientist within the
U.S. Government (Dr. Peter Zimmerman, a scientific ad-
visor to the U.S. State Department) after hearing about the
report (but without having read it) exclaimed on an Internet
forum (9 May): Its my contention that somehow the crap in
it [the Navy Report] did not go through the formal NRL re-
view process which is very, very rigorous. I want to know
why the Navy issued it. He promised immediate action to
cause trouble within the bureaucracy. As has been hap-
pening for over years, no sooner does a positive develop-
ment arise for cold fusion, but that influential negativists go A schematic of the possible locus of cold fusion within
to work to make sure that no change is made in the govern- physics appears in the accompanying figure, which presents
ments disgraceful non-policy. three broad perspectives. To the skeptics, cold fusion still
So the study of low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR, the remains a troublesome residue of pathological science. It
more generic term for the plethora of cold fusion-related dis- sits within the pristine house of physics, spoiling an other-
coveries) in the U.S. is bounded on one side by active ob- wise triumphal march to a glib Theory of Everything. Next
struction by government agencies. This, in turn, has made it we encounter the Mainstream Cold Fusion viewpoint,
nearly impossible to raise R&D capital from the private which is probably held by over 98 percent of those directly
sector for investigations that are considered foolish by offi- involved in the field. Here the boundaries of cold fusion
cialdom. physics are completely confined within Accepted Physics,
The tight financial boundaries of cold fusion have made it which for this community means quantum mechanics and
an island kingdom with diminishing resources. I have just re- relativity. In this view, only the chairs on the deck of the big
turned from the 9th International Conference on Cold Fusion ocean liner of physics need to be rearranged to accommo-
(ICCF9), which was held in Beijing (May 19-24) with official Continued on Page 58
Dr. Eugene F. Mallove is the Editor-in-Chief of Infinite Energy
worth following

Notes from
Michael A. Cremo
Amazing New Crop
Christian Creationism, Krishna Creationism, Circle at Stonehenge
On July 4 2002, a major for-
and the Origin of the Human Species mation was discovered by a
pilot out of Thruxton air-

or a long time, Darwinists assumed that anyone who argued seriously
against their theory of human evolution must be a Christian creationist. field, who quickly advised
Perhaps thats why my book Forbidden Archeology came as such a sur- circles researchers that a
prise. huge and quite amazing for-
In a review of Forbidden Archaeology published in Geoarchaeology mation was now on the
(1994, 9:337-340), Kenneth Feder wrote: The book . . . represents something deck next to the ancient
perhaps not seen before; we can fairly call it Krishna creationism with no Stonehenge monument.
disrespect intended. The basic premises of the authors are breathtaking. . . :
The prevailing paradigm of human evolution . . . is wholly untenable. There is news/beaten/beaten
what amounts to a passive conspiracy (the authors call it a knowledge
filter) to suppress a huge body of data that contradicts our prevailing para-
digm. . . . This purported evidence indicates that beings quite like ourselves
have been around as far back as we care to lookin the Pliocene, Mio- Clues to Missing
cene, Oligocene, Eocene and beyond. Pagodas Found
Feder concluded, We all know what happens when we mix a literal in- Submerged structures
terpretation of the Judeo-Christian creation myth with human paleontology; found off the coast of Ma-
we get scientific creationism. It seems we now know what happens when habalipuram in the Bay of
we mix a literal interpretation of the Hindu myth of creation with human pa- Bengal could well solve the
leontology; we get the antievolutionary Krishna creationism of Forbidden Ar- mystery of seven pagodas
chaeology, where human beings do not evolve and where the fossil evi-
dence for anatomically modern dating back to the Pallava
humans dates as far back as the Period (7th Century AD).
beginning of the current manvan- http://
tara. Of course, I did not invent
that fossil evidence, which does articleshow.asp?art_id=
show that humans existed hun- 15199261
dreds of millions of years ago. In
reply to Feder, I say: We all know Civil War Scientist
what happens when we mix a Developed Crude
strong belief in Darwinism with Atomic Bomb?
human paleontology. We get a
fundamentalist evolutionary ac-
Historians are reeling over
count of human origins, in which the discovery that a Con-
human beings evolve from apes federate scientist was just
and the fossil evidence for hu- weeks away from per-
mans of our type only goes back fecting a crude atomic
about 100,000 years. bomband planned to use
Now lets talk about my rela- the device to destroy Wash-
tionships with Christian re- ington, D.C., 138 years ago
searchers concerned with human . . . in 1864!
evolution. Among them are three
groups. The first is the Biblical
creationists, who believe that news/index.cfm?instanceid
God directly created the earth =38840
Charles Darwin and human beings about 10,000
Continued on Page 20on Page 20
years ago. These young earth creationists are
iNEWS mostly from conservative Protestant denomina-
tions. The second group of Christian researchers
are those who believe that God created human
Researchers Envisage beings, but did it by the Darwinian process of ev-
Turning Light into olution. These researchers tend to come from lib-
Liquid eral Protestant and mainstream Catholic backgrounds. The
A group of Spanish scien- third group are the new Christian academics who belong to the
tists may have worked out a intelligent design movement. They keep their Biblical commitments
in the background, and keep the identity of the intelligent designer
way of turning light into deliberately vague. To varying degrees, they are against the Darwinian
liquid. Computer simula- theory.
tions carried out at the Uni- I have fairly good relationships with young earth Christian creationists,
versity of Vigo in Ourense despite my Vedic spiritual commitments and my old earth position. The
showed light splits into abridged edition of Forbidden Archaeology, titled The Hidden History of the
water-like droplets under Human Race, got a positive review in Creation Research Society Quarterly
certain conditions. (June 1995), the main journal of the young earth Christian creationists. The au-
news/story/sm_621294.html? thor, Peter Line, said, This book is must
menu=news.scienceand reading for anyone interested in human
discovery origins. I have also appeared on Chris-
tian creationist radio and television
shows. Heres what I say: Whether we
Great Pyramid Is believe the earth has been here for a
Melting Away few thousand years or a few billion years,
For more humans have been here since the begin-
than four ning. We did not come from apes, as the
millennia, Darwinists would like us to believe.
they have Sometimes, I get into discussions with
stood among young earth creationists about the geo-
the desert logical dating methods. They have to re-
ject all of them as totally useless. But I
sands as a dont find that to be a very viable posi-
testament to tion. The dating methods can be
the engi- checked against the yearly series of tree
neering bril- rings, which go back thousands of years,
liance of ancient Egypt. But and the record of yearly snowfalls found
the great pyramids and the in the Arctic and Antarctic ice core drill-
ings, which go back hundreds of thou-
Sphinx, the last of the sands of years. On rare occasions, trees
seven wonders of the an- can show more than one growth ring per
cient world to remain in- year, or there can sometimes be more
tact, are at risk of destruc- than one layer per year in ice cores. But
tion from water. this doesnt happen very much. The ob-
http:// served tree rings and ice cores thus sup-
port the accuracy of various chemical The Creation of Eve, Raphael
index.cfm?id=721962002 and radiometric dating methods.
My own position is that the dating methods give approximately correct
Catastrophic Pole Flip dates. By that I mean they could perhaps be off by as much as a factor of 2
Coming for Earth? times or 5 times, or even 10 times, but not by 1,000 or more times. The ages
The planets magnetic field obtained by these methods roughly correspond to the ages for the history
of life given in the ancient Sanskrit writings of India. According to the Sanskrit
is showing signs of wanting writings, the current creation cycle began about 2 billion years ago, and
to make a gigantic somer- according to modern paleontology, the oldest undisputed fossil evidence
sault, so that magnetic for life on earth goes back about 2-3 billion years. Still, there are many ways
north heads towards Antarc- for the application of a particular dating method to a particular case to
tica, and magnetic south give an incorrect result. For example, the object being dated could contain
goes north. Compasses will contaminants that cause the dating method to give an age that is too
young or too old. But in general, if the methods are applied properly, they
point the wrong way, and should give roughly correct ages.
migrating birds, fish and tur-
As for the Christians who have chosen to make a compromise with Dar-
tles are going to be very winism (God created human beings but He did it by evolution), I see two
confused. problems with their position. First of all, they have to give up any literal un- derstanding of their scripture, which says that God created humans in his
science/story/ image. Nowhere in the Bible can one find any statements that God made
0,3605,748510,00.html human beings by evolving them from apes. Second, they have tied their
theology to an evolutionary picture of human origins that is contradicted by
Continued on Facing Page
Temple Treatment for
Psychiatric Illness
A six-week stay at a Hindu
temple in Tamil Nadu can
produce the same improve-
ment in people with severe
psychiatric disorders as a
month-long course of stan-
dard drugs, say researchers.

The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo Turing Patterns Shape

huge amounts of physical evidence, in the form of anatomically modern Ant Cemeteries
human bones, footprints, and artifacts millions of years old. Nevertheless, Ants arrange their dead using
most Catholic and liberal Protestant scholars and scientists have adopted the same principles that are
the current Darwinian evolutionary explanation of human origins. thought to produce the
But Ive managed to change a few minds. A couple of years ago, Dr. markings on animal skin and
Dennis Bonnette, head of the philosophy department at Niagara University, on tropical sea shells.
a Catholic institution in New York state, contacted me by email. He was
writing a book on human evolution, from the usual Catholic perspective 708/020708-1.html
(God created the human beings, but He did it by evolution). But after he
read Forbidden Archaeology, he changed his mind and began reworking Skull Find Causes
his book. In the new draft, he suggested that in light of the evidence for ex-
treme human antiquity documented in Forbidden Archaeology, Christian
Evolution Revolution
scholars might once more take seriously the Biblical accounts of the direct
creation of human beings by God. Bonnette wrote: Scholarly research
such as that found in Forbidden Archaeology, offers reasonable strati-
graphic and other evidence that modern human beings predate proposed
transitional hominids, such as Homo erectus. This presents probable cause to
doubt current human evolutionary theory. . . . If human beings did not
evolve, then Adam and Eve did not descend from transitional hominids . . .
[and] Adam and Eves direct divine creation. . . becomes credible. Bon-
nettes book, The Origin of the Human Species, which came out last year in
a philosophy series from a major European academic publisher, is well worth
reading for anyone desiring to learn the ins and outs of various Christian po-
sitions on the human evolution question.
As for the intelligent design theorists, such as William Dembski and Mi-
chael Behe, I have fairly good relationships with them. Behe attended my
lecture on forbidden archaeology at his university in Pennsylvania, and be-
fore the lecture, we had dinner together. He appeared quite interested in
the fossil evidence contradicting the Darwinian theory of human evolution.
Phillip Johnson, author of Darwin on Trial, and one of the chief spokesper- His family name is Sahelan-
sons of the modern intelligent design movement, wrote a foreword to my thropus tchadensis, but you
book The Hidden History of the Human Race, encouraging scientists to ex- can call him Toumai. His
amine evidence that was not included in the textbooks and review articles skull dates back a staggering
they were given in their college and graduate school classes.
seven million years.
My relationships with various Christian scholars working on the evolution
question are part of a larger strategy. In the world today, we are in the news/science/0702/
middle of a major renegotiation of our whole picture of reality, the type of science07110206.html
renegotiation that takes place only every few centuries. We are moving
away from a strictly material and mechanical view of reality and toward a Scientists to Develop
view that incorporates the subtle energies of mind and consciousness. There
are many parties to this renegotiationmainstream scientists, alternative sci-
Nanosensors for
ence reseachers, religionists, new agers, and more. As a party to this rene- Astronauts
gotiation, my policy is to stay in touch with all the other parties, and my rela- Tiny devices will fit inside
tionships with Christian reseachers are part of that policy. cells; monitor signs of radia-
tion damage or infection.
Michael A. Cremo is author, with Richard Thompson, of the underground
classic Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race. Dr. opm/newspage/2002/
Dennis Bonnettes book The Origin of the Human Species can be ordered nanosensors.htm

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Energy Revolution Torch Burns Brightly

in Countries Once Behind Iron Curtain
Conferees Hear
of Astonishing
Discoveries in
the Former
Soviet Union

he two Russian scientists
were in for a surprise when
they set up their experiment
in a high-ceilinged concrete
laboratory. They had built a
meter-wide energy converter whose
rotating part carried magnetic rollers
similar to those built by John Searl, a
British inventor. They wanted to test
Searls claims to have had a flying disc
and a generator that converted energy
from surrounding space into elec-
tricity. With a special non-magnetic
platform underneath, the Russians
total apparatus weighed 350 kilograms.

When they sped the rotor up to 200

revolutions-per-minute (rpm), instru-
ments showed the platform rising
slightly on its vertical slides. Weight Zlatko Shad Loncar ignites gas from a water-filled bubbler
loss! At 550 rpm the ampmeter in the to prove the bubbles are burnable and not mere air.
motor circuit showed zero current Further they were astounded to feel a strange effects. This paves the way for
being consumed. Using clutches, they cooling of the surrounding air. Concen- new science.
disconnected the motor and con- tric rings of cooled air alternated with Dr. Anatoli Rykov, chief of an Engi-
nected the generator to the converters normal temperatures. When they neering Seismology lab in Moscow, re-
shaft. After the shaft reached a critical tested the surrounding air with sen- ported in Alexander Frolovs magazine
speed of 550 rpm, the rotor acceler- sors, they found rings of magnetic New Energy Technologies (www. far-
ated sharply. The machine was run- walls interspersed with rings of ordi- that the Godin-Roschin unit ro-
ning itself! It didnt slow down until nary air rippling outward like waves in tated the six-kilowatt-output electrical
they connected the first of ten kilo- a pond, to fifteen meters from their ex- generator for fifteen minutes without
watt-heating-units as a load. periment without lessening. Not even using any electrical input. Rykov theor-
The strangeness escalated. In an ex- Searl had reported measuring such izes that the weight loss comes when
periment in the dark, they saw a walls. the aether is deformed locally opposite
donut-shaped pink-and-blue light I met the two, Vladimir Roshchin to gravity, by the direction of the
around the machine and smelled ozone and Sergei Godin, in Switzerland last rotors spinning. Roshchin and Godin
from ionization of the air. A wavy pat- year. They were still based at the Rus- did find that effects reversed when
tern corresponding to the surface of sian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, they reversed direction of the rotor.
the rollers was superimposed on the but had lost their funding and lost pos- Rykov concluded, Wide abilities of
corona. Zones of yellowish-white light session of the large prototype of their ether to produce non-limited energy
appeared, but there were none of the patented energy converter used in that and to travel in space without inertia
crackling sounds that usually accom- 1993 experiment. Roshchin and Godin are open now.
pany electrical arc discharges. later built a smaller version which This year Roshchin and Godin were
When the machine was consuming didnt lose weight or run itself. That scheduled to speak at a meeting in Ger-
the most power, seven kilowatts, the disappointment taught them that size is many, but a source said they have an
anomalous weight loss of the platform important in getting the effects, in- investor who doesnt want them to re-
and its load reached 35 per cent. Was cluding the magnetic and cool-air encir- veal any more research details. Godin
the heavy machine slowly levitating? cling walls. No existing mainstream and Roshchin earlier tried to interest
BY JEANE MANNING physics theories can explain all of the Continued on Page 59
unto the Lord, lest
ANCIENT MYSTERIES he break forth
upon them.

The Enigma of Mount Sinai

Here we have a
peculiar descrip-
tion of a mountain
that one cannot
touch the borders
of, as though the
Does the base of the moun-
tain was more like
Great Pyramid a cliff than a
gentle ascent. This
Hold the Key? mountain also ap-
pears to be small
enough to cordon

he search for the biblical Mt. off, so that the
Sinai has been an enduring people cannot get
facet of Judaism, Christianity close enough to
and Islam, and its location touch it. In this
has been reported in loca- case, Mt. Sinai
tions as remote as the Sinai peninsula must be relatively
and the deserts of Saudi Arabia. But small, as moun-
why should this mountain be so impor- tains go, and
tant to the three Judaic religions, and thrust itself rather
how did its location become forgotten? dramatically out of
The answer to the first question is the surrounding
relatively easy: Mt Sinai was where plains.
Moses spoke to god; indeed it was ru- Another quote
moured that the Israelite God actually from the Bible
lived inside. The second question, seems to describe
however, is more difficult. Here is the the base of the
most sacred mountain of the Israelites, mountain:
the home of their all-powerful god, and And they saw
someone simply forgot where it was! the God of Israel:
The scenario is simply not credible. and there was
But if such an important location was under his feet as it
not forgotten, then it must have been were a paved
deliberately mislaid or covered upbut work of a sap-
such reasoning by definition presup- phire stone, and
poses that there was something to phus often provides us supports this as it were the body of heaven in his
hide. claim. With regard to Mt. Sinai, Jose- clearness.
So what, in this case, were the Is- phus says: The description is peculiar, but it
raelite leadership trying to hide? My an- When he said this, he ascended up does seem to indicate that there was a
swer initially seemed to be quite innoc- to Mt. Sinai, which is the highest of all pavement at the base of the mountain,
uousit was simply a new location for the mountains that are in that country, which resembled the night sky. The
Mt Sinai. But as I continued the re- and it is not only very difficult to be as- term clearness means lustre, so per-
search for the book Tempest & Ex- cended by men, on account of its vast haps the sapphire stone looked some-
odus, it became obvious that the rami- altitude, but because of the sharpness thing like polished black basalt with
fications of this new location for Mt. of its precipices also; and besides this, white quartz inclusionsa granite-like
Sinai radically changed the entire his- it was terrible and inaccessible, on the building material that can be polished
tory and liturgy of the Israelite people. account of the rumor that passed about to a high lustre and then looks very
In order to discover the true loca- that God dwelt there. much like the night sky.
tion for Mt. Sinai, we must first obtain Here we have a description of a Unfortunately, apart from a few ex-
a description of both the mountain and high and sharp mountain that is diffi- tracts that indicate that Mt. Sinai was
its general location. The first descrip- cult to climb. The Bible does not have on the edge of a desert, that is about
tion that presented itself was from the a very good description of this moun- the full extent of the descriptions of
accounts of the first century historian tain, but it continues Josephus descrip- Mt. Sinai. In this case we have a small,
Josephus. Many have been tempted to tion by stating the following: but nevertheless quite sharp and dra-
deride Josephus as unreliable, but Jose- And thou shalt set bounds unto the matic mountain, that is surrounded by
phus himself says he derived his texts people round about, saying, take heed a basalt pavement and is situated on
from books taken from the Temple of to yourselves, that ye go not up into the edge of a desert. There is only one
Jerusalem after the fall of that city in the mount, or touch the border of it: further point to be made, and while it
AD 70. If so, it makes Josephus whosoever touches the mount shall be may seem to be innocuous, it may actu-
sources far older and more authorita- surely put to death. There shall not an ally be the key to this whole conun-
tive than any copies of the Torah (Old hand touch it, but he shall surely be drum. It is often overlooked that Moses
Testament) that are extant to this day. stoned, or shot through. did not simply climb Mt. Sinai to re-
Indeed, the extra information that Jose- Set bounds about the mount, and ceive the ten commandments from
sanctify it ... but let not the priests and God, he actually descended into the
BY RALPH ELLIS the people break through to come up mountain:

And the Lord said unto Moses, has to hold onto a rope as he is low- its three great pyramids, is not just a
Come up to me INTO the mount ered into Mt Sinai. Hold fast to that wonder of the ancient world, but a stu-
(Sinai), and be there: and I will give which he has given you and bear in pendous wonder of the modern world
thee tables of stone. mind what it contains ..., translates as too. Here we have, in the form of the
And afterward all the children of hold fast to the rope and remember Bible, a complete family history of the
Israel came nigh: and he gave them in that god lives in the cave at the bottom Israelite patriarchs who lived in Heliop-
commandment all that the Lord had of this passageway. One can readily im- olis and yet it would appear that none
spoken with him IN mount Sinai. agine the panic that this information of them ever had tea at the pyramids or
These are the statutes and judg- would impart upon a new initiate into noticed these great mountains on the
ments and laws, which the Lord made the Israelite priesthoodnot only was near horizon.
between him and the children of Israel he wholly dependent on a flickering oil From Abraham to Moses, each and
IN mount Sinai by the hand of Moses. lamp and a fraying piece of rope, but a every one of the patriarchs could have
These are the commandments, terrifying ethereal being resided below! come and made an offering at the pyra-
which the Lord commanded Moses for This may appear to be such a di- mids; then they would have subse-
the children of Israel IN mount Sinai. verse list of requirements that no quently mentioned this in the biblical
Not only was there a passageway mountain in the whole of the Near East accounts. More importantly, bearing in
into Mt Sinai, but the Koran also seems would fulfill them all. So where does mind the whole thrust of my books
to imply that this passageway went this leave us? Can the location for Mt. Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs and Tem-
downwards into the bowels of the Sinai be solved simply by applying this pest & Exodus, the biblical patriarchs
mountain and that there was a cave peculiar set of requirements to each were important peoplehigh priests,
right at the bottom: mountain and seeing if a match can be princes, Hyksos pharaohs. These im-
When (God) suspended the Moun- found? The answer requires not only a portant officials and rulers would have
tain (Mt. Sinai) over them as though it liberal dose of lateral thinking, it also not only come to Giza to make an of-
were a shadow, for they feared that it eventually requires a massive leap of fering at the pyramids; they were most
was falling down on them, (God) said faithfor it would appear that the Bible probably the very high priests who
Hold fast to that which he has given contains deep secrets. were officiating at the service itself,
you and bear in mind what it con- If you take an electronic Bible and just as the Bible implies!
tains... type in a search for the word pyramid, So why, then, are there no refer-
When you depart from them and the machine will grind its way through ences whatsoever to the pyramids of
their idols, go to the Cave for shelter. the long text and it will eventually Egypt in the Bible? The answer is ob-
God will extend to you his mercy and beep a solemn lament and say nothing vious: the Bible does mention the pyra-
prepare for you a means of safety. found. Isnt this a little strange? The mids, and it mentions them quite
Although the Koran is often diffi- biblical patriarchs were resident in He- often; but the names of all the pyra-
cult to interpret, here we definitely liopolis, which is just an arrows arc
seem to see evidence that the initiate away from Giza. The Giza plateau, with Continued on Page 61

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DISCOVERIES Editors Note: At-
lantis Rising frequently
receives first-person re-

hat if the ports and essays which
ancients describe original re-
knew some- search, discoveries and
thing very conjecture. Previously
(before issue #25) it had
basic about been our policy not to
our world that we dont publish such material.
know? What if the mystical The reasons had to do
materials spoken of in most with limited space and
of the worlds religions the intention to main-
were actual physical sub- tain our own credibility
stances that one could ob- by sticking with third-
tain and work with? party objective reporting
The ancient Egyptians of material which is
making news. Also, it is
had their shemanna, a important to remember
white bread, which was of- that this is not a profes-
fered as gold to the gods. sional journal devoted to
The ancient Israelites had pure research and we
their shew bread and cannot become overly
their manna which they technical. However,
kept in the Ark of the Cove- much of the material we
nant. The ancient Egyptians receive, despite the sub-
had the sacrament of the jective bias of the
writers, is quite inter-
bread and wine, as did the esting and we feel that at
early Christians.
Moses took the golden
Using the least some of it should be
passed on to our readers.
calf which the Israelites
made for worship and Tools of to Unlock We are now devoting
regular space to such
burnt it in the fire, and
ground it to powder, and New an Ancient materialonce per issue.
We hasten to add that
strawed it upon the water, the appearance of such
and made the children of Is- Physics Mystery material in Atlantis
Rising does not constitute
rael drink of it; presumably an endorsement from
in order to improve their the publisher. Please
spiritual connection. form your own opinion
The ancient Chinese al- and let us know what
chemist Wei Po-yang wrote you think.
of the Pill of Immortality
which is made of Huan Tan (Returned obtain and work with these strange ma-
Medicine) an edible powder from gold. nelli tells us in his book Le Mystre des terials. In 1989 David Hudson was
After one ingests Huan Tan the com- Cathdrales how the secrets of al- granted patents on these materials and
plexion becomes rejuvenated, hoary chemy were carved and concealed in methods for obtaining them.
hair regains its blackness, and new the architecture of the great cathedrals. Other researchers were also making
teeth grow where fallen ones used to He is believed to have made the Philos- similar discoveries around this same
be. If an old man, he will once more be- ophers Stone helped by his study of time but Hudson was the first to get in-
come a youth; if an old woman, she these cathedrals. formation out to the public about his
will regain her maidenhood. If there is truth in these ancient sto- discoveries. During the early 1990s
Hindu alchemists preferred to work ries the alchemical materials would Hudson toured the United States giving
with mercury. They proved that they have to be substances which are not lectures and workshops about what he
had made the correct edible white easily detected with the tools of had found. Transcripts of portions of
powder of mercury by heating it to modern science. These substances three of David Hudsons lectures are
convert it to gold. would come from gold, mercury and available on the web. The most com-
The alchemy of the middle ages is the other precious metals but would plete of these transcripts is the tran-
thought to have originated in Egypt and not look like these elements using script of his Dallas lecture and work-
to have flourished in Persia before spectroscopy or modern chemical shop.
being brought to Europe after the Cru- assay methods. The materials that David Hudson
sades. Artephius, an alchemist of the These substances would have an ed- discovered appear to be the alchemical
twelfth century, claimed in his alchem- ible white powder form and an oil materials discussed above and can be
ical treatise entitled The Secret Book form that imparts healing and spiritual described using concepts of modern
that he had lived for the space of a benefit. physics like superconductivity,
thousand years, or thereabouts, which quantum coherence and Bose-Einstein
has now passed over my head, since Modern Discovery condensates.
the time I was born to this day, through In the late 1970s an Arizona farmer These modern alchemical materials
the alone goodness of God Almighty, named David Hudson noticed some have been called ORMEs, monoatomic
by the use of this wonderful quintes- very strange materials as he was doing gold, white gold, white powder gold,
sence. some gold mining on his land. Hudson ORMUS, m-state, AuM, microclusters,
A French alchemist named Fulca- spent several million dollars over the and manna. David Hudson calls the ma-
following decade figuring out how to
BY BARRY CARTER Continued on Page 28
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I AM AMERICA Continued from Page 27
terials he found Orbitally Rearranged

MAPS Monoatomic Elements or ORMEs. He

also refers to them as monoatomic ele-
ments in a high-spin state.
as seen on the NBC Special Since Hudson has patented his pro-
ANCIENT cess for obtaining and identifying these
PROPHECIES II elements, and since it has not been
conclusively established whether these
materials are monatomic, diatomic or
something else, we recommend that
the terms ORMUS and m-state be used David Hudson at his Portland, Oregon
when referring to these materials. Workshop - July 29, 1995
The ORMUS or m-state materials are istry or under common spectroscopic
thought to be the precious metal ele- analysis. He claimed that he could
ments in a different atomic state. The make pure nothing. In his first Dallas
following elements have been identi- lecture David Hudson said:
fied in this different state of matter So, working within Cornell, we re-
(these elements, with the exception of moved all of the iron, all the silica and
mercury, are listed in Hudsons pat- all the aluminum from the sample. We
ents): still had over 98 percent of the sample.
KNOWN ORMUS ELEMENTS At this point he said, Dave, it analyzes
I AM AMERICA Full Color 24" x 28" Element Atomic Number to be nothing.
S & H Included Cobalt 27 Hudson and other researchers have
21 00 Nickel
developed a theory to explain how this
might happen. The electrons around
these atoms, it is theorized, are all
Rhodium 45 paired up with each other in what
You heard Lori Toye tell Palladium 46 physicists call Cooper pairs. Since
how sheunder the Silver 47 these electrons are no longer available
for electron bonding they will not react
guidance of the ascended Osmium
77 chemically in the same way as the me-
master Saint Platinum 78 tallic form of these elements. Basically
Germaincreated Gold 79 they do not form compounds.
This also would explain why they
Mercury 80
prophetic maps of All of these m-state elements are
do not show up under spectroscopy
America and the world. quite abundant in seawater. They also
since most forms of spectroscopy re-
quire electron interaction.
seem to be present in most rock,
NOW YOU CAN TAKE plants, animals, fresh water and in the
A CLOSER LOOK. air. According to David Hudsons re-
ORMUS Quantum Theory
Various researchers, working inde-
search, these elements in their m-state
pendently, have identified these mate-
may be as much as 10,000 times more
rials in this different state of matter.
abundant than their metallic counter-

S & H Included
FREEDOM STAR Full Color 36" x 52"
parts. There also may be other ele-
ments that occur naturally in the m-
state. It looks like these materials are a
They have made many of the same ob-
servations. These m-state elements
have been observed to exhibit the
quantum physical behaviors of super-
new form of matter which was previ-
conductivity, superfluidity, Josephson
ously unknown to science.
tunneling and magnetic levitation.
If we are to solidify the connection
All of these behaviors are associated
between ancient alchemy and ORMUS
with a phenomenon called quantum
for modern science we have a lot of ex-
coherence. We suspect that quantum
plaining to do. We have to explain why
coherence in the body might explain
these materials are not known to
many of the properties that the ancient
modern science. We have to explain
alchemists claimed for these materials.
how these substances might fit into the
In order to better understand the
world of quantum physics and other
ORMUS elements we need to take a
modern scientific theories. We also
look at ordinary water.
must explain what role they play in bi-
D.H. Lawrence said, Water is H2O,

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Double distilled water weighs more
Stealth Atoms than water that is made by burning hy-
Hudson suggested that the ORMUS drogen in oxygen though science has

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Continued on Page 62
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Col. Fawcetts
Strange Quest

Was His Ill-Fated Mission

in Search of Lost Technology? BY DAVID
Col. Percy H. Fawcett, D.S.O. (on log, center), among Mato Grosso Indians

n 1893, a young British officer This alphabet was first discovered by mythology, was published in Paris in
named Percy Fawcett was sta- the French traveler and missionary, 1879. According to Jacolliot, the Hindu
tioned in Ceylon. Operating out Abbe Huc, in 1845 while visiting a la- classics tell of a former continent
of Trincomalee and keenly inter- masery on the frontier of Tibet and called Rutas that sank beneath the
ested in archaeology, history and China. The lamasery, known as the ocean in times past, according to the
Buddhism, he would often take long monastery of Sinfau or Sifau, or more traditions of the goparams. Jacolliot be-
walks, sometimes lasting for days, into popularly, the Kumbum Monastery, lieved Rutas to have been a former Pa-
the remote jungle areas of the island. contained the mystic Kounbourn cific continent, that the original inhabi-
On one such trek, he was overtaken by tree; upon each leaf of this tree a tants of India had come from this
a storm, which forced him to seek Sansar character was allegedly written. vanished continent and that the lan-
shelter beneath some trees for the Kunbum or Kounboun means ten guage of Rutas was Sansar.
night. As dawn broke into a new sunny thousand images referring to the im- A number of events were set into
day, he found himself near an Immense ages on the leaves of the tree. motion by young Percy Fawcetts
rock, covered with strange inscriptions According to the report given to finding of these strange characters on a
of unknown character and meaning. Huc, the tree and alphabet came from rock wall in Ceylon, some involving
He made a copy of the inscriptions, the drowned land of Rutas, which in mysteries still to be worked out.
and later showed them to a local Bud- central Asian mythology is a lost civili- Colonel Fawcett set off from Cuyaba in
dhist priest. This priest said the writing zation now beneath the ocean. It is the Mato Grosso in Brazil in 1925 to
was similar to that used by the old often identified with Atlantis al- find a lost city in the jungle. He be-
Asoka-Buddhists, and was in a cipher though it could be identified with Mu lieved there was a connection between
which only those ancient priests could or Lemuria, or some other unidentified the city and the letters he had found in
understand. His assertion was con- civilization now beneath the Indian Ceylon. Neither he nor his two com-
firmed ten years later by a Ceylonese Ocean, the Indonesian Sea or off the panions were ever seen again, and
Oriental scholar at Oxford University, coast of China and Japan. their expedition became the archetyp-
who claimed that he was the only man The name of Rutas for a lost conti- ical lost expedition.
alive who could read the Script. nent showed up again in 1879, this
Young Percy Fawcett, later to be- time by another French traveler named Expedition Fawcett to a Lost World
come a respected colonel and one of Louis Jacolliot (1837-1890). Jacolliot Percy Harrison Fawcett was quite
the most famous South American ex- was a serious student of mythology, successful in his army career, leading
plorers of all time, believed that the let- and had collected a number of Sanskrit eight South American expeditions
ters which he had seen on the ancient, legends while on sojourn in India. His under contract with the Bolivian and
vine-covered wall in Ceylon had been book, Histoire des Vierges: Les Peuple Brazilian governments, to delimit the
taken from the ancient Sansar alphabet. et les Continents Disparus, a study of frontiers shared by these two countries

with Peru and Ecuador. Between the tain its origin. He wrote that they be- whose territory lay between the Xingu
years of 1906 and 1922, he had made lieved that the idol came from Atlantis. and Tabatinga Rivers, claimed to know
four arduous journeys in Bolivia and Fawcett himself was a great believer in of a city where strange temples could
three in Brazil, as well as other expedi- Atlantis, and felt that the lost cities in be found, and baptismal ceremonies
tions into Peru and Ecuador. the interior of Brazil had an Atlantean were practiced. The Indians there
At a lecture before the Royal Ge- origin. He disagreed with one pop- spoke of houses with stars to light
ographical Society in London in ular theory for the origin of At- them, which never went out.
1911, Fawcett described a lost lantis, which actually placed the Said Fawcett in his book, This was
world on the borders of Bo- lost civilization in Brazil, but be- the first but not the last time I heard of
livia and Brazil, and told of gi- lieved that Brazil was once a these permanent lights found occasion-
gantic footprints of primeval colony of Atlantis. ally in the ancient houses built by that
monsters he had seen. Sir Ar- Fawcett also believed that forgotten civilization of old. I knew
thur Conan Doyle, the creator some of the writing copied at that certain Indians of Ecuador were re-
of Sherlock Holmes, was the end of the old Portuguese puted to light their huts at night by
present at the lecture, later document was identical to the means of luminous plants, but that, I
writing a book based on Faw- writing he had seen years ear- considered, must be a different thing
cetts tales, The Lost World: lier in Ceylon, and that both all together. There was some secret
The Adventures of Professor writings originated in Atlantis. means of illumination known to the an-
Challenger. You may have seen He hoped to prove the exis- cients that remains to be rediscovered
the movie version, made in the tence of Atlantis by rediscov- by the scientists of todaysome
1950s, on late night TV. ering this lost city. method of harnessing forces unknown
Later, H. Rider Haggard, au- As will usually happen, sev- to us.
thor of King Solomons Mines, eral of Fawcetts assumptions Brian Fawcett then added a footnote
gave Fawcett a mysterious stone were erroneous. Despite the psy- to his fathers book: In view of recent
idol. Haggard had allegedly re- chics opinions to the contrary, developments in atomic research there
ceived it from the British Consul, the idol originated in the Medi- is no reason to dismiss the lamps that
OSullivan Beare, who had Haggards terranean area around 400 B.C. never go out as myth. The world was
picked it up at a lost city in Brazil in gift According to Barry Fell, an author plunged into a state of barbarism by
1913. This stone statue was in the pos- who has deciphered many ancient in- terrible cataclysms. Continents sub-
session of Colonel Fawcett when he scriptions, the foot-tall, basalt idol was sided into the oceans, and others
disappeared in the jungle in 1925, but made at or around Hallicarnassus be- emerged. Peoples were destroyed and
its story didnt end there. fore Hellenistic times. the few survivors who escaped were
Fawcett, a believer in the para- Colonel Fawcett reported just be- able to exist only in a state of savagery.
normal, had several sensitives ex- fore his ill-fated expedition that he had The ancient arts were all but forgotten,
amine the statuette, in order to ascer- been told that a Nafaqua Indian chief, Continued on Page 63

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Was Atlantean Civilization Felled by a Projectile from Space?

R. Corli, a French astron- length of the Mid- destruction,
omer in 1785, was the first Atlantic Ridge, a when Psonchis,
researcher to conclude line of sub-surface the Egyptian nar-
that the fragment of a volcanos, among rator of the story,
passing comet collided which the island tells Solon, the
with the Earth to destroy Atlantis. The of Atlantis was lo- visiting Greek
earliest thorough investigation of the cated. statesman, about
Atlantis problem was begun nearly 100 In the late a declination of
years later by the father of Atlantology, 1980s and early the bodies
Ignatius Donnelly. His second book on 90s, astronomers moving around
the subject, Ragnarok, Age of Fire Victor Clube and the earth and in
and Gravel (1884), proposed that the Charles Napier af- the heavens, and
island-civilization had been annihilated firmed an aster- a great conflagra-
by a comets collision with the earth. oidal or meteoric tion of things
At a time when established scientists explanation for upon the earth re-
did not even recognize the existence the destruction of curring at long in-
of meteorites, his speculation was Atlantis. They tervals of time.
roundly dismissed as untenable fan- demonstrated, Inscriptions on
tasy. He was supported by only a few however, the the walls of Med-
contemporary thinkers, such as the greater likelihood inet Habu (Upper
Russian physicist, Sergi Basinsky, who of a virtual earth- Nile Valley), the
argued that a meteor impact with the bombardment of Victory Temple
Earth was great enough to be respon- fire from of Pharaoh
sible for the destruction of Atlantis and heaven, as our Ramses-III, tell
the simultaneous rise of Australia. planet passed how the Atlan-
But in the 1920s and 30s, Don- through or near a tean invaders of
nellys theory was revived and sup- cloud of large de- Egypt were de-
ported by the German physicist, bris that show- stroyed: The
Martin Hoerbiger, whose controversial ered down dozens shooting-star was
Cosmic Ice paradigm included the or even hundreds Asteroid over Atlantis, Tom Miller terrible in pursuit
Atlantean catastrophe as the result of of meteoritic ma- of them, before
earths impact with a cometary frag- terials, as opposed to Mucks single col- their island went under the sea. Ib-
ment of frozen debris. His British con- lision. rahim ben Ebn Wauff Shah, Abu Zeyd el
temporary, the influential publisher, Particularly since the publication of Balkhy and other Arab historians used
Comyns Beaumont, had already come Mucks convincing evidence, leading the story of Surid, the ruler of an antedi-
to the same conclusion independently. scholars, such as the worlds foremost luvian kingdom, to explain that the
During the post-World War II era, authority on Halleys Comet, Dr. M.M. Great Flood was caused when a
Hoerbiger was championed by another Kamiensky (member of the Polish planet collided with the earth.
well-known British researcher, H.S. Academy of Sciences), Professor N. In North America, the Cherokee In-
Bellamy. Meanwhile, Beaumonts work Bonev (Bulgarian astronomer at the dians remembered Unadatsug, a
was taken over entirely by Immanuel University of Sofia) and Edgerton Sykes, Group of stars, the Pleiades, one of
Velikovsky in his famous Worlds in the most important Atlantologist of the whom, creating a fiery tail, fell to
Collision (1950), which elaborated on post-World War II era, believed the Earth. Where it landed, a palm tree
the possibility of a celestial impact as final destruction of Atlantis was caused grew up, and the fallen star itself trans-
responsible for the sudden extinction by an extraterrestrial impact or series formed into an old man, who warned
of a pre-Flood civilization. of impacts. of coming floods. As the modern com-
Intriguing or even as plausible as Preceding these scientific investiga- mentator, Jobes, has written of Una-
these catastrophists argued, their tions by thousands of years are the nu- datsug, The fall of one star may be con-
proofs were largely circumstantial. But merous traditions of a Great Deluge nected with a Deluge story; possibly
the extraterrestrial theory began to caused by some celestial event, re- the fall of a Taurid meteor is echoed
find persuasive material evidence in counted in societies on both sides of here. A complimentary version occurs
1964, when a German rocket-engineer, the Atlantic ocean. Many if not most of in the Jewish Talmud: When the Holy
Otto Muck, announced his findings of these world-wide folk memories invari- One, blessed be He, wished to bring
twin deep-sea holes in the ocean floor. ably link a heaven-sent cataclysm with the Deluge upon the world, He took
They were caused by a small asteroid the Flood. Beginning with the first com- two stars out of the Pleiades. Similar
that split in half and set off a chain- plete account of Atlantis, Platos Ti- accounts may be found among the
reaction of geologic violence along the maeus, the fall of an extraterrestrial ob- Quiche Maya of the Lowland Yucatan,
ject foreshadows the islanders
BY FRANK JOSEPH Continued on Page 65
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gyptian tycoon Mohamed al I do understand your repository of Templar and
Fayed, owner of Harrods and quest for knowledge, Freemasonic lore, Rosslyn
father to Dodi, Princess she said, but please, Chapel. Each could be
Dianas companion in their please beware of the connected to a third by
fatal 1997 car crash, has whole leyline question. It straight lines drawn
listed his ten favorite books on the is so easy to draw lines through two small islands
Manchester Guardians website. One and make assumptions, to the northeast in the
of them is The Scottichronicon: A His- from prehistory onwards, Firth of Forththe islands
tory Book for Scots, described simply but that way madness of Craigleith and Fidra.
as Scotlands debt to Egypt revealed at lies. Each connected to the
last. Hmmm! Isle of May, 20 miles fur-
What does he mean? For those unfamiliar ther out, where one tradi-
Completed in the 15th century by with the term, leylines tion tells us the Templar
Walter Bower, Abbot of Inchcolm, the are the curiously exact fleet landed after escaping
Scottichronicon begins with The alignment of ancient ar- from France. Historian
Legend of Scota and Gaythelos. chaeological sites, con- Stuart McHardy has re-
The legend claims that Scota was joined over many miles, cently suggested that the
daughter to the pharaoh who pursued that academics dismiss as Detail of 17th-century map May, as its locally
the children of Israel out of Egypt on mere coincidence and known, is in fact the Isle
their exodus to the Promised Land. that those who discover them cannot of Avalon where legendary King Arthur
Gaythelos, an exiled prince of Greece, explain the why of. Crossing moun- is buried. Glastonbury supporters,
was Scotas husband. Shortly there- tains and large bodies of water as they staunchly supportive of their own pet
after, the couple is forced to lead an do, leylines never seem to follow the sites long-held Avalonian connections,
Exodus of their own out of Egypt easily trod pathonly the straight one. are not impressed.
going first to Spain, then Ireland and, So what use were they? Exactly midway between Craigleith
finally, to Scotland, which was named I was studying the Knights Templar and Fidra was a tiny island known lo-
after Scota. Their bloodline flowed at the timethat enigmatic order of cally as the Lamb, which would
down the centuries through all the warrior monks barbarously suppressed enter the equation later.
high kings of Ireland and Scotland. But in France during the early 1300s for be- I had then drawn three additional
Gaythelos pedigree was more ancient lieving in things that contradicted Vat- interconnected lines.
stillstretching back many more gener- ican dogma at a most inconvenient The first stretched exactly due
ations to Old-Testament patriarch time. south from Craigleith to the Cistercian
Noah, eldest survivor of the Biblical My discovery was as follows: Abbey of Melrose. Founded contempo-
Flood. I had noticed a geometrical connec- raneously by Abbot Bernard of Clair-
While historians argue that it was tion between two pre-eminent Tem- vaux, the Cistercians and the Templars
politically useful for royal families to in- plar sites in Scotlandtheir earliest- are thought by many to be two arms of
vent fanciful lineages of great antiq- known headquarters in the tiny village a single order. Interestingly, I later dis-
uity, could it be that the legend is of Temple and that famed architectural covered that if the line is continued far
more fact than fancy? to the south of Melrose it arrives, un-
On March 27, 2000, I received the erringly, at Glastonbury.
following comment from an eminent The second line headed in a north-
UK archaeologist regarding my re- westerly direction from Melrose, ex-
port about an intriguing Scottish actly through both Temple and
leyline configuration Id dis- Rosslyn, to a place called Crossford,
covered: where it intersected the third line.
That third line headed due

The Pyramids of Scotland

Continued on Page 37

North Berwick Law

J. Douglas Kenyon
A ccording to the view of main-
stream historians, primitive
civilization in Mesopotamia,
Egypt, and in India emerged from the
stone age just over five thousand
years ago.
Just a few centuries after what the
experts say was the first great labor
saving invention of the ancient world,
John Anthony West
the wheel, society crossed a major di-
vide and headed inexorably toward
the modern world. The wheel, we are
told, revolutionized primitive society
and set the stage for the great achieve-
ments which were to follow.
Such is the conventional scenario
for the dawn of civilization on Earth.
The assumption is, that the rise of
highly organized society was unprece-
dented. If there had been an earlier
advanced civilization, we would have
discovered unmistakable evidence
Machu Picchu highways, and bridges and electrical
wiring; plastic bottles, city dumps,
and CD Roms. Those, after all, are
the things which we will leave to
puzzle future archeologists.
But could an ancient civilization
have risen to heights similar to our
own and, perhaps, have traveled a dif-
ferent road? Would we understand a
world which might have employed
fundamentally differentthough no
less effectivetechniques to harness
Robert Bauval the forces of nature? Would we un-
derstand, for example, the transmis-
sion of energy by means other than a power grid, rapid transit without internal com-
bustion engines, or highly complex calculations involving earth science and astronomy
without electronic computers? Have we been surrounded by evidence of such ancient
advancements, but not yet, advanced enough ourselves to grasp the astounding impli-
Now a breakthrough video from the creators of Atlantis Rising magazine takes a
look at real evidencelargely ignored by the academic establishmentwhich shatters
the orthodox scenario for the dawn of civilization on Earth. Now assembled in a devas-
tating one-hour documentary, hosted by Atlantis Rising Editor and Publisher J. Douglas
Kenyon, are the comments and evidence of breakthrough researchers such as John
Stonehenge Anthony West, Robert Bauval, Richard Noone, Colin Wilson, John Michell, Pat-
rick Flanagan, Christopher Dunn, Zecharia Sitchin, David Hatcher Childress,
Edgar Evans Cayce and others.

Technologies of the Gods one hour VHS $

1995 + $4.95 S&H
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Atlantis Rising P.O. Box 441 Livingston, MT 59047
Zecharia Sitchin
structure in the building, is whats
SCOTTISH PYRAMIDS been called a working Masonic
drawing. It is shaped more like an obe-
Continued from Page 34 lisk than a pyramid, and yet it sang a
west from Craigleith, passing through siren song to me. The central line of
Dunfermline Abbey along the way. the drawing passes through three pyra-
Robert the Bruce, quasi-hero of my midsas viewed from above!
Mystery of Bannockburn article Why despoil a holy place, forever,
(AR#31), was buried at Dunfermline, with a drawing that could have been
but his heart was removed and carried more easily scratched in dirt? Is that
on an ill-fated journey to the Holy not curiouser still?
Land. Brought back to Scotland from When it is visible, Orion is the most
Spain, which is as far as it got before spectacular constellation in the sky
the infidel horde and little wonder. Of all the constella-
put a stop to its pas- tions, Orion is the
sage, the heart was least abstractand is
interred at Melrose, strikingly humanoid
just a days ride shy in shape. But of all
of a reunification its seven main stars,
with Bruces body. the belt stars have
History does not tell received the lions
us why. share of attention
In effect, I had over the millennia.
found a compass Called simply three
and a square con- in a row by native
necting several Tem- North Americans,
plar and Freema- their relative posi-
sonic sites in tions have been re-
southern Scotland. cently correlated, by
And as many of you researcher Robert
will know, the com- Bauval, to the
pass and the square groundplan of the
are important sym- pyramid complex at
Orion's belt stars rise above Fidra, the Giza.
bols of Freema- Lamb, and Craigleith Islands on June 24,
sonry. They can be Orion and nearby
1314, as viewed from Bannockburn
seen on every Battleground. (A SkyChart III Sirius, the brightest
Freemasonic lodge background star in the sky, are
in the world inextricably linked
surrounding the to both the ancient
mysterious letter G, which has been Egyptian belief system and the myster-
variously interpreted as God, Gnosis, ious symbolism inherent in todays bi-
or Geometry. zarre Freemasonic rituals, practiced
My leyline configuration buzzed since the brotherhoods earliest days,
with a significance that seemed to pre- but now little understoodeven by
clude mere coincidence. But a cau- Freemasons themselves.
tionary finger had been raised on my Could the key to what has long been
leyline investigation, so I put it on the referred to as The Lost Secrets of Free-
back burnerbut not for long. masonry have been hidden in the light
While researching my Bannockburn of the day, east-southeast of Bannock-
piece, I often viewed a computer simu- burn, on June 24, 1314?
lation of the eastern sky as it would On a wild hunch, I decided to bring
have appeared on the day of battle. Orion and Sirius down to earth, laying
Countless times I observed the three the three belt stars exactly on top of
equidistant belt stars of the constella- the three islands in the Firth of Forth.
tion Orion rise invisibly in the daylight Incredibly, Sirius lay on tiny Inchcolm
sky, and at some point I noticed they island, farther west in the Forth, where
were rising over Fidra, the Lamb, and Walter Bower had written his Scottich-
Craigleith. Throwing caution to the ronicon. In Richard Hinckley Allens
wind, I decided the Lamb deserved Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning,
some attentionsanity be damned. the author cites a Hindu astrological tra-
I then drew a line from the May, dition which personifies Sirius as a
through the Lamb and the exact mid- hunter who shoots a three-jointed
point between Rosslyn and Temple, arrow which pierces Orion through the
just to see where it might lead. It led to waist.
a tiny spot called Tara, far away in Ire- Its interesting that Walter Bowers
land, where the high kings of that land surname derives from the craft of bow-
were crownedkings descended from making? Could it be that Bower, fin-
Scota and Gaythelos. ishing his book, let fly an arrow of for-
Curiouser and curiouser! bidden knowledge towards a more
On a wall of Rosslyn Chapels un- enlightened future?
derground crypt, the oldest and holiest Continued on Page 67

Celtic Cross: Ancient Sailing Relic?

A Seafaring Civilization May Have Left Navigation Secrets
This article is published jointly with
DUAT, a new CD Rom periodical fo-
cused on ancient myteries about to
debut in the United Kingdom.
For more information go to http://

n 1997 Crichton Miller, a quali-
fied British yachtsman and navi-
gator, made an astounding dis-
covery that some believe could
challenge orthodox concepts of
historical and religious history.
As a result of his intensive research
Miller proposes that the knowledge
that formed our present system of be-
liefs and science was probably inher-
ited from ancient mariners that sailed
the oceans of prehistory.
Moreover, he suggests that in the Crichton Millers patented instrument
cataclysms following the melting of the
ice age 12,500 years ago, which was re- which all local times and distances he believes the ancients used in prehis-
sponsible for the destruction of a huge were calculated. tory to measure the stars and the
part of the flora and fauna of our The result of this knowledge system planet on which we live. This instru-
planet, the most likely humans to sur- was the establishment of watch sta- ment can tell the time, find latitude
vive were those who were at sea. tions throughout the world which and longitude, measure the angles of
Miller reasons that any tsunami large could go far to explain the similarity the stars, predict the solstices and equi-
enough to destroy civilization would over the millennia of structures and be- noxes and measure the precession of
be more easily ridden out at sea, where liefs on a worldwide basis. the equinoxes. It can also find the
the effect would be limitednothing This network has long been investi- ecliptic pole as well as the north and
more, perhaps, than a large swell on gated and argued about. Current aca- south poles; it can make maps and
the surface. The effect of a large tidal demic belief argues, despite the lack of charts, design pyramids and henges
wave on a coastline, on the other hand, real evidence, that such similarities are andused in combination with these
would be horrendous as the swell be- entirely coincidental. sitescan record and predict the cycles
came a giant breaking wave upon Many investigators and writers have of nature and time.
reaching shallower depths. This commented on various pieces of evi- Miller says the instrument is the ma-
breaking violent wave would annihilate dence that could not be explained. chine of the ancient wise ones who in-
all before it as it rushed up the beach. These intrepid explorers have brought vented astrology and astronomy; it is
One reason, perhaps, that evidence masses of information to public atten- also a religious icon hidden in plain
of earlier civilizations is almost impos- tion but have only deepened the mys- sight.
sible for archaeologists to find is that it tery and, in some cases, led many to be- The instrument is on all Christian
is now below 300 feet of seawater. lieve only aliens could have achieved churches and many gravestones; it is in
Evidence of earlier civilizations, such things. literature and song and can be seen
however, has been left in stone and Miller does not believe that aliens hanging round the necks of the faithful
myth for us to decipher. Miller believes were involved, but rather that, because all over the world. The teachers of the
ancient civilizations were essentially we do not understand the way our an- Christian faith use it, kneel before it,
maritime, as we are still today. cestors thought and lived, we are the wear it as part of their raiment and yet
In an effort to survive, these An- aliens. they do not seem to recognize it for
cient sea peoples would have devel- In his book The Golden Thread of what it is. Indeed the cross may be
oped a form of geometry and mathe- Time Miller shows that, in comparison older than time and the greatest
matics linked to astronomy and to the ancients, we have become very treasure ever left by our ancestors.
astrology. dualistic and have divorced ourselves The cross is a maritime treasure
Sailors must know where they are at from nature and the cosmos. trove of wisdom, and Miller believes it
sea and must be able to determine lati- Were this not so, we would be able may have been essential to the con-
tude and longitude. To find longitude to see their legacy quite clearly and our struction of the pyramids.
one must know the time both locally civilizations might not be on the brink Miller has discovered the remnants
and at a prime meridian. Today the of disaster. of a cross hidden in the Great Pyramid
prime meridian is at Greenwich but To prove that we have difficulty in at Giza. This amazing cross is capable
Miller proposes that the original prime seeing clearly, Miller has been able to
meridian is at Giza in Egypt from identify the special instrument which Continued on Page 40
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cross are wider at the outer edge than
ATLANTIS RISING CELTIC CROSS on the inner. Why? The answer to
these questions came to Miller as he
MAILING POLICIES Continued from Page 38 experimented with different methods
to find out how the Egyptians could
A regular subscriber to Atlantis Rising (for of measuring angles to an accuracy of
either 6 or 12 issues) is mailed each new issue have surveyed the Great Pyramid and
directly from the printer at the time of publication. three arc minutes, showing that the aligned it with the stars.
Address labels go directly on the cover, with no cross may be more important than the All constructions need surveying
additional packaging. Such mailings are sent 4th pyramid since the pyramid could not first. The Great Pyramid was an enor-
class to the U.S. postal system only. exist without the cross.
In the past when customers have expressed mous undertaking of civil engineering,
interest in foreign subscriptions, or in receiving The cross appears to be much older so Miller, using simple materials and
their U.S. subscription by first class mail in an than the pyramids since it is also re- the accepted mathematics of the time,
envelope, we have been unable to comply. sponsible for the construction of Neo- assembled a theodolite, which could
Unfortunately, the handling requirements for such lithic henges in Europe that are gener-
services were beyond our means to deliver. carry out the tasks required.
However, we are happy to report, that situation ally believed to predate the pyramids With the addition of a scale rule and
has changed. We can now offer FOREIGN and by thousands of years. a plumbline, the instrument became a
FIRST CLASS U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (to be Miller claims this knowledge was re- cross that was extremely accurate
airmailed in envelopes within a few days of discovered and kept secret by the
publication). These subscriptions will be charged and fulfilled the set task and much
the additional regional flat rate for postage Knight Templars and other secret more.
required, plus a service charge to cover the societies throughout the Middle Not long after this discovery,
envelope and office expenses which we incur in Ages. while carrying out further re-
order to provide these services on a relatively small This great secret, he believes,
scale. Should we experience sufficient demand, we search, Miller discovered the
may at some time be able to reduce the service probably led to the destruction of records of the Dixon Relics lo-
charge. the Amerindian civilizations at cated in the north shaft of
Subscription additional service Total the hands of the conquistador the Queens chamber
Category postage charge Subs when the Indians were in 1872.
per iss. per iss. Charge discovered measuring On further investi-
Regular U.S. (4th class, no envelope) the stars with a form of gation, he also realized
6-issues 0 0 $ 24.95 cross the called Staff of there were further
12-issue 0 0 40.00 Power by the Maya. relics still in the shaft
First Class U.S. It is possible that the
6-issues $ 1.50 $ 1.50 $ 42.95 and that these could be
churches knew of its seen quite clearly in the pho-
12-issues 1.50 1.50 76.00 purpose during the last few
Existing regular U.S. subscribers wishing to
tographs taken by Rudolph
centuries, but that seems com- Gantenbrink in 1994 with his
convert to first class may do so by sending us an
amount equal to $3 for each of their remaining pletely forgotten now. miniature Robot Uphaut 2.
issues. To determine the proper amount call our In the Celtic cross in the Miller then set about assem-
toll free number at 800-228-8381 during business graveyard of Crichton church- bling the relics in a logical
hours (Mountain time) Monday through Friday. yard, near Roslyn Chapel in the format and the result was a
Canada (airmail only) Scottish borders, and others like cross and plumbline, which he
6-issues $ 1.85 $ 1.50 $ 45.05 it, one can see that the cross describes as of incredible accu-
12-issues 1.85 1.50 80.20 forms an upright with cross racy.
Mexico (airmail only) bars set at 90 degrees to Capable of measuring all
6-issues $ 3.00 $ 1.50 $ 51.95 each other. In the center angles possible, this arti-
12-issue 3.00 1.50 94.00 is an object that looks fact, says Miller, when cou-
Western Hemisphere (Except Can. & Mex.) like a hub and on the pled with sufficient as-
(airmail only) hub is hung a wheel. tronomical knowledge,
6-issue $ 2.75 $ 1.50 $ 50.45 Miller believes our
12-issue 2.75 1.50 91.00
reveals all the mysteries
ancestors never de- of the ancientshow
Europe (airmail only) signed things without pur- they kept time and meas-
6-issue $ 3.60 $ 1.50 $ 55.55 pose and the first purpose of using
12-issue 3.60 $1.50 101.20
ured the stars, sun, moon, planets and
stone as a medium is that of preserva- sailed the oceans of the world.
Asia & Africa (airmail only) tion. The second was to incorporate But, adds Miller, it goes further than
6-issue $ 4.25 $ 1.50 $ 59.45 important knowledge for their descen-
12-issue $ 4.25 $ 1.50 109.00
that, exposing the Ancients funda-
dants. mental spirituality and understanding
Pacific Rim (airmail only) In keeping with the concept of not of the world, nature and the universe.
6-issue $ 4.65 $ 1.50 $ 61.55 casting pearls before swine, they hid
12-issue $ 4.65 $ 1.50 113.80
Miller has discovered and published
esoteric messages in anything that they this rich source of understanding in his
In some areas those interested in carved so that the seeker might find book The Golden Thread of Time.
lower prices and willing to accept later what he or she was ready to under-
delivery can contact these distributors:
Many of his revelations, he says, have
stand. never been seen by the public before.
For Europe and the British Isles: This point, says Miller, can be dem-
Frontier Science Foundation In 1998 Miller applied for a patent
P.O. Box 372, 8250 AJ Dronten. the Netherlands
onstrated by the fabulous work of craft on the cross and plumbline. The patent
E-mail: Website: masons in the medieval cathedrals of was finally granted by the British
For all other locations: Europe and, of course, by much older Patent Office in November 2000 as an
Adventures Unlimited constructions like the Great Pyramid. astronomical, surveying and naviga-
P.O. Box 74, Kempton, IL 60946 In the Celtic cross it is clear that tional instrument. The patented instru-
E-mail: these masons carved a wheel designed ment is a faithful representation of the
Foreign orders for other products which we sell will have the to rotate between cross bars on a hub. Celtic cross.
appropriate postage added to the bill with no additional service
charge (our overhead costs have already been included in our Why? In some of the older crosses a Miller says his resurrected version of
shipping and handling charges). In the case of back issues, foreign
orders will be charged an additional 50 per issue plus the
serpentine design was incorporated the cross is made so that modern
appropriate postage. around the wheel and the arms of the
Continued on Page 68
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Now NASA Says Theres

Water on Mars
Lots of It
But Is That Just

the Tip of the

Martian Iceberg?
ars. Red planet. Schiapa- the evi-
rellis canali, Percival dences that
Lowells canals. The Bar- this is not so
soom of Edgar Rice Bur- streak hyperson- ergy
roughs. Long-dead ically through our equation
planet, now sere and lifeless. Really? atmosphere daily as and effect the
What if Mars not only once had meteors. Meteors. Shattered capture of Mars).
abundant water, but still has water? planets rich in inner core materials. But when it was all done,
What if Mars not only had life, but still Mars knows them intimately. Was Mars was enslaved by Planet V and be-
has it? What if that life, through what- nearly destroyed by them. came another moon.
ever mechanism or series of events, Mars apparently dates back to the The gravitational pull from the bully
achieved not only sentience but civili- early days of the solar system, five bil- planet progressively slowed Mars
zation, grand civilization? lion years ago, emerging as an indepen- down from 12 hours per rotation to
These are the issues discussed here, dent planet orbiting around the sun, a more like 24 (24.66), caused love han-
and these are the issues now con- planet considerably less dense than dles (tidal bulges) to develop at the
fronting all mankind, for in them may Earth, but abundant in water and all the equator (as shown by the Tharsis and
lie profound lessons for all humanity necessities for life. Described in the ref- Arabia mantle uplifts), and put im-
and the future of Earth. Now is a par- erenced paper as a mense stress upon the
ticularly appropriate time for such Garden of Eden Martian crust and in-
thoughts, for our planet has just had a planet, Mars had an terior. The tides, of a
frighteningly close brush with an as- Earthlike environment power and size
teroid. In June it missed us by 75,000 and laid down vast sed- dwarfing anything
miles, less than a third of the distance imentary formations, seen here even during
from here to the Moon, a vanishingly as documented by the tsunamis, scoured
small margin in astronomical terms. Mars Global Surveyor great trenches on
(MGS). This idyll lasted Mars, trenches still vis-
Rethinking the Red Planets History until roughly 500 mil- ible in the diverse
As described in the trailblazing lion years ago, 450 mil- NASA imagery. Mars
paper by Richard C. Hoagland and Mi- lion years of planetary did benefit, though,
chael Bara, A New Model of Mars As a peace, when a giant from the bully and its
Former Captured Satellite: Bi-modal bully arrived and pro- moon, for the resul-
Distribution of Key Features Due to An- ceeded to take over tant orbital and gravi-
cient Tidal Stress?, Martian history is the neighborhood, the tational interactions
writ large not only on the planet, but region we think of as helped offset the fact
also other parts of the solar system, for the empty space be- Richard Hoagland
that the planets radio-
those with eyes to see. The paper, long tween Mars and Jupiter. The giant bully active interior fire, its heat source, had
and heavily illustrated, is at was what some researchers, among long been extinguished. them Tom Van Flandern, call Planet V. Things continued thus until some
and forms the skeleton of our discus- It too was part of the original solar 65 million years ago, when disaster
sion. system, had its own moons, and was struck. Liberation came again, but with
Most of us are accustomed to wandering about. There was a fight (a it a devastating carpet bombing which
thinking of the solar system as being clash of energies and momenta). all but destroyed Mars and other parts
extremely stable and predictable. Yet Blood was spilled (Planet K may have of the solar system. Yes, there does ap-
lost one of its moons, to balance the en- pear to be a connection with the death
From the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars
Orbiter Camera (MOC) and show a series of
troughs and layered mesas in the Gorgonum
Chaos region of the Martian southern
hemisphere. Gullies proposed to have been
formed by seeping groundwater emanate from a
specific layer near the tops of trough walls,
particularly on south-facing slopes (bottom of
picture). The presence of so many gullies
associated with the same layer in each mesa
suggests that this layer is particularly effective in
storing and conducting water. Such a layer is
called an aquifer, and this one appears to be
present near the surface. Also note
crenulations of the type pointed out by
astronomer Thomas van Flandern as anomalous.

now occurs, with a massive drop in

temperature leading to the formation
of the well-known Martian polar ice-
caps and the disappearance of the re-
mainder of Mars water beneath the
outer crust, driven by the inexorable
demands of spin, pressure and temper-
Nor is all well in the rest of the
solar system. According to Hoagland
and Bara, impacted by the spreading
wave of interplanetary debris from the
collision, Venus takes such a pounding
that the surface is totally re-melted, re-
moving all the old craters, super-
heating and contaminating the atmos-
of the dinosaurs. A direct connection. accretion of Planet Vs guts slathered phere, literally knocking the planet
Enter Planet K, the cosmic suicide on it, and consequently, is much into its baffling retrograde spin; Ia-
bomber. thicker than its relatively undamaged petus, one of Saturns icy moons in the
Planet K is another former, ancient counterpart, as well as being of an en- outer solar system, is also plastered by
member of the solar system, now no tirely different composition. This inter- the wave of carbon-rich debris heading
longer with us. In the Hoagland/Bara action of Mars with Planet K, just prior outward from the sun, emerging with
model, planetary perturbations 65 mil- to the cataclysmic collision of Planet K one light half and one dark halfas the
lion years ago cause it to wander right with Planet V, is also why the heavy most asymmetric colored natural ob-
across the path of Mars, upsetting the southern hemisphere cratering on Mars ject in the solar system; and Earth has
spin axis of Mars and does not straddle the an asteroid drop-in, which blasts the
leaning it over some planets current Yucatan peninsula, taking with it the
sixty degrees, before equator. dinosaurs. Van Flandern thinks, and
smashing headlong But long before the Hoagland and Bara agree, that the
into Planet V and un- big chunks arrive, the deadly planetary collision also ac-
leashing a catastrophic real damage has been counts for the existence now of both
explosion which blasts done. The withering in- the asteroids and comets. The acceler-
both of them to bits, itial simultaneous bar- ating discovery of more and more as-
bits, that is, of planets rage of millions of half- teroid satellites, pooh poohed only a
4-5 times Earth mass. mile diameter rocks has few years ago by planetary scientists as
The newly exposed simply blown away dynamically impossible, is funda-
side of Mars is squarely much of the Martian at- mental evidence of their formation in
in the path of this ex- mosphere, sending it this recent extraordinary planetary cat-
plosion and pays for it forever into space. And aclysm.
in full, receiving not the instant release from
only a near instanta- the strong gravity of Life on Mars
neous shotgunning Planet V when it was What does the above have to do
from the smaller, more destroyed has freed the with life? Plenty! It turns out that Mars
energetic debris Astronomer Thomas van Flandern
Martian tidal oceans, in many ways parallels Earths own de-
chunks, but hours later, the huge, which now snap back to their former velopment. 500 million years ago came
slower pieces arrive, smashing into the global extent, unleashing tidal waves the Cambrian explosion on Earth, a
planet with stupendous force and exca- beyond description, which widens and period in which in a mere 4 million
vating the enormous craters we see deepens the already existing Valles Ma- years, life as we know it appeared and
today. According to Hoagland and Bara, rineris (initially began when Mars was blossomed. An eyeblink in geological
this is why Mars is both lopsided and so captured, a half billion years before) time. This corresponds not only with
weird in terms of geological age meas- now to over three miles deep and 3000 the Hoagland/Bara estimate for Marss
urements. The protected side is the miles long the largest known canyon capture, but with the addition of rad-
crust as it was, and is accordingly thin, in the entire solar system. ical new energies to the planetary dy-
but the exposed side has an enormous A nuclear winter type phenomenon
Continued on Page 69

Petras Magnificent and
Mysterious Ruins May Be the
Home of Unclaimed Wealth

emember the third Indiana the genuine finds, in-
Jones movie: Indiana Jones cluding a Cretan gold
and the Holy Grail (1989), buckle of long ago,
starring Harrison Ford and that an expedition of
Sean Connery? One of the scientists has been
prominent features in the background sent to the site of the
was the ancient city of Petra, also mysterious stone city
known as Rose Red Petrathe City as of Petra, between the
Old as Time. Harrison Ford playing Gulf of Akabah and Michael
Indie recovers the Holy Grail, the leg- the Dead Sea. Gelb
endary cup that Jesus Christ used Investigation re-
during the last supper, only to lose it vealed that the first
and an attractive blonde Nazi spy treasures had been ob-
One of Petras astonishing facades carved out of the rock
down a crevice. tained from an Arab
Few people realize that there is ac- sheik at Jerusalem, who furnished pro- They developed a high stage of civ-
tually a treasure connected with the tection to caravans in Northern Arabia. ilization, made glass that rivaled that of
legend of Petra. I know I didnt, until I After months of effort this man was the Phoenicians, wove beautiful fabrics
came across a news item in the Ottawa traced. It was then discovered that the and modeled pottery. Into Petra for
Journal for January 29, 1927. Head- treasures had been unearthed by Arabs centuries poured the riches of
lined: Will Hunt for Enormous at Petra. northern Africa and of Asia, while to
Treasure Hidden for Years in Mystery Petra, deserted for centuries, is per- this was added the loot of the pirate
City of Petra, it reads as follows: haps the most astonishing city ever ships.
created by man. It lies in a once popu- This region remained unconquered
LONDON (by Mail) - Exquisite gold lous valley, shut in by precipitous cliffs until a mysterious and unrecorded
ornaments and precious stonespart of of sandstone. Its only entrance is tragedy emptied it of its hundreds of
what may prove the greatest ancient through a gorge about 12 feet wide and thousands, practically wiped out the
treasure ever recovered, making insig- this gateway could be held against an Nabataean race and caused it to be
nificant even the splendors of Tut- army by a few men. Tombs, temples shunned for centuries by the Arabs and
Ankh-Amens tombhave come into and houses were chiseled out of the nomads around it.
the hands of an eminent archaeologist rose red rock and stand today almost as Theres no record that the accumu-
connected with the British Museum. perfect as they were when occupied. lated wealth of Petra has ever been car-
The story of the discovery by a The city was, in its prime, the capital of ried away. If that treasure ever existed
wandering Bedouin, who literally Nabataeans, an ancient Arab tribe it is believed that it still must be there.
tripped on the Open Sesame to a lab- which conquered the Edom of the Expeditions before the war (World
yrinth of underground passages that Bible, and a hundred years before War I) were dangerous because of the
led to the treasure-house of a long- Christ, had created a powerful kingdom attitude of the Arabs and the isolated
vanished race, transcends the imagin- extending north to Damascus, west to locality. The city was lost to European
ings of the Arabian Nights author. Gaza, and into Palestine and Central knowledge for centuries until it was re-
Further romance is added by the Arabia. The Nabataeans controlled the discovered in 1812 by the German ex-
theory that the treasure includes the caravan routes of the interior and were plorer Buckhardt. Since then not more
loot of ancient pirates and so plausible also great sailors and pirates. Both King than a dozen archaeologists have vis-
does the story appear in the light of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba used ited it because of its inaccessibility.
them to carry goods by sea and land to But since the war, under the
distant countries.
BY W. RITCHIE BENEDICT Continued on Page 71
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hinking outside the box
is de rigeur these days.
Like 24/7, the expres-
sion is liberally sprin-

kled in both personal
and professional conversations. A
tidy way to encourage creative
brainstorming, it describes the
genius and originality we would all
like to ascribe to ourselves. But
thats not good enough for Debbie
Ford, author of New York Times
Best-seller, The Secret of the
of the
Shadow, The Power of Owning
Your Whole Story.
For Ford and those who partici-
pate in her popular Shadow Pro-
cess workshops, nothing less than
living completely outside the box
will do. Acclaimed author Neale
Donald Walsch finds the insights Best-selling Writer
Ford offers in The Secret more than
helpfulthey are astonishing in their Debbie Ford Says
clarity and valuein a few hours
reading your whole life can change.
You Can Own Your
An internationally recognized ex- Story and Be Free
pert in the field of personal transfor-
mation, Ford has appeared on The
Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning
America, The Roseanne Show, The
BBC Morning Show, The Fox News
Channel, and has been featured in
magazines such as Self, USA Today, the Universe wants to give you every- is a special secret. Discovering and un-
Woman to Woman and the L.A. thing. We dont have to say affirma- veiling this secret is what Ford now
Times. tions, because our lives are an affirma- specializes in through teaching The
The premise is that we have all tion. Theres no story there, no issue Shadow Process in seminars
created stories about who we are and from the past arising in that mo- throughout the nation and in her inten-
what we can do, then placed a meta- mentthats how we know were out- sives at The Ford Institute for Integra-
phorical capsule around those sto- side our stories. tive Coaching, LLC.
ries, which becomes an invisible but Her own story is fairly dramatic: As A graduate of JFK University in
effective boundary we dont venture to early as age five, Ford felt not good Northern California, Ford drew on psy-
cross. We also create what Ford calls a enough, unwanted and that I didnt be- chologist Carl Jungs famous concept
Shadow Box, which contains all the long. She turned first to sugar highs, of the Shadow in developing her pro-
self-deprecating old tapes we play as then to success with the in-crowd and cess, which asks participants to em-
default listening material. I should a high-powered career in the fashion brace all aspects of themselveseven
market that Box, quips Ford; then, industryand years of cigarette, sex the ugly, destructive, negative parts
people wouldnt even have to tell and drug addiction. Still, the internal di- that destroy relationships, drain fi-
themselves the negative things they go alogue chattered away, telling her she nances, kill our spirits and otherwise
on and on aboutthey could just push would never have the love, security keep us from fulfilling our dreams.
a button and hear it said for them! and inner peace she desperately de- As Jung said, One does not become
The Shadow Queen has a great sired. I thought if I kept busy enough, enlightened by imagining figures of
sense of humor, but shes very serious ate enough brownies, added enough light, but by making the darkness con-
about conveying her message: The chemicals or accumulated enough cars scious. Our shadow self contains all
story of you does not begin to define and clothes, I could rise above the de- the parts of ourselves we try to hide or
who you are. In order to see your true spair, she remembers. Then one day, deny. Those parts, along with the parts
magnificence, you must step outside in my fourth treatment program, I real- were more comfortable with, and our
your story. Easier said than done, ized that peoples stories had a memories, beliefs and life experiences
though. Stepping out requires a will- common theme, and I was amazed to form what Ford calls our unique
ingness to experience the daily discover that we are committed to our recipe for success. She emphasizes
struggle of life exactly as it is; then to dramasour storiesno matter how the lumps in the metaphorical batter,
clearly define the ways we keep our- painful they are. She spent the next noting that: Some of us struggle with
selves separate, encapsulated in those ten years examining those dramas issues about weight or disease, others
stories. Ford cites being in love as a both her own and others, and discov- with money issues or career situa-
capsule-free, unboxed state most ered that: We create life stories in an tionsthats part of your mix; as long
people can relate to: When youre in attempt to become someone or some- as youre putting your hands in the
love, you feel limitless; you feel like thing; our stories hold the key to our batter and trying to take out the lumps
unique life-purpose and its fulfillment; before you bake the cake, youll stay
BY CYNTHIA LOGAN and, hidden in the shadow of our story stuck. Its the lumps that hold the gifts.
When you embrace your shadow, you said that we have the divine and the di- of the tragedy, its something she deals
will reclaim your power, your crea- abolical within us, the sacred and the with daily on a smaller scale. Trauma
tivity, your brilliance and your profane...she took that one sentence happens every day; the question is,
dreams. and leveraged it into a career. how are we going to digest it? she
For Ford, finding her gifts involved Shes also leveraged her rich, deep asks. Spiritually, we know that on
learning to meditate and listen within. voice, lecturing to packed audiences some level were choosing our experi-
When she did, she realized her unique around the country. The basis of her ence in order to grow, learn and heal.
specialty. My pain had taught me to message is that the world mirrors back Regarding 9-11, she is pragmatic
become a master at reinterpreting my to us the flaws we see in ourselves. and unshaken in her faith that it was
lifes experiences and using them to People mirror back what is within us part of a greater reality. Though one of
transform my current reality: I could because subconsciously we are calling the participants in her coaching pro-
now bring light to darkness and find it forth from them, says Ford. Thats gram perished on one of the planes
the blessings in all lifes events. She why certain kinds of people or situa- ("probably the greatest light in a
also heard the message that she tions keep showing up in our lives over group of 70"), Ford is looking for the
needed to write. Mining her pain, she and over. When you no longer need an- gift in that loss. 9-11 has shown me
disciplined herself to write daily, pen- other person to mirror your shadow that we have to do this a little faster,
ning her first best-seller. In 1999, The back to you, youll unplug. she says quietly. We need to use
Dark Side of the Light-Chasers Though Ford teaches that we all events, otherwise, events use us. We
climbed to prominence with the help have the entire range of human traits could make a list of all the gifts of 9-11,
of her agent, manager and older sister, and emotions within us, she eschews starting with the fact that we dont
Arielle, founder of The Ford Group, a the idea of a collectively unconscious take our loved ones for granted any-
Public Relations firm that was largely Terrorist committing the acts of 9-11. more. Inside our recipe as Americans
responsible for introducing Deepak Sure, she admits, any of us born into now is terrorism. But you can still em-
Chopra to America. A subsequent title the society they were brought up in brace your life; have an extraordinary
Spiritual Divorce was written from the and taught the things they have been life and see what there is to do. For
desolation she experienced at 12 when taught would be capable of committing her part, she tells the community at the
her parents divorced and after her own such atrocities, but they are sick Chopra Center for Well-Being (where
divorce six years ago. She had spent peopledo we hate the sick, or do we she is now a faculty member) to take a
five years and fifty thousand dollars have compassion? We need to say, person off the list of 9-11 victims and
on 12-step programs and various thera- Where am I sick, and how do I con- their families and live your life for
pies to help get her life back on track, tribute to terror? Most of us are so them. When someone can receive a
but it was at a seminar given by Dr. highly abusive to ourselves that were blessing from our life, I dont think that
Chopra that she made a permanent we to behave that way towards a child as a human being theres much more
shift. I had said that we are holograms we would be arrested! Though she
of the universe, recalls Chopra. Id certainly acknowledges the magnitude Continued on page 71

tion: sunspots = solar flares = magnetic
ASTROLOGY shift = shifting ocean and jet stream
currents = extreme weather and human
For thousands of years astrology has
endeavored to translate knowledge of
the skies into meaning for human exis-
tence. In the face of global terrorism,

political corruption and anomalous
weather patterns, is it possible to see
things from a larger perspective and
make sense of the sweeping change
and environmental disruption which
threatens to engulf us? The report of
the wise in all ancient traditions fo-
cuses on the role of humanity and our

In his book The Cosmos in Man H.
Saraydarian states, Consciousness is
the result of action of the solar angel
on the mental plane, the purpose of
which is to align all the atoms of the
vehicles, thus building a path of light
for the returning pilgrim as he en-
deavors to work out the divine plan.
This energy is called solar fire.
Paraphrasing from Esoteric As-
trology by Alice Bailey, it can be said
that solar fire is embodied in the path
of discipleship. The goal is identifica-
tion with the soul and not the person-
ality. The process through which this
occurs is increasing responsiveness to
the twelve zodiacal constellations.
The mythical journey of the Sun
King shows a yearly microcosm of the
Modern Science Is path of the soul on the journey of re-
turn to the source. In his book Sun
Lore of All Ages William Tyler Alcott re-
Beginning to Discover marks, In the early history and my-
thology of all people we find the sun
What the Ancients Knew and moon regarded as conscious be-
ings closely connected with the daily
the Influence of the Sun life of mankind, and influencing in
some mysterious way mans existence,
on Earthly Life and controlling his destiny. We find the
luminaries alluded to as ancestors, he-
Cannot Be Overstated roes, and benefactors, who, after a life
of usefulness on this earth, were trans-
ported to the heavens, where they con-
tinue to look down on, and in a
measure rule over earthly affairs.
In ancient Egypt the sun god Ra
claimed center stage as he directed his
powerful eye to influence daily life. But
Let your soul stand cool and tion later in this article.) how do sun myths or the metaphysics
composed Mitch Battros of www.earthchanges of solar fire relate to the day star which
before a million universes. reported at the end of May that gives light and life to our planet? I be-
Walt Whitman NASA had launched a fleet of space- lieve a better understanding of as-
craft to observe earths atmosphere in tronomy and physics not only deepens

he sun is big news these response to recent solar storms. Battros interpretation and astrological signifi-
days as solar astronomers reported that NASAs shifting focus is cance but may also show the way for
work to solve mysteries and to provide important new information each of us to make a difference.
answer puzzling questions on the final link in the sun-earth con-
about the suns behavior. nection of physical process that con- Solar Astronomy & Anatomy
David Hathaway, NASA scientist, and nect the sun and earthin other words, The diameter of the sun is more
contributor to NASAs the connection between solar activity than one hundred times that of the, confirmed that the ratio and our weather. Since 1999 Battros earth. Our star rotates on its axis every
of solar flares to number of sunspots is has put forward his theory of the rela- twenty-five earth days rather than
larger than expected. (See explana- tionship between earth events and twenty-four hours like earth. Most of
solar weather in the form of an equa- the suns mass is a huge covering of gas
surrounding the core. The suns thick Neutrinos are ghostly subatomic par- While astronomers know many details
surface, called the photosphere, ap- ticles which are released by nuclear re- about the cycle itself, and some of the
pears to be solid, but is actually a actions in the suns core. They pass di- dynamic processes that seem to play a
swirling mass of yellow-white gas. At rectly through the sun and out into role in creating it, they are unable to
the suns surface the gas is transparent space. Although detecting neutrinos is produce a model which predicts the
enough to allow light to escape into difficult, results from several indepen- number of sunspots within the cycle.
space. Glowing jets of gas, called prom- dent experiments confirm that only a Sunspots have been linked to every-
inences, spike outward into space third of the expected numbers are thing from tree rings to stock market
above the photosphere. counted here on earth. Solar astrono- fluctuations and weather anomalies.
More of the sun is invisible than vis- mers have altered their models of the Between the years of 1640 and 1710 al-
ible. Extending beyond the visible sur- sun and its evolution over the past four most no sunspots were seen. Histori-
face is the chromosphere, a layer imme- and a half billion years to create a cally this coincided with a period of ex-
diately above the photosphere. During model which produces fewer neu- tremely cold weather on earth called
solar eclipses, when the photosphere is trinos; but answers still elude them. As the Little Ice Age.
hidden by the moon, the chromo- a result, scientists have questioned their Solar flares occur in the vicinity of
sphere appears red. The spectral (light understanding of neutrinos themselves sunspots which seem to be extremely
signature) lines of the sun are pro- and, according to one NASA scientist, active portions of the sun. These
duced in the chromosphere. The co- the solution to this mystery may shake sudden and violent eruptions of matter
rona is the suns outer atmosphere. some of the foundations of physics it- and energy send visible and invisible
Special telescopes called coronagraphs self. light hurtling into space. Solar flares
permit vision of the inner corona. The Strong magnetic fields running can last seconds or minutes, and eject
outer portion of the corona, stretching through the sun cause sunspots which streams of charged particles which
far out into the solar system, can only appear to us as darkened, irregular often reach earths atmosphere,
be seen during total solar eclipses. areas on the photosphere (suns visible causing disruptions in communications
The suns energy emerges from the surface). Sunspots are about two thou- and short-circuits in electrical power
thermonuclear furnace, burning at the sand degrees cooler than surrounding grids. Solar flares charge our atmos-
suns heart, which converts about five regions and therefore look black by phere with high-energy atomic parti-
million tons of matter into energy each comparison. cles from the sun and cause atoms to
second. Stars may differ in terms of Over a roughly eleven-year period glow. These charged particles tend to
brightness, color and length of their the number of sunspots seen on the be deflected toward earths magnetic
lives, but all stars shine for the same suns surface ranges from nearly zero to poles and become visible as breath-
reason. Starlight is generated by over one hundred and then decreases taking auroras.
burning hydrogen which converts to until the next cycle begins. The nature Even though we are moving away
helium and releases energy from ther- and cause of the sunspot cycle is one of
monuclear fusion. the great mysteries of solar astronomy. Continued on Page 72


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Science Challenged
These Videos Make It Clear that the Establishment Has Some Explaining to Do

rom outer space to human
genes, in this issue Ive re-
viewed nine fascinating
videos that take a closer look
at science and ask some very
poignant and pressing questions.


PLAINED (from the Pax TV show)
Whats Under The Sphinx? &
The Tower of Babel 45 minutes
This video should be of particular
interest to Atlantis Rising readers, in-
asmuch as it includes extensive com-
mentary by Atlantis Rising editor
Doug Kenyon. Long an advocate for a
more extensive investigation of
Egypts Giza plain, Kenyon argues
forcefully here that an ancient civiliza-
tionsay, Atlantiscould have left a
cache of records behind. There is a sig-
nificant amount of evidence, many be-
lieve, indicating that something like a
Hall of Records may indeed lie buried Encounters with the Unexplained producer Paul
somewhere on Egypts Giza plateau, Vershon (seated left) questions Doug Kenyon in
perhaps beneath the paws of the Atlantis Rising office.
Of course, there are many theories Abdel Hakim Awyan feels differently. SPACEThe Secret History
as to why, how and, especially when He claims, in fact, that the ancient (2 video set) 50 minutes
the Sphinx was built. Dr. Robert builders used an ultrasonic machine for Part 1Cosmonaut Conspiracy, the
Schoch, noted geologist and collabo- carving and sound vibration, producing Vladimir Ilyushin Story
rator, with author, John Anthony West an electromagnetic field that overcame For space flight enthusiasts, this ex-
observes that the Sphinxs great age is gravity and moved huge rocks to con- tremely well made, two-part documen-
clearly evident from water weathering struct the Sphinx and pyramids. tary is filled with fascinating historical
brought about by long periods of Part two (on the tape) continues footage. One complaint I have for this
heavy precipitation which havent oc- with the Tower of Babel. and the other Knowledge 2020 videos
curred in the Sahara for over 10,000 The search for evidence of the Bib- Ive reviewed in this issue is that the ac-
years. Other structures in nearby lical Tower of Babel has led most ex- tual running times are often shorter
Egypt show signs of similar erosion. perts to modern-day Iraq. Ancient histo- than what is printed on the package.
Several ancient texts, Kenyon rians including Alexander the Great When a package says 60 minutes, I ex-
points out, refer to secret chambers wrote of seeing the ruins of the Tower pect 60 minutes. This video is 50 min-
and underground passageways be- of Babel but made no indication as to utes and the Science Behind Closed
neath the Sphinx. Around 443 B.C., where. According to some Bible Doors series (see below) has some that
the Greek historian Herodotus re- prophecy scholars, the Tower of Babel are as short as 45 minutes. All are adver-
ported that there exists a vast laby- must be rebuilt before the final battle of tised as 60 minutes. If they were origi-
rinth beneath and beyond the pyr- Armageddon. Some say that the recon- nally made for television, the missing
amid. Legends speak of a group of struction of Babylon and the Tower is a time was filled with commercials. But
survivors from the lost continent of At- pet project of Saddam Hussein. this is the home video market so the
lantis who brought their advanced Interesting commentaries, impres- error comes off looking like false adver-
knowledge to Egypt prior to the sive computer graphics and historical tising. That being said, both videos:
sinking of the great continent around reenactments make this episode of En- SPACEThe Secret History 1 & 2 are ex-
10,500 B.C. and deposited it in a se- counters with the Unexplained an im- cellent historical documentaries.
cret chamber beneath the Sphinx. pressive production for those just be- On April 12, 1961 the Soviet media
Traditional Egyptologists believe ginning to consider alternative reported the successful launch, orbit
that the Sphinx was built approxi- historical theories. Part one serves as a and re-entry of earth by the first man in
mately 5,000 years ago and has no brief but excellent introduction to alter- space, Uri Gagarin. Gagarin instantly be-
such lost chambers. But tribal leader native Egyptology. came an international celebrity and one
VHS $19.95 of the greatest heroes in history.
BY ROBERT J. RESETAR To order call: 1-800-228-8331 Interestingly, every nation except
failed experiments in- the same day. Over
VIDEOS cluding cosmonaut 165 individuals were
training deaths and inspecting the rocket
China sent their congratulations to the some major rocket ex- when it blew up
Soviet Union for Gagarins accomplish- plosions were con- killing everyone. Ru-
ment. But as we soon find out, Chinas cealed from the mors suggest that
non-acknowledgment of the event was public. To this day, there may have even
more than just an act of political snob- the CIA and other gov- been a cosmonaut on
bery. Recently declassified documents ernment agencies still board. As usual, the
from Russia tell a whole different story make no claims as to Soviet government
about the real first man in space, their awareness of or denied all knowledge
Vladimir Ilyushin. ability to track Ilyu- of the event.
On April 7, 1961 the Soviet Union shins first space In March of 1965,
secretly launched Vladimir Ilyushin flight. the Soviets were the
into space. After successfully orbiting Later in his life, Uri first to achieve a
earth his craft had electrical problems Gagarin probably space walk. After a
upon re-entry and with all the turbu- knew that his alleged ten-minute walk in
lence, Ilyushin lost consciousness for accomplishment was a space, Alexi Leonov
several hours and made a hard landing fabrication and he had trouble reen-
on Chinese soil. eventually became an tering the capsule.
At that time the Soviets had not yet alcoholic, lost control The effect of the
perfected re-entry and landing proce- in public and said em- vacuum of space
dures. Cosmonauts were expected to barrassing and dan- caused an unex-
eject and parachute to Earth within gerous things. He died pected ballooning of
10,000 to 20,000 feet. Although Ilyu- in a mysterious plane crash that some his space suit which
shin was severely injured from the believe was arranged by the KGB. made it almost impossible to enter the
landing he survived, thanks to the care door. Leonov was close to death when
Part TwoThe Scariest and Dead-
he received by Chinese doctors. The he finally squeezed back through the
liest Moments in Space History
Chinese government was obviously in- airlock.
According to declassified docu-
terested in the space technology and Later, three Apollo astronauts died
ments, in October 1960 a huge Soviet
held onto the craft and Ilyushin for in the space capsule before takeoff
booster rocket malfunctioned on the
quite sometime. when the explosion from an electrical
launchpad. Kremlin leaders demanded
In the 60s the Soviets were very se- spark killed them instantly. After this,
that the problem be fixed immediately
cretive about everything, especially the U.S. Space Program was stalled
and that the rockets launch take place
their space program. All of their early while over 1300 changes were made

for the safety of future flights. Most evidence revealed in the video Cold Fu-
people know of the Apollo 13 drama, sion in this same series. The main point
which was dramatized in the motion of this video is to discuss sciences un- MICROHYDRIN
picture and the disastrous Challenger fortunate dilemma: Without grants, sci-
explosion, which took the lives of all entists cannot research. Without re- LONGEVITYS
seven crew members including two search, scientists cannot publish MISSING LINK
women. But besides these famous papers. Without papers, scientists
events there are plenty of little details cannot achieve recognition. And ANTI-AGING
from both the Soviet and U.S. space without recognition, scientists do not MIRACLE REVEALED
programs and some classic footage of usually bring in the money needed to
the first Apollo moon landing and secure their futures. Author, scientist, child
much more to keep this video inter-
esting throughout.
Volume Two: Genetically Modified prodigy Patrick Flanagans
FoodsPanacea or Poison?
Highly Recommended.
Industry has been changing the ge-
greatest invention. Nobel
$34.95 for two video set. Prize Submitted technology
netic design of crops and seeds without
TO ORDER CALL: 1-800-228-8331
informing the public. Labels are not has now made a miraculous
even required in the United States as to
SCIENCEBehind Closed Doors natural way to slow down
the genetic modification of
(Six-video set)
This six-video col-
particular the aging process giving
foods. Large
lection covers a
chemical com-
you more energy and alert-
lot of ground ness than ever before. One
panies own
from cold fusion
most of the capsule is equal to 10,000
to animal trans-
seed compa-
genics and
nies with the glasses of freshly squeezed
human cloning.
The documen-
intention of organic orange juice.
controlling the
taries have been
source of the
worlds food
supply. They
some are much
can now
better than
others. But all of
patent and 888-313-6170
own seeds. Or-
them have
ganic farmers
plenty of infor-
can no longer
mation. Titles in-
prevent the in-
clude: Science
fecting of their
Fraud, Geneti-
cally Modified
grown crops
Foods, Human
Cloning, Holes in
with cross-
pollinated va-
Missed an
Heaven (HAARP)
with Martin
Sheen, Animal
rieties, which
may contain harmful important
Transgenics and
Cold Fusion.
chemical insecticides
inserted at a genetic level.
We, as humans, are the un-
article in
Paying the Price of Fame & Fortune
witting guinea pigs. Some estimates are
that 70% of grocery store foods have
Atlantis Rsing?
Driven by money and ambition, cor- genetically modified elements. The
ruption finds its way even into the field FDAs own scientists have warned
of science where success and financial about the unique health hazards of
security often depends on competing
for grants, status, position and money.
from genetically engineering foods. Yet
the FDA ignores the advice of its own
Dont despair.
Caught in the web of greed, some sci- scientists and chooses to support the
entists cut corners and fudge test re- biotech industries in their quest to
sults for the purpose of acquiring large patent life while poisoning the food
corporate grants and public recogni-
tion. The definition of science fraud is:
system. At the time of this recent pro-
duction, there has never been a single
Check the
a deliberate act of one or more scien-
tists to knowingly pass faulty or mis-
study on the human safety of geneti-
cally modified foods. A frightening ex-
leading data to peers or the public, in-
cluding forgery, fabricated data,
pos on the current abuse of genetic
science. on our web
falsified results, plagiarism and piracy.
In order to succeed in the system, sci-
entists, like politicians, have to spend a
Volume Three: Human Cloning
Scientific Miracle or Crime Against site.
good portion of their time and energy
1996 marked the first official
chasing the money.
cloning of a mammal, a sheep named
Science Fraud also contains a sec-
Dolly. A heated debate continues to
tion which labels early cold fusion re-
this day regarding the morality of
searchers, Pons & Fleishmann as
frauds, which is contradictory to the
cloning. The video begins by asking the

moral question: Is cloning playing lent musical
God or is it scientific progress? And score and is
then, in an effort to convince us? of well done
its balanced perspective states: This across the
program presents both sides of this de- board. In 1989,
bate so that people may be able to de- researchers
cide for themselves if they want to play Pons and
God and clone humans. Funny as that Fleischmann
may be, the program does give a announced to
pretty even voice to both sides. the world that
In the early 70s when the first test they had dis-
tube baby, Louise Brown was created, covered the il-
78% of the people were against the lusive cold fu-
idea of creating life outside the womb. sion. The
The process consisted of an egg that scientific com-
Ancient was fertilized outside the mothers
womb, then implanted. Although it
munity re-
belled and the
Mysteries caused a huge uproar of public pro-
tests and controversy at the time, today
U.S. Depart-
ment of Energy convened a panel led
the process is commonplace and over by cold fusion critic, John Huizenga, to
Alternative 50,000 babies have been created
through assisted reproduction in the
investigate the validity of their claim.
Needless to say, Pons and Fleischmann
U.S. alone. were condemned, discredited and
Science One of the threats of cloning is eu-
genics, the science of improving hered-
forced to do further research in other
countries. With over a decade having
itary qualities either by selective passed since their original claims, inde-
Unexplained breeding or genetic engineering. In the pendent scientists all over the world
early 1900s, 30 states in the U.S. are now duplicating and constantly im-
Anomalies adopted eugenics laws requiring citi-
zens to be sterilized if they had condi-
proving the results of this new energy
source which uses water as its source.
tions thought to be hereditary such as The great science fiction writer and
insanity, criminal tendencies, retarda- visionary, Jules Verne, predicted that

ATLANTIS tion and epilepsy. Similar laws were en-

acted in other countries. Adolph Hitler
wanted to be cloned and to create a
water would be the coal of the future.
Sir Arthur C. Clarke, futurist, author
and engineer, now believes that the ev-

RISING master race. However, Hitler believed

that he was an expert on knowing
what was superior and what was infe-
rior. Is it so far-fetched to consider a
idence (for cold fusion) is over-
whelming. Even so, when M.I.T. did
early research to investigate the claims
of Pons & Fleischmann they were
6 issues $2495 nation creating an army of cloned hu-
mans, bred and brainwashed to kill?
caught lying about the test results in an
effort to disprove the theory. M.I.T. in-
12 issues $4000 Volume Four: Animal Transgenics
siders believe that the pressure to re-
ceive government funding for the uni-
Visa or A New Breed of Science
Animals can now be given entirely
versity prompted certain individuals to
lie about the results. Since government
Mastercard new characteristics by transferring the
genes of one species to another. They
agencies are controlled by multina-
tional corporations who will stop at

1-800-228-8381 can be made to grow faster and larger,

but at what risk? With the worlds pop-
ulation skyrocketing, the need to feed
them necessitates a bigger and more
nothing to maintain the worlds depen-
dence on fossil fuels, pharmaceuticals
and costly electricityall of which have
cheaper and much more effective sub-
sustainable food supply. Other poten-
tial uses of genetically modified animals
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lecture series which is yourself that need healing. energy into a specific goal. Then you
based on her work as a 3. The relationship between time, are very focused, but very locked in
medical intuitive. Rather space and speed. Why does health and and you become deaf to guidance. Co-
than focusing on disease and health, positive change take so long in some creation is a partnership. Paradox is
her work with clients began to shift people and happen instantaneously for the nature of divinity. What looks big is
into an analysis of how archetypes and others? We contribute a part of our life small, what looks frightening is safe,
other unconscious forces relate to force to every thought, ambition, what looks safe is frightening. Life is
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life force is being directed into your his- prominent than your outer world. As a
ADVANCED ENERGY ANATOMY tory rather than being available for use human we may never know why things
Dr. Caroline Myss, Ph.D. in your present world. And so we be- happen as they do, and if we persist in
Sounds True (Six audiocassettes) come easily fatigued because weve in- asking that question we have a one-
The power of choice vested more of our energy way ticket to self-pity.
is the one key to health in our past than the 6. Accountability is a signature of
and transformation that present. This is a choice. the self. Blame is a signature of the
we all have. But few of us Keeping your (traumatic) group. Im not responsible, I was
really exercise it know- past alive is like investing raised that way, We always do it that
ingly or even want the re- your life force into a mau- way, Blacks are always that way,
sponsibility for the unlim- soleum and hoping it pays etc. Letting the tribe do your thinking
ited power that is you back. For the invest- for you so you can abdicate the per-
available to us when we ment you have in the past sonal use of your creative power.
access our ability to you are creating time. 7. Creation moves in cycles. Death
create and energize our Every energy investment and rebirth, seasons, etc. So know that
spiritual and physical you have in the past is an life will continue to give us wonderful
health. energy outside present choices at all times. We will never run
The lecture begins time so it will take more out of opportunities, choices, options
with the principles of co- time to get back in the or chances to explore the full nature of
creation, choice and con- present. So, how do you our spirit that we were born to experi-
sequence. get your energy in present ence in life.
Co-creation is a re- time? Let go of the past,
ality that is best under- forgive, let go, make no These are some of the profound
stood when we realize judgments, give up the highlights from tape one, side one and
that the unfolding dynamics of our need to know why things happen as it just keeps getting better. If this were
lives happen according to The seven they do and have no expectations. merely someones theory about life, it
laws of co-creation: 4. Every thought and emotion, every might be interesting at best, but to
1. Every thought creates formfor dynamic that goes on within you is an know that this information is the result
every choice there is a consequence. Act of Creation. Synchronicities of years of very personal work with
The most powerful choices we make occur as a result of our inner creations. thousands of clients as a medical intui-
in life are the ones we usually dont At the most basic level, we all have tive, coming to the realization that true
recognize as choices: our attitudes, our created an available parking space healing lies in the acceptance and right
belief systems, our resentments, the through using our power of thought use of our co-creative powers, makes it
quality of our love, how we judge and desire. But larger acts of creation meaningful, practical and real. Disease
someone and much more. Our entire require more energy, and most impor- is just one of many things we can
inner life is duplicated. tantly, that you are not afraid of what create. We can create wealth or pov-
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BY ROBERT J. RESETAR know why things happen as they do.

but only at an interface (and
EUGENE MALLOVE perhaps that is where the
bulk of the transmutation is
Continued from Page 17 occurring; this needs to be
date the unexpected tourist determined). I am also re-
LENR. Creative cold fusion minded of work reported
scientists must play the diffi- years ago by Professor John
cult game of fitting the exper- Dash at Portland State Uni-
imental data with theories versity (Oregon) in which
built of formalisms (the deck transmutation of elements
chairs) taken right out of on cathode surfaces seemed
reigning physics texts. This to be an on-going process
view gives the appearance of after the end of an experi-
working more or less well, ment!
depending on the agility of Whether a physically ac-
the theorist. tive aether as described in
Even some mainstream the experimentally and theo-
cold fusion theoristsnotably retically based form by Dr.
Drs. Martin Fleischmann, Em- Paulo and Alexandra Correa
ilio Del Guidice (and the late (www.aethero,
Giuliano Preparata)feel that by Donald Hotson (whose re-
the ocean liner of physics has construction of physics post-
lately been developing leaks Dirac appears in two recent
in many of her lower decks. Dr. Martin Fleischmann issues of Infinite Energy), or
No, they do not believe the ship of other heretics. They are also uncom- by someone else, cold fusion
physics is about to go down. But they fortable with these others, believing researchers should think about the pos-
do believe that some heavy patch-work perhaps that one deep heresy is sibility that an Enlarged Physics could
is needed to save the ship and encom- enough. help them explain what have proved
pass not only LENR, but also what they I am speaking, for example, of the to be resistant mysteries. But giving se-
consider to be otherwise unexplained kind of heretical hydrogen research rious thought to the supposedly ban-
phenomena throughout nature, in- that is being carried out by Dr. Randell ished aether may be uncomfortable for
cluding biological systems. Perhaps we Mills and his colleagues at BlackLight many reasonsnot the least of which is
should locate this view somewhere be- Power Corp. (www.blacklightpower. the intellectual and social problem of
tween the second and third part of the com). Of course Mills has made the sit- being involved with two heresies at
schematic. uation more difficult by going out of once.
This third viewpoint, Enlarged his way to ignore and even disparage Finally, we come to the boundary of
Physics, suggests that Accepted cold fusion researchas though his technological achievement: what new
Physics needs radical surgery to re- heresy of hydrino (shrunken hydrogen) energy source will be first to enter the
move dysfunctional dogmas and re- physics (within his more encompassing marketplace, and thus transform the
place them with a New Physics that is Classical Quantum Mechanics) is less boundary conditions for academic ar-
yet soundly based on experimentsuch heretical, or more soundly experimen- guments in this area? Within the cold
as are being revealed in the LENR field tally based than what cold fusion re- fusion arena, it appears that so-called
itself. Obviously such a New Physics, searchers have to offer! catalytic fusion (pioneered by Dr. Les
while flying in the face of Accepted But the ingredient most absent from Case) and various thin-metal film tech-
Physics theory, will have to be consis- the mainstream cold fusion view is nologies are leading contenders, but it
tent with the data from Accepted that essence that must fill that void must be said that progress has seemed
Physics experiments. Such a view is within and between atoms. That intol- painfully slow. Certainly it has been in
Copernican in scope, and will neces- erable vacuum is now considered to be light of my earlier anticipation that
sarily meet with stiff resistance even by the space-time plenum in which matter cold fusion would triumph in the mid-
the mainstream cold fusioneers. and electromagnetic radiation reside. 1990s.
These will wish to rely on the useful Oh, maybe a little ZPEzero point en- It may be that LENR will have
but now tired nostrums of host metal ergyis admitted to the picture now greater commercial applicability in ra-
lattice dynamics, nuclear active sites, and then by the mainstreamers, but dioactive waste remediation or in spe-
surface catalytic activity, and such nothing more than that from outside cialized rare element or isotope crea-
other conceptual baggage that the 13- the textbooks. tion than in energy production. After
year-old isolated and in-grown scien- It is not that it was unreasonable to all, if the on-rush of space energy
tific field has developed. begin with, the assumption that text- physics (ZPE/aether) succeeds in get-
Indeed, the cold fusion field has book physics could explain cold fusion. ting robust engines to market, technol-
grown to be very insular and self- It was and still is a worthwhile exer- ogists may be loathe to spend re-
contained. It has no idea of where it is cise. But it is unreasonable to exclude sources to overcome the materials
located in time or space. It might even an aether (or ZPE) physics from cold fu- science issues that have always at-
be said to be lost in time and space, re- sion theorizing, when that aether could tended cold fusion excess energy phe-
alizing little if anything about sur- well be filling the Natures void and nomena. My advice to the cold fusion
rounding fields of investigation that bringing about those relatively easy al- community is that it should re-consider
could lend it support. Manymake that chemical-like reactions. In the Mitsu- the physics that bounds it. It will most
mostcold fusion practitioners seem bishi experiment reported at ICCF9, for likely find something just over the
barely aware of other heretics at the example, the mere passage of deute- nearest hill or in the next valley that
gates of physics and what they have to rium through a thin layer of either ce- will help it out of its doldrums. And, as
offer. Or, if they are aware, they see no sium or strontium led to the transmuta- for competing power-generating de-
relationship between what they are tion of either species. Yes, the element vices, the cold fusioneers should be
doing in LENR and the work of those is in contact with a layer of palladium, looking over their shoulders.

sults on the excess energy output from harness 30 times more energy than is
ENERGY REVOLUTION the plasma process. The next year they pulsed into the devices. Fox said his
applied for a patent. Then a full group Emerging Energy Marketing Firm is
Continued from Page 23 of Russian scientists tested the device promised enough funding to develop
the American government. Tom Va- and documented its output. Technical such technologies. They can be used to
lone ( people can read more about Kanarevs transmute both liquid and solid high-
helped them get in the door at the De- theory in his books, such as Crisis of level radioactive wastes into safer sub-
partment of Energy in January, 2001. A Theoretical Physics. Results of the stances. Shoulders received the U.S.
memorandum of agreement resulted, plasma-electrolytic experiments were patent for HDCC methods, and later Al-
but it appears that no government re- predicted by the theory. exander Ilyanok in Belarus and Russian
search was funded. The bottom line for us non-techies is scientists Mesyats and Baraboshkin also
Valone told the June 2002, Second that hydrogen can compete with fossil discovered charge clusters.
Berlin Conference for Innovative En- fuels as an energy carrier. Previously, At the Berlin meeting Fox reported
ergy Technologies that his institute is existing methods of getting hydrogen another patented Soviet-based inven-
trying to inform Washington D.C. legis- from water required more power than tion. A. I. Koldomasovs device piezo-
lators and is organizing a science-and- is produced when hydrogen is burned. electrically vibrates a mix of waters
ethics public forum in November. Al- Kanarev says it is possible to get ten through a special dielectric material to
though he and other speakers at the times more energy output than input, produce heat energy in more abun-
European conferences are North Amer- and he calculates that ideally more than dance than the energy which powers
icans, this article will mainly look 1,500 ampere-hours of electrical energy the oscillator. The device is reported to
abroad. Scientists in the former Soviet could be produced from each liter of put out 40 kilowatts of heat energy
Union have little money but somehow water. Engineering the lab models into with only two kilowatts of electrical
do cutting-edge research. industrial models has been delayed by input. Last year Dr. Josef Gruber de-
Dr. Philipp Kanarev, chairman of lack of money, he said this year. He scribed a visit to the research institute
Kuban State Agrarian Universitys de- was apparently too wrapped up in his where Koldomasov is managing engi-
partment of theoretical mechanics, research to attend this years Berlin neer. Koldomasov discovered the new
Krasnodar, Russia, developed a conference, but sent a paper. energy source while observing cavita-
method of water plasma electrolysis Hal Fox of Utah has interviewed sci- tionimplosions in water such as
that he sees as the best way to get entists in the former Soviet Union. He found in water hammer in pipes.
cheap hydrogen from water. He tells points out that the high-density charge Gruber showed a photograph of the
why his 1987 report on it didnt reach cluster (HDCC) phenomenon first dis- small device, filled with pure water
news media nor the open literature covered by Ken Shoulders was also in- mixed with only one percent deute-
about patents. Since his device was de- dependently found by several others. rium (heavy water). Although there are
veloped at the enterprise of the mili- When the process is refined into a reli- no spark plugs or similar equipment,
tary industrial complex, his certificate able product, HDCCs may be used to electrical discharge could be seen. En-
of invention was stamped for ergy comes out in the form of
service use only and its con- both heat and electrical cur-
tents was not published rent. Depending on kind and
openly. location of the magnets, DC or
At that time, the focus was AC (electricity) may be ob-
on purifying and disinfecting served. Gruber said testing re-
water with the help of the vealed 2000 percent excess en-
plasma in his reactor. Two ergy.
years later Drs. Stanley Pons Dont more-output-than-
and Martin Fleischmann an- input machines violate a law of
nounced they had excess en- physics? A few speakers said
ergy output during a type of that law is invalid if a ma-
electrolysis. This renewed re- chine releases trapped poten-
search efforts behind the tial energy from nature in previ-
former Iron Curtain as well as ously unrecognized ways. They
in the West. In 1996 one of cited zero-point fluctuations of
Kanarevs co-authors on the the vacuum of space, vacuum
1987 certificate published re- Kanarevs water plasma electrolysis device spin or aether as the source of

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A focus on the East must include the manned a booth near the entrance to
ENERGY REVOLUTION late Professor Aleksandr Chernetskii of the Berlin symposium, where Schau-
Moscow. He developed a plasma gener- berger and associates such as editor of
excess energy. The word aether is ator said to convert vacuum energy Implosion journal Klaus Rauber and
loaded with baggage from the nine- into electricity. A press release at the William Baumgartner (www.implosion-
teenth century, when aether was time quoted Chernetskii as saying ex- educated visitors from the
thought to be a static substance filling periments with different circuits nearby Solar Energy 2002 fair.
all space, just sitting there. In contrast, proved that the energy output was al- Zlatko Loncar, nicknamed Shad,
a new understanding is of a non- ways greater than the input. The mys- wanted to demonstrate one of his ex-
material dynamic primary background terious effect was called the self- perimentsmolecular dissociation of
out of which the material world is generating discharge. One experiment diesel fuelto prove that his process
created. This aether is seen as being in- with a powerful plasma unit burned runs without electricity. Organizers of
credibly dense with energy in constant out the huge megawatt electrical sub- the conference, however, declined to
motion. station of the Moscow Aviation Insti- take that risk indoors. His presentation
Dr. Harold Aspden from England tute. The discharge had reached a crit- to the Berlin meeting (www.binnotec.
( is both a ical point in which super-strong org) focused on two ways to take apart
theoretical and practical physicist. In current flowed from the generator and water molecules: with a combination
1972 he was 30 years ahead of his time back into wires to the substation. In an of pulsed current and magnetic reso-
with his book Modern Aether Science. experiment with an nance, and secondly
As patent director of IBM Europe and input of 700 watts, with his Neutrino
then a professor of electrical engi- the generator pro- Diffusor which
neering, he could have taken the easy duced nearly five somehow works
route of accepting consensus science. times as much. without electrical
But he instead came up with a physical Oleg V. Gritske- current to convert
theory that applies to new energy tech- vitch is a physicist diesel into gas. He
nologies including magnetic motors who has patented changes its efficiency
and plasma discharges. variations of an elec- by putting layers of
At the Berlin meeting Aspden gave a trostatic generator- organic and inorganic
strong hint to experimenters who are converter. He says materials around the
looking for a way to gain energy from his device makes Diffusor, to prove
the aethers spin: try pulsing at least 25 electric power that what the late Dr.
kilovolts of electricity at frequencies of without any fuel con- Wilhelm Reich called
around 100 kilohertz (100,000 pulses sumption and is orgone energy has
per second) into concentric cylindrical nearly ideal for large- an effect. During his
capacitors (arrangements for storing scale electrical gener- presentation he ig-
electrical charge). This suggestion ators. Frolovs maga- nited gas from a
came from analyzing what is known zine highlights the water-filled bubbler
about successful inventions including claim that a proto- to prove the bubbles
the Radiant Energy device of the late T. type in Armenia has are burnable and not
H. Moray of Utah. From his knowledge been producing mere air. Thats all I
of new physics Aspden concluded the more than 1,500 kilo- could understand,
inventions had features in common. As watts of power for since his speech was
far back as 1871, American inventor several years. in German.
Daniel McFarland Cook received U.S. Gritskevitch Jorg Schauberger A planetary cit-
Patent 119,825 on a device which illus- worked in the USSR Academy of Sci- izen, Loncar was born to Communism-
trates Aspdens suggestion. The free- ences but became an independent in- suppressed Slovenian nobility in 1964,
electricity converter at the Mether- ventor in 1985. He has more than 70 spent his childhood in Switzerland and
nitha community in Switzerland in- inventions, ranging from a non- now lives in Croatia. His passion for al-
cluded cylindrical capacitors. When in- mechanical marine engine to electro- ternative science began before he was
viting the aether into an electrical hydraulic refrigerators. Frolov says ten years of age, and Nikola Tesla was
generator, apparently shape is impor- today Gritskevitch and fellow scientist his idol. Since Loncar found nothing
tant. S. A. Lisnyak are working on their new about aether in established science, he
Aspdens talk led up to the presen- vortex power system, the Vortex turned to philosophy. Atlantis Rising
tation of Dr. Paulo and Alexandra Tube which Griskevitch says directly readers will be interested to hear from
Correa (http://www.aetherometry. creates excessive electrical energy by Loncar that Tesla received many of his
com). Their outstanding work will be a using the insulating properties of pure ideas about atoms and aether from the
future topic in this magazine. For now, water during vortex rotation. 5,000-year-old Vedantic knowledge.
well quote Dr. Eugene Mallove. Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) of As with many energy researchers,
There is now a verified, meticulously Austria told the world about vortex Shads findings are on the Internet. Cir-
documented technology that is able to power. At the Berlin conference Jorg cuits are connecting in the global
produce more electricity out than is Schauberger spoke about his grandfa- brain. Professor of economics Dr. Josef
input by the reactor. He says the thers revolutionary ideas about how Gruber said in Berlin, Humankind can
Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge de- nature works and how the natural reach a sustainable economy world-
vice of the Correas at Labofex in order is damaged by human habits of wide. Cooperation is the secret of suc-
Canada is well on its way to commer- moving things the wrong way. He said cess.
cialization for electric power genera- we can restore ecosystems by implo-
tion in vehicles and in homes. It looks Jeane Manning was invited to
sion technology and produce ample
solidly protected by U.S. and foreign speak at a session for the public after
amounts of power silently with no
patent coverage.The ultimate origin the Berlin technical conference and
damage to ecosystems, by using in-
of the energy may well be the vacuum also presented at last years meeting
ward-spiraling motions. Proponents of
energy of space. in Weinfelden, Switzerland.
this harmony-with-nature approach

an ancient Egyptian stele of Ahmose I the period of 40 years being a symbolic
MOUNT SINAI the first time that a biblical account has period repeated throughout the Bible,
been found in the historical record. the Sinai peninsula can be considered
Continued from Page 25 One of the prime results of this dis- to be an extension of the Sahara desert.
mids have been deliberately obscured covery, is the implication that Moses Such a assembly of people would not
by the scribes. The Giza plateau IS and the Israelites were paid a large survive two weeks in this environment,
mentioned in the Bible, as is the Great tribute by the Theban pharaoh Ahmose let alone a period of some years. But if
Pyramid itself, and the biblical name I to leave Egypt. When Moses received Mt. Sinai were actually the Great Pyr-
for the latter is Mt. Sinai. this tribute, in the parallel biblical ac- amid, the account would actually make
Take another look at the list of re- counts (although the Bible does not a great deal more sense, and the wan-
quirements that the real Mt. Sinai must specify where the tribute came from), derings of the Israelites around Mt.
fulfil. While the description of a natural he was standing at the base of Mt. Sinai. Sinai would then become a procession
mountain would agree with very few For such an account to make any sense, circling around the pyramids (the Bible
of these points, the Great Pyramid of it would be preferable if Mt. Sinai were is specific in indicating that there was a
Giza fulfils each and every actually located in Egypt, where Ah- circular motion involved in these wan-
one of them. The Great Pyr- derings).
amid is both sharp and If this were so, is there any evi-
steep, it contains a steeply dence to support such a notion? In-
inclined passageway that ter- deed, there is. Firstly, the period of 40
minates in a rough cavern, it years can be explained numerically, as
resides on the edge of the the Great Pyramid is a 40 times copy of
desert and it also rises very the Pi fraction. An approximation of Pi
suddenly from the sur- can be derived from 22:7, while the di-
rounding pavement area. As mensions of the Great Pyramid
mountains go, the Great Pyr- measure 880:280 cubits (twice base
amid is rather small and easy length and height)the ratio of
to cordon off, yet it is also 880:280 is an exact 40 times copy of
the tallest pyramid in Egypt. the pi ratio of 22:7. Secondly, modern
Finally, that pavement that relics of this great procession around
looked like the night sky cor- the pyramids still survive to this very
responds perfectly with the dayin the perambulation of Christian
great, black, basalt pavement reliquaries through the streets of Medi-
Great Pyramid of Giza terranean cities and also in the circum-
that originally surrounded
the Great Pyramid. (Re- navigation of the faithful around the
member that the upper Kaba in Mecca.
chambers in this pyramid The truth that lies below the surface
would still have been con- of the Torah, Bible and Koran is that
cealed in this era, thus the the Israelite people were a very influen-
Bible makes no mention of tial faction in lower Egypt during the
them.) thirteenth to seventeenth dynasties of
The problem for the Egypt. They were a substantially Egyp-
clergy, with this new identi- tianised people and one of their main
fication of Mt. Sinai, is not functions was the control and supervi-
only that this sacred mount sion of the religious ceremonies upon
is now situated in Egypt, it is the Giza plateau. The Israelites
also the distinctly Egyptian achieved this powerful position
bias that this location gives through the slaughter of the original su-
to Judeo-Christian theology. pervisors of the Giza plateaua military
The first question that will Moses taken from bulrushes by Pharaoh's campaign that is still preserved in the
be asked is: Just what was daughter and her entourage biblical account of the defeat of the
the Israelite God doing inside an Egyp- Troglodytes (Horim) by the patriarch
mose I could actually deliver this Esau (the brother of Jacob). The Bible
tian pyramid? Unfortunately for the tribute to Moses. In addition, this vast
classical theologians, authors like is strangely silent on why the Israelites
tributeof gold, copper, cloth and oil would want to slaughter a tribe of
Ahmed Osman and myself have been was used by the Israelites to fabricate
unearthing copious amounts of infor- lowly Troglodytes, but the fact that
the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Cove- these cave dwellers were actually a
mation that point towards an Egyptian nant; the two most extravagant, ornate
ancestry for the Israelite religion. Egypt very influential tribe who controlled ac-
and luxurious artifacts in the whole of cess to the sacred chambers of the Giza
is, after all, where the Israelites spent the Bible. These artifacts were made at
their formative years, and received its pyramids makes the whole scenario
the base of Mt. Sinai, but once more it much more comprehensible. With the
influence. would make much more sense if this
But having said all this, how does defeat of the Troglodytes, the Israelites
fabrication actually took place in Egypt, had become the Guardians of the Giza
this new location for Mt. Sinai square where the industrial facilities that
with the biblical accounts of the Ex- Plateau and the associated sacred
would be required were actually lo- chambers of the pyramids. The sacred
odus? Surely, as the Israelites were said cated.
to be traveling to Jerusalem, the Israelite mountain that held their all-
Finally, we come to the account of powerful deity was called Sinaithe
mountain had to lay outside Egypt. the wanderings of the Israelites in
Actually, this is not so; instead, there Great Pyramid.
Sinai. The biblical accounts indicate
has probably been some scribal deceit that some 500,000 Israelites wandered Extracted from Jesus, Last of the
in the subsequent translations. around the mountains of the Sinai pe- Pharaohs and Tempest & Exodus by
In Tempest & Exodus, I discovered ninsula for some 40 years. Such a pro- Ralph Ellis. 1998 - 2001. R.
an account of the biblical Exodus on posal is complete nonsense. Apart from
agine that every cell has a cell phone
QUANTUM ALCHEMY with a hard-wired phone to use as a
backup if the batteries get depleted.
Continued from Page 28 The backup phone uses the nerves as
We believe that all natural water is wires but the cell phone communi-
more than just two atoms of hydrogen cates via quantum coherent antennas at
and one of oxygen. There is something super-light speed.
else which enables water to change its Now imagine that the cell phones in
structure. We have evidence that this each persons cells have batteries that
something else is ORMUS. are dead or almost dead and broken an-
The ORMUS elements appear to tennas. We postulate that the ORMUS
have the ability to initiate coherence in elements can bring in energy to re-
water and in biological systems that charge the batteries because they pro-
contain water. This means that changes Giant Walnut beside and ordinary one vide a quantum coherent resonant an-
to one water molecule in a glass of tenna which picks up energy from the
stantaneously. They are not limited to implicate order. These ORMUS an-
water will instantly transfer to all of the
the speed of sound or light. tennas would, in effect, provide a di-
water molecules in that glass of water.
There appear to be other factors at rect, non-local connection to every-
(The same would be true of changes in
work here too. I like to think of the where at once. This would provide an
any biological entity.)
ORMUS elements as having three legs. incredible communication system be-
It might help to think of ORMUS as
Two of these legs are in the physical tween all of the cells of the body and
a communication medium like air,
world and one is in the spiritual world. with the non-physical template.
which carries sound to our ears. Where
When we concentrate the ORMUS it If the ORMUS elements transduce
the air is denser the sound travels
looks like we establish a better connec- more energy for the cell and provide
faster. If you have something as dense
tion between the physical world and an improved mode of communication
as steel, sound will travel faster than in
the non-physical (we can call it love or in the body, what might the conse-
the thickest air. This is why you can
spirit). quences be?
hear an oncoming train by putting your
ear to the track long before you can Bridge between Spirit and Matter? It looks like the ORMUS materials
hear it through the air. The great physicist, David Bohm, must reach a certain concentration in
Suppose there was a substance that postulated that the explicate order order to bring each cell of the body
was infinitely dense. Such a substance (reality as we know it) is the projection under their umbrella of instant, co-
might carry information instantane- of the implicate order which could herent communication. As this hap-
ously. be thought of as a non-physical or pens every system in the body seems
Physicists have been playing with spirit template for physical reality. This to work better.
such materials but the versions that spirit template would require some Certain tissues in the body are gen-
they are playing with require that physical mechanism to communicate erally not considered to be easy to
they get a bunch of atoms to a tempera- with physical reality. It is like we have heal. The enamel and structure of the
ture near absolute zero (absolute zero a conceptual bridge between spirit and tooth is a case in point. But there are
is the temperature at which all move- matter but this bridge is missing a seg- reports of broken tooth self-repair after
ment in an atom ceases). What hap- ment or keystone to make it clear to the ingestion of ORMUS from magnetic
pens is that they get the bunch of science. trap water for 2 months.
atoms to condense into a single Certain of the properties that have We have also seen some evidence
common atomic state so that the entire been observed in the ORMUS materials that plants are greatly benefited by sup-
bunch of atoms behaves as a single suggest that they might be the key- plementing them with ORMUS. We
atom. They call this state of matter a stone in the bridge between spirit and might see incredible improvements in
Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC). matter. Chief among these properties agricultural productivity like the giant
One property of BECs would be that would be non-locality (also known as walnuts shown.
information would travel instantane- being everywhere at once or omni- David Hudson claims that the
ously throughout the entire BEC presence). ORMUS materials repair the DNA.
system. There is strong evidence that Quantum non-locality has been ob- Other researchers have noted that im-
BECs occur in nature and that they are served by physicists in other contexts. mune system indicators are boosted
a part of biological systems. The phe- They claim that it is connected to after ingesting ORMUS. One un-
nomenon, which suggests that BECs quantum coherence. Superconductors replicated study on white mice showed
are present in living organisms, is and lasers are the best-known exam- a doubling of T-cell count in four
called quantum coherence. (It occurs ples of quantum coherence. weeks.
to me that quantum coherence might Superconductivity is generally con- Theoretically ORMUS should benefit
be a scientific term for love if love is sidered to be a property that requires any disease condition that is related to
the energy and knowledge that con- extreme cold like the temperature of damaged DNA or with the immune
nects all things.) liquid nitrogen in order to manifest. In system. Anecdotal reports suggest that
Obviously, in this model, the whole 1996 I videotaped some ORMUS gold this is the case.
transfer of information will become powder levitating away from a magnet You can find out more about
more effective as the density of the as I moved it under the powder. (A seg- ORMUS on the Internet at: http://
transfer medium (ORMUS) becomes ment of this tape is available as an AVI
greater. file on the Internet.) The phenomenon whatisit.htm
Keep in mind that with air and rail- that I videotaped is strong evidence for Barry Carter has been researching
road tracks we are talking about mate- superconductivity at room tempera- the ORMUS materials since 1989. He
rials that transfer information (sound) ture. has started dozens of local and inter-
at a definite rate. We can measure the national discussion lists on this sub-
A Cell Phone for Every Cell ject. You can contact Barry at
speed of sound in the air or in steel.
Here is how ORMUS and quantum or at 541-523-3357.
The ORMUS elements, on the other
coherence might work in the body. Im-
hand, appear to transfer information in-
Grosso. Fawcetts horse had died on Izariri allegedly claimed that Fawcett
FAWCETTS QUEST the same spot in 1920, forcing him to and his two companions, his oldest
turn back. He told Nina, You need son, Jack, and another young man
Continued from Page 31 have no fear of any failure... named Raleigh Rimmel, had been
and it is not for us in our ignorance to These were the last words ever killed by the tribe. That same year,
say that the science of antediluvial days written by the Colonel, and his disap- senor Orlando Vilas Boas of the Central
had not advanced beyond the level we pearance became an enduring mystery, Brazil foundation published a confes-
have now reached. especially in Britain, Brazil and Peru, sion by chief Izarri, that he had
There is today a method of growing where the Fawcett family had lived and clubbed the two Fawcetts and Rimmel
a quartz crystal with phosphorous dis- worked over many years. Starting in to death. Izariris successor, Comatzi,
persed throughout its interior. Such a 1928, expeditions of various sorts took disclosed the alleged grave of Colonel
crystal will absorb daylight and then off to the jungles of Brazil in search of Fawcett, where bones were subse-
emit that light at night. This would be Fawcett and his companions. One ex- quently dug up and sent to England for
a simple, yet ingenious device for pedition even had Peter Fleming, the examination. After a team of experts
creating a light that shines by itself, a brother of novelist Ian Fleming of from the Royal Anthropological Insti-
light storage battery James Bond fame, as a member. In tute in London examined these re-
which could sit on the 1933 a report claimed mains, they declared that they could
top of a pyramid or that an English Colonel not be the bones of Colonel Fawcett. It
pillar for years, shining was being held prisoner is possible that they may have been
every night! Can small by a remote tribe and in those of AIert de Winton, however,
quartz crystal devices the following year a who was lost searching for Colonel
such as decorative Royal Geographic So- Fawcett in 1930.
skulls or pyramids ab- ciety expedition discov- From this evidence, much of which
sorb radiated power ered a theodolite com- is undoubtedly idle storytelling, it
from an obelisk or Tesla pass belonging to seems possible that Colonel Fawcett,
Tower and then later Fawcett. Jack and Raleigh were still alive as late
glow all night? Fawcett as 1935, an incredible ten years after
was a believer in all of The Fate of Colonel they had begun the expedition. But
these things. Fawcett Brian Fawcett, in the chapter of his fa-
On May 29, 1925, In 1951 a Portuguese thers book, draws negative conclu-
Colonel Fawcett wrote book published an ac- sions from the evidence, not believing
a letter to his wife, count of a 1943 expedi- that his brother fathered a child with
Nina, from Dead Horse tion which included a an Indian girl, and questioning the
Camp, deep in the Mato confession by a Kala- story brought back by Rattin of the
palos Indian chief, Izariri. nameless English colonel. Quoting

like an H. Rider Haggard novel, full
FAWCETTS QUEST of mystery, lost cities, savages, and
evil priestesses.
Brian, And why, why did the old man According to The Fate of
not tell his name? Colonel Fawcett, the Colonel was
Actually, there is a good reason why still alive in 1935, when the con-
the real colonel may have remained si- tact first started. Raleigh and Jack
lent. Brian himself tells the reader in were killed by the Indian tribe that
the prologue to Explorations Fawcett held them captive, when they in-
that his father, before setting out on sisted on continuing on to the lost
this last journey, ...fearful of other city that they sought. Jack Fawcett
lives being lost on his account, urged was well liked by the Kalapalos,
us to do everything possible to discou- but the Indians felt that Rimmel
rage rescue expeditions should his was devious, influencing Jack
party fail to come back. And there against them. As the two set off on
may have been other reasons Fawcett their quest, the Indians who were
chose to not disclose his identity. He supposedly escorting them shot
may actually have preferred to stay both Jack and Rimmel on the or-
with the Indians, though certainly his ders of chief Izariri. Jack was killed
son and wife could not have imagined instantly with a dozen arrows in
this. his back, Rimell was allowed to
Colonel Fawcett was a believer in suffer for a few hours, as he was
psychic phenomena, as was his friend, deemed the instigator in wanting
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In 1955, an in- to take Jack Fawcett away from the
teresting book called The Fate of tribe.
Colonel Fawcett was published by the The reason Izariri wanted to
Aquarian Press in London. This rare keep the explorers captive was
book is an investigation into the disap- that the chief had lived for some
pearance of Colonel Fawcett by psy- time among Europeans, and did
chic Geraldine Cummins, who alleg- not want the Whites civilization to
edly makes contact with the colonel affect his tribe. He was afraid that if he provided proof so that they would dis-
on several successive instances. As un- let Fawcetts party loose, they would continue the search. This could be
conventional as its topic may be, the return with more Europeans. Izariri why Albert de Winton was killed, and
book makes fascinating and exciting wanted the whites to believe that his remains then passed off as those of
reading. It reads, curiously enough, Colonel Fawcett was dead, and even Colonel Fawcett.

According to The Fate of Colonel image of a fish. Her role in the Great
Fawcett, the Colonel did eventually CATASTROPHE Deluge is described below. The Mayas
reach the lost city, after the death of throughout Yucatan and Peten hung
Jack and Raleigh. Izariri had wanted Continued from Page 32 small packets of cake on the branches
Colonel Fawcett to marry his sister, a the Muysica of Colombia, the Arawak of the holy ceibra, especially where the
high priestess. This woman hated Faw- Indians of Venezuela, the Aztecs at tree was found standing among clear-
cett, and vice versa. The union never Cholula, the Greeks of classical times, ings in the forest or at crossroads.
took place, as before the marriage, etc. These offerings were made of the
Fawcett insisted he visit the lost city, fi- In the Iranian cosmogony, the Bun- finest corn available and intended for
nally being escorted there safely by an dahis, an angel personifying Sirius, the the spirits of the dead, as indicated by
Indian servant. Fawcett eventually died Dog Star, battles with the devil for mas- their name, hanal pixan, or the food
back in the village of the Kalapalos, tery of the world, shape-shifting from a of the souls. For the Mayas, the ceibra
poisoned by the priestess. So ended man and horse to a bull. In these tree was a living memorial of the Great
the bizarre story of Colonel Fawcett guises, the angelic Tistar creates a Flood from which their ancestors sur-
and his ill-fated expedition, as related month-long deluge, from which Evil vived by sailing to Yucatan. The hanal
through the medium Geraldine Cum- Ones offspring seek refuge in caves. pixan decorated this most sacred tree
mins. But the rising waters find them out and for the first three days of each No-
In the most bizarre part of this drown them all, but their combined vember. Meanwhile, in the High Andes
book, Fawcett says in the supposed venom was so great it made the ocean of Peru and Bolivia, the Incas per-
communication that he could imagine salty. Tistars assumed forms suggest formed the Ayamarca, or carrying the
Egyptians walking in the city and that the conjunction of constellations at the corpse ceremony on the second day
there were towers everywhere. Cum- time of the Great Flood, which is of every November .
mins has some curious information clearly depicted as
from Fawcett concerning the pos- the result of a
sible towers of Atlantis. In bits and major celestial dis-
pieces Fawcett, from the other side, turbance.
tells Cummins what it is like in At- Interestingly,
lantis. In many of the readings, refer- such diverse ac-
ences are made to towers as well as to counts of the
Ireland, England, Atlantis, the lost land Great Flood
of Hy Brazil, Egypt, and other ancient sparked by some
lands. Fawcett describes himself at one celestial calamity
point as walking among these towers, are part of far-
which used electricity from the atmos- flung mythic tradi-
phere, and that the towers were an im- tions defining a
portant part of Atlantis. specific date for
In a transcript from January 16, this Atlantean
1949, we learn that I was in a valley, event. A relation-
gazing up at a strange white town. I ship between
could vaguely perceive gigantic build- early November
ings, soaring towers. I was intrigued and a day of the
and thrilled and strove to project my- dead is not only
self towards that distant vision; the ef- worldwide but Mayan bas-relief from Yucatan shows survivor departing Aztlan
fort only seemed to increase the dis- very ancient. The
tance between it and me. I tried again Days of Death celebrated in early No- The appearance of the Pleiades at
with all my might to go forward, and vember were among the most impor- that time simultaneously signaled the
was suddenly faced by a great door of tant Aztec festivals, and appear to have beginning of Hawaiis most important
gleaming metal. dated to Maya or even Olmec times, in celebration, the annual Makahiki fes-
Are these towers some kind of obe- the 13th century B.C. The Aztecs began tival. It honored the arrival at Keala-
lisks, part of a Tesla-type system also their ceremonies with the heliacal kekua (in the Kona district on the Big
described by Edgar Cayce? In Fawcetts rising of the Pleiades; this took place at Island) of Lono. He was a white-
astral travels in search of his lost city dawn over several days until the con- skinned, fair-haired god who recently
he believes that Atlantis lies beyond stellation was completely obscured by escaped a catastrophic deluge. Lono
this door of gleaming metala door he the sun. Their Atemoztli, or Falling was associated with all manner of cata-
must open. Alas, he does not open it, Waters, took place every November clysmic celestial events, together with
but is confronted by a giant snake, to 16, when the end of the Fourth Sun or devastating earthquakes and floods. At
him the symbol of death. Fawcetts is a Age, brought about by a world-flood, the western end of the Pacific, cele-
strange story, one that, via Geraldine was commemorated. The Atlantean brants still participate in the Loi Kra-
Cummins and her friends, brings us a identity of this calendar festival is af- thong, the night of the full moon (as
small step closer to assembling a pic- firmed by the god who presided over the name of the festival indicates) by
ture of the ancient power system of At- it, Tlaloc (the Maya Chac), portrayed in launching candle-illuminated model
lantis (for more information on the fas- temple-art as a bearded man bearing boats into the Gulf of Thailand. De-
cinating story of Colonel Fawcett and the cross of the sky on his shoulders, signed to honor a sea-goddess, the
his lost city, see my book, Lost Cities & the Mesoamerican Atlas. lotus-shaped little vessels made of ba-
Ancient Mysteries of South America). Indeed, a variant of Tlalocs name nana leaves bear flowers, incense and a
was Atlatoc. More than a philological coin to the spirits of their ancestors
An edited excerpt from Atlantis and correspondence existed between the who perished in the Great Flood. The
the Power System of the Gods, by Aztec Atemoztli and Atemet. The Egyp- Loi Krathong, depending on the ap-
David Hatcher Childress and Bill tian goddess, Hathor, in her guise as pearance of the full moon, may occur
Clendenon (Adventures Unlimited Queen of the Sea, was depicted in sa- from November 2 to 12.
Press, 2002). cred art wearing a crown shaped in the The Japanese have traditionally cele-
of our October and the start of No-
CATASTROPHE vember. Both the 17th and 27th days
occur in early November. Non-biblical
Share a brated Bon, the Feast of the Dead,
since prehistoric times in a manner vir-
tually identical to the Loi Krathong.
Jewish tradition relates that Noah re-
garded the appearance of the Pleiades
at dawn (identically to the Aztec Ate-

Little They set adrift fleets of burning lan-

terns to guide ancestral spirits across
the sea. Ceremonies last for several
moztli cited above) of the 17th of
Cheshvan, as an omen signifying the
onset of the flood.

Light with consecutive nights, and include the

Bon-Odori-hypnotic outdoor dancing,
often in cemeteries. Bon was partially
appropriated by Buddhism in its early
The Roman Catholic All Souls
Day is set aside for special prayers on
behalf of the dead, and takes place
every November 2. It was officially
Your struggle with native Shinto traditions,
when the annual date of its celebration
was probably shifted to the middle of
adopted in 998 by Odilo, the Abbot of
Cluny. He supposedly decided to insti-
tute All Souls Day after having learned

Friends the 7th lunar month, around August

14. A similar day of the dead festival
is still conducted on the island of
about an island where the lamentations
of the dead could still be heard. The in-
clusion of this island is a discernable
Taiwan and (until the Communist revo- mythic reference to Atlantis.
lution) in China,

ATLANTIS where it was

known as the
Feast of Lanterns.

Another Japa-
nese ceremony of
the dead does in-
deed take place
NEW AGE ADVENTURE from the last week
of October to the
first days of No-
vember. This is
Send SIX ISSUES the Tsunokiri, or
ritual Antler-
of the magazine Cutting at the Ka-
for New Age suga Taisha
shrine, near Nara.
Adventure to The sacred bucks
are lassoed by a
TEN of YOUR priest, who care-
fully saws off their
FRIENDS for antlers; they sig-
Noah prepares for the deluge
nify life, due to
only $
125 00 their regenerating velvet. Deer also
symbolize the sun, so cutting their ant-
lers implies the suns loss of power;
The Egyptian version of the deluge
happened during Aethyr, a name asso-
ciated with the Greek Alkyone-one of
Now you can order i.e., darkness. The Assyrians conducted the Pleiades-because the month was
elaborate rituals on behalf of the dead regarded in the Nile Valley as the
ten subscriptions during Arahsamna, their month that in- shining season of the Pleiades. Aethyr,
to ATLANTIS RISING cluded the end of October and the be- like the Assyrian Arashamna, corre-
for the price of five. ginning of November. It was then, they sponded to late October early No-
believed, that the sun-god and the god vember. The name has several re-
Just jot down the of the Pleiades entered the land of the vealing connotations in Egyptian myth,
names of your ten dead to rule. proving its significance over a long pe-
The ancient Persian New Year riod of time. The story of Osiris tells of
favorite people, call began after November 1, and was the man-god who, through the mys-
our toll free order line known to them as Mordad-the month teries of Isis, his wife, achieved new
and use your Visa or sacred to the Angel of Death. Mordad life. He was locked inside a coffin that
derived from the earlier Marduk of the was thrown into the sea on the 17th
MasterCard now. Babylonians. They revered him as the day of Aethyr, our November 2. It was
What could be Lord of the Deep, who caused the henceforth known as a day of death
Great Flood, and November belonged and rebirth.
easier? to him. Aethyr is a variant of Hathor. The
The author of the Old Testament sun-god, angry with mankind, com-

1-800-228-8381 (Genesis, chapter 7, 8) reports that the

World Deluge began on the 17th day of
the second month, concluding on the
27th day of the second month the fol-
manded Hathor to punish earths in-
habitants. Her obedient onslaught was
catastrophic, so much so, the other
gods, fearing all humanity would
lowing year. In the ancient Hebrew cal- perish, unloosed a worldwide deluge
endar, the second month was known of beer. Drinking it up, she became too
as Cheshvan, and equivalent to the end intoxicated to complete her genocidal
task. Her great festival in the name of that the stone upon which British mon-
this event was among the most popular SCOTTISH PYRAMIDS archs have since been crowned is a
public occasions throughout the Nile substitute. This real stone, he claims, is
Valley, and held for several days Continued from Page 37 the Throne of Akhenaten, the heretic
around November 1. She was herself The other stars in the Orion/Sirius pharaoh who tried and failed to estab-
sometimes depicted in sacred art as a configuration, however, were not so lish monotheism in Egypt shortly be-
cow walking away from a funeral accommodating. Bellatrix, the star that fore the biblical Exodus. That stone
mountain. marks Orions right shoulder, lay insig- began its journey to Scotland with
The earliest name by which she was nificantly in the sea, far from the May, Scota, who Laidler says was Akhe-
known appears to have been At-Hor, or the island my compass had suggested natens daughter, while Akhenaten led
At-Hr, Mountain of Horus, an ap- played a major role in what looked in- the Exodus to the Promised Land under
parent philological relation with things creasingly like a message from the past. the name given to him in the Bible
Atlantean. Her funeral mountain is simi- On another wild hunch I enlarged Moses!
larly suggestive of death-dealing Mt. the stellar group, pivoting it on Crai- Could todays Christians and Jews
Atlas and November associations with gleith, until Bellatrix lay on the May. be linked to a common Egyptian patri-
days of the dead. The lioness-headed The result was riveting! arch? The implications are staggering!
goddess, Sekhmet, was used by the But where did Betelgeuse
Egyptians to describe the fiery comet liethe star between the May
that brought about the destruction of and Dunsinane?
Atlantis. She was actually Hathor in her My map showed a feature-
vengeful guise. Both deities were as- less landscape. But subsequent
pects of the same goddess. research revealed that an an-
The Pleiades are associated with Ha- cient stone circle, now lost,
thor, too. Writing about the world- had once existed to the west of
wide day of the dead festivals in the the nearby hamlet of Dunino. If
19th century, R.G. Haliburton won- the lost circle proves to lie
dered, It is now, as was formerly, ob- under Betelgeuse, archaeolo-
served at or near the beginning of No- gists will have a merry time
vember by the Peruvians, the Hindoos, losing it again.
the Pacific Islanders, the people of the The stars at Orions feet also
Tonga Islands, the Australians, the an- lay in interesting locations.
cient Persians, the ancient Egyptians, Rigel, Orions right foot,
and the northern nations of Europe, stood on the lands of Yester.
and continued for three days among Built in 1297 by the Wizard of
the Japanese and the ancient Romans. Yester, Hugo de Gifford,
This startling fact at once drew my at- Yester Castle stands over a siz-
tention to the question, How was this able underground cavern
uniformity in the time of observance known as the Goblin Hall,
preserved, not only in far-distant quar- where Hugo practiced his
ters of the globe, but also through that magic, and passed to the Hay
vast lapse of time since the Peruvian family in the 14th century. Fa-
and the Indo-European first inherited ther Richard Hay later wrote a
this primeval festival from a common history of the Sinclairs of
source? Rosslyn. Lord William Sinclair,
Haliburtons question is answered its said, actually moved his
by the internal evidence of the festivals castle to free up the chapels
themselves. Together they describe in Sirius now lay on Torphichen, head- building site. Location was everything,
common a natural cataclysm that killed quarters of the Knights Hospitallerthe I guesseven back then!
huge numbers of their ancestors. Some Catholic military order that absorbed Saiph, Orions left foot, stood be-
of them survived to replant civilization the remnants of the outlawed Templers tween the towns of Musselburgh and
in other lands. The only event that and, by the grace of Rome, acquired Prestonpans, on land once owned by
measures up to this universal Festival most of their property to boot. Recent the Cistercian monks of Newbattle,
of the Dead is the destruction of At- research, however, suggests the Tem- and later associated with the Templar-
lantis. Indeed, astronomy combines plars may have continued to maintain a connected families of Seton and Kerr.
with historical myth to provide the pre- secret autonomy within the Hospi- Besides hosting one of Scotlands first
cise day of the catastrophe. Comet tallers. Masonic Lodges, the area also hosted
Enckes autumnal meteor shower very But thats just the beginning. the first meeting of the North Berwick
closely, if not exactly, corresponds to A line drawn from Bellatrix through Witchesaccused in 1590 of plotting to
such festivals. Most of them were and Orions left shoulder (Betelgeuse), led murder Scotlands first officially Ma-
are concentrated in the first days of No- directly to Dunsinane Castle, immortal- sonic king by the abomynable cryme
vember, just when the Taurid meteor ized in Shakespeares Macbeth. of wytchcraft. The trumped-up case
stream in the wake of Comet Encke Keith Laidler, author of The Head helped kick off over 100 years of witch
reaches its intensity. of God, relates an interesting tale persecution in Scotland, barely cov-
The uncanny correspondences of about Dunsinane. He cites an 1809 ered in mainstream histories.
worldwide folk traditions cannot be de- newspaper article reporting that a large Heres the kicker:
nied. In the aggregate, they represent stone of the meteoric or semi-metallic A line drawn from Rigel, through
mankinds enduring memory of a fire kind had been discovered hidden be- Saiph, led directly to Bannockburn, site
from heaven that annihilated the first neath the castle. The stone was sent to of the great Scottish battle for indepen-
true civilization and brought the age of London for study, but disappeared en dence where, on Midsummers Day,
its greatness to a terrible end. route. Laidler goes on to say that it was 1314, a great message was hung invis-
Scotlands real Stone of Destiny, and ibly in the dawna message meant to
Continued from Page 40

Overhead view of Pyramids at Giza; map of Fidra, the Lamb, and Craigleith; photos of the islands.
eventually reveal that weve been their presentation. The orientation of
fooled for a very long time. the grouping is wrong, and the Lamb is
Surprise, surprise! called Long Bellenden. The name is
Last April I drove out of Edinburgh especially curious because the Lamb is
to take photographs of the three belt- not long at all. In fact, it is the shortest
star islands, and was struck by the of the three islands. Could it have been
shape of North Berwick Law, the peak shortened to sharpen the aim over
that stands just to the south of Crai- the vast distance from the May to Tara?
gleith. It looked remarkably like a pyr- Might not the islands have been one
amid, so I made some calculations. long island at some point, carved from
According to Hancock & Bauvals the mainland by a cataclysm the an-
Message of the Sphinx, the bottom of cient mythmakers would only hint at, people may understand it and compare
the square pit in the center of the and then cut into three? And might not it with the ancient Celtic cross.
Great Pyramids subterranean chamber North Berwick Law have been The working cross is marked in de-
lies 610 feet below the pyramids shaped from the tailings of such an grees round the edge and the wheel
summit platform. North Berwick Law enormous excavation? Just take a look spins freely on a hub. Its arms are per-
stands at 613 feet! at Fidra, sliced almost in two and bored forated with viewing holes to allow the
Care to split some very fine hairs, clear through, and ask yourself if it was observer to read the angles and the
anyone? shaped by God, Nature, or the helping bottom of the wheel is weighted so
From the top of North Berwick Law hand of man! that it will always point to the center of
the islands of Craigleith, the Lamb, and I realize I stand on shaky ground the earth. The scale around the outer
Fidra lie stretched along the coast like here, but not without consideration edge of the wheel runs from 0 degrees
pearls on a string. The questions and I welcome your arguments. Be at the bottom to 90 degrees clockwise
cannot be avoided: How could they warned, however, that this article and anti clockwise so that horizontal
possibly be positioned, each to the could have been a lot longer. The measurements can be taken in any di-
other, like the Giza pyramids? How simple grid shown here has blossomed rection through the viewing holes.
could they lie below the rising of into greater bloomand Im loaded for Miller believes the advantages of the
Orions belt in the Bannockburn dawn? bear! instrument are immediately apparent
How could North Berwick Law be py- History tells us were the greatest to an observer measuring the angle of
ramidal? How could natural geological civilization ever to walk the face of the the sun in the east at dawn. As the
features be so conveniently where they earth. Wars have been fought since world spins round, the sun appears to
are in the first place without divine in- time immemorial over matters of faith rise from the horizon and its angle of
tervention? And why, in that small each side believing that God is on their ascent may be read from the scale di-
corner of the world, do the voices of side. But what if the things that make rectly. The angle changes, as the
myth and history join to sing a siren us swing our swaggersticks are wrong? seasons progress throughout the year
song to people like me, and maybe Wholl forgive us for the damage weve and time and place may be determined
you? done, fool unto fool, believing in lies? from the results of observing stars,
Perhaps I can suggest answers to Orion was brought down to earth in planets and constellations.
some of those questions, and raise new Scotland, and then later nailed in place The cross, says Miller, should be
ones. by tales of a legendary stone, a holy completely understood by as many as
Risking the hoots and hollers of aca- chalice, a magical sword, a battle the possible, for it was the foundation of
demia, I propose that North Berwick world would not soon forget, and a the very roots of ancient Civilization,
Law and the islands of the Forth are once-and-future king named Arthur. wisdom and understanding.
where they are due to large-scale ter- Much care was taken, over dan- Miller believes that, in these cur-
raformingi.e., shaping the landscape gerous times, to make us think. Per- rent, dangerous and confused times,
to suit a purpose that is only now haps now, more than ever, its time. we could do well trying to understand
emerging from the mists of time. The author Jeff Nisbet is the art di- the deeper knowledge of our ancestors
On a mid-17th-century map of the rector of an international trade mag- and apply some of it to our present
area, supposedly based on the original azine, and is writing a book titled world.
but now mysteriously lost drawings of Carved In Stone: Lost Secrets of the
late-16th-century mapmaker Timothy Templars and the Holy Grail. He can be Millers web site, www.crichton
Pont, the three belt-star islands are contacted through his website at, explains much more
shown. But there are curiosities about about his discoveries.
it exactly one Martian day later as by- org/webfiles/mars/face/mola/facemola
MARS products? Many species on Earth are .html for technical details), creating the
metabolically tied to various planetary infamous catbox image which killed
Continued from Page 43 cycles. the Face for so many. After this marve-
namics, precisely the sorts of condi- Then we have Arthur C. Clarkes lous bit of spin made all the evening
tions (in Hoaglands related Hyperdi- trees, curious branching structures news broadcasts, NASA then released
mensional Physics Model) likely to which seem to advance and retreat the unflattened image which should
trigger mutations on both planets Earth with the seasons, as would be ex- have gone out in the first place. That
and Mars. pected if water supply varied season- image, to this former military analyst
Theres the matter of the Viking ally. To see these and other marvels, with overhead imagery experience,
Lander experiments in 1976 which please visit Tom Van Flanderns site shows multiple evidences of artifici-
found multiple evidences of life, only, specifically ality, not just in the Face proper. The
to be rejected by NASA as impossible the April 2001 National Press Club parallelism of the sides of the Faces
and false positives because of the ab- Briefing. platform is simply striking, but no-
sence of liquid water. But what else Students of evidence for Martian civ- where nearly as much as the neatly ra-
other than life takes up radioactively ilization will of course have heard of diused corners.
tagged carbon dioxide, only to release the Face on the plains of Cydonia, the Those who still believe in NASAs
subject, together with many other ap- trick of light argument are referred to
parent artificially created and precisely Mark Carlottos work in Hoaglands
aligned objects, of a vast amount of The Monuments of Mars, to the work
analysis by the Enterprise Mission, Di- of artist and sculptor Kynthia who has
Pietro & Molenaar, Mark Carlotto, Tom made both bronze and digital models
Van Flandern, Ron Nicks and Kynthia, of the Face and compared them with
among others. Interestingly, many mo- Viking imagery (
viegoers will also know about the Face, face), and to the Mars work done by In-
for it was the subject of a 2000 Holly- sight (
wood blockbuster Mission to Mars mars.html), which includes multiple
which, more than anything, neatly illus- animations from different times and an-
trated NASAs schizoid approach to gles. Kynthia argues that more than sci-
Martian intelligence. entists need to be involved in assessing
On the one hand, NASA has stone- the artificiality of potential Martian
walled all the way, denying the evi- structures, that it should be a multidis-
dence at every turn, refusing initially ciplinary approach including anyone
even to reimage Cydonia at high resolu- who can help. In light of the U.S. intel-
tion, then finally (after protests covered ligence communitys use of all-source
in AR No. 13's NASA Accused of Skull- analysis for its work, this suggestion
duggery with Mars Data by the strikes the writer as eminently sensible.
writer), grudgingly providing images It is that same grossly uncooperative
even worse than the initial Viking im- NASA which is officially listed as Tech-
agery. To compound the problem, it nical Adviser for Mission to Mars a
then took the image and subjected it to film which in no uncertain terms links
multiple distortions and flattened it the Face directly to extraterrestrial
(see Lan Flemings article www.vgl. creators.

Crenulated tubes in complex networks

including perpendicular intersections. No
known type of lava flow could form such
perpendicular tubes. (Malin Space Sciences
Systems) Artist John Bejkos conjecture what mysterious crenulations might look like up close.
More recently, new anomalous fea-
tures were discovered. Called Tun-
nels by their discoverer Richard
Hoagland in the Summer of 2000 (see
samp5. htm), these strange features
look as though they are made of seg-
mented glass or plastic, because they
reflect like those materials. NASA was
shown the images (see Van Flandern
link) and hauling out its stock expla-
nation labeled them a trick of light.
This didnt sit well with Kynthia, who
proceeded to test NASAs argument
based supposedly on shape from
shading algorithms. Using ordinary
transparent water bottles, she pro-
ceeded to sculpt in damp sand the
area imaged, with the bottles as the
Tunnels. Not only did her simple
analysis uncover severe flaws in
NASAs explanation, but later anal-
ysis by Fred Torres using the powerful
Light WaveT M 3-D rendering program
found that NASA had not considered
the possibilities of transparency and
specularity, nor did its obsolete data
apps help. See
Tunnels/ for details and a 3-D rotation.
The Insight link above also has an im-
pressive animation of the Tunnels.
Let us now mention arcologies, gi-
gantic structures like the ones seen in
Blade Runner and far surpassing any
modern structure, these are entire
communities housed in one colossal (Top) View of Cydonia Plain and Face from 1976 Viking Mission. (Below) Series of images begin-
building. Hoagland, Van Flandern and ning with NASAs filtered catbox at left, and then adjusting light and angle to image at right.
others all claim to have found evi-
dence of ruined arcologies on Mars, Water, Water Everywhere, But Will about enormous quantities of water,
and not just at Cydonia. NASA has re- NASA Think? especially on a supposed desert planet.
sponded that whats presented is The absence of liquid water has You would logically expect NASA
frost heave while conveniently ig- been the linchpin of NASAs rejection to be jumping for joy, trumpeting the
noring myriad valid arguments as to of life on Mars for decades. Someone news to the world and lobbying con-
why it cant be that. Unfortunately for forgot to tell Mars, though. Multiple an- gress for the funds to send a manned
NASA, it has now been hoisted with alysts have now found repeated in- expedition to Mars. It didnt happen.
its own petard, er, IR camera, the stances of seeps (see Van Flandern Instead, claiming all the essential infor-
THEMIS mapper, which sent back not link and several articles on mation had already been leaked (offi-
only an image full of geometric anoma- on var- cial NASA information, notes Hoag-
lies, but also underground ones below ious Mars imagery. These seeps have land), NASA cancelled a previously
these anomalies. Doubly unfortunately been carefully studied, behave like scheduled press conference and is
for NASA, its best scientists havent water, and occur only under tempera- now talking of getting a manned mis-
been able to come up with even a half- ture conditions where such would be sion to Mars in twenty years or so. Yes,
baked explanation for the hard scien- possible. Moreover, they have been in- you read that right. The Russians say it
tific facts confronting them, some veri- dependently statistically analyzed and could be done in two or three, at a
fied by cross comparison with Viking found to conform to the predictions cost of 600 billion dollars.
imagery. But Hoagland has an answer, made in the Hoagland-Bara Mars Tidal Could it be we are seeing yet an-
and it goes right back to water, to the Model paper, a paper published before other covert dynamic at work here,
inconceivably huge tidal waves un- the stunning May 28, 2002 Jet Propul- one of a documented host from public
leashed when Planets K and V de- sion Lab press release Odyssey Finds officials in a purportedly open, civilian
stroyed each other, for the explana- Water Ice in Abundance Under Mars space program? Could this be yet an-
tion which fits the data is that we are (sic) Surface. Though able to see only other example of the pernicious ef-
looking at the mud-filled foundation a yard deep, the Gamma Ray Spectrom- fects of the notorious 1959 Brookings
and base remnants of multiple arcolo- eter on the Odyssey detected enough Institute report which recommended
gies. This accounts for the scour pat- water to fill Lake Michigan twice that the NASA administrator rigor-
tern observed and for the wholly un- over. The odds are that the layer of ously suppress any evidence of extra-
expected IR emission differences dirty ice goes way down and with terrestrial life, particularly advanced
between the geometric forms and water making upwards of half the sentient life, to keep society from col-
their interiors. Oops! volume of the material, we are talking lapsing?
Continued from Page 44
British protection of Palestine, matters
have changed, and the party now on
its way under military guard will have
no trouble in investigating and exca-
vating. The clue to the treasure cham-
bers is shown close to a remarkable
building called: The Treasury of Pha-
raoh, which like all the other temples
is cut out of the side of the mountain.
According to the story of the Arab,
some wandering Bedouins encamped
in Petra, in the upper valley, close to
the Treasury. One of them passed back
into the deep rooms within the cliffs.
Poking around among the debris be
stepped upon a moving stone. The years have passed and one cannot help
bling and falling, he got back safely to
stone tilted and dropped back into a but wonder if the treasure mentioned
his camp near sunset.
shallow vault, then crashed back into and the secret door still are untouched.
He showed his find to the half-
place, leaving him in darkness. He It seems a remarkable coincidence that
dozen members of his family, and they
cried out in vain for help. Feeling Stephen Spielberg and the writers of
spent several days trying to discover
around the vault, he came across the the movie would hit upon Petra for a
the stone that moved, and the fissure,
opening of a passage. After groping his lost treasure yarn. It may be remem-
but without success.
way along it for about half a mile, al- bered that Indie had to step on certain
The ancients had great skill, British
ways moving upwards, he saw a faint floor tiles in order to gain entrance to
Museum authorities point out, in con-
light. He came out into a large find the Grail. It could be of course
triving secret passageways and doors
chamber, from which six other pas- that someone knew about this legend
whose entrances were apparently part
sages led back into the mountain. In which was then incorporated in the
of the stone walls themselves, but
the center of the chamber, on a ped- movie, but that seems highly unlikely.
which, by a cunningly devised system
estal, was a huge urn. He climbed the People in 1927 did not have ground-
of balances, would easily open under
pedestal and within the urn saw a heap penetrating radar and modern elec-
pressure at a certain point.
of gems and gold. Taking a couple of tronic technology, so if something
The treasure may have been found
handfuls, he knotted them in his cap does still exist on the site, it is only a
in an entirely different way, but the
and went to a fissure in the wall matter of time before it once again
Arabs story is considered worth inves-
through which the light streamed and comes to light. As the story says, it is
found himself out on the side of the certainly worth investigating.
mountain far above the valley. Scram- Since this news article appeared 75

DEBBIE FORD how to heal the darkness unless youve time and money in the long run. Im
experienced a lot of darkness, she not interested in seeing people spend
Continued from Page 47 says. Most people use their pasts as an years in analysis, she states. Its not
that any of us really want. excuse to stay stuck. Probably 90% of necessary. But like Freud, Ford feels
Other than safety. We want that. the world does that. They stay victims that when we suppress behaviors,
But, Ford says, you cant get ex- of their own lives and beliefs. My work thoughts, feelings and characteristics
ternal safety. The only safety we have is about being unwilling to have an ex- we find unacceptable, we also find
is our spiritual connection and cuse! Lets say Im going to pay you ten trouble. She explains that if we cant
knowing that everything is as it should million dollars next week and give you embrace something internally, we have
be. When we connect with God at the the perfect house and the perfect to create it externally; what we cant
deepest level, we feel safe. Thats why mateif you can find a way to be be with runs us.
some people could travel as soon as it happydo you think you would? You After running for so many years her-
was permitted after the event, and bet. According to Ford, there are al- self, Ford has a ruthless compassion
others still havent gotten on an air- ways excuses inside a storythats how for others caught in the struggle she
plane. People who are scared now you can tell its a story. And we tell our- faced head-on and conquered. She has
were scared before, but they didnt selves things have to work a certain no tolerance for being the victim and
know it. Outer experiences show us way. Though that may be strategically wont allow those she works with to
our deeper wounds. sound and goals are good, Coach entertain it either. My mission is to de-
Ford isnt a triage manager. She Ford says we need to be willing not to liver a simple process to people so they
doesnt differentiate between wounds. have to go in a particular direction. can transform their lives without years
Ive taken tens of thousands of people When were outside our stories, were of suffering and therapy, she states.
through the Shadow Process, and I more flexible in our responses to life. Its about balancing your karmic
can tell you that pain is pain. It de- We say, Wow, that doors closed, scales, learning how to take responsi-
pends how you process it, what kind there must be another door open. bility, how to clean up your past and
of emotional system you have, who Though people pay serious money make peace with your internal world.
you are. Besides, most people who to have Debbie Ford be their mentor, When you love yourself completely,
seek her help have some serious stuff she emphasizes that her system offers you have everything you really want.
to work out. You dont go looking for an efficient method that saves both The lady walks her talk: For now,
Firewalk on the Pilgrims Path
DEBBIE FORD ASTROLOGY Through the power of myth the
awareness of the Solar Lords role in
Continued from Page 49 our life has always been deeply under-
from sunspot maximum, the number stood despite modern rationalisms at-
and intensity of solar flares has intensi- tempt to undermine the mystical.
fied over the last year, puzzling and What might increased solar fire mean
concerning NASA scientists. If highly- to us at this juncture on earth? Hu-
charged atomic particles can create au- manity is said to have been created in
roras and fry energy grids, what is the the image and after the likeness of
potential effect on the subtle energy God. If the heart center of our solar
systems of a human body? Could this system is emitting increased energies
be a factor in the spontaneous new in the form of solar flares, how will this
DNA linkages reported by Russian sci- affect us in the microcosm?

Ancient Wisdom
Ancient Wisdom
teaches that the universe,
containing billions of gal-
axies and billions upon bil-
lions of stars, is the ex-
pression of a conscious
life called by many names
in various traditions: God,
Brahma, Ahura Mazda,
Allah, or the LOGOS. We
shes got pretty much what she wants. are told that this one life is
When shes not doing the work she a conscious unity and as
loves passionately, she enjoys cuddles this consciousness ener-
with (seven-year-old son) Beau and gizes a cycle of manifesta-
lying on the beach under an umbrella. tion It does so as a Trinity.
Oh, and I love musicgood country Associated with the
music, opera and Elton John. Ford is cosmic logos and trinity
optimistic that her work is indeed are seven embodiments of
changing lives, mentioning that there Its nature called seven
are people taking my workshops who cosmic planetary logoi. It
want to bring this process to Israel and is said that all the stars in
the Arab nations, to show them that the universe which are
what they think they hate about the centers of great evolutionary systems Although the topic was selected ear-
other is inside themselves. Shes con- belong to one of the great seven. In all lier, as I wrote this article I was sur-
vinced the world will change one the vastness of our universe the An- rounded by the element of fire as fo-
person at a time. If we can love our cient Wisdom says that the fiery orb rests in Colorado were consumed or in
past, if we bring love to the parts of which is our sun is the lord of a solar imminent danger. Hundreds of people
ourselves that we hate, if we can for- system, a conscious, vastly-evolved were evacuated and told to pack one
give people who have wounded us, we being, fulfilling the role of a solar bag or box, taking only the most essen-
can make it, she says. We have to logos. tial items. That was a fierce and potent
look inward and take responsibility for Associated with the work of the exercise in penetrating to the heart of
our lives. solar logos, manifesting within the the matter and choosing what mattered
The confident 46-year-old has expe- principle of As above, so below, are most. Many people, the author in-
rience as well as scars under her belt seven planetary logoi. In Hinduism cluded, were faced with contemplating
and when she says Im not sure of a they are called seven Prajapatis, in Zo- the contents of their homes, repre-
lot of things in life, but the one thing roastrianism the seven Amesha Spentas senting a lifetime of meaning and mem-
Im totally, positively sure of is that (Immortal Holy Ones), in Hebrew and ories, and selecting a few treasures to
who you are and what you have is per- Christian tradition, the Elohim, or carry with them into the future.
fect. If youre willing to express your seven spirits before the throne of God. Quoting again from Saraydarian,
gifts in the way the Universe offers, The solar system is the physical body Beginning in 1975 the Great Ones will
youll reach a place beyond your of the solar logos, and the planets can release the energy of the will center
wildest dreamsyou believe her. And be likened to His chakras. over humanity. Will energy is fiery,
when she says Standing in the pres- In a horoscope for an individual the highly dynamic and penetrative. The
ence of your true essence, unencum- sun represents the will of the true Self effect of this energy will be condi-
bered by your story, you will know and denotes the sense of identity, tioned by humanity itself. Humanity,
yourself as the totality of the Universe power, individuality, magnanimity and through its activities, emotional reac-
both the nothingness of your smallest the major focus of life lessons. Anatom- tions and mental responses, will decide
self and the fullness of your humanity ically the sun is the heart which pumps the effect of this energy. In short, our
well, why not? Its a wonderful tale to blood through the entire system, vital- choices will bring about our transfor-
tell. And its way outside the box. izing the bodys community of cells. mation or our painful purification.
Contact Debbie Ford at debbie- Symbolically our heart is at our center or the Center for Integrative just as the sun is the center of the solar
Coaching: 800-655-4016. system.
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BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL: The Hidden CYMATICS: A Study of Wave Phenomenon
BOOKS Alphabetically by Title
Lineage of Jesus Revealed Laurence Gardner, Dr. Hans
Special Authors Edition, 4 NEW CHAP- JennyBack
12TH PLANET Zecharia SitchinPowerful evidence TERSFrom royal and suppressed archives comes proof in print by
of humanitys extraterrestrial forefathers. of the descending heritage of Jesus in the West. Pene- popular de-
Paperback, 436 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99 trating new light is cast upon the Grail Code of Service mand! For dec-
Hardcover $22.95 and the venerated feminine element, abandoned by the ades, students
Church in order to forge a male dominated society. Fea- of Sacred Ge-
APOCALYPSE & THE MAGNIFICENT SEVENS: An turing all the charm and adventure of Arthurian romance, ometry, Man-
Exciting New Look at an Amazing Prophecy this worldwide bestseller also has a cutting edge of polit- dalas, New
Bonnie Gaunt ical intrigue, which removes the contrived blanket of es- Science, Meta-
The author has tablished dogma to reveal one of the greatest historical physics, Sound
been researching conspiracies ever told. P/B 454 pages, 24 color plates, 10 Healing and
the gematria of the B&W figures, and 15 B&W charts $18.95 even Crop Cir- HOT!
Bible for nearly cles have cov-
forty years. In this, CHILDREN OF THE MATRIX
David IckeWho are the Chil- eted these
her latest research, hard-to-find volumes. This comprehensive edition por-
she reveals an dren of the Matrix? We are. All
of us. We are born into a world trays fascinating experiments using audible sound to ex-
amazing story that cite powders, pastes and liquids into life-like, flowing
is hidden in the controlled by unseen forces that
have plagued and manipulated forms. The stunning array of images reflects a variety of
Apocalypse. It is a patterns found throughout nature, art and architecture.
story that closely humanity for thousands of years.
David Icke exposes these forces These images are truly awe-inspiring, not only for their
touches each and visual beauty in portraying the inherent responsiveness of
every one of us, be- and their methods of human con-
trol and reveals a fantastic web matter to sound (vibration), but because they inspire a
cause we are living
in it. But Apoca- NEW! of global manipulation, orches- HOT! deep recognition that we, too, are part and parcel of this
trated by forces beyond this same complex and intricate vibrational matrixthe music
lypse need not be of the spheres!
the picture of doom physical realm. He exposes the hidden bloodlines,
Oversized hardcover edition, Vol I and Vol. II compilation
that some have sup- through which other-dimensional entities live and operate with hundreds of B&W and color close-up photos and
posed. It is a beautiful story of hope for a world that unseen among us; and he shows how the bloodlines of the
royal, political and economic rulers of today are the same color plates, 10 x 9, 312 pp. $60.00
surely needs it. Includes the difference between vibrations
per second in seven octaves and twelve perfect fifths, and as those who ruled as the kings and queens of ancient DARWINS MISTAKE: Antediluvian Discoveries
more fascinating information! times. Prove - Dinosaurs & Humans Co-Existed
5 x 8 P/B, 216 pp. $14.95 P/B, 6 x 9, 459 pp. $25.00 Dr. Hans J. ZillmerYes,
THE COMTE DE ST. GERMAIN: The Secret of there were cataclysms (among
ATLANTIS AND THE POWER SYSTEM OF THE them The Flood) in the course
GODS: Mercury Vortex Generators and the Kings I. Cooper Oakley The Comte de St. Germain of history, but no, there was
Power System of Atlantis was one of the most myster-
no evolution. The Earths
David Hatcher Chil- ious characters in historya
crust is relatively young and
dress & Bill brilliant man with incredible
no more than a few thousand
ClendenonPart I is an knowlege and because of
years ago, its poles were free
unabridged reprint of the this, traveled widely. He
of ice. Published in nine lan-
rare 1990 book Mercury: was known as a mystic, phi-
guages, this international best-
UFO Messenger of the losopher, and master al-
seller pits the latest discov-
Gods by Bill Clendenon. chemist who held the key to NEW! eries and new evidence
He researched vimana immortality. The author was
against Darwins Theory of
at a centuries-old library able to procure documents
Evolution. The author, who owes his insights and exper-
in India. See the resulting and papers unavailable to
tise to numerous excavations he participated in, describes
detailed diagrams of mer- others during her years of
recent findings thatin line with suppressed results of
cury vortex engines he de- research, which allows some
other scientific researchprove what seems unthinkable
veloped, which he be- of the mystery to drop away.
to us today!
HOT! lieved to be the power What emerges is a more
6 x 9 P/B, 292 pp. $19.95
source of these vehicles, complete and fascinating picture of the Comte de St. Ger-
and probably of modern main that deserves to be explored. DESTRUCTION OF ATLANTIS: Compelling
UOFs. Relive his strange personal UFO encounters, in- 280 pp., Trade Paper, 6 x 9, Illustrated $22.95 Evidence of the Sudden Fall of the Legendary
cluding a meeting with a Man in Black. In Part II Chil- Civilization Frank Joseph (Foreword by Zecharia
COSMIC CODE Zecharia SitchinMany thousands of Sitchin)All human cultures share the myth of an an-
dress explores intriguing theories of a power system uti-
years ago, a race of extraordinary beings guided the evo-
lized in the ancient civilization of Atlantis that was based cient deluge. What accounts for this shared myth of envi-
lution of life on Earthdetermining the existence and na-
on broadcasting power from enormous crystal towers. He ronmental catastrophe? The author links this worldwide
ture of mankind as we know it today. All powerful, all
presents a fascinating analysis of the broadcast tower cultural phenomenon to the story of the lost civilization of
knowing, the proof of their genius is apparent in the mys-
system developed by Tesla that used nearly identical prin- Atlantis. In the most comprehensive account of this legen-
terious monoliths at Stonehenge, and in the strange, but
ciples. Were the obelisks of ancient Egypt and Ethiopia dary island, Joseph provides compelling evidence that At-
highly significant structure of concentric stone circles in
part of a similar system? And what of the terrible lantis was at the root of all subsequent human civiliza-
Israels Golan Heightsboth requiring sophisticated as-
crystal described by Edgar Cayce? tions.
tronomical knowledge.
6 x 9 P/B, 286 pp, b&w photos and drawings $15.95 6 x 9 HB, 288 pp, Color Inserts $22.00
Paperback, 298 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99


Peter Lindemann, D. Sc.Finally, long-time Free En- Great Pyramid & the Miller
ergy researcher Lindemann steps up and tells all. This Military Complex at Miller has discovered
four-part book explains exactly how Edwin Gray, Sr., pro- Giza that the most important
duced what he called cold electricity. Mr. Gray discov- icon in Christian faith is
Joseph P. FarrellThis is not what it seems to be
ered that the discharge of a high-voltage capacitor could physicist, Joseph Farrells,
be shocked into releasing a huge, radiant, electrostatic and that the cross really
amazing book on the secrets
burst. This energy spike was produced by his circuitry and of the Great Pyramid of
was the most highly so-
phisticated and practical
captured in a special device Mr. Gray called his conver- Giza. Among the topics dis-
sion element switcing tube. Nikola Tesla actually discov- mathematical instrument
cussed in detail in this fan- ever devised by ancient
ered this same effect, back in 1889. With the information tastic book are: An archae-
in this book, you will learn what it took Tesla, Gray and man, having patented the
ology of mass destruction; working cross. Crichton
others decades to figure out. Using articles, patents, dia- Thoth and theories; the ma-
grams, and photographs, Dr. Lindemann unravels the mys- then went on to discover
chine hypothesis; Pythagoras, Plato, Planck, and the Pyr- one in the Great Pyramid at Giza proving that the cross is
tery until the whole method is fully revealed. Now you amid; the weapon hypothesis; encoded harmonics of the
can do it, too! This is the information free energy enthu- older than the pyramid and that the pyramid could not
Planck Units in the Great Pyramid; the grand gallery and exist without the cross. Making an investigative voyage
siasts have been waiting for. its crystals: gravito-acoustic resonators; the other two
8-1/2 x 11 P/B, 130 pp. $29.95 from the pre-Ice Age peoples to the Freemasons of the
large pyramids, the Causeways, and the Temples. present day, Crichton uncovers the mysterious and often
FROM THE ASHES OF ANGELS The forbidden Also: a Phase Conjugate Howitzer; Evidence of the Use of tragic past of the real cross.
Legacy of a Fallen Race Andrew CollinsCollins Weapons of Mass Destruction in Ancient Times; High 6 x 9 H/B, 355 pp. $30.00
reveals that the angels, demons and fallen angels of scrip- Frequency Direct Current impulse Technology; How
ture were flesh-and-blood members of a race predating the Giza Death Star Worked; and tons more in this fasci- HARNESSING THE
our own. He offers evidence that they lived in Egypt (prior nating and technical book! WHEELWORK OF
to the ancient Egyptians), where they built the Sphinx and 290 pp. P/B, Illustrated $16.95 NATURE: Teslas
other megaliths monuments, before leaving the region for Science of Energy
what is now Eastern Turkey following the cataclysms that GLIMPSES OF OTHER REALITIESVOL. I Thomas ValoneA
accompanied the last Ice Age. Linda Moulton HoweDiscover the truth behind the compilation of essays,
Paperback, 464 pages, 6"X9", 20 B&W Illus. $20.00 US Governments cover-up of paranormal activity. Emmy papers and technical
award winning journalist Linda Moulton Howe presents briefings on the
GALACTIC ALIGNMENT: The Lost Knowledge of evidence that a non-human intelligence is interacting with emerging Tesla Tech-
the Ancients John Major JenkinsThe Galactic earth, including information about recovered crash debris nology and Zero Point
Alignment is a rare astronomical event that brings the sol- and the transfer of human souls from body to body Energy engineering that
stice sun into alignment with the center of the Milky Way evidence of a mystery involving the entire human race. will soon change the en-
galaxy every 12,960 years. Building on the work of his 365 pp., 8.5 x 11, many b&w & color photos & images NEW! tire way we live.
book, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, Jenkins demonstrates $45.00 6 x 9 P/B, 288 pp.
that the end-date of 2012 does not signal the end of time, GLIMPSES OF OTHER REALITIESVOL. II: High $16.95
but rather the beginning of a new stage in the evolution of Strangeness HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE Michael A.
human consciousness. PB, 477 pgs., b&w photos illus., 11" x 8.5" $27.95 Cremo & Richard L. Thompson
352 pp., 6 x 9 PB, b&w illustrations $18.00 Graham Hancock, calls Hidden His-
GENESIS OF THE GRAIL KINGS: The Explosive Egypts Lost tory Of The Human Race One of the
Story of Genetic Cloning & the Ancient landmark intellectual achievements of
Legacy and the the late twentieth century. Con-
Bloodline of Jesus Laurence GardnerDrawing Genesis of
on pre-biblical documents, densed from Forbidden Archeology,
Civilization this edition exposes a major scientific
this updated special USA edi-
tion of this international best-
Andrew Collins cover-up showing that people like
seller incorporates new color
Hidden deep below
Egypts Giza plateau
ourselves existed on earth millions of NEW!
images and improved genea- years ago. Paperback, 228 pgs.
is perhaps the key to black & white illustrations, 6 x 9
logical charts. With direct
unlocking the mys- $15.95
comparisons between Bible
teries of the Great
scripture and the original HISTORY OF SECRET SOCIETIES Arkon Daraul
Pyramid. Built using
texts from which the Old Almost every social system has produced its secret so-
a technology une-
Testament derived, a very HOT! cieties. Here is a unique, sensational study of such socie-
qualed even today,
different and highly contro- ties from the earliest recorded times to the present, and an
the ancient Egyptians
versial picture emerges. Here analysis of their forms, rituals, and beliefs. Much source
are the documented records HOT! claimed they inher-
material never before revealed is given by the author, who
ited their advanced
of the hermetic Phoenix, the traveled extensively through Europe and the Middle East
culture from a race of Elder gods who lived during a pre-
Philosophers Stone and the in order to track down stories of secret societies, and to at-
vious age known as Zep Tepi, the First Time. In his earlier
Tables of Testimonyrecords which give stunning in- tend ceremonies held by clandestine organizations. The
companion book, From the Ashes of Angels, the author
sight into the Missing Link, active longevity, the transmu- Charcoal Burners of Italy, the Castrators of Russia, the
provided historical and scientific evidence showing how
tation of gold, and the anti-gravitational science of the Old Man of the Mountains, and the Gnostics are but a few
these Elder gods, who were the flesh and blood members
pharaohs. Adam and Eve were not the first man and of the subjects discussed in the pages of this absorbing
of a race of fallen angels, founded ancient Egypt. Now, in
woman on Earth, but they were certainly the first of a book.
Gods of Eden, he describes the remarkable achieve-
kind, and their explosive storyan account of ancient 6 x 9 P/B, 256 pp., Illustrated $12.00
ments of their culture. He shows us how this great society
gods and genetic cloning at Shimti in Edenwas recorded
mastered acoustic technology and employed the use of HUNT FOR ZERO POINT Nick CookA ten-year in-
2000 years before the book of Genesis was ever devised.
sound to raise heavy objects into the air and pierce holes vestigation by award-winning defense journalist Nick
6 x 9 P/B, 408 pp. $18.95 through solid rock; and with this technology, they con- Cook proves that America cracked the gravity code and
GENESIS REVISITED Zecharia SitchinSpace travel, structed the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. With thorough classified the technology at unheard of security levels.
genetic engineering, computer scienceastounding research and scholarship, he reveals the fascinating histor- Picking a path through Americas most classified weapons
achievements that stunning new evidence proves were ical destiny of this culture of fallen angels and the im- programs, Cook follows a trail of detection that takes him
known to our forefathers millions of yesterdays ago, as prints and legacies they left behind at the genesis of civili- to Germany, hunting down a repository of technical se-
early as 3,000 years before the birth of Christ. zation. crets buried by the Nazis 50 years earlier. (Acquired from
Paperback, 343 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99 480 pp., 6 x 9 PB, b&w inserts $20.00 a foreign distributor. May require significant delays.)
HB, 324 pps., 9" x 6" $44.95


JESUS, THE LAST OF THE PHARAOHSThe Truth 10% Discount on
Behind the Mask Revealed Ralph EllisTraces orders of over $100
the history of the Egyptian royal family from the time of (See page 81)
Noah through to Jesus, comparing Biblical and Historical
records. Nearly all of the biblical characters can be identi-
fied in the historical recordall are pharaohs of Egypt or
Moulton HoweA fascinating adventure through the INVESTIGATORS
magical landscapes of Wiltshire, England and beyond,
pharaohs in exile. HANDBOOK
where beautiful swirled patterns appear from nowhere and
Hardcover, 6 X 9, 320 pages, Color Illustrated $24.95 luminescent globes dance in and out of existence in front Valerie Hope & Maurice
K2QUEST OF THE GODS (Sequel to Thoth) of astonished observers. Emmy Award-winning investiga- TownsendA practical in-
Ralph EllisQuest of the Gods explains the design of tive reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, uses level-headed sci- troduction to many unex-
the Great Pyramid in great detail and it appears that its ar- ence and analysis to back up the photographic and anec- plained phenomenafrom
chitect has specified a structure that contains a curious dotal evidence. P/B, 7 x 5, pp, well-illustrated $19.95 ghosts and poltergeists to
blend of technology, lateral thinking and childish funyet ley lines and out-of-body
this design can also point out the exact location of the leg- MYSTERY OF THE CRYSTAL experiences. The book
gives an informed overview
endary Hall of Records to within a few meters. Join the SKULLS: Unlocking the Secrets
of the current methods of NEW!
author on the most ancient quest ever devised, a dramatic of the Past, Present, and
journey in the footsteps of Alexander the Great and to the research used by real-life in-
Future vestigators and includes easy guides to investigating phe-
highest peaks at the very heart of the Himalayas... Chris Morton & Ceri Louise nomena for yourself. 6 x 9 P/B, 144 pp., illustrated
P/B with color plates $16.95 ThomasA real-life detective story $14.95
KEY TO THE of the ancient world with over-
SACRED whelming implications for the modern HOT! QUEST FOR ZERO-POINT ENERGY Moray B. King
one. Native American legend prophe- The theories of zero-point energy maintain there are tre-
PATTERN: The sied that at a time of great crisis for humanity, 13 life-size mendous fluctuations of electrical field energy embedded
Untold Story of crystal skulls, said to contain crucial information about within the fabric of space. King explains the following
Rennes-le- humankinds true purpose and destiny, would be rediscov- topics: Tapping the Zero-Point Energy as an Energy
Chateau Henry ered and brought together to reveal information vital to Source; Fundamentals of a Zero-Point Energy Tech-
LincolnHoly the very survival of the human race. The authors set out nology; Vacuum Energy Vortices; the Super Tube; Charge
Blood, Holy Grail on a quest to discover the truth behind this mystery. They Clusters: the Basis of Zero-Point Energy Inventions;
researcher Lincoln journied from the ancient temples of the Maya to the Vortex Filaments, Torsion Fields and the Zero-Point En-
presents the latest British Museum, the Smithsonian, and to the crystal labor- ergy; Transforming the Planet with a Zero-Point Energy
info on the Rennes- atories of Hewlett-Packard, where sophisticated scientific Experiment; Dual Vortex Forms: the Key to a Large Zero-
le-Chateau mystery tests on the skullmade from the same quartz crystal Point Energy Coherence. Packed with diagrams, patents
and the secret used in todays computerslead to the conclusion, This and photos.
caves. He also skull shouldnt even exist.
counters arguments 224 pp., 6 x 9 P/B, Illustrated $15.95
NEW! 6 x 9 PB, 400 pp. $20.00
made against his REALM OF THE RING LORDSBeyond the Portal
theories in other NETHERWORLD Robert TempleDrawing evidence
from a range of sources, this volume examines the science
of the Twilight World Laurence GardnerBrings
books by other authors. Chapters include: The Shepherds together for the very first time in one arena the mysteries
of Arcadia; The Priest, the Painter and the Devil; The of prediction in the ancient world, contrasting the tech-
of the legendary quests for the Ring and the Grail. From
Poussin Geometry Appears; Plantard & His Priory; The niques and traditions of divination in the ancient world,
Arthurian romance to the world of J. R. R. Tolkien, these
Pathway of Discovery; New Findings, more. For all those contrasting the techniques and traditions of divination in
stories are enveloped within the magical lore of El-
interested in Rennes-le-Chateau, Sacred Geometry, and classical Greece, Rome and ancient China. (Acquired
phamehowever, the myths are based on no mere fan-
the Lost Tomb of Jesus. from a foreign distributor. Shipping may require signifi-
tasy, but on an engaging and continual history of real char-
6 x 9 H/B, 225 pp. $18.95 cant delays.)
acters and events. Time-honored tales of fairies, elves and
496 pp H/B $44.95 dragons have long carried a particular fascination which
LOST BOOK OF ENKI: Memoirs and Prophecies
of an Extraterrestrial God Zecharia Sitchin NOSTRADAMUS: THE lingers in our collective psychea familiar but historical
LOST MANUSCRIPT: The allure which is rooted in the far-distant realm of the
The long-awaited companion volume to The Earth
Code That Unlocks the Scythian Ring Lords. Dealing with numerous aspects,
Chronicles series that reveals the story of the seeding of
Secrets of the Master from Sleeping Beauty to Robin Hood and Count Dracula,
humanity by inhabitants of Nibiru, the 12th planet, and
the author reveals how a prestigious sovereign heritage
the wars of gods and men; offers insight into life on Ni- Prophet Ottavio Cesare
has been strategically suppressed by parliamentary and
biru; explains why the Anunnaki space beings from Nibiru RamottiIn 1994 members church dictate, facilitated by a forged document which has
initially came to Earth and why they eventually aban- of the Italian National Li-
controlled all monarchical and governmental practices in
doned humans to return to their native planet; a culmina- brary in Rome found buried
Western Europe for over 1,200 years.
tion of the authors lifes work and research. in their archives an unknown
352 pp., 6 x 9, b&w illustrations $24.00 HOT! and unpublished manuscript 405 pp. 6x9 HB. Illus. Index. $26.95


consisting of 80 mysterious ROUND TOWERS OF
paintings by the famed prophet Michel de Nostradamus ATLANTIS: Or the
Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4 (1503-1566). This manuscript, handed down to the
Tim SwartzSensational data obtained from the in- Mysteries of
prohpets son and later donated by him to Pope Urban Freemasonry, of Sabaism,
ventors most private papers and kept under wraps by the VIII, confirms the hidden chronology of Nostradamuss
military and big business concerns. This book is for all and of Buddhism
quatrains discovered by the well-known Nostradamus
those who feel that the military industrial complex is at- scholar, Ottavio Cesare Ramotti. Ramotti, a former pro-
Henry OBrienThis fasci-
tempting to control our lives, our financial affairs and our nating book, first published in
gram analyst for the Interforce Electronic Center of the
belief structure. 1834 as The Round Towers of
Italian National Police, has dedicated the past 10 years to
155 pages, P/B, 7x10 $14.95 Ireland or the Mysteries of Free-
decoding more than 600 of the quatrains of Nostradamus.
masonry, of Sabaism, and of
LOST REALMS Zecharia SitchinWith a visionarys 8 x 10, 176 pp. $16.95 NEW! Buddhism, was an instant sen-
ardor and a scientists attention to detail, Zecharia Sitchin, ONE FOOT IN ATLANTIS William Henry, James sation at the time, and was one
author of The Earth Chronicles, gives a stunning account Roderick (Editor)The secret occult history of WWII of the first modern studies of Atlantis, Round Towers, pre-
of human interaction with celestial travelers. He also pro- and its impact on new age politics. Includes F.D.R.s Christian Megalithic Architecture and Secret Societies. In
vides further proof that prophetic dreams, visions, UFO search of Christ and the Holy Grail in Shambhala; the addition to being a sourcebook on Atlantis research,
encounters, and other phenomena, are the hallmark of in- race to discover Atlantean stargat technologies; angels Druidic culture and origins of modern Celtic Christianity,
tervention by intergalactic emissaries who reach out from and aliens in the White House; Atlantis in the stars; and the book is a treasure house of ancient esoteric lore and ar-
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That Unveils the Location of His Terrifying Science and How Free Energy
Discovery Andre Douzet In 1916, Berenger Sauniere, Mysticism of Crop and Anti-Gravity
the enigmatic priest of the French village of Rennes-le- Circles Freddy Might Be Possible
Chateau, created his ultimate clue: he went to great ex- SilvaThe author re- with Todays Physics
pense to create a model of a region said to be the Calvary ports the history of cir- Moray B. KingKing ex-
Mount, indicating the Tomb of Jesus. But the region on cles, their nature and plains, in a technical but
the model does not resemble the actual layout of Jeru- symbolism, the issue of easy-to-understand way,
salem. Did Sauniere leave a clue as to the true location of
his treasure? And what is that treasure? After years of re-
man-made hoaxes, and
gives the reader a vivid
how free energy and anti- NEW!
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search, Andre Douzet discovered this model, never col- sense of what its like to theories of the zero-point
lected from the model maker by Sauniere, who had died NEW! be in a circle just after energy maintain there are
just before the models completion. Backed by evidence its made. He then tremendous fluctuations of
showing correspondence between Sauniere and the model presents a persuasive argument for the validity of the crop electrical field energy em-
maker. circles as a transhuman event, discussing them in terms of bedded within the fabric of space. This book tells how, in
6 x 8, 116 pp, pictures and detailed drawings of the model their production by acoustical, electromagnetic, and light the 1930s, inventor T. Henry Moray could produce a fifty
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crop circle season, and suggests their growing design com- vortex creates anti-gravity; how the Pons/Fleischmann
SECRET DESTINY plexity represents a progression of messages meant to re- cold fusion experiment could produce tremendous heat
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Back in print at 5 x 8 P/B, 190 pp., Illustrated $12.95
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periment of enlight- Sitchin has identified the legendary Land of the matic discovery of large biblical quotation on an ancient
ened self-government. Godsand provided astounding new revelations about the Egyptian stele. When compared to the biblical equivalent
Drawing upon often Great Pyramids, the Sphinx, and other mysterious monu- the text appears to be two separate accounts, from both the
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great work is accomplished. evidence of pre-Columbian Grail, comes a new book on the
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facts about our- chapel. The true significance and meaning of the chapel is
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selves. We condi- of the last Ice Age. This text explores the question of early
tion our lives ac- knowledge written by the Sinclair family, one of the
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the shadow work that made her a success with Dark Side Green BeckleyIs the earth hollow? Is our planet hon- along the way, building up to the explosive revelation of a
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US Government, but
IMPOSSIBLE Here, at its buildings and run-
last, is the story of a ANCIENT POWER PLANTS ways have been docu-
handful of inventors bat- AND ADVANCED mented in Russian sat-
tling to save the world TECHNOLOGY ellite photos. The
from industrial giants, (from the 1999 Egypt In The perimeter is patrolled
like Ford, Morgan, Ed- New Millennium conference) by unmarked helicop-
ison and their ilk. From Christopher DunnFind out ters and assault vehi-
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ATLANTIS tion of Egypt was called Al balls of light, their intelligent
CONNECTION Pow- Khemit and Mehler has spent behavior, their connection with
erful evidence linking much time in Egypt exploring the crop circles and their clear
Stonehenge, Avebury, its roots with the local wise interaction with the human
Glastonbury and many men and their descendants. mind. Mind-blowing images,
other English locations He has uncovered a com- eyewitness accounts, recon-
with an advanced an- pletely non-traditional system structions and original pieces of
cient order now lost to
history. Written and
of knowledge that does not
agree with the academic and
HOT! footage providing rock-hard ev-
idence of the presence of highly
narrated by Atlantis scientific establishment, but has sur- intelligent, non-human entities. This documentary con-
Rising editor Doug vived through the centuries. This ancient tains material that will change your view of this world for-
Kenyon, the video is wisdom was passed on verbally and otherwise; preserved ever. Prepare to watch the most overwhelming evidence
based primarily upon by the keepers of wisdom. Mehler is an Egyptologist, field ever documented of a non-human, unknown intelligence,
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dawn of civilization on mankind in unimaginable
Earth. Now assembled Vol. III from Cymatics: Bringing
in a devastating one-
and unnatural ways. This
video is based on what was
Matter to Life with Sound is a visu- HOT!
hour documentary, ally exciting and fascinating portrayal
named one of the most im- of the interplay of vibration and form, energy and matter.
hosted by Atlantis portant books of 1996 by Project Censored: The News
Rising Editor and Pub- The stunning array of images seen in these programs are
That Didnt Make the News. The U.S. Militarys first actual physical phenomenathese life-like, flowing
lisher J. Douglas target is the electrojet: a river of electricity that flows
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a companion to the book, The Biggest Secret, by David Astronomer for the United States Naval Observatory and chanting, and vibrational toning. Deepak Chopra, Bernie
Icke. This is the presentation the publisher says Illuminati, Brian OLeary, former Apollo Astronaut trained for Siegel, Don Campbell, Ray Lynch, Steven Halpern, Jill
which it calls the forces of global control, tried so hard to Americas first manned mission to Mars. In this historic Purce, Rupert Sheldrake and others add insights and share
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ited to name a history of Crop Hancock traverses the world elo-
few, presents Circles to the quently explaining his theory that a
evidence for present with highly sophisticated ancient civili-
mankinds ex- credible theories zation sailed the planet as early as
traterrestrial ori- about their pos- 10,500 B.C. spreading advanced
gins and cosmic sible meaning, astronomical knowledge and
connections. function and ori- building ancient monuments and
Sitchin dis-
cusses some of
gins. Featured observatories. Hancock points out HOT!
experts include astounding similarities in giant
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idence was presented that THE SPHINX AND THE TOWER OF BABEL Grizzly
would appear to indicate the Adams ProductionsFrom the Pax TVs Encounters
existence of not one, but two with the Unexplained, this episode Includes interviews
types of unknown extraterres- with Atlantis Rising editor Doug Kenyon, Boston Univer-
trial life forms. Labeled Phe- sity Geologist Robert Schoch, Christopher Dunn, Stephen
nomena One and Phe- Mehler and others (not the episode pictured here). Can we
nomena Two by a man who spent several discover what, if anything, is under the Sphinx? Is it pos-
years recording and logging thousands of hours of NASA sible that even today, the Sphinx, stands guard over some
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