Health Export IOS10

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Health Data to the MS Register from an iPhone 5s or above.

1) Unlock your phone and go to the email you had from us
2) Add the email address to your contacts by :
a. Tap and hold on the email address, you should get
offered the option to Create new Contact:

b. This will move you to the contact screen Enter MS Register in the company
box and tap done

c. This will put you back in your email app.

3) Press the Home Button
4) Swipe down from the home screen to get the search screen

Type Health into the search box and tap the app to launch it

5) Tap the health icon to launch the app.

6) Tap the Icon on the top right:

7) Tap export health data at the bottom of this screen

8) Tap Export on the dialogue
This may take a while depending on how much data you have on your phone

9) Once completed select the email icon

10) Then start typing phone in the To field it should pop up the email address that we saved earlier. Then tap Send.
11) Thats it Done!


The MS Register Team

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