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Fuzzy Logix Written Round


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Note -
1. You are expected to write 2 write-ups. First one is mandatory.
2. There is word limit (250 words per topic) for write-ups. Exceeding word limits will be heavily

Mandatory topic
If you are the CEO of Fuzzy Logix, what would be the 3 most important
initiatives that you would launch to improve growth of the company?
Okay, if I am the CEO of Fuzzy Logix then obviously I will be responsible for the success and failure of the
company. So, first of all I will set a vision and mission for the company and an overall direction in which
company will work. Being CEO of the company operations from marketing strategy, financing to hiring and
firing all will be on my shoulders. However every responsibility is important for me but to improve growth of
the company I will mainly focus on the three initiatives:
1. Setting Strategy and vision: By setting goals and strategy that which markets will the company
enter? Against which competitors? With what product lines? How will the company differentiate
itself? With my senior management team I will decide sets, budgets and hire the team to steer the
company accordingly.
2. Bulid a Culture: I think its the culture that affects most to the people .An awful place to work can
drive away high performers. A good culture in the company attracts the best and retains the very
best. So it is very important to shape a good culture in the company first and culture can be build
by many ways:
As I am the CEO every action or inaction of mine, how I interact with my
team, how I treat mistakes (failure or feedback), to whom I talk, to whom I
fires or to whom I rewards shapes the culture powerfully.
3. Product Quality: I will focus on the product quality so as to provide best analytic solutions to our

Optional topics
(Choose one topic from below mentioned options)

1 What are the advantages/disadvantages of implementing the One

Rank One Pension policy in India?

2 Is this the right time for mankind to explore the possibility of

colonizing the Mars, which is incredibly inhospitable to life? Can
the Mars One Mission be accomplished with the current
3 In the budget for this year, proposals have been made to
introduce Smart Cities in India. Do you believe this is a good

4 Why do you think India is still lagging in terms of public

cleanliness? Evaluate the "Swachh Bharath" mission. You can also
provide alternative solutions to the problem.

Yes, there is no doubt that India is still lagging in terms of public cleanliness. I study in Kanpur and
except the college campus if we talk about the cleanliness in Kanpur city the condition is terrible. In city
wherever you go most of the city you will see the plastic bags, cluster of garbage and tin cans on the
roadside. Even in metro cities too the condition is not better. People are blaming to the government and
politicians are blaming to each other but the bitter truth is no one is working properly.

Last year a cleanliness campaign Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is started by our government initiated by
the Honourable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. At the starting I thought that it is just a program which
will limit only to the paper and files. But I was wrong people are really participating in this campaign with
enthusiasm. Few months ago I was in Delhi and what I saw was unbelievable for me. I saw at 6 AM
people are cleaning the roads, even in the schools children participate in this campaign by cleaning
their schools and in the offices people clean their offices. This is great initiative but people also should
realize their moral duty. They should help government by keeping their home, schools and offices clean
and also encourage others to make this as a habit. This campaign is strong hope to make our country
clean and hope is a good thing may be the best thing.

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