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Kunci Jawaban SMA/MA Bahasa Inggris X

UNIT 1 Gilang : Hi! You are Resta, right?

Glaad to Meet You Resta : Hi! Oh, Gilang. Long time no see.
Gilang : How are you doing?
A. Listening
Resta : I'm pretty well, thank you. What about you?
Task 1 Gilang : I'm fine too. It's been so long since we were at junior
Listening script: high school. W here do you study?
1) Mega : Good morning. Resta : I study in Putra Bangsa senior high school. You are in
the first grade too, aren't you?
Prima : Good morning.
Gilan : Yes, I am. I am a first grade student of a senior high
Mega : Do you know when the class meeting starts?
school in Jakarta. It is a public school.
Prima : It starts at 9 a.m. today.
Resta : Oh, I see. Gilang, this is Yanu. He is my classmate.
Mega : I see. Thanks for telling.
Gilang : Hi, Yanu. I am Gilang. How do you do!
Prima : Youre welcome.
Yanu : Hi Gilang. How do you do!
2) Larasati : How are you, Den?
Gilang : I have limited time, I have to go home now. See you
Denis : Im fine, thanks. friends.
Larasati : Well, you look different today. Yanu : See you.
Denis : Really? How do I look? Resta : See you next time.
Larasati : You look great.
Denis : Thanks. You do too. Dialogue 2
Irvan, Digta, and Udin are new students. They are at the students'
3) Ratih : I think we need to discuss our plan for next month.
association office.
Siska : Youre right.
Irvan : Good morning. My name is Irvan.
Ratih : W hat if we meet at the canteen this afternoon.
Digta : Good morning Irvan. I'm Digta.
Siska : Sure.
Irvan : Digta, this is Udin. W e were classmates at the junior
Ratih : So, see you later. high school.
Siska : See you. Digta : Hi, Udin. How do you do!
Task 2 Udin : How do you do!
Listening script: Irvan : By the way, did you join basketball extracurricular
activity in the junior high school?
W awan : Good morning. My name is W awan.
Digta : Yes, I did.
Ilham : Good morning W awan. Im Ilham.
Irvan : Oh, that's great. Udin and I have never joined it before.
W awan : Ilham, this is Adib. We were classmates at the junior
high school. Udin : We hope you can help us.
Ilham : Hi, Adib. How do you do? Digta : Sure.
Adib : How do you do. Irvan : Okay, see you this afternoon.
W awan : By the way, did you join pencak silat extracurricular Udin : See you, Digta.
activity in the junior high school? Digta : See you.
Ilham : Yes, I did. Dialogue 3
W awan : Oh, thats great. Adib and I have never joined it before. Brya meets his teacher at the hospital.
Adib : We hope you can help us. Brya : Good afternoon, Sir.
Ilham : Sure. Teacher : Good afternoon, Brya. How are you?
W awan : Okay, see you this afternoon. Brya : I'm fine, thank you.
Adib : See you Ilham. Teacher : What are you doing here in the hospital?
Ilham : See you. Brya : I am going to visit my neighbor. She has got a baby.
Teacher : I see. Are you alone?
Ans w er :
Rena : No, I'm with my mom. There she comes. I'm sorry Sir, I
1. My name is Wawan
have to go now. Nice to meet you, Sir.
2. Im Ilham
Teacher : G ood to meet you too, Brya. See you at s chool
3. Ilham, this is Adib tomorrow.
4. Ilham
5. Okay, see you this afternoon B. Speaking

Task 3 Task 1
Listening script: Students activity
Dialogue 1
Gilang meets his old friend, Resta, at the caf. Resta introduces Task 2
Yanu to Gilang. Students activity

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Task 3 Task 5
An s wer : An s wer :
1. My name is Arya 1. Picasso was an outstanding and important artist of the 1900s.
2. Im Dadang 2. He became famous because of his paintings.
3. this is Tina 3. The mostly used tense in the text is simple past tense.
4. Hi, Tina 4. He is best known for his paintings
5. The generic s tructure of the text is orientation, events,
Task 4 evaluation, reorientation.
Students activity
Task 6
Task 5
An s wer :
Students activity
1. evening
Task 6 2. theater
Students activity 3. popular
4. world
Task 7 5. rose
Students activity 6. unhappy
7. characters
Task 8
8. curse
Students activity
9. wic ked
Task 9 10. resc ue
Students activity 11. beautiful
12. sank
Task 10 13. lake
An s wer : 14. s w an
1. In the school
15. leaving
2. Yes, they do. Burhan greeted Bety
16. stood
3. She did nothing
17. terrace
4. Canteen
18. breath
5. No, she didnt. She wanted to go to the library
19. s cenery
6. Library
20. place
7. They want to borrow some books
8. Parting Task 7
An s wer :
C. Reading
1. The writer was on his car when the earthquake happened.
Task 1 2. No, he did not. He knew that it was an earthquake when he
An s wer : saw some telephone and electricity poles falling down to the
1. F. correct: The writer joined the Traditional Dance Competition. ground, like matchstick.
2. T 3. Paragraph 1: orientation
3. F. correct: they only had one day in Jakarta Paragraph 2: event 1
4. F. correct: the writer went with her teacher Paragraph 3: event 2
5. T Paragraph 4: event 4
6. T Last sentence: reorientation.
4. Aria : Hello, Annas. How are you?
Task 2 Annas : Hello, Aria. Im fine, and you?
Students activity Aria : Im fine. Thank you.
Annas : Aria, please, meet my cousin, Nadya.
Task 3
Nadya, this is Aria, my classmate.
An s wer :
Aria : Hi, Im Aria. How do you do?
1. prestasi
Nadya : My names Nadya. How do you do?
2. pengumuman
Annas : Lets go jogging together.
3. kompetisi
5. Good morning
4. bus ana
Good afternoon
5. tak sabar
6. gelisah
7. peserta
6. (+) Albert was watching television at 10 oclock this morning.
8. persiapan
(?) Was Albert watching television at 10 oclock this morning?
9. dengan lembut
7. Alberts Bistro Family Restaurant is located behind the 2000
10. piala
Highland Avenue.
Task 4 8. Alberts Bistro Family Restaurant offers Greek Food, Pizza,
Students activity seafood, and prime rib.

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9. (-) Putri did not write her application letter last night. 8. was
(?) Did Putri write her application letter last night? 9. would
10. b-a-d-c-f-e-h-g 10. remembered
b I saw an interesting job advertised in the paper last week. 11. ate
a I decided to apply for the job. 12. had to
d I telephoned the company to see if the job was still vacant. 13. was
c Then I went to the address in the advertisement. 14. had to
f They told me to come to the office the next day for an 15. needed
e The next morning, I put on my best set of clothes. Task 6
h I was asked to go into the managers office. Students activity
g After asking me a lot of questions, the manager offered Task 7
me the job.
Students activity
Task 8
Students activity
Students activity
Task 9
Competency Test
An s wer : A. M ultiple Choices
1. Because she is a new student there 1. b. a way of greetings
2. By greeting 2. c. introduction oneself
3. Her identity 3. d. introducing other people
4. Playing badminton 4. b. Let me introduce you to my brother
5. She says I think thats all I can say. Thank you very much for 5. b. an introduction other people
your attention. 6. e. Nani and Nana.
7. b. How do you do?
D. Writing 8. a. Acquaint
Students activity 9. a. what happen to participant
10. b. reorientation
Task 2
11. e. The writer decided to go back again with the bus.
An s wer :
12. d. One Day Seminar on Business
1. didnt work
13. c. the president of the seminar
2. didnt enjoy
14. c. introducing other people
3. taught
15. c. Mr. Dony Juanda.
4. slept
16. e. expert
5. ate
17. a. holiday in Bali
6. didnt have
18. e. Lovina Beach
7. got
19. c. She said that Bali is the most beautiful place in world.
8. took
20. a. were attending
9. spent
21. a. will be returning
10. wen t
22. b. I finished
Task 3 23. c. Advertisement
An s wer : 24. b. 3 hours online and hot chocolate
1. w a s 25. d. We serve the best
2. are 26. c. was playing
3. joined 27. d. informal introduction
4. took 28. d. guessing
5. w o n 29. a. She must be very sad
6. had 30. d. did not pass

Task 4 B. Completion
Students activity 1. was sleeping
2. came
Task 5 3. were playing
1. woke up 4. was playing
2. wen t 5. was performing
3. w a s 6. were waiting
4. wen t 7. called
5. s a w 8. were sitting
6. said 9. rang
7. w a s 10. was working

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C. Essay Task 2
1. The writer enjoyed best was the W ildlife Park. Listening script:
2. There are a lot of animals and birds in the Wildlife Park. Dialogue 1
3. The word they refers to the animals. Mother : My dear daughter, your father said that he would take
4. The writer saw koala bears, crocodiles, and birds. you to the department store.
5. The writer felt amazed about the park. Lyla : Hooray! That's great. When do we go there, Mom?
6. The writer preferred to visit a wildlife park to a zoo because Mother : Perhaps after dinner. Father will buy a new pair of
the animals are kept in their natural surroundings. shoes for you. Frankly we both are so proud for your
7. The orientation of the text above is on paragraph 1 and performance at school.
paragraph 2. Lyla : Thanks for your praise, Mom. I am also happy to have
8. The reorientation of the text is the last paragraph. parents like you both.
9. The word them in paragraph 3 refers to kangaroos and Mother : You are a wonderful daughter for us. I'm so blessed to
wallabies. be your mom.
10. The genre of the text above is recount text. The text is a Lyla : Thanks mom.
recount text because it retells past event in chronological Dialogue 2
Fio : Hi, Andi. Did you hear that Tono fell off when he was
riding his motorcycles?
II. Affective Domain
Andi : Oh really? How awful! What happened?
Students activity
Fio : He was riding in a big storm. He must have skidded in
III. Psychomotor Domain the rain.
Students activity Andi : Oh that's too bad. W as he badly injured?
Fio : Sure, he was such in pain.
Rem edy Andi : He wasn't, was he?
A. M ultiple Choices Fio : He was. He couldn't even stand up. He broke his legs.
1. b. Id like to. Thanks. Andi : That's terrible. W here is he now? Is he in the hospital?
2. e. That sounds great. Id love to. Fio : He is still in the Emergency Unit of Sumber W aras
3. c. Im afraid not. Sorry. Hospital.
4. b. Hes out today, but you can come again tomorrow Andi : I'll see him in the hospital right away.
5. c. Hes out now, but you can call again after lunch
Task 3
B. Completion Listening script;
Students activity 1. Your friend tells you that she won a competition.
Im delighted to hear that.
C. Essay
2. Your teacher says that you got the best mark of the class.
Students activity
Its great. Im so happy.
Enrichment 3. Your neighbors daughter is in hospital because of dengue
1. was sleeping f ever.
2. was walking Im so sorry to hear that. I hope she will get better son.
3. want ed 4. Your classmates cat died.
4. joined I know how it feels. Snowy is your favorite cat.
5. met 5. Your friends motorcycle was stolen.
6. were talking Oh, thats awful. I think you should report it to the police station.
7. called
Task 4
8. was smiling
Listening script:
9. had
Tool and Ingredient :
10. typed
* wax moulds,
Project * wic k,
Students activity * dye discs,
* essential oils,
UNIT 2 * and a double boiler.
Lets M ake Delicious Cake
A. Listening
* First of all, melt the wax. All wax has a flash point, so to
Task 1 prevent it bursting into flames, you must melt it in a double
Listening script: boiler, with water in the bottom pan.
* Then, prepare the mould with the wick. Thread the wick
1. You win a free ticket to Bali.
through the mould and make sure that you leave a good few
2. My brother got an accident last night.
centimetres sticking out of the hole in the bottom.
3. Your friend hurts himself when playing football.
* After that, add the scent. If you want a scented candle, add a
4. You know what. Our teacher's father just passed away. few drops of essential oil to the melted wax. You can use any
5. I'm so happy. My father bought me a motorcycle. essential oil you like, as long as it doesn't contain water.

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* Next step, pour the wax into the mould. Try and tip the wax Task 2
into the mould quickly, all in one go, to minimise spillage and air Students activity
* Then, release the bubbles and top it up. Releasing the air Task 3
bubbles will eventually make the candle sink, so you will need Students activity
to top it up with more melted wax.
* Finally, remove it from the mould. After four or five hours, the Task 4
candle can be taken out of its mould.
Students activity
* Your candle is now ready for display. Remember, you must
always leave it for a day before lighting it. Task 5
Task 5 Students activity
Listening script:
Task 6
Denata : Hi, Dilla.
An s wer :
Dilla : Hi, Denata.
Denata : You were absent for two days. W here were you? 1. (b) I am sorry to hear that. I know you love it.
Dilla : My family and I went to my cousins wedding party. 2. (c ) I am so happy now.
Denata : I see. Where was it? 3. (e) I am happy as you are.
Dilla : It was in Surabaya. It took us have hours to get there 4. (a) Im sorry to hear that.
by bus.
5. (d) I know how it feels because you have been friends for
Denata : How was the party?
Dilla : It was great, but there was s omething bad that
Task 7
Denata : Really? W hat was that?
Students activity
Dilla : The bride fainted after the party was over.
Denata : Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Was she sick?
Dilla : Actually, she was not. She was jus t too tired. C. Reading
Fortunately, she soon recovered.
Denata : Thats good. Anyway, the bell is ringing. Lets go back Task 1
to the class. Students activity
Dilla : Okay.
Task 2
Task 6
Students activity
Listening script:
How to Activate a Hand phone Task 3
Nowadays , we us e a hand phone to c onnec t to our Students activity
colleagues. We can get it easily in the shop. When we buy it we
shall get a hand phone, a charger, a battery, and a SIM card. Task 4
This is the way to activate the handphone: An s wer :
1. First, open the cover of the hand phone. 1. How to make Gudeg Jogja
2. Second, insert the SIM card after being installed.
2. - 5 onions
3. Third, insert the battery inside.
- 10 candlenuts
4. Fourth, close the battery with a cover of hand phone.
- 10 garlic cloves
5. Fifth, connect the lead from the charger to the bottom of the
phone.. - 4 bay leaves
6. Sixth, connect the charger to an AC wall outlet. Charging the - 1/2 lb. (250g) green jack fruit
battery supplied with the phone may take four up to six hours. - 2-1/2 tsp. (12g) coriander seeds
7. Seventh, when the battery is fully charged, the bar stops - 1-1/4 tsp. (6g) cumin
scrolling. Disconnect the charger from the AC outlet and the - 1/4 cup (62ml) coconut sugar
- 2 cups (500ml) coconut milk
Then, we are ready to make a phone call.
- 2 tsp. (30g) tamarind
Task 7 - 2 lb. (1kg) chicken (cut into small pieces with bone)
An s wer : - 5 cups (1.25l) water
1. The properties that we will get if we buy a hand phone are a - 2 inches bruised galangal
handphone, a charger, a battery, and a sim card.
3. tablespoon, teaspoon, knife, stove, cups, and pan
2. The first step for activating a hand phone is opening the cover
4. - First, cut green jack fruit 1 inch thick. Wash and boil until
of the hand phone.
3. We need four up to six hours to charge the battery.
- Next, ground onions, candle nuts, saut paste, bay leaves,
4. The sign if the battery fully charged is the bars stop scrolling.
and galangal until fragrant.
5. (Students opinion)
- Add the chicken pieces, stir fry until chicken changes
B. Speaking
- Then, pour 4 cups of water and coconut sugar, bring to a
Task 1 boil.
Students activity

PGSMA/MABahasaInggrisX/1/SMS 79
- Add the green jack fruit and simmer until the chicken and 3. b. two circles
vegetables are tender. 4. d. drawing
- Finally, add coconut milk 5 minutes before its done, bring 5. e. small semicircle
back to a boil. Serve hot with rice. 6. c. procedure
5. Serve hot with rice. 7. a. decorate the bug
8. a. Try kneeling on the board once we are on the wave
Task 5
9. e. A light, small fiberglass board
An s wer :
10. d. A safe, uncrowded spot
1. d. famous
11. b. Start paddling furiously
2. a. A nywh er e
12. c. How to use City Bank machine teller
3. d. a welcome service
13. a. box
4. a. rare
14. b. $ 200 in the maximum amount that may be witdrawn
5. c. get the recipient attention
15. c. boiling
16. d. Im happy to hear that
D. Writing 17. a. First of all
Task 1 18. d. after that,
Students activity 19. b. Finally
20. a. Procedure
21. c. To explain the steps how to make a ballon power rocket
Task 2 22. b. Making a ballon powered rocket
Students activity 23. d. Material
24. b. Im sorry to hear that.
Task 3
25. d. Sympathy
Students activity
26. e. Daly, this is my sister, Tanti.
Task 4 27. b. to clean my room
An s wer : 28. a. turn down
1. Command 29. c. were enjoying
2. Command 30. a. Could you post
3. Command
B. Completion
4. Request
An s wer :
5. Command
1. Move on, please!
6. Command
2. Take care!
7. Command
3. Turn off the lamp, please!
8. Request
4. Look at page 25!
9. Command
5. Watch out!
10. Request
6. Sorry
Task 5 7. Material
How to Prepare Fried Rice 8. Happy
To make fried rice, you will need some rice, vegetables, meat 9. Happiness
and eggs. 10. Affec tion
T he best vegetables are onions , garlic, tomatoes and
cucumber. C. Essay
First, cut up the meat into very small pieces and fry it in a pan An s wer :
At the same time cook the rice in another pan. 1. W e open our e-mail software.
Then, cut up the onions and garlic and fry them. 2. The third step to send an e-mail message is typing the
recipients e-mail address in the To Field.
Now, you can break in two or three eggs.
3. We type our message into the message box.
Stir the mixture and add salt, pepper and other spices.
4. We type an appropriate subject in the Subject Field.
When the rice is cooked, add it to the meat and the vegetables.
5. The last step is clicking send.
Finally, cut up a cucumber into thin slices and place the slices
on top of the rice. II. Affective Domain
Serve the fried rice with hot sauce, if you like. Students activity
Portfolio III. Psychomotor Domain
Students activity Students activity
Competency Test Rem edy
A. M ultiple Choices
A. Multiple Choice
1. b. t w o
1 d. How to make a cup of coffee
2. a. coloured paper
2. a. Add sugar

80 PGSMA/MABahasaInggrisX/1/SMS
3. e. You need a teaspoonful of sugar 16. c. Read the book carefully!
4. a. a teaspoonful of cream 17. b. enthusiastic
5. a. Mix 18. e. Oh, poor you
19. b. tries, plays
B. Completion
20. a. Wash rice, put the cooking pot with water, plug power cord
An s wer :
and press cook.
21. b. 15
Cooking Rice 22. e. It fails to work properly.
(Materials) 23. d. to cook rice
Well, to cook rice you will need some rice and water. Now, let me 24. a. A schedule of a school trip
tell you steps of cooking rice. 25. c. students
Listen carefully. 26 e. got
(Steps) 27. e. came
First, wash some rice in cold water.
28. e. were listening
Second, put the rice with some water in a pot.
29. a. Please, meet me at the office!
Then, boil and cool it slowly for about 20 minutes. (After 20 minutes)
See, there is no more water now. 30. a. The writer's trip to Jogjakarta
After that, put the rice to simmer and steam it for about 45 minutes. 31. e. Brahma and Syiwa
Now, the rice is ready to be served. 32. e. Wisnu
33. b. The writer went to Borobudur first and then to the Palace.
C. Essay 34. e. sympathy
An s wer :
35. c. watc hed
1. How to insert the SIM Card and charge the battery of your 36. a. prefer
mobile phone
37. b. An environmental awareness essay was written by him.
2. To give information
38. c. cannot work
3. Insert the SIM Card and make sure the SIM Card is placed
39. d. In my opinion
under the silvery holders
40. a. however very tired I am
4. Connect the charger to the phone at the flash symbol
5. Remove the charger by tilting the plug upwards
B. Completion
Enrichment An s wer :
1. The type of the text is procedure text. 1. typed
2. The meaning of minced is cut into small pieces. 2. was visiting
3. The temporal conjunction used in the text are first of all, 3. came
second, after that, then, next step, finally. 4. introducing other
4. We need two cups of water, a cup of rice, salt, and a pan 5. Good morning
with a lid.
5. There are four steps to cook rice. C. Essay
An s wer :
Project 1. The writer had a dinner at Jabris house.
Students activity 2. The writer declined Jabris offer to spend the night at his
house because he had to be at work early the day after.
3. The writer spent the night at Jabris house.
A. M ultiple Choices 4. The candidate s hould send his/her CVs to admin@mti-
1. a. he
5. The company off ers good s alary, hous ing allowance (if
2. d. but
relocated), health insurance to the candidate.
3. c. That is
4. e. pretty UNIT 3
5. a. doing Once Upon A Time
6. d. He shows his sympathy.
7. a. I'm very disappointed A. Listening Script
8. e. 5 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 4 - 6
Task 1
9. b. to introduce herself
Anita : You look so happy today, Adib.
10. a. to ask how Denias is
Ruben : Is there something we dont know?
11. a. A secretary
Adib : Yes, my brother has finished his study in Australia and
12. a. In the morning hell be home tonight.
13. a. Tomorrow
Anita : Really?
14. b. She is attending a meeting. Adib : Yeah, tonight were going to have a small welcome
15. e. introducing people party. Would you like to come?

PGSMA/MABahasaInggrisX/1/SMS 81
Ruben : I would. Arief : Do you have a plan for tomorrow holiday?
Adib : What about you, Anita? Rita : Too bad. I have nothing to do.
Anita : Id like to, but tonight I will have to take care of my little Arief : I've got a plan for tomorrow. Would you like to come to
brother and my little sister. My parents will attend their my house?
friends wedding party. Rita : Really? Tell me, please. Then, I'll decide to come or not.
Adib : I see. Its okay. Well, I think I have to go now. See you. Arief : I've got a new interesting novel and VCD of a drama
Ruben & Anita : See you performance.
Rita : Wow, great. What are they about? Are they interesting?
Task 2
Arief : If I tell you now, it won't surprise you. Now, decide.
Listening script: Would you come to my house to enjoy them?
Dialogue 1 Rita : I'd love to. I'll be at your house at 8.00 in the morning.
Aris has a plan for the next holiday. He asks Rita to come together.
Dialogue 2
Aris : Do you have a plan for tomorrow holiday?
Dr Iwan Fauzi was a well-known doctor. He had a friend, Mr
Rita : Too bad. I have nothing to do. Andre Posuma, who always sees him for general check up. One
Aris : Ive got a plan for tomorrow. Would you like to come to day, his friend calls him.
my house? Mr. Posuma : Hello, Fauzi. This is Andre.
Rita : Really? Tell me, please. Then, Ill decide to come or not. Dr. Fauzi : Hi Andre. Can I help you?
Aris : OK, tomorrow at 10 oclock I will wait you in front of
Mr. Posuma : I'd like to have a general check up. It has been
our school. W e will meet there. I will show you my
two months since my last visit to you.
Dr. Fauzi : OK. I'm free on Tuesday afternoon. Let's meet at
Rita : Id love to but I have to clean up the house until 10.30
Mr. Posuma : I'll be there. Bye.
Aris : How about 11.00 oclock?
Dr. Fauzi : Bye.
Rita : That would be very nice.
Ten minutes later, Mr Andre Posuma is informed by her
Dialogue 2 secretary that there will be a meeting on Tuesday afternoon.
Harry and Jimmy are talking in front of the class. Harry invites Then, he calls Mr Iwan Fauzi to cancel his appointment.
Jimmy to go camping. Mr. Posuma : Hello, Fauzi. It's me, Andre. This is about our
Harry : Hello Jimmy. appointment.
Jimmy : Hello. Dr. Fauzi : W hat's wrong?
Harry : Do you have a plan for the next weekend? Mr. Posuma : Mmm actually, I will attend a meeting. I'm sorry
Jimmy : Nothing special as far as I know. I can't make it.
Harry : My friends and I will have a camping in country side for Dr. Fauzi : Well, that's OK. We can meet next time.
the weekend. W ould you care to come and join us? Mr. Posuma : Alright. See you.
Jimmy : That sounds great. I like it very much. Dr. Fauzi : See you.
Harry : OK. So, you will come, then?
Jimmy : Sure, what time? Task 5
Harry : Just a minute. Let me see. We have planned to gather Listening script:
at ten oclock at my house. Is it alright? Brawijaya, the king of Majapahit, had a beautiful daughter
Jimmy : Yes, thats fine. named Roro Anteng. Later she got married to a priest named Joko
Harry : Good. I will wait for you. Im sorry but I have to go now. Seger. Because of an unfortunate situation, they were forced to
See you on Saturday. leave the kingdom. They settled an area in the mountain named
Jimmy : See you. Tengger.
They were unhappy because they did not have a child. They
Task 3 climbed the peak of the mountain and prayed to the gods. Betara
1. Yes, they are. Bromo promised them many children with one condition: they would
2. Rina says Id love to but I have to clean up the house until have to sacrifice their youngest child. They finally had twenty-
10.30 p.m. to decline Ariss invitation. five children. However, they broke their promise to sacrifice the
3. Aris and Rita will meet at 11 oclock. youngest, Kesuma. Suddenly, an eruption occurred and Kesuma
4. They will have a camping on the weekend. fell into the crater. His voice was heard saying, I have to be
sacrificed so that you will all live. From now on you should arrange
5. Harry and Jimmy will meet at Harrys house.
an annual ceremony on the 14th of Kesodo.
6. Harry says would you care to come and join us? to invite
Kesumas brothers and sisters held the offering ceremony
Jimmy to go camping.
every year by offering fruits, vegetables, rice and meats. This
7. Jimmy says That sounds great. I like it very much to accept ceremony is still held today as a Kesada ceremony.
the invitation.

Task 4 B. Speaking
Listening script:
Task 1
Dialogue 1 Students activity
Arief and Rita are fond of literature. They enjoy reading stories,
novels, and watching drama. On the way home, Arief and Rita Task 2
have a chat. Students activity

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Task 3 7. The boy who won a prize was very happy.
An s wer : 8. Give me the book which is on the table.
1. Linda looks so happy because tomorrow is her birthday. 9. W e praised John whose performance was remarkable.
2. The party will be held at 8 a.m. 10. The boys who came late were punished.
3. Yes, she does. She says Could you come to my birthday
party tomorrow morning in my house at 8 a.m.? Task 4
4. The setting of the dialogue is at the school. An s wer :
5. The relationship between them is friends. 1. king
2. she
Task 4 3. we r e
Students activity 4. because
5. gods
Task 5
6. sacrifice
Students activity
7. have
Task 6 8. Kes odo
Students activity 9. ceremony
10. today
Task 7
Students activity Task 5
Students activity
Task 8
Students activity Portfolio
Students activity

C. Reading Competency Test

A. M ultiple Choices
Task 1
1. c. Narrative
Students activity
2. e. because she had to learn how to fly as high as the hawk
Task 2 3. e. A hawk, a hen and a rooster
Students activity 4. d. The hawk proposed the hen to be his wife
5. d. Major complication
Task 3 6. d. The hawk
Students activity 7. a. It sounds interesting
8. d. In the morning
Task 4
9. a. to entertain the reader about Snow white
An s wer :
10. e. orientation-complication-resolution
1. The farmer came from a fair. 11 d. a rabbit and the boss of crocodiles
2. The robbers want the sheep from the farmer. 12. a. to cross the river
3. The farmer was very angry. He tied the sheep to a tree by the 13. c. cheerful
roadside and started back to the fair on a run liken he was
14. c. a fox and a goat
tricked that his sheep was a dog.
15. d. the foxs idea how to get out of the well
4. The robbers carried the sheep to their den. It is a sad ending.
16. a. The goat drunk enough and looked around
Task 5 17..a. 1-3-2-4-5
Students activity 18. a. In the early 1800s
19. e. Durand Eastman Park
D. Writing 20. a. She threw herself into Lake Ontario.
21. e. The white lady became a friendly spirit.
Task 1 22. b. we r e
Students activity 23. e. did
24. c. werent
Task 2
25. b. we r e
Students activity
26. c. a craftsman from Athen
Task 3 27. a. He was ordered to build a labyrinth
An s wer : 28. e. by air
1. I met a man who had just lost his job. 29. b. His son
2. I visited the woman whose husband is a soldier. 30. a. narrative
3. W e got into a train which was crowded. 31. d. How about joining my party on Saturday?
4. This is my friend of whom I was speaking. 32. a. make appoinment
5. The officer whose car was stolen has informed the police. 33. b. graduated
6. The man whom I trusted betrayed me. 34. e. had checked
35. b. w a s

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B. Completion Semester Test
An s wer : A. M ultiple Choices
1. accept invitation 1. a. How to use a rice cooker
2. approve appointment 2. c. Rinse the rice to wash off excess starch
3. noun phrase 3. b. Use less water for larger rice cooker
4. wh os e 4. c. The switch automatically return to the Keep warm setting
5. whic h 5. a. Cover
6. was published 6. b. to entertain with a story
7. submitted 7. d. The bull was powerful like him
8. will be introduced
8. d. He asked all the wise animal
9. met
9. d. the ape
10. had done
10. e. baby cow
C. Essay 11. d. It was stolen
An s wer : 12. d. apply for
1. b. Rushed 13. d. delay
2. c. Sighed 14. b. Cinderella
3. h. Cried 15. e. orientation
4. g. Hit 16. e. narrative
5. f . Needed
17. c. ugly duckling
6. d. Looked
18. c. in the village
7. e. Sat
19. e. fable
8. a. happened
20. a. s w an
II. Affective Domain 21. b. would you mind turning down the radio?
Students answer 22. a. w a s
23. b. wh os e
III. Psychomotor Domain
24. e. On the way to the market
Students activity
25. a. afraid of
Rem edy 26. d. Sincerity makes Jack get something precious.
A. M ultiple Choices 27. d. It sounds interesting
1. a. two close friends
28. b. We would be delighted if you could come
2. d. To discuss bad weather.
29. d. Sit down, please!
3. c. How do you do?
30. e. By pressing "5"
4. b. were started didnt arrive
31. a. Remaining
5. e. was did
32. a. I hope
B. Completion 33. c. certainty
An s wer : 34. b. informs
1. The car was stolen by a group of robbers. 35. c. thirsty
2. The door is locked every night. 36. c. graduated
3. Many accidents are caused by careless driving. 37. e. w a s
4. The presidents speech was recorded.
38. a. give instruction
5. The kite festival was cancelled because of the rain.
39. c. whom
C. Essay 40. e. had checked
An s wer :
B. Completion
1. Who
An s wer :
2. Whom
1. meet
3. Whom
2. whom
4. W hose
3. wh os e
5. Whom
4. sorry
Enrichment 5. had stolen
Students activity 6. drove
7. was cooking
Project 8. Open
Students activity 9. make appointment
10. was studying

84 PGSMA/MABahasaInggrisX/1/SMS
C. Essay 7. - Would you like to go to my graduation party?
An s wer : - How about going to my house for my graduation party?
1. Malin Kundang worked hard in a big town and in a short time - W ould you care to come to my graduation party?
he became a rich man. 8. The teacher who had lived in America for years is a nice
2. Malins mother said, Oh, Malin Kundang, you are a wicked person.
son. Youll never be safe now. You and your money will turn 9. Had Marry gone to Europe when you came?
to stone. 10. a. Most people, even compulsive spenders, keep their money
3. The attack happened on October 12th, 2002. in banks in checking and saving accounts.
4. There were two explosions. They were at Paddys bar and e. To put money into accounts, you write out forms called
Sari Club. deposit slips.
5. The American embassy advice to their people to cancel c. On these slips of paper, you put down the amount of
spending their planned holidays in Indonesia. money you are depositing the currency (cash in paper
6. - The farm was built two years ago by my uncle. bills) and the checks.
- A holiday trip has been planned by Mr. W ijaya for his d. You add up the amounts, subtract the money that you
family. want to receive in cash, and write the total deposit.
- The living room will be decorated by the girls. b. You endorse (write your name) on the back of all your
checks and bring everything to the tellers window at the

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