Sosis Meeting Notes March 2017

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Our Services in Surrey

Meeting Notes
15 March in Staines

Present: Helen Couchman, Paul Couchman, Robert Evans, Steve
Trafford, Rob Clarke, Ginny Eaton, Liz Mansfield, Fiona Carr and
Nick Chaffey (visitor).

Apologies received from: Fred Greaves, Subhi Al Zuhairi, Howard Kaye and Thelma

Secretarys Report: Paul relayed the correspondence with Cllr Ian Beardsmore, carried in
the Surrey Advertiser letters pages. It was agreed that he write on behalf of SOSiS setting
the record straight about the council meeting on 23rd February and the role SOSis has played
in fighting local cuts and defending local fire services since 2009.

Treasurer's report: Thelma sent a message that we now have around 1,000 in the bank.
Collection at meeting raised 20. 20 donated to the Hub for room use.

Staines Fire Station There was further discussion on the importance of retaining current
fire and rescue cover and it was agreed unanimously that we would continue to support the
firefighters position (ably explained by Rob) that a minimum of two full-time, fully crewed
appliances in Spelthorne would be acceptable.

A day of action was held in Staines on Saturday 18th February from 11am-2pm. Around 30
people came out to support us ands we collected over 500 signatures.

The lobby of Spelthorne Council on 23 Feb was well attended and all those present were
expecting a battle in the council chamber when Cllr Doran moved our motion demanding
support for two 24/7 crews and appliances. Unfortunately, what transpired was a seemingly
back-room deal with the Conservative majority, which watered down the motion to just
saying there should be a minimum of two vehicles.

There was a lot of discussion around what happened and the majority opinion was that the
deal was a mistake on the part of cllrs Doran and Beardsmore. Paul was asked to write to
both councilors asking them to accept their mistake and to seek a way to get Spelthorne to
accept the need for two 24/7 crews and appliances. There was a strong feeling that
everything will change after the County Council elections in May will they even build a
new station?

There was some discussion over whether SOSiS should stand an anti-cuts candidate. There
was strong support for this idea, particularly standing against Richard Walsh in Shepperton.
There was an indication that both the Greens and Labour would support such a candidate.
No decision was taken but Paul was tasked with looking into this. There would be potential
repercussions with our important trade union links if we stood candidates in elections.

Agreed To publicise the current SOSiS petition.
To write to cllrs Doran and Beardsmore
To arrange further street activity in Staines
To look into feasibility of standing a SOSiS candidate in the Council elections
in May
To contact the independent SATEP candidate in Shepperton and discuss re
the proposal to stand.

SOSIS Elections Charter - the meeting unanimously agreed to re-endorse the election
charter (which can be found on our website), with just a couple of factual amendments
(such as changing 'ConDems' to Tories). Currently, point (3) of our charter is very relevant:
'To oppose any unaffordable increase in offset austerity cuts'. We are also
opposed to any cuts and call on councillors to refuse to make them.
All supposedly progressive County Council candidates will be asked to endorse our
charter and we will, as usual, advertise the list of supporters on our website.

AGM to be held in May in Woking. Date tba. As well as elections, we will have a speaker
and also discuss developing local groups.

Health Campaigns Together (HCT) Most of the attendees had been on the #OurNHS demo
in London on 4 March. All in all a great success. This needs to be followed up. We will look at
some kind of Surrey demonstration in Farnham on 1st May. Liz Mansfield will look into this
and whether junior doctors and others may be interested in a joint event.

It was also agreed to invite Dr Bob Gill to come and speak on his new film Sell Off about
privatisation and cuts in the NHS.

Truth About Zane - Liz gave a brief update. Further evidence continues to surface and Kye
and Nicole and their supporters are not giving up. Fiona Dent and Andy Burnham have taken
up their case. They have a meeting next week with the Green Party leader. A brief
discussion ensued about the threats posed by unregulated landfill sites.

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) conference on Saturday 1 July. Members should
consider going. Delegates will be elected at the AGM.

Notes taken by Helen and typed up by Paul.

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