ARC 110x: The Meaning of Rome Timeline of Events - The 1500s

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ARC 110x: The Meaning of Rome

Timeline of Events - The 1500s

Event Start End

Bramante cloister, S. Maria del Pace 1500

Julius II elected 1500

Bramante, Tempietto 1502

Michelangelos David 1503

Cornerstone of St. Peters 1504

Villa Farnesina (Chigi)begun 1506

Sistine Ceiling begun (fin. 1512); 1508

Palladio born 1508

Leonardo Virgin and Child w/ St.Anne 1510

Josquin,Missa de Beata Vergine 1510

Leonardo moves to France 1513

Leo X elected 1513

first version of Orlando Furioso 1516

Charles I Holy Roman Emperor 1519

death of Raphael 1520

death of Leo X 1520

Fall of Tenochtitlan 1520

Giulio Romano arrives in Mantova 1524

Sansovino arrives in Venice 1527

Sack of Rome 1527

Rosso at Fontaine bleu 1533

Paul III elected Charles V in Rome; Michelangelo becomes 1533

Roman citizen

Michelangelos first project for Campidoglio 1536

Sansovino, Biblioteca Marciana 1537

Sangallos model for St. Peters 1539

Palladio Basilica of Vicenza 1545

Council of Trent (until 1563) 1545

Michelangelo appointed architect of St. Peters Villa Giulia 1547

Philip II King of Spain 1550

Casino of Pius IV (orig. Paul IV) 1558

Pius IV elected 1559

Vignola,CanonS. Giorgio Maggiore 1562

Shakespeare born 1564

Sao Paolo, Brazil founded 1564

Palladio, Four Books 1570

Laws of the Indies 1573

Teatro Olimpico 1580

Tasso,La Gerusalemme 1581

Gregorian calendar 1582

Liberata 1582

Sixtus V elected 1585

Shakespeare arrives in London 1585

St. Peters dome complete 1590

Pietro da Cortona born 1596

Carracci Gallery in Palazzo Farnese 1597

Bernini born in Naples 1598

Peris Dafne, first opera, performed in Florence 1598

Borromini born, Bissone, Ticino 1599

Caravaggio in S. Luigi dei Francesi 1599

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