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14 October vocabulary the Hindu

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Triumph of the troubadour"

Triumph - a great victory or achievement

Troubadour - poet and singer
Sprung - to happen or appear somewhere suddenly or unexpectedly
For instance - for example
Hindu News Paper Vocabulary
Awkward - difficult to deal with and embarrassing
Astounding - very surprising or shocking
Pedestrian - someone who is walking, especially in a town or city, instead of driving or
Intended - aimed
Justify - to show that there is a good reason for something, especially something that
other people think is wrong
Persisted - to continue to exist
Genre - a particular style used in cinema, writing, or art, which can be recognized by
certain features
Oft - often
Extensive - very large in amount
Non-fiction - swriting that is about real people and events, not imaginary ones
Sweepstakes - a competition for a prize, esp. for money, in which those who win are
chosen by chance
Idiosyncratic - unusual or strange
Purist - someone who believes in and follows very traditional rules or ideas in a subject
Aghast - shocked and upset
Clinch - to manage to win or achieve something
Chronicle - a written record of historical events
Angst - a strong feeling of worry about what you should do, how you should behave, or
what will happen in the future
Counterculture - a way of life and set of attitudes that is deliberately different from the
main culture in society
Contemporary - alive or existing at the same time as a particular event or person
Contradictory - if two or more facts, pieces of advice, etc. are contradictory, they are very
different from each other
Merged - combined / joined together
Sheer - completely
Underrated - if a person or thing is underrated, especially a performer, writer, or sports
player, most people do not recognize how good that person or thing really is
Profoundly - extremely / greatly
Odes - poems written about a particular person, thing, or event
Closure - the feeling that an unpleasant experience has ended or been settled
Subterranean - under the ground
Reinvented - to change something that already exists and give it a different form or
Stir - to make someone think about something
Plumbing - connecting
Perhaps - used for saying that you are not certain about something
Solitary - tending to spend a lot of time alone

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Slain - killed in a violent way (in war)
Awry - in the wrong position

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Of politics and administration"

Administration - the activities involved in managing a business, organization, or

Bifurcation - to divide something into two parts
Statehood - the status of a place as an independent country / state
Commentary - a discussion of something such as an event or theory
Geographically - relating to an area or place
Alienation - the feeling that you do not belong in a particular society, place, or group
Intended - aimed to do something
Subcommittee - a small group of people who are part of a larger committee and who
meet to discuss one particular thing
Draft - something such as a plan, letter, or drawing that may have changes made to it
before it is finished
Revenue - income from business activities or taxes
Carved out - to successfully create or get something
Monitoring - to regularly check something or watch someone in order to find out what is
Bottom-up - starting with details rather than a general idea
Stakeholder - a person or company that has invested in a business and owns part of it
Morphed - to change from one thing into another by small and interconnected steps
Spiralling - show a continuous and dramatic increase.
Agitation - a feeling of being worried or upset
Replication - the action of copying or reproducing something
Hardly - only just / almost not
Suffice - to be enough
Redeploy - to move someone or something to a different place or a different job
Incur - to lose money
Expenditure - the total amount of money that a government or person spends
Bureaucratic - involving a lot of complicated rules, details, and processes
Road map - a plan or set of instructions that makes it easier for someone to do

15 October vocabulary the Hindu

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "A return to Cold War tensions"

Cold War - unfriendly relations between countries who are not at war with each other
Foreign policy - a government's policy on dealing with other countries, for example in
matters relating to trade or defence
Frosty - unfriendly
News Papers Vocabulary
Resurgent - becoming popular again
A thing of the past - something that no longer happens

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Throwback - a person or thing that is similar to an earlier type
Proxy war - a war caused by a major power which does not itself become involved
Allegation - a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal even though
this has not been proved
Host of - a lot of
Violation - an action that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle etc
Came to a head - if something comes to a head, a situation reaches a point where
something must be done about it
Pulled out - to stop being involved in an activity, event, or situation
Conflict - angry disagreement between people or groups
Abandoned - left
Disarmament - a process by which a country reduces or gets rid of its weapons or armed
Treaty - an official written agreement between two or more countries
Sanction - an official order to stop communication, trade, etc with a country that has
broken international law
Belligerence - very unfriendly and angry
Intransigence - refusing to change your opinions or behaviour
Murky - used to describe a situation that is complicated and unpleasant
Escalation - the process of becoming more serious
Mistrust - to have doubts about the honesty or abilities of someone
Friction - disagreement
Evident - easy to see, notice, or understand
Pursue - if you pursue a plan, activity, or situation, you try to do it or achieve it
Aggressive - behaving in an angry or rude way that shows you want to fight, attack, or
argue with someone
Regard - consider or think of in a specified way
Coercive - using force or threats to make someone do something
Diplomacy - the management of relationships between countries
Rift - a disagreement between two people or groups
Negated - to make something have no effect
Shadow of something - the problems, sadness, trouble etc caused by a particular
situation or event
In the wake of something - happening after an event or as a result of it
Slump - to be suddenly reduced to a much lower level
Free fall - an occasion when a price or value suddenly becomes much lower
Threat - a situation or an activity that could cause harm or danger
Brutal - extremely violent
Regime - a particular government or a system or method of government
Accused - to say that someone has done something wrong or committed a crime
Consequential - happening as an indirect result of something
Key player - an important person, company, etc. in a particular area of activity
Crises - difficult or dangerous situations
Rogue - dishonest
Isolate - to keep someone in a place away from others
Counterproductive - having the opposite result to the one you intended
Ideally - preferably (in the best possible way)

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Time to decongest our prisons"

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Decongest - to make something wider so that people can move freely
Overcrowding - unpleasant conditions caused by too many people or things being in the
same place
Long-standing - having existed for a long time
Seldom - not often (almost never)
Reform - to make an improvement
Sporadic - not regular or frequent
Half-hearted - done with no real interest or enthusiasm
Bemoaning - to complain or say that you are disappointed about something
Occupancy - the number of things, such as rooms, that are being used, in relation to the
total number available
Bleaker - if a situation is bleaker, there is no hope for the future
Interim - temporary and intended to be used or accepted until something permanent
Spelt out - to say or explain something very clearly
Cramped - small and crowded
Militate against something - to make something less likely to happen or succeed
Dignity - respect that other people have for you
Hygiene - the practice of keeping yourself and the things around you clean, in order to
prevent illness and disease
Sanitation - conditions and processes relating to peoples health, especially the systems
that supply water and deal with human waste
Unedifying - unpleasant and without any useful or positive features
Augment - to increase the size, amount, or value of something
Ad hoc - done only when needed for a specific purpose, without planning or preparation
Disquiet - a feeling of being very worried or nervous
Undertrial - a person who is appearing in a law court because they have been accused
of committing a crime
Poverty - a situation in which someone does not have enough money to pay for their
basic needs
Surety - someone who agrees to pay money if you do not go to court when you should
Invoke - to use a law or rule in order to achieve something

17 October vocabulary the Hindu

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Cool the world"

Fruition - the result that you wanted to achieve from a plan or idea
Amend - to make changes to a document, law, agreement etc, especially in order to
improve it
Protocol - a set of rules
Substantially - to a large degree
Emission - a substance, especially a gas, that goes into the air
Global warming - the slow increase in the temperature of the Earth caused by gases
such as carbon dioxide that are collecting in the air around the earth and stopping heat
escaping into space
Evident - easy to see, notice, or understand
Mitigation - a reduction in the harmful effects of something

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Pressed - to be in a difficult situation because you do not have enough time, money,
space, etc
Lenient - not as serious or strong in punishment or judgment as would be expected
Deadline - a specific time or date by which you have to do something
Negotiations - formal discussions in which people or groups try to reach an agreement,
especially in a business or political situation
Ultimately - after a process or activity has ended
Contrast - a noticeable difference between people or things
Refrigerant - a substance used for refrigeration (cooling)
Staggering - very shocking and surprising
Dispose - to get rid of something that you no longer need or want
Significance - importance
Align - to adjust
Inducting - to officially accept someone / something into a group
Anticipated - to imagine or expect that something will happen
Changeover - a change from one method, system, or activity to another
Leapfrog - to go straight from a job or position that was lower in status than someones
to one that is higher than theirs
Imperative - extremely important and urgent
Convention - a formal agreement between governments of different countries about how
they should behave towards each other or towards the people in their country
Discredit - to make people think that something is not true
Persistent - lasting for a long time
Credible - able to be believed or trusted
Swayed - controlled / influenced
Phase-out - to gradually stop using something
Developing country - a country with little industrial and economic activity and where
people generally have low incomes
Legitimate - fair and reasonable
Aid - help
Impact - an effect, or an influence
Liberal - respecting and allowing many different types of beliefs or behaviour

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Quick exit in Kerala"

Tolerance - willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own,
although you might not agree with or approve of them
Nepotism - the act of using your power or influence to get good jobs or unfair
advantages for members of your own family
Charge - an official statement accusing someone of committing a crime
Embarrassment - a feeling of being nervous or ashamed because of what people know
or think about you
String - a group of similar or connected things
Scandal - a situation in which important people behave in a dishonest or immoral way
that shocks people
Endorsing - to express support for someone or something, especially in public
Indiscretion - something you do that shows a lack of judgment
Loyalist - a person or group that strongly supports the government or ruler in power
Undertaking - a job, business, or piece of work
Isolated - feeling alone and unhappy, with no friends to support you
Controversy - a disagreement, especially about a public policy or a moral issue that a lot

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of people have strong feelings about
Nascence - beginning to exist or develop
Probe - an attempt to find out the truth about an issue, problem, or accident
Allegation - a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal even though
this has not been proved
Vigilance - the activity of watching a person or situation very carefully so that you will
notice any problems or signs of danger immediately
Fester - to become worse because no one has dealt with it
Criticism - comments that show that you think something is wrong or bad
Eventually - at the end of a process or period of time in which many things happen
Reluctance - unwillingnes to do something
Step down - to give up a job or position
Allied - related because of having shared qualities or interests
Resolution - the action of solving a problem or dealing with a disagreement in a
satisfactory way
Bribery - the crime of giving money or presents to someone so that they will help you by
doing something dishonest or illegal
Coalition - a temporary union of different political parties that agree to form a
government together
Faux pas - words or behaviour that are a social mistake or not polite
Concession - something you give or allow to someone in order to reach an agreement
Accused - to say that someone has done something wrong

19 October vocabulary the Hindu

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Personal laws and the Constitution"

Constitution - a set of basic laws or principles for a country that describe the rights and
duties of its citizens and the way in which it is governed
Categorical - without any doubt or possibility of being changed
Stand - to behave in a particular way
Conformity - behaviour that is acceptable because it is similar to the behaviour of
everyone else
English Vocabulary from News Papers
Immense - extremely good
Determine - to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen
Triple talaq - a method of giving divorce in Islam by saying "I divorce you" three times
Polygamy - the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same
Practice - a way of doing something, especially as a result of habit, custom, or tradition
Impact - an effect, or an influence
Adverse - negative, unpleasant, or harmful
Dignity - respect that other people have for you or that you have for yourself
Compliance - the act of obeying an order, rule, or request
Distinction - difference
Essential - completely necessary
Integral - necessary to make a whole complete
Propagate - to spread ideas, beliefs etc to a lot of people
Evaluate - to think carefully about something before making a judgment about its value,
importance, or quality

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Adjudicating - to make an official decision about a problem or disagreement
Invalidate - to make something such as a document, contract, or process no longer
legally effective
Inherent - existing as a natural or basic part of something
Abhorrent - if something is abhorrent to you, you dislike it very much, usually because
you think it is immoral
Affidavit - a legal document containing a written promise that something is true
Execrable - extremely bad in quality
Patriarchal - a society, system, organization in which men have all or most of the power
and influence
Notion - knowledge or understanding of something
Entrenched - entrenched attitudes or feelings have existed for a long time and are
difficult to change
Aspect - the appearance of someone or something
Reconciliation - a new and friendly relationship with someone who you argued with or
fought with
Witnesses - someone who sees a crime, accident, or other event happen
Pronouncement - an official public statement
Precedent - an action that has already happened and can be used as a reason why a
similar action should be performed or made
Upholding - if a court of law upholds something such as a claim, it says that it is correct
Irrevocable - impossible to change or stop
Undesirable - bad, or harmful
Unconstitutional - not allowed or not legal according to the constitution (=set of official
rules or principles) of a particular country or organization
Contend - to say that something is true
Revoke - to officially say that something is no longer legal, for example a law or a
Articulation - the expression of thoughts, ideas, or feelings in words
Irrevocable - impossible to change or stop

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Evacuating patients"

Tragic - very sad, often involving death and suffering

Injury - physical harm or damage to someone's body caused by an accident or an attack
Throws up - to produce something new or unexpected
Claimed - if war, disease, or an accident claims someones life, they die as a result of it
Measures - an action that is intended to achieve or deal with some problem
Evacuate - to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe
Aspect - one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc
Impartial - not connected to or influenced by one particular person or group
Hindsight - the opportunity to judge or understand past events using knowledge that you
have gained since then
Decline - to become less
Casualties - people who are injured or killed in an accident
Insight - a chance to understand something or learn more about it
Fierce - physically violent and frightening
Enrichment - improvement
Evacuation - the action of moving people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe
Bedridden - having to stay in bed because of illness or injury
Sprinkler - a piece of equipment fixed to the ceiling of a room that spreads water over
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the room if a fire starts
Enforcement - the process of making sure that something happens, especially that
people obey a law or rule
Urban - relating to towns and cities, or happening there
Regulations - an official rule that controls the way that things are done
Multiplied - increased in large amount
Enormous - very large in size or quantity
Oversight - the job of checking that a process or system is working well
Violator - someone who breaks a law
Modicum - a small amount of something, especially a good quality
Blaze - a large fire that causes a lot of damage, especially when a building is burning
Vulnerable - weak or easy to hurt physically or mentally
Intensive - involving a lot of effort, energy, or attention
Hazard - something that could be dangerous or could cause damage or accidents
Enforceg - to make sure that a law or rule is obeyed by people
Fire Drill - a practice of the emergency procedures to be used in case of fire
Emergency - an unexpected situation involving danger in which immediate action is

20 October vocabulary the Hindu

Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "A closure of the Indian mind"

Closure - an act of closing something
Pledging - to promise seriously and publicly to do something
Talent - a person or people with a natural ability for being good at a particular activity
Neighbouring - near each other
English Vocabulary from News Paper
Obviously - in a way that is easy to understand or see
Last-ditch - a final try at achieving something difficult, when other attempts have already
Salvage - to try to make a bad situation better
Forthcoming - happening soon
Rorschach test - a test of someones personality
Pitch - the level or degree of activity or of someones emotions
Divergent - different from each other
Outright - without hiding your feelings
Capitulation - to accept something or agree to do something unwillingly
Mob - a large crowd of people that is dangerous or difficult to control
Intolerance - disapproving of or refusing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are
different from your own
Boycott - to not take part in an event, or to not buy or use something as a way of
expressing strong disapproval
Enforced - happening because of a situation that you cannot control or prevent
Intimidated - feeling nervous or frightened of someone or something
Diminishing - to become less important
Uphold - to show that you support something such as an idea by what you say or do
Liberal - respecting and allowing many different types of beliefs or behaviour
Compel - to force someone to do something
For instance - for example

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Crackle - to be full of something such as nervousness or excitement
Averring - to say that something is certainly true
Counterpart - a person or thing that has the same purpose as another one in a different
place or organization
Syncretic - the combining of different religions, cultures, or ideas
Legacy -something such as a tradition or problem that exists as a result of something
that happened in the past
Persuading - to make someone agree to do something by giving them reasons why they
Renders - to make
Vulnerable - able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or
Scatter - separate and move quickly in different directions
Bullying - behaviour that frightens or hurts someone smaller or weaker
Ambivalent - feeling two different things about someone or something at the same time,
for example that you like them and dislike them
Liberalism - the act of making laws, systems, or opinions less serious
Secularism - the belief that religion should not be involved with the ordinary social and
political activities of a country
Syncretism - the combining of different religions, cultures, or ideas
Unrelenting - used for describing someone who continues to do something with a lot of
Enmity - a feeling of hate

Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "A decisive battle for Mosul"

Decisive - able to make decisions quickly and confidently

Territory - an area of land that is officially part of a country
Significant - very important
Bastion - a place where an army has strong defences
Caliphate - an Islamic state, especially one ruled by a single religious and political leader
Symbolised - to be considered as a typical or perfect example of something
Combat - fight
Sectarian - caused by disagreements among people from different religious groups
Coalition - the joining together of different political parties or groups for a particular
purpose, usually for a limited time
Offensive - unpleasant or insulting, and likely to make people upset or embarrassed
Peshmerga - a nationalist Kurdish fighter
Militias - a group of ordinary people who are trained as soldiers to fight in an emergency
Barricade - to prevent people from getting into a city or an area
Counter-terrorism - the actions and methods of a country that are aimed to stop the
activities of people who use violence to achieve political aims
Dislodge - to force someone out of a position of power
Large-scale - involving a large number of people or things
Armoured - an armoured vehicle, such as a tank or a car, is covered with layers of hard
metal to protect it from attack
Suffice - to be enough
Conflict - angry disagreement between people or groups
Complication - something that makes a process or activity more difficult to do, deal with,
or understand
Threaten - to be likely to cause harm or damage to something or someone

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Transgression - to do something that is not allowed by a law, custom, or religion
Sovereignty - the right of a country to rule itself
Refugee - someone who leaves their country, especially during a war or other
dangerous event
Humanitarian - relating to efforts to help people who are living in very bad conditions and
are suffering because of a war, flood, earthquake etc
Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
Reconstruction- the process of putting a country back into a good condition after a war

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