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1. To recognize the differences and similarities
2. To promote group identity and cohesion


A. Divide the class into groups of five or more.
B. Once everyone is divided into groups, the facilitators will distribute common song titles
to each group. The facilitators may distribute two or more of the same songs.
C. Each group must not reveal their song to other groups.
D. Each group must agree on which part of the song to hum, once thats done each group
will hum the part that they selected and find others humming the same song.

Group Discussion:
Each group can share their similarities and differences with each other, and how they can
work that to their advantage. The activity also helps them to have a sense of working together as
a team, to make decisions and plans together as a team.


2014 by the


1. For the students to be more comfortable and at ease with each other
2. To explore self-image and self-worth
A card or white folder
Paint or other coloring materials
A. Distribute materials to each student.
B. Once everyone is ready, the facilitators will ask the students to draw and cut out a life-
sized shape of a face.
C. The students can cut out eyes and mouth if they wish.
D. Each student is then asked to decorate their cut out faces.
E. One side represents what the student think people see/know/believe about them
i.e. on the outside.
F. The other side represents what they feel about themselves i.e. things going on the inside,
what people do not necessarily know or see.

Group Discussion:
The students share to the class each side of their masks and what it represents, they may
choose whether to talk about what they think people see/know/believe about them first or what
they feel about themselves.
This is a good discussion starter on self-image and self-worth, it will also help students to
be more comfortable and be at ease with each other.

Copyright by Grahame Knox, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-
No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported license


1. To promote communication
2. To promote listening

Blindfold or handkerchief
A. The facilitators will ask the students to take out their blindfold/handkerchief out, then the
facilitators will instruct the students to put them on.
B. The students will not be allowed to talk to each other.
C. Students must keep their blindfold/handkerchief on at all times.
D. A facilitator will whisper a number to each students ear. The number should be
RANDOM (not just 1-12, etc.) then the facilitator will move the participant to a random
E. Once thats done and every participant has a number they can begin.
F. The goal is for the individuals to arrange themselves in numerical order without speaking
and without the use of sight.
Group Discussion:
The students talk about the importance of good communication in groups and how this
activity can relate to the group. The students can also discuss their sense of working together and
the necessary things in order for them to execute the activity successfully.
This can help the student to improve their communication and teamwork.

By the Salt & Light Retreat Resource Manual



1. To work as a team to complete one common goal
Bandanas/handkerchief or cloth strips
Materials needed depending on which tasks the facilitator will give each group.
A. Divide the class into groups of five or more individuals.
B. Ask each group to form a circle facing each other, then ask them to hold out their hands.
C. Facilitators will tie the group together so that each person is then tied to both neighbors
D. Once all groups are all tied together, they will then be given a task by the facilitator.
Some ideas are:
Wrap packages with gift wrap, bows, and a card
Eat lunch
Make a snack
Make something out of the clay
Pour a cup of water for each person in the group
Anything else that is fun and crazy
E. The facilitator may give a more difficult task with a time limit.
Group Discussion:
Each group share what they thought about the activity and if/how time restrictions aid or
hinder their group from completing the task. They can also relate the activity in real life, if they
ever felt that they were carrying the people to get a job done and if so how do they deal with it.
Copyright 1999 by Jones, A., Team -Building Activities for Every Group. Richland, WA: Rec
Room Publishing. P. 56-57.


1. Know more about one another
Pens and papers
A. Ask the class to arrange their chairs into a one big circle or u-shape formation.
B. Paper slips will be passed out by the facilitators.
C. The facilitators will then ask everyone to briefly write down a true story or experience
that happened to them on the paper along with their names.
D. The students are not allowed talk with one another.
E. Once everyone has written their experiences/story, they will be asked to fold the slips of
paper and put them in the container one of the facilitator holds.
F. Then the facilitator will call out random names of the people in the class however many
the facilitator decides, these people will go and sit on chairs apart from the group. The
facilitator will then pick one paper slip in the container from one of the called individual
then read the story/experience written in the paper then have the group figure out whose
story is whose.
G. The group thats been called out front may ask each other or tell each other different
stories, then they will try to convince the rest of the class that its their story they may
change it a bit or add something to the story to make it more confusing.
H. The rest of the class will then try to guess whose story from the group is it.
Group Discussion:
Everyone will get a turn to try the Whose story is it activity, a group of at least 5 get to
come out front each go. They may make crazy stories up and make their imagination run wild
with each story they tell. The crazier it gets the more exciting and harder it will be.
The activity will show each participants creativity and their differences with each other.

Copyright 2007 by the Group Games Big Book of Games

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