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ldentify three different body


What are the functions of these

body systems?

Name the five senses. Which

organs do they use?

Look at Alex and Carla. Which

Listen to the song. Which organs do you hear?

What are the three body systems in the song?

digestive system nervous system circulatory system

he biology fair
Look at the
heart. lt's
divided into four
Listen and read.
Alex and Carla are parts. ,,,,_._.,
learning about body
systems ...

.Read the descriptions below and match them to the A

1. We are able to breathe because of this
system .

2. This system breaks food down into D

nutrients. e
3. This organ pumps blood around the body.

4. This system moves blood through

the heart and around the body.

5. The brain, spinal cord and nerves

make up this system.

lex and Carla's school trip project

Jok at Alex and Carla's project, then answer the questions.

Organs of the body poster

Copy the picture and label the organs in your notebook .

Alex wants to add the word hand to the picture. Why

shouldn't he add this word? Which word could he add

How do you think the circulatory system works with the

digestive and respiratory systems?
What does our blood carry to our body Explain to a partner how waste
cells? products leave our body.
The process of nutrition includes the circulatory, respi ratory,
digestive and excretory systems.

he circulatory system veins

The circulatory system consists of

the heart, blood vessels and blood. hear
It moves blood through the
heart and around the body.
Blood gives
our cells the oxygen and nutrients

they need. Blood also collects waste

products, such as carbon dioxide,
and takes them to the parts
of the body which expel them.

he excretory system
Our excretory system excretes
waste from our body. Two organs
called kidneys clean waste from
our blood. The waste combines
with water to make urine. Urine
travels down two tubes called
ureters \
ureters and collects in a bag called
the bladder. When the bladder
is full, the uri ne leaves the body
through the urethra. bladd1
Our body also eliminates waste urethra
through the skin. This waste is
in the form of a liquid called sweat.

Explain how the circulatory system works with the other systems .

he respiratory system
'he respi ratory system is made
ip of a group of organs that help us breathe.
'Ve breathe in oxygen and breathe nose
mt carbon dioxide.

\ir enters our lungs through the nose,

nouth, trachea and bronchi. Oxygen pha rynx
hen passes into our blood through
:he alveoli. Carbon dioxide from our blood
Jasses into our lungs, also through the alveoli.
vVhen we breathe out, the carbon dioxide
eaves our lungs.
rhe dlaphragm is a strong muscle below
:he lungs which contracts when we breathe
diaph rag m
ln and relaxes when we breathe out.

he digestive system
The digestive system allows our body
to get the nutrients it needs. Digestion begins
in the mouth. The food then travels down
the oesophagus and into the stomach.
The small intestine separates the nutrients
from the waste. The nutrients pass
to the circulatory system and travel pa ncreas--t--+-l
to all the body cells. The waste la rge
passes i ntesti=n-e=-----l-! small
to the large f ntestine and leaves the body
through the anos.

The nervous system and the senses food

The nervous system controls everything we do: thin king,

walking, talking and even breathing. The brain sends
information to different pa rts of the body via the nerves. It
also receives information; our sense organs detect
information from the environment and the nerves send
this information to the brain . r

Our tongue is the
Our nose is the
organ of taste. lt is
organ of smell. Air
covered in taste buds
enters the nose
which identify the
through the nostrils.
different tastes. Nerves
send information
olfactory nerve
about the tastes to the
sends information
about the smells to the

tangue nerves

optic nerve sensory


Hearing Touch
Our eyes are the organs of
sight. Light enters the eye Our ears are the organs Our skin is the
and makes an image on of hearing. When sound organ of touch . The
the retina. The retina sends enters the ear, the liquid sensory
inside the cochlea moves nerves in our skin send
this information va the
optic nerve to the brain. and sends signals to the information to the brain
brain va the auditory which tells us how
nerve. something feels.

what does
the difference
the skull protect?
is between
do the
ribs protect?

keleton, joints and

muscles Museles

The skeleton
There are over six hundred muscles in our body.
Muscles help us move, give our bodies shape
and they also protect our interna! organs. Most
muscles are connected to bones. They move
our bones by contracting and relaxing. We
have two types of muscles : voluntary and

pelvis r------

fbula -----l1

The skeleton is made up of ali the bones in

our body. The skeleton has three parts: the
skull, the torso and the limbs. lt has two
functions: it supports our body and it protects
the delicate interna! organs . Our bones are
connected at joints . Our elbows, knees,
shoulders, wrists and ankles are ali joints .
Copy and label the maleenis and female reproductive systems in your notebook.
As we grow, our body changes and our reproductive organs
develop. Our reproductive system makes it possible for us to
Copy the chart and classify the parts of the male and female reproductive systems.
have babies. While the other body systems are the same for
uterus penis urethr
men and women, the reproductive systems
scrotum vagina ovaries testicles
are different. The vulva
Male reproductivesystem
systems need to work together so that we
Female can
reproductive system

The testicles produce sperm which is the The two ovaries store and produce ova. Ova
male sex cell. The testicles are located in a arE the female sex cells. The uterus is
bag of skin called the scrotum. The penis is connected to the ovaries by tubes. The vagina
connected to the testicles by small tubes. The is a muscular tube. lt connects the uterus to
urethra is a tube in the penis. The sperm the outside of the body. The vulva is on the
travels through the outside of the body
urethra to the outside of the body. and covers the opening to the vagina.

Link it up!

ow we are born
eproduction begi ns with fertilisation. This is when a sperm
11 joi ns an ovum cell. The next stage is pregnancy. This is
the me when the fertilised ovum develops into a baby in the
terus. A hu man pregnancy lasts nine months.

Fertilisation In the first three months ...

A sperm jons an The embryo is the size of The embryo becomes

ovum and the a small seed. a foetus. lt is the size
reproducton process of a bean.

In the first three months ... In the second three months ...

Lmbs start to grow and organs The face starts to form. The foetus has all ts organs
start to develop. and continues to grow.

In the last three months ... Birth

The foetus is developed The baby is born.

and preparing to be born.

Discuss with your partner how a baby develops in the uterus. Remember to use the words embryo and fo
Find out how nutrents pass
from the mother to 'the foetus .
udy skills

Copy and complete.

The human body

- 1

,- ._



circulatory system



I ovar ies
1 touch vagina
t vulva

Practise your classification skills.

Make vocabulary cards for body systems
using the words from the unit. Write the
words on pieces of card. Use the cards to
make your own graphic organiser.
You can also use the cards to play a
definitions game with a partner. Place the
cards face down on the table. Pick up a
card and name the system it belongs to.
Then give a definition of the word.



Match the organ to the correct body system.

1. a. excretory system
b. nervous system
2. kidneys
c. digestive system
3. brain

Order the sentences to describe how the digestive

system works. Copy the correct sequence.
a. The small intestine separates the nutrients from the waste.
b. We take in food through the mouth.
c. The large intestine expels the waste from our body through the anus.
d. The food passes down the oesophagus and into the stomach.
e. The nutrients pass to the circulatory system .

) Which is the odd one out? Why?

a. penis I scrotum I vulva I testicles
b. stomach / small intestine / diaphragm I anus
c. heart / arteries / pharynx / veins
d. lungs I intestines I bronchi I trachea
e. brain I kidneys / spinal cord / nerves

Work in pairs. Order the words in the questions and test

your partner.

Pupil A Pupil B
a. develop / babies / where / do ? a. skeleton I what I protect / does / the 7
b. organs / clean / from / blood / waste / b. oxygen / blood / where / enter /
the / does ?
/ which ?
c. located I lungs I is I which I muscle I the I
c. digestion / begin / does / where ?
below ?
d. tubes I which / connect / the I the /
d. sight / are / of / what / organs I the ?
to / bladder / kidneys ?

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