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Lesson Childrens Teachers observed Other comments

management skills observed behavior behavior

Beginnings Everyday the lesson The teacher start There is specific
How does the lesson start at 8:15 the her lesson by saying signals that the
start? On time, is a student directly sit a duaa and the teacher does and
signal used, routine? in the circle time. students follows the students
her. understand what
they should do.
Transitions By singing with the She start singing I think it is a very
How do children teacher and they follow her good way because
move from one the kids enjoy it.
activity to another?
Endings they put their She distribute the If their was extra
How is the lesson homework in their homework and take time she will tell
concluded? backpack and stand the kids to the them a story
in the line. waiting area.
Monitoring They get asked She gives them I think asking some
students progress some questions worksheets to solve questions at the end
How is the teacher orally or solve a and the next day of the lesson is very
checking worksheet she asks some helpful
understanding and questions about
progress? what they took
Pace and flow of The children doesnt She makes sure that Whenever the
the lesson get bored because the pupils dont get teacher feels that
Is a particular the activity is bored the pupils got bored
activity going on for changed every 45 she changes the
too long? Are minutes sometimes activity
activities changed less.
and childrens
interest maintained?
Pupil movement They should answer They should interact Students can not
What movement the questions and with the teacher move without the
within the lesson is get interacted with and understand the teacher approval
expected of the their classmates lesson
Pupil noise It is not accepted to She would count to I think that not
What is the make very loud 3 and they will keep always this might
accepted level of noise while playing quiet or she will ask work, because some
noise and how is this in the center them to stop the kids make noise to
monitored? noise. get attention

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