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Designed by:

Titus Nemeth, 20052016

Nassim Pro

OpenType (cross-platform)

10 styles:
5 weights with italics

writing systems & languages:

Nassim is a contemporary typeface for
Arabic (12 languages), Latin (119+) multilingual text-setting. Its lively texture
TDC 2007 pays tribute to calligraphic heritage.
(Excellence in Type Design)
ED Awards 2007, First prize The well balanced rhythm and a vast
(Best Original Typeface)
Design Museum, array of features allow for a wide range
Design of the Year 2007(Shortlisted)
AtypI Letter.2 2011 of applications, from news, to literature,
Typographicas Best of 2012
to scientific publications. Read by millions
of people around the globe every day,
Rosetta Type Foundry, 201116. it does what it does best, delivering
All rights reserved. content with an authentic voice.
Nassim Nassim
Latin Regular Latin Italic Arabic Regular

Nassim Nassim
Latin Medium Latin Medium Italic Arabic Medium

Nassim Nassim
Latin Semibold Latin Semibold Italic Arabic Semibold

Nassim Nassim
Latin Bold Latin Bold Italic Arabic Bold

Nassim Nassim
Latin Extrabold Latin Extrabold Italic Arabic Extrabold
Scientific Journal 3.0

Rchauffement Climatique

Educational Books

prdikat: Pdagogisch wertvoll!






. .

Nassim Arabic Pro

. ( )
( ) .
370 (980) ( ) 427 (1037).
[kubara] gro, bedeutend; alt, [kibr] u. [kabr], pl.
~, pl. ; ~: Chefingenieur m ; ~ [sinn] alt ;bejahrt
[kabr] schwere Snde f.
. [kabs], eingemacht, konserviert; s.
[kutub] Buch n, Schreiben n, Schriftstck n, [kitb], pl.
Christen u. Juden (als Besitzer der hl. Schrift). ~ ;Brief m

Nassim Arabic

( )
( ) . 370
(980) ( ) 427 (1037).
[kubara] gro, bedeutend; alt, [kibar] u. [kabir], pl.
~, pl. ; ~: Chefingenieur m ; ~ [sinn] alt ;bejahrt
[kabair] schwere Snde f.
. [kabis], eingemacht, konserviert; s.
[kutub] Buch n, Schreiben n, Schriftstck n, [kitab], pl.
Christen u. Juden (als Besitzer der hl. Schrift). ~ ;Brief m
10/12 pt (French & Arabic) 12/14 pt (English)

Ab Al al-Husayn ibn Abd Allh ibn

Sn (en arabe:
The Meaning Of Relativity
) , connu sous le nom de Ibn Sn Lecture I
ou Avicenne (forme latinise), tait un
philosophe, un crivain, un mdecin Space And Time In Pre-Relativity Physics
et un scientifique iranien. Il sintressa
de nombreuses sciences, notamment The theory of relativity is intimately connected with
lastronomie, lalchimie, la chimie et the theory of space and time. I shall therefore begin with a
la psychologie. Il naquit le 7 aot 980
brief investigation of the origin of our ideas of space and time,
Afshna, prs de Boukhara, faisant
partie de la province de Khorasan, en although in doing so I know that I introduce a controversial
Perse, actuellement en Ouzbkistan, subject. The object of all science, whether natural science or
et mourut Hamadan, en Iran, en psychology, is to co-ordinate our experiences and to bring
juin 1037. them into a logical system. How are our customary ideas of
Ses disciples lappelaient Cheikh el- space and time related to the character of our experiences?
Ras, prince des savants, le plus grand
The experiences of an individual appear to us arranged in
des mdecins, le Matre par excellence,
le troisime Matre (aprs Aristote et a series of events; in this series the single events which we
Al-Farabi). remember appear to be ordered according to the criterion of

11/11 pt (Italian) 14/15 pt (German)

Viene accreditata dalla maggior Titre (franz., spr. tihtr), s. v. w. Titel (s. d.), dann Urkunde, Schein;
parte degli studiosi la versione che
vede Ibn Sina nascere a Balkh (alle- der Feingehalt der Mnzen sowie der Feinheitsgrad der Seide; auch bei
poca compresa nel Khorasan ma der Maanalyse (s. Analyse, S. 527) gebraucht (Titer). Daher titrieren,
attualmente parte dellAfghanistan den Feinheitsgrad der Seide feststellen; eine Maanalyse ausfhren.
sotto il nome di Mazr-i Sharf) nel
980 e morire a Hamadan (Iran),
nel 1037. Alcune fonti indicano Titriermethode, s. Analyse, S. 527.
Hamadan come luogo di nascita,
altre indicano Afshanah, vicino a
Bukhara (attuale Uzbekistan) e che Tittmoning, Stadt im bayr. Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern, Bezirksamt
la sua famiglia si trasfer a Khar- Laufen, an der Salzach, hat 2 kath. Kirchen, ein Kollegiatstift, ein Amts-
maithen (o Kharmaythnah) quando gericht, 2 Eisenhmmer, Tuchmacherei, Gerberei, 8 Mahl- und eine Sge-
era ancora giovane.
Sua madre era una nativa del mhle, Landesproduktenhandel und (1885) 1423 Einw.
luogo; suo padre, un persiano di
Balkh, era un esattore delle tasse
nella vicina citt di Harmaitin, sot- Titular (lat.), jemand, der mit dem Titel eines Amtes bekleidet ist,
to Nuh II Ibn Mansr, emiro della ohne die damit verbundenen Funktionen zu verrichten, gewhnlich nur in
famiglia dei Samanidi di Bukhara.
Alla nascita del fratello minore
la famiglia si trasfer a Bukhara,
allora una delle citt principali del 10/12 pt (Arabic & German)
mondo musulmano e famosa per
una sua antica cultura precedente
alla conquista arabo-islamica. [ kabr], pl. [ kibr] u. [ kubara] gro, [ kitb] schriftlich, Schreib-; literarisch.
bedeutend; alt, bejahrt; [ ~ sinn] alt; [ kitf], pl. [kutuf] Handschelle f, Fessel f.
~ : Chefingenieur m; ~ , pl. [ kitm], Verstopfung f, Konstipation f.
[kabr] schwere Snde f. [ katn], Lein m, Flachs m;
[ kabs], eingemacht, konserviert; s. . [ katb ( jaktub)], i schreiben, aufschreiben;
[ kitb], pl. [ kutub] Buch n, Schreiben n, verfassen; ii Gott: bestimmen, verhngen
Schriftstck n, Brief m; ~ Christen u. (j-m , ;)III [katb] korrespondieren
Juden (als Besitzer der hl. Schrift). (mit ;)IV [aktb] schreiben lassen; diktieren
+ [kuttab] pl. [ kattb] Koran- od. (j-m ;)VI [takatb] miteinander in Brief-
Elementarschule f; s.a. . wechel stehen; VIII [iktatb] abschreiben;
[ kitba] Schreiben n, Schreibkunst f; sich einschreiben; zeichnen, subskribieren;
Schrift f; Aufschrift f, Inschrift f; [kitbatan] X [istaktb] schreiben od. abschreiben lassen;
Adv. schriftlich. diktieren s. ( j-m ).
)40 pt Bold & 14/18 pt Regular Discretionary Ligatures (Persian )20 pt & 10/13 pt Regular (Arabic

() 607( .1213/

687 1288/)



)50 pt & 21/24 pt Regular Justification Alternates (Persian 607


) : ( :

)24 pt & 11/16 pt (Uighur

)40 pt Extrabold Stylistic Set 3 & 16/20 pt Regular ranging figures (Urdu


3 1966

356 502

Latin Features deactivated activated

Language feature cella, cella, CEL L A cella, cella, CEL L A
Language feature mjn, mjn, MJN mjn, mjn, MJN
Turkish/Azeri/Crimean Tatar
Language feature fincan, fincan, FINCAN fincan, fincan, FINCAN
Language feature ar, ar, AR ar, ar, AR
Ligatures baffled financial office baffled financial office
offbeat Kafka buttons offbeat Kafka buttons
Discretionary ligatures The Lost Artifacts The Lost Artifacts
Small caps Currency 100$ & Currency 100$ &
Case-sensitive punctuation
incl. all-caps figures 201216 @Qu? &no! 201216 @QU? &NO!
Proportional ranging figures
Default style 01234567890 $
Proportional lining figures 01234567890 01234567890 $
Tabular lining figures 01234567890 |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|
Tabular ranging figures 01234567890 |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|
Small cap figures 01234567890 01234567890 $
Numerators/denominators 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789
Fractions 2 3/4 + 193/541 2 3/4 + 193/541
Superiors/inferiors H2O m3 Hsup H2O m3 Hsup
Ordinals 18a 2o 18a 2o
Long s
Historical forms Lost paradise Lot paradie
Arabic features deactivated activated

Discretionary ligatures
Additional combinations available.

Contextual alternates
Additional combinations available.

In Persian deactivated by default,
activate with Discretionary Ligatures
feature; in all other languages
active by default.
Swash alternates
Additional characters available.

Mark positioning
Mark to mark positioning

Correct Hijra date
Arabic language feature 607 607
Ranging figures 1234567890 1234567890
Persian 1234567890 1234567890
12356890 12356890
Tabular figures 1234567890 |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|
Persian 1234567890 |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|
1234567890 |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|
Tabular ranging figures 1234567890 |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|
Persian 1234567890 |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|
1234567890 |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|
Superior and inferior figures
Incl. localised forms for Persian/Urdu 098765 543210 098765 543210
Alternative Yeh shape
Stylistic set 1
Alternative Kaf shape
Stylistic set 2
Alternative Mim shape
Stylistic set 3
Urdu contextual alternates
Activated by default

Available versions Arabic (12 languages) Basic Latin (10+) Latin (119+)

About the designer Nassim Latin pro

Titus Nemeth is a type designer and
typographer with specialist expertise
Nassim Arabic
in the Arabic script. He works as an
independent designer and typo-
Nassim Arabic pro *
graphic consultant, building on his
substantial experience and research Supported languages
in the field.
Latin: Afar, Afrikaans, Albanian, Asturian/Leonese, Aymara, Azerbaijani/Azeri (Latin), Basque,
His original type designs have won Belarusian (Latin), Bosnian (Latin), Breton, Catalan, Cebuano, Chamorro, Cornish, Corsican,
multiple internationally renowned Crimean Tatar, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch/Flemish, Eastern Frisian, English, Esperanto,
awards and are widely used for Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, French, Friulian, Galician, Ganda, German, Gilbertese, Greenlandic,
complex, cross-cultural, visual com- Hawaiian, Hiligaynon, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ido, Inari Sami, Indonesian, Interlingua, Irish, Italian,
munication. Titus practice combines Javanese (Latin), Karelian, Kashubian, Kinyarwanda, Kurdish, Ladin, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian,
the making and the use of type, as he Lombard, Lower Sorbian, Lule Sami, Luxembourgish, Makhuwa, Malay, Maltese, Manx, Maori,
is convinced that both aspects inform Maori/Rarotongan, Neapolitan, Northern Frisian, Northern Khmer (Latin), Northern Sami, Northern
each other: the better I understand Sotho, Norwegian (Bokml), Norwegian (Nynorsk), Nyanja/Chichewa, Occitan, Palauan, Pite Sami,
how type is used, the better I can Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Romanian/Moldovan, Romansh, Romany, Samoan, Sango, Sardinian,
design for it. Saterland Frisian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian/Montenegrin (Latin), Shona, Sicilian, Silesian, Slovak,
Slovenian, Somali, Southern Sami, Spanish (Castillian), Sundanese (Latin), Swahili, Swati, Swedish,
Titus holds a PhD, and an MA in
Tagalog (Filipino), Tahitian, Tetum, Tokelau, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen (Latin),
Typeface Design, from the University
Ume Sami, Upper Sorbian, Venetian, Veps, Wallisian, Walloon, Welsh, Western Frisian, Wolof, Xhosa,
of Reading, UK, and a diploma in
Yapese, Zulu, ...
Graphic Design from Die Graphische
in Vienna, Austria. He has taught type Arabic: Arabic, Berber, Ingush, Kirghiz, Malay, Moroccan Arabic, Pashto, Persian, Sindhi,
design and typography at a number Tunisian Arabic, Uighur, Urdu,
of schools in France, Morocco, Qatar,
and the United Kingdom.

Rosetta Type Foundry, 201116. * Nassim Arabic pro includes many typographic extras such as: discretionary ligatures,
All rights reserved. contextual alternates, swashes, ranging and tabular figures, superior and inferior figures as well as alternate shapes.

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