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Nicholas Shelton

Mrs. Jankowski

English 12


My Reflection

The organization that I had worked for was Daniel Wertz Elementary school, I learned

throughout this project about discipline, and leadership. My mentor that helped me throughout

my struggles was Sean Hopple, Sean is the head coach of the basketball team and is responsible

for everything about the basketball team such as practices, and games, as well as transportation. I

decided to coach in my project because I had played at this school before, and I have many

family friends involved in the tight knit community of Daniel Wertz Basketball. During my 25

hours I assistant coached at Daniel Wertz and helped run the scoreboard and clock.

The moment that stands out to me is the before game handshakes that I had with all of the

players. Skills that I gained during this project was leadership skills, communication skills, and

time management. Challenges encountered were kids attitudes, and scheduling my time around

my work and school schedule. My impression of the Daniel Wertz stayed the same due to the fact

I had already known how things work inside of Daniel Wertz. I grew emotionally and socially by

creating a bond with the children and speaking with their parents about how they play and how

they pull through challenges that we throw at them. The public would be surprised to know about

how much the children work for basketball. The kids do anything that they can to win and do

what they need to do from practice to practice.

I would definitely volunteer there again and do anything that they would need in the

future. For future volunteers, I recommend getting into coaching and being apart of another
child's life for the better. It will change you more than it will change them, there is no doubt that

you benefit more than them. Something I would do differently in this project was to make it to

more basketball games instead of all the practices. Due to my work schedule I was forced to miss

on many different basketball games but luckily not all of them.

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