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Biography and

Of different
In electricity and
Submitted by:
Philver John S. Perea
Aileen Conejos
Alondra Cahilig
John mateo Isidro
Vincent Isanan
Gerald Hernandez
Submitted to :
Mrs. Carla Nazareno

Franklin was born in 1706 at Boston. He was the tenth son of a soap and candlemaker. He
received some formal education but was principally self-taught. After serving an
apprenticeship to his father between the ages of 10 and 12, he went to work for his half-
brother James, a printer. In 1721 the latter founded the New England Courant, the fourth
newspaper in the colonies. Benjamin secretly contributed 14 essays to it, his first published
Spurred on by the success of the sentry-box and kite experiments, Franklin continued to
make investigations of the lightning discharge and the electrifi cation of clouds. He erected a
test rod on his house, so as to make experiments and observations on clouds passing
overhead. One of the results was most interesting, because he discovered: That the clouds
of a thunder-gust are most commonly in a negative state of electricity, but sometimes in a
positive state. This statement led him to the following astonishing conclusion: So that, for
the most part, in thunderstrokes, it is the earth that strikes into the clouds, and not the
clouds that strike into the earth. Of course, this discovery did not alter the theory or
practice of lightning rods, which Franklin found perform two separate functions. One is to
disarm a cloud and to prevent a stroke, while the other is to conduct a stroke safely to the
ground. His theory of the direction of the stroke (from clouds to earth or from earth to clouds)
depends upon the identification of vitreous electrification (glass rubbed with silk) with the
positive state and of resinous electrification (amber rubbed with wool or fur) with the
negative. Franklin was aware that he had no definitive evidence for this identification

Charles-Augustin de Coulomb
(born June 14, 1736, Angoulme, Francedied August 23, 1806, Paris), French
physicist best known for the formulation of Coulombs law, which states that the
force between two electrical charges is proportional to the product of the charges
and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Coulombic
force is one of the principal forces involved in atomic reactions.
Coulomb spent nine years in the West Indies as a military engineer and returned
to France with impaired health. Upon the outbreak of the French Revolution, he
retired to a small estate at Blois and devoted himself to scientific research. In 1802
he was appointed an inspector of public instruction.
Coulomb developed his law as an outgrowth of his attempt to investigate the law
of electrical repulsions as stated by Joseph Priestley of England. To this end he
invented sensitive apparatus to measure the electrical forces involved in
Priestleys law and published his findings in 178589. He also established the
inverse square law of attraction and repulsion of unlike and like magnetic poles,
which became the basis for the mathematical theory of magnetic forces developed
by Simon-Denis Poisson. He also did research on friction of machinery, on
windmills, and on the elasticity of metal and silk fibres. The coulomb, a unit
of electric charge, was named in his honour.


In 1784, de Coulomb published a paper on the elasticity of wires under twisting stress. This
led to his well-known study of torsion balance, which was subsequently used to determine
the density of the earth. But most effectively, the process was used as a way of measuring
the forces of frictional electricity and magnetism by de Coulomb himself. Between 1785 and
1791, de Coulomb wrote seven crucial papers that dealt with various aspects of electricity
and magnetism. This led him to formulate the theory known as Coulomb's Law, which
verified that the force between two electrical charges is proportional to the product of the
charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
Coulomb's contributions to the science of friction were exceptionally great. Without
exaggeration, one can say that he created this science.
In fact this 1781 memoir changed Coulomb's life. He was elected to the mechanics section of
the Acadmie des Sciences as a result of this work, and he moved to Paris where he now
held a permanent post. He never again took on any engineering projects, although he did
remain as a consultant on engineering matters, and he devoted his life from this point on to
physics rather than engineering. He wrote seven important treatises on electricity and
magnetism which he submitted to the Acadmie des Sciences between 1785 and 1791.
These seven papers are discussed in [6] where the author shows that Coulomb:-

... had obtained some remarkable results by using the torsion balance method: law of
attraction and repulsion, the electric point charges, magnetic poles, distribution of electricity
on the surface of charged bodies and others. The importance of Coulomb's law for the
development of electromagnetism is examined and discussed.

In these he developed a theory of attraction and repulsion between bodies of the same and
opposite electrical charge. He demonstrated an inverse square law for such forces and went
on to examine perfect conductors and dielectrics. He suggested that there was no perfect
dielectric, proposing that every substance has a limit above which it will conduct electricity.
These fundamental papers put forward the case for action at a distance between electrical
charges in a similar way as Newton's theory of gravitation was based on action at a distance
between masses.

Hans Christian Oersted


Hans Christian Oersted launched a new epoch in science when he discovered that electricity
and magnetism are linked. He showed by experiment that an electric current flowing through
a wire could move a nearby magnet. The discovery of electromagnetism set the stage for the
eventual development of our modern technology-based world. Oersted also discovered the
chemical compound piperine and achieved the first isolation of the element aluminum. Hans
Christian Oersted (rsted in Danish) was born in the small town of Rudkbing on the island of
Langeland, Denmark, on August 14, 1777. His father was Soeren Christian Oersted, a
pharmacist, and his mother was Karen Hermandsen.

Hans and his younger brother Anders were educated through a combination of home
schooling and private tutors one a German wigmaker who, among other things, taught the
brothers to speak fluent German. Anders would one day become Prime Minister of Denmark.

Hans became interested in chemistry at the age of 12 after he started helping in his fathers
pharmacy. At the age of 16 he passed the entrance exam for the University of Copenhagen.
There he studied pharmacology, graduating in 1796 at age 19.

Three more years of work allowed him to graduate with a Ph.D. Today most awards of Ph.D.
(Doctor of Philosophy) are not actually made for researching philosophy, but Hans Christian
Oersteds was. The philosophy in this case was Immanuel Kants philosophy of nature, which
as well see, helped shape Oersteds view of the world.

By the year 1800 Oersted had become a pharmacy manager. In this year a scientific
revolution began. Alessandro Volta announced details of his battery, opening new scientific
horizons for chemists and physicists. Voltas battery enabled scientists to produce a steady
flow of electricity for the first time and, happily, the materials needed to build one were
easily obtained. Oersted dived into the new science and, in 1801, published a scientific
paper describing a new battery he had invented. He also described a method for calculating
the amount of electric current flowing by measuring the rate of gas production when
electricity was used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Oersted was given funding by
the Danish government to further his education in other European countries; he spent the
years 1801 to 1803 in Germany and France.

In Germany he became influenced by the ideas of the philosopher Friedrich Schelling who
believed all of nature was unified. Rather grandly, Schelling believed scientists should strive
to find the theory underlying all of nature rather than using experiments to study isolated
parts of nature.

Oersted absorbed much of Schellings philosophy of science, but disagreed with Schellings
disdain for experimental work. Oersted had learned too much respect for practical work as a
pharmacist to ignore the power of an experiment. However, he shared Schellings
enthusiasm for the unity of nature.

Our physics would thus be no longer a collection of fragments on motion, on heat, on air,
on light, on electricity, on magnetism, and who knows what else, but we would include the
whole universe in one system.
Andre-Marie Ampere

Andr Marie Ampre was a French physicist and founder of electrodynamics
(electromagnetism). The unit for measuring electric current was named for him.
Mostly self-educated, Andr Marie Ampre's father was guillotined during the
French Revolution. After witnessing an experiment by rsted, Ampre developed
theory to understand the relationship between electricity and magnetism. In
recognition of his contribution to modern electrical science, the "ampere" was
established as a standard unit of electrical measurement. He died in 1836.

Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics

In 1800, while Ampre worked as a private tutor in Lyon, Alessandro Volta had
invented the electric battery. One result of this was that for the first time ever,
scientists could produce a steady electric current. In April 1820, Hans Christian
Oersted discovered that a flow of electric current in a wire could deflect a nearby
magnetic compass needle. Oersted had discovered a link between electricity and
magnetism electromagnetism. In September 1820, Franois Arago demonstrated
Oersteds electromagnetic effect to Frances scientific elite at the French Academy
in Paris. Ampre was present, having been elected to the Academy in 1814.
Ampre was fascinated by Oersteds discovery and decided that he would try to
understand why electric current produced a magnetic effect.

Ever since I first heard of Oersteds great discovery of the action of electric
current on a magnetized needle, I have thought about it constantly. All my time
has been dedicated to writing a great theory about these phenomena and
attempting the experiments indicated by this theory, all of which succeeded.

Felix Savart

Flix Savart's father was Grard Savart who was an engineer. The family had a
long association with Mzires, Grard's father (Flix's paternal grandfather), also
a native of that city, had been involved with the founding of the engineering
school there in 1748. Grard Savart moved to Metz where he was in charge of
draftsmen at the engineering school. Flix and his older brother Nicolas (born
1790) had their early schooling in Metz. With a strong family tradition of
involvement with military engineering schools, one might have expected Flix
Savart to also go down that path. In fact his early training did take him in that
direction but in 1808, at the age of seventeen, he decided to train for a career in

Savart spent around two years from 1808 to 1810 studying at a hospital in Metz.
Of course he had grown up in a period when France was enjoying military victories
under Napoleon who had led French armies to victories over the armies of Austria,
Prussia, Great Britain, Spain and the Netherlands between 1792 and 1797.
Victories over three further coalitions set up to try to curb French power saw
Napoleon at the height of his power in 1810. It was at this time, after training in
the Metz hospital, that Savart became a regimental surgeon in Napoleon's army.
He did follow certain family traditions by serving in the first battalion of engineers.
However, during the years in which he served from 1810 to 1814, Napoleon
suffered defeats in the Spanish and Russian campaigns. In 1814 Savart was
discharged from the army and resumed his medical training.
Biot was impressed with Savart's work and found him a position teaching physics
in Paris. In 1820, Savart and Biot began measuring the magnetic fields produced
by a current. These experiments resulted in the Biot-Savart Law
of Electrodynamics. Savart also continued his studies on vibrations, building on
Chladni's experiments with vibrating plates. He developed methods for studying
the vibrations of air, membranes, solids, and various other materials. Savart also
studied the vocalizations of animals and humans. He determined the
lower frequency limits ofhearing, using a toothed wheel that produced tones of
given frequencies. Most of his 27 scientific papers were published in theAnnales
de Chimie et de Physique.

Savart became a member of the Paris Academy in 1827. The following year he was
appointed professor of experimental physics at the Collge de France. Savart died
in Paris at the age of 49.

Michael Faraday
Michael Faraday, who came from a very poor family, became one of the greatest
scientists in history. His achievement was remarkable in a time when science was
the preserve of people born into privileged families. The unit of electrical
capacitance is named the farad in his honor, with the symbol F.

Michael Faraday was born on September 22, 1791 in London, England, UK. He was
the third child of James and Margaret Faraday. His father was a blacksmith who
had poor health. Before marriage, his mother had been a servant. The family lived
in a degree of poverty.

Michael Faraday attended a local school until he was 13, where he received a basic
education. To earn money for the family he started working as a delivery boy for a
bookshop. He worked hard and impressed his employer. After a year, he was
promoted to become an apprentice bookbinder.


By 1839 Faraday was able to bring forth a new and general theory of electrical
action. Electricity, whatever it was, caused tensions to be created in matter. When
these tensions were rapidly relieved (i.e., when bodies could not take much strain
before snapping back), then what occurred was a rapid repetition of a cyclical
buildup, breakdown, and buildup of tension that, like a wave, was passed along a
substance. Such substances were called conductors. In electrochemical processes
the rate of buildup and breakdown of the strain was proportional to the chemical
affinities of the substances involved, but again the current was not a material flow
but a wave pattern of tensions and their relief.Insulators were simply materials
whose particles could take an extraordinary amount of strain before they snapped.
Electrostatic charge in an isolated insulator was simply a measure of this
accumulated strain. Thus, all electrical action was the result of forced strains in
The strain on Faraday of eight years of sustained experimental and theoretical
work was too much, and in 1839 his health broke down. For the next six years he
did little creative science. Not until 1845 was he able to pick up the thread of his
researches and extend his theoretical views.

araday took the suggestion, passed a beam of plane-polarized lightthrough the

optical glass of high refractive index that he had developed in the 1820s, and then
turned on an electromagnet so that its lines of force ran parallel to the light ray.
This time he was rewarded with success. The plane of polarization was rotated,
indicating a strain in themolecules of the glass. But Faraday again noted an
unexpected result. When he changed the direction of the ray of light, the rotation
remained in the same direction, a fact that Faraday correctly interpreted as
meaning that the strain was not in the molecules of the glass but in the magnetic
lines of force. The direction of rotation of the plane of polarization depended solely
upon the polarity of the lines of force; the glass served merely to detect the effect.

James C. Maxwell

James C. Maxwell was a 19th century pioneer in chemistry and physics who
articulated the idea of electromagnetism.
Born on June 13, 1831, in Edinburgh, Scotland, James C. Maxwell studied at the
University of Cambridge before holding a variety of professorship posts. Already
known for his innovations in optics and gas velocity research, his groundbreaking
theories around electromagnetism, articulated in the famed Maxwell's Equations,
greatly influenced modern physics as we know it. Maxwell died in England on
November 5, 1879.James Clerk Maxwell was born on June 13, 1831, at 14 India
Street in Edinburgh, Scotland. Having a keen intellect from childhood, he had one
of his geometry papers presented at the Royal Society of Edinburgh during his
adolescence. By 16 he'd enrolled at the University of Edinburgh, pursuing a
fervent interest in optics and color research. He studied there for three years and
eventually attended Cambridge University's Trinity College, graduating in
1854.After teaching at Trinity for a time, Maxwell moved on to Marischal College as
part of the physics faculty. He wed Katherine Mary Dewar in 1858.

Maxwell is best known for his research in electromagnetic radiation, which unites
the sciences of electricity, magnetism and optics.

Electricity flows through many metals because of the movement of electrons

amongst the atoms of the metal. Moving electrons also produce a magnetic field,
the strength of which depends on the number of moving electrons. Electromagnets
combine electricity and magnetism within one device, and fluctuating electron
movements create electromagnetic waves. Maxwell saw analogies between the
speeds of travel of electromagnetic waves and of light, and devised four important
mathematical equations which formulated these and other relationships between
electricity and magnetism. Some of Maxwell's results prompted Albert Einstein's
research in relativity. Einstein is quoted as saying: 'One scientific epoch ended
and another began with James Clerk Maxwell'.

Astronomy: Rings of Saturn

In 1856, aged 25, Maxwell began work on another field of research the
composition of the rings of Saturn.

In Maxwell's time, many astronomers believed that the rings were made of fluid,
while Maxwell believed they were made up of small orbiting bodies. To show
audiences that it was possible for small orbiting bodies to appear to be fluid,
Maxwell devised a model. This was a 'dynamical top' with small balls representing
the bodies. When the top was spun fast, it was possible to see what looked like the
motion of waves.
Maxwell worked with Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann to develop a theory
called the 'Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution'. This made it possible to determine the
speeds of molecules in a gas at different temperatures. Maxwell described a
hypothetical situation where gases in a container could be separated into two
sections. There was a hot side, where molecules moved fast, and a cold side with
slow molecular movement. A tiny imaginary 'demon' at a trapdoor would control
the flow of molecules between them, producing a perpetual energy source. This
would only work if the demon was intelligent enough to distinguish the velocities
of the gas molecules without requiring energy itself.


Jean-Baptiste Biot, (born April 21, 1774, Paris, Francedied Feb. 3, 1862, Paris), French
physicist who helped formulate the Biot-Savart law, which concerns magnetic fields, and laid
the basis forsaccharimetry, a useful technique of analyzing sugar solutions.

Educated at the cole Polytechnique, Biot was appointed professor of mathematics at the
University of Beauvais in 1797, became professor of mathematical physics at the Collge de
Francein 1800, and was elected a member of the French Academy of Sciences in 1803. He
accompanied J.-L. Gay-Lussac in 1804 on the first balloon flight undertaken for scientific
purposes. The men showed that the Earths magnetic field does not vary noticeably with
altitude, and they tested upper atmospheric composition. Biot also collaborated with the
noted physicist D.F.J. Arago in investigating the refractive properties of gases.


Jean-Baptiste Biot was a French mathematician who worked in electricity, elasticity,

astronomy, heat and geometry. Biot made many contributions to the scientific community in
his lifetime most notably in astronomy, optics, and magnetism. The Biot-Savart law in
magnetism was named after him and his colleague Felix Savart in 1820.

Biot collaborated with Humboldt to further work on magnetism where he derived the laws
governing inclination using a small magnet at the center of the earth placed perpendicular to
the magnetic equator. He also made contributions to determine the velocity of sound. Jean-
Baptiste Biot was born in Paris, France on April 12, 1774. He first served in the artillery before
he was appointed as a mathematics professor at Beauvais in 1797. Around the 1800s, he
became a physics professor in College de France at age 26, and became a member of the
Academy of Sciences three years later.

Studies and experiments

Jean-Baptiste Biots career began when he was sent by Napoleon Bonapartes Interior
Minister to investigate the circumstances surrounding a meteor that exploded above the city
of LAigle and scattered 3,000 pieces of stone around the countryside. He later became a
member of the Legion of Honor in 1803 and became famous all over Europe after his report
on the fall of the meteorite, where he demonstrated by logical deductions that the stones
were debris from outer space.

A year later, Jean-Baptiste Biot took a perilous ascension on board the first scientific hot-air
balloon ride with Gay-Lussac, a French chemist and Physicist, in order to determine the
inclination of the Earths magnetic field and study the properties of the atmosphere. During
this year, Biot also carried out an experimental investigation of the conductivity of metal

Biot turned his attention to the study of optics and polarization of light in 1812. His rotary
and chromatic polarization has led to many breakthroughs such as LCDs (liquid-crystal
crystal displays) used in computer screens and televisions and polarizing filters used in
photography. He derived a general formula for the expansion of liquid in 1813 and two years
later he made a critical examination of Newtons law of cooling. In 1814, he was elected
chevalier and commander in 1849. In 1816, Jean-Baptiste Biot was elected a foreign
member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He received the Rumford Medal from
the Royal Society in the field of thermal or optic properties of matter, in 1840. Rumford
Medal is awarded to scientists in Europe with outstandingly important recent discovery.

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