Prabu Tapa Agung: Advisor

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Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in West Java ruled by Prabu Tapa Agung. He
lived with his daugthers. But among them, there were already married and live
separated. Now, he just lived with the eldest one, Purbararang and the youngest one,
Purbasari. But, lately he felt he was getting older. So, he decided to abdicate.

Prabu Tapa Agung : Do you know? I feel im getting older now. And I want to choose
who has to be my successor. (keliatan capek)
Advisor : If so, Your Majesty must choose between Princess Purbararang and
Princess Purbasari. But, if Your Majesty follow the rules. Means, that
your successor is Princess Purbararang.
Prabu Tapa Agung : Hmm.. Youre right. (ngusap2 janggut)
Advisor : Your Majesty?
Prabu Tapa Agung : Alright, please bring them here.
Advisor : Yes, Your Majesty.
(Purbararang and Purbasari enter the room)
Advisor : Your Majesty, I have brought both of them.
Purbararang : Whats wrong father? Why did you call us? (kaget)
Prabu Tapa Agung : I will choose who will be my successor between you two.
Purbasari : What?! Does it mean that father want to abdicate? (kaget)
Prabu Tapa Agung : YesBecause of that, I choose you, Purbasari. (nunjuk purbasari)
Purbararang : How can be like that? Im the eldest one. (marah)
Prabu Tapa Agung : Purbararang, to be a queen takes more than age. There are many
other qualities that one must posses. (bijak)
Purbararang : What does purbasari have that i dont? (gak mau kalah)
Prabu Tapa Agung : You will find out when Purbasari has replaced me.
Purbasari : Sist..
Purbararang : Shut up! (marah)
(Purbararang left the room, she go to her bedroom)
Purbararang : (mumbling) Why? I am the eldest! It has to be me! (marah)
Indrajaya : Whats wrong?
Purbararang : Father choose Purbasari to be his successor.
Indrajaya : What?! How? (kaget)
Purbararang : I dont know, but i have to do something.
Indrajaya : How about.. (whispering on Purbararang ear) (bisik2)

In the evening, Purbararang went to the witch house. Like Indrajaya said, may be the
witch could do something that threatened Purbasaris life. So she asked the witch to
send all over Purbasaris body. That plan was success. Before going to bed, Purbasari
started to feel itch all over her body. She tried applying powder to her body, but its no
use. Instead, the itching grew even worse. She didnt want to scratch it, but she just
couldnt help it. In the morning...
Purbasari : What are this things? Did it because the itching last night? (mumbling).
(gatel2 badannya)
(Then, Purbararang enter Purbasaris bedroom, and pretend to have a surprised face)
Purbararang : What happened to you, Purbasari? (pura2 kaget)
Purbasari : I dont know sist. Last night...
Purbararang : You must have done something very awful. Youve been punished by the
gods. (jijik)
Purbasari : What?! Impossible! I never felt that i do something wrong.
Purbararang : I have to tell father!
(Purbararang left Purbasaris bedroom, and go to her fathers room)

Heard that news, Prabu Tapa Agung look surprised. Heard that her
daugther was cursed by gods, make he look feeling blue. That is a chance for
Purbararang to continue her plans. She incited her father to thrown Purbasari to the
woods. Finally, Prabu Tapa Agung agreed with Purbararangs choice. After that, The
Advisor accompanied Purbasari to the woods. Well.., actually Purbasari was sad, But
its for her fathers and kingdoms sake.
Advisor : Ive made hut for you to stay. (nunjukkan pondok kecil di hutan)
Purbasari : (....silent...)
Advisor : Its not your fault, Princess. Ill help you find the way out. I will deliver
foods every morning. Please..take care of you.
Purbasari : Thank you.
(The Advisor go away)
Purbasari : Cause, Its evening, I thought I have to look for firewoods. (cari2
(Purbasari go look for fire woods, but her steps stop, because she see a lutung)
Purbasari : Oh! What is that? Better quickly. (kaget soalnya lihat monyet)
Lutung : Wait! Dont be scared. I wont hurt you.
Purbasari : Wha! can talk?
Lutung : Yes, I can. What are you doing in the woods? Isnt it dangerous?
Purbasari : I have thrown out from the palace.
Lutung : Why?
Purbasari : My sister said that Ive done something awful so the gods punished me.
Lutung : It means that you stay in here, dont you?
Purbasari : Yeah..thats right. There! In that hut. (nunjuk pondok) You can come
whenever you like.

From that day, Purbasari and Lutung became friends. They help each other.
They spent time together. And Both of them never felt uncomfortable. One day, when
Purbasari washed her clothes in the lake. Lutung took a bucket of water and gave them
some spell.
Lutung : Purbasari can you come here for a while? (ngajak sini2)
Purbasari : Whats up, Lutung Kasarung?
Lutung : Sit here! (duduk)
(Lutung wipe Purbasaris body with water) dibasuh air
Purbasari : What are you doing, Lutung Kasarung? (kaget)
Lutung : It can heal you.
(Lutung still wipe Purbasaris body with the same water) dibasuh air
Purbasari : Its really gone, Ive recovered. (seneng)
Advisor : Princess Purbasari! I just brought you some foods. Where are you?
Purbasari : Sorry...Im here.
Advisor : Princess! Youve recovered?! (kaget)
Purbasari : Yes, Isnt it great?
Advisor : Please come back to the palace, The King must be so happy hear this
Purbasari : Come back to the palace? Sorry, I cant do that. (geleng2 kepala)
Advisor : Why?
Purbasari : I dont want to. (geleng2 kepala)

When Lutung persuaded Purbasari to go back to the palace, Purbasari always

refused. But finally she gave up. When they arrived in the palace, Purbararang looked
shocked. She made new plan. She couldnt let Purbasari lived.
Purbararang : What are you doing here? Youve thrown out, havent you? (kaget )
Purbasari : Look sist! My body has recovered!
Purbararang : Okay.. I would let you return to the palace with one condition. Lets

In the next morning, everyone in the kingdom saw their competition. First,
Purbararang made a competition that if someone of them had a longer hair, she won the
competition. Then both of them let their hair down. Purbasaris hair was longer than
Purbararang : Fine, so your hair is longer than mine (membandingkan rambut) But, do
you have a future husband? Who is handsome than Indrajaya? (ngguyu licik)
Purbasari : (Purbasari grab Lutungs hand) He will be my husband. (nggandeng
Purbararang : Wha? That Lutung! Dont be kidding. (tertawa keras)

After that, Lutung meditates and suddenly transformed into a very handsome
young man, a lot more handsome than Indrajaya.
Lutung : Im a prince from a kingdom far away. I was cursed to be a monkey
because of a mistake i committed. I could regain my true form only if there is a girl would be
willing to be my wife. Thank you Purbasari. (membungkuk)
Purbararang : It means i lost, huh! (kesel)
Purbasari : Dont worry sist. I wont punish you.

Then Purbasari become a queen and married Lutung. And they live happy ever after.
Property :
- Mahkota utk raja sm lutung yg sudah jadi manusia
- Monyet
- Rambut palsu utk kompetisi panjang2an rambut
- Bando apa property lain pokoknya biar keliatan perempuan (yg beda
soalnya 2 orang putrinya Purbararang sm Purbasari)
- Advisor=penasihat pakai apa?
Waktu : 5-6 menit

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