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Bolder FREE Sounds

Music Box
SFZ format

This SFZ library is actually a combination of 2 music box samples. The rst being a traditional small
music box mechanism and the second a DIY music box (do it yourself).

What appealed to me about this DIY music box mechanism is that it came with a punch-card like roll
(much like the old player pianos used) to create your own melodies with. You can probably gure out
which melody I punched out for the purpose of sampling - a major scale (in Ab). As a resonator I
mounted the DIY music box mechanism on the sound board of a lovely 4 string alto guitar that I own.
This gives some volume to the mechanism as well as a very subtle reverberatory effect.

The other Music Box mechanism played Aura Lee, to sample it I turned the hand-crank very slowly. It
gave me enough note selections for a decent sample.
You will nd 3 SFZ format instruments -

Music Box 1.sfz - This is the music box which played Aura Lee.

DIY Music Box .sfz - This is the music box which used a punch card to play a major scale.

Music Box octaves .sfz - This is an octave effect from the 2 above mentioned music boxes which was
re-sampled out of the Bolder FREE Sounds version for NI Kontakt released years ago.
SFZ format
The SFZ format is a le format is a le format created by the developer of Cakewalk. The SFZ format
has 2 components - the denition le (which is a text le), and the associated samples listed in the
denition le. The denition le gives instructions as to how the samples should be played back.

Cakewalk has dened a set of parameters or opcodes that my be recognized (or not recognized) by
whatever sampler you are importing the SFZ le into. For details on the SFZ format visit - http://www.

There are numerous software samplers and player which will import this format, here are a few -
Camel Audio - Alchemy and Achemy Player / Cakewalk SFZ Player / Cakewalk Dimension Pro / Sam-
plelord / Rapture / LinuxSampler / Wusikstation.

Youll need to refer to the documentation for whatever platfrom you are using for instructions on load-
ing the SFZ le.

Dennis Burns - Bolder Sounds

GENERAL LICENSE CONDITIONS: You may use these samples in any type of music production,
i.e. making demos, records, remixes, commercials, jingles, post productions, commissioned pieces,
sound tracks for lm, theatre, musicals, live performances, computer games or multimedia. Samples
may not be utilized or resold in the form of Sample Library Music or Sample-related endeavors (e.g.
Joes Sample Collection which contains our products). Written permission from Bolder Sounds is
required. You CAN NOT trade, re-sell, lend, rent, copy, duplicate, upload or download to any database,
BBS, or Server any of our sounds because Bolder Sounds owns the rights to the samples, Bolder is
licensing these to a single user for music production. Use of these samples MAY NOT be utilized in
separate commercial applications such as the Apple ipad or the Android etc.. without written consent
from Bolder Sounds.

Installation of this library constitutes full acceptance of these terms.

Creative Sample Libraries Since 1992

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