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Reflection on Day 04: Roman Law

1. Analyzing and Evaluation:

I was very satisfied with the class today because the students were more interested in

analyzing and evaluation of Roman laws. They asked many questions about the laws. I

tried to answer as much as I could. Then, we went through some of the laws. I asked them

whether they agree with the laws or not? Why not? If not, how would they make

changes? I gave them a work sheet to evaluate some more Roman laws. They also had to

provide two laws that are applying in their home countries as a reflection.
However, one thing happened that I never expected to be. I made a grammatical error

(instead of Do you agree? I typed Are you agree?). Unexpectedly, one student

realized that mistake and told to his friends (projecting his voice) and started to make fun

of me. In his worksheet, he answered I are agree, I are not agree. I felt bad about that

and I apologized them for my mistake. Later, I realized that this is a minor mistake and I

learned as an experience to double check before teaching. Actually, I should have laughed

along with the students so that they would not make fun at me.

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