Tibetan Attunement Level 1

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Tibetan First Degree Attunement

Prepare for the attunement process by mentally stating your intention for
this to be a Tibetan Reiki Level 1 initiation.

Draw the Usui Master, Tibetan Master and Power symbols on the palms of
each of your hands, and then draw the Power symbol down the front of
your body to open yourself to the energy.

Prepare the room in which you are carrying out the ceremony by standing
in the center of the room. Draw out, in the air in front of you, a large
Power Symbol and imagine it sinking into the wall directly in front of

Repeat this for all the walls in the room and then do the same for the floor
and ceiling.

Place the chair you are using for the attunement process in such a
position that it is easy to walk around it – a straight backed, upright chair
is the most suitable.

When you are ready to proceed, have the person you are attuning seat
themselves comfortably in the chair and talk them through the whole
process you are going to carry out…

Show them how to put their hands together in the prayer position at the
heart chakra, and how to move them above their head and back to the
heart, when you squeeze their shoulder.

Now, whilst intention is the most important element when passing on any
traditional attunement, the following distinct breathing techniques are
fundamental to the Tibetan initiation.

Consequently, practicing these breath techniques prior to carrying out

your first attunement is highly recommended.

Okay then, here they are, along with the necessary physical requirements
listed first…

¾ The Hui Yin point is held in contraction. The Hui Yin is the pressure
point found at the perineum; it lies between the anus and the
vagina in women and between the anus and the scrotum in men.
Contracting the Hui Yin and holding it with comfort may take a little
practice. Begin by contracting twenty times, and then holding as
long as possible. Eventually it will be possible to close the Hui Yin
simply by thinking it closed. (To contract the Hui Yin imagine that
you are trying to suppress the need to pass wind… [fart]).
¾ The tip of the tongue is placed on the alveolar ridge which is the
area of the mouth immediately above but not on the upper front

And so to the breathing itself…

Kidney Breath:

This is the process of breathing the Raku energy into the body. The
kidneys are one of two key energy centres in the body the other being the

¾ Focus above your crown and visualise a deep cobalt blue

mist. Breathing through your mouth, inhale deeply,
expanding your lower abdomen. Mentally direct the blue mist
into your kidneys.
¾ Breathe out a white mist.

This can be practised by placing the hands over the kidneys, and with
each inhalation feel the hands lifting off; with every exhalation allow the
hands to return to the body. After practising for a while the energy will be
felt without having to use the hands.

Violet Breath:

¾ Focus above your crown and visualise a white misty light. Breathing
through your mouth, inhale deeply, expanding your lower
abdomen. Mentally, see this white misty light enter your crown
chakra and flow through your tongue, down the front of your body
(Functional Channel), to collect at the Hui Yin point.
¾ Hold your breath and see the white light rise up your spine
(Governor Channel) to the centre of your head.
¾ Imagine the white mist inside your head turning to blue and
beginning to spin with a clockwise rotation. As it spins see it turn
from Blue to Violet or Royal Purple. It may then turn to Gold
automatically, but this is not a conscious part of this process, so
don’t worry if it doesn’t happen for you.
¾ Within the Violet light visualise the Tibetan Master symbol and
breathe this out.

The Hui Yin contraction and the placing of the tongue to the alveolar
ridge, is maintained for the duration of the whole attunement process and
only released when the ceremony is complete.

So, as you can see… you’ll need to practice… both the remembering and
the application.
Now, the level 1 Attunement is given in four stages, as follows…

First Degree Attunement

Stage 1…

¾ Working from behind the student, draw the Fire Serpent symbol,
from the top of the initiate’s head to the base of the spine.
¾ Remain behind the student and place both hands over the top of
the student’s head to gain rapport and tune in.
¾ Take three blue Kidney Breaths, and create the Violet Breath. Use
the Violet Breath to transfer the Tibetan Master symbol from your
brain to the initiate; visualise the symbol moving through their
crown chakra to lodge at the base of the brain. As you do this
silently chant the sacred name of the symbol three times: once
each at the crown chakra, the third eye chakra and at the cerebral
¾ Trace the Usui Master Symbol over the student’s head, using your
dominant hand as a guide picture the symbol moving into the
crown chakra through the head to the base of the brain. As you
follow it on its journey, silently chant the sacred name of the
symbol three times. Once each at the crown chakra, the third eye
chakra and at the cerebral cortex.
¾ Squeeze the student’s left shoulder, with your dominant hand, as a
signal to raise the hands to the top of the head
¾ Hold the student’s hands with your non-dominant hand and draw
the Power Symbol in the air above them with your free hand.
Picture the symbol moving into the hands, through the crown
chakra to the base of the brain. As you follow it on its journey,
silently chant the sacred name of the symbol three times. Once
each at the fingertips, the crown chakra and at the cerebral cortex.
¾ Return the students hands to the original position in front of the
¾ Move to the front of the student and open the student’s hands out
flat with your non-dominant hand underneath.
¾ Trace the Power Symbol in front of the student’s third eye with your
free hand, and imagine shooting the symbol into the student’s third
eye using your fire finger. Silently chant the sacred name of the
symbol three times in time with the shooting motion, and visualise
the symbol moving into the student’s third eye.
¾ Trace the Power Symbol above each of the student’s palms. Picture
the symbol moving into each hand as you silently chant the sacred
name three times, whilst using a tapping motion to the palm
chakras to drive the symbol into the hands.
¾ Replace the student’s hands together in front of the heart then
blow. Move the breath from the student’s hands, downwards to the
solar plexus, then upwards through the hands to the crown chakra,
back down through the hands to the solar plexus, and then back to
the hands.
¾ Move behind the student and place your hands on the student’s
shoulders. Look down through the crown chakra to the student's
heart chakra, and make a positive affirmation - [eg. You are now a
confident and successful Reiki I healer.] State the affirmation,
silently, three times and intend that it be accepted by the student’s
sub-conscious mind.
¾ Place your thumbs at the base of the student’s skull and say silently
to your-self, “I now seal this process with Divine Love and
Wisdom”. Picture a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed
and locked. Intend that the process is complete and that the
student is now connected directly to the Reiki source.
¾ Place your hands on the student’s shoulders and say silently to
yourself, “We are both blessed by this process”.
¾ Move to the front of the student, remove the hands from the heart
position, and lay them palms-down on the thighs. In the case of
group attunements this step is left until all students have been

Stage 2…

¾ Working from behind the student, draw the Fire Serpent symbol
from the top of the initiate’s head to the base of the spine.
¾ Remain behind the student, and place both hands over the top of
the student’s head, to gain rapport and tune in.
¾ Take three blue Kidney Breaths, and create the Violet Breath. Use
the Violet Breath to transfer the Tibetan Master symbol from your
brain to the initiate; visualise the symbol moving through their
crown chakra to lodge at the base of the brain. As you do this
silently chant the sacred name of the symbol three times: once
each at the crown chakra, the third eye chakra and at the cerebral
¾ Trace the Usui Master Symbol over the student’s head using your
dominant hand as a guide. Picture the symbol moving into the
crown chakra through the head to the base of the brain. As you
follow it on its journey, silently chant the sacred name of the
symbol three times: once each at the crown chakra, the third eye
chakra and at the cerebral cortex.
¾ Repeat the previous step using the Distance Symbol.
¾ Squeeze the student’s left shoulder, with your dominant hand, as a
signal to raise the hands to the top of the head.
¾ Hold the student’s hands with your non-dominant hand and draw
the Power Symbol in the air above them with your free hand.
Picture the symbol moving into the hands, through the crown
chakra to the base of the brain. As you follow it on its journey,
silently chant the sacred name of the symbol three times. Once
each at the fingertips, the crown chakra and at the cerebral cortex
¾ Return the student’s hands to the original position at the heart.
¾ Move to the front of the student and open the student’s hands out
flat, with your non-dominant hand held underneath.
¾ Trace the Power Symbol in front of the student’s third eye, with
your free hand, and imagine shooting the symbol into the student’s
third eye using your fire finger. Silently chant the sacred name of
the symbol three times, in time with the shooting motion, and
visualise the symbol moving into the student's third eye.
¾ Repeat the previous step using the Distance Symbol.
¾ Trace the Power Symbol above each of the student’s palms. Picture
the symbol moving into each hand as you silently chant the sacred
name three times, whilst using a tapping motion to the palm
chakras to drive the symbol into the hands.
¾ Replace the student’s hands together in front of the heart, and then
blow. Move the breath from the student’s hands, downwards to the
solar plexus, then upwards through the hands to the crown chakra
back down through the hands to the solar plexus, and then back to
the hands.
¾ Move behind the student and place your hands on the student’s
shoulders. Look down through the crown chakra to the student’s
heart chakra, and make a positive affirmation - [e.g. You are now a
confident and successful Reiki I healer.] State the affirmation,
silently, three times and intend that it be accepted by the student’s
subconscious mind.
¾ Place your thumbs at the base of the student’s skull and silently say
to yourself, “I now seal this process with Divine Love and Wisdom”.
Picture a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed and locked.
Intend that the process is complete and that the student is now
connected directly to the Reiki source.
¾ Place your hands on the student’s shoulders and say silently to
yourself, “We are both blessed by this process”.
¾ Move to the front of the student, remove the hands from the heart
position and lay them palms-down on the thighs. In the case of
group attunements this step is left until all students have been

Stage 3…

¾ Working from behind the student, draw the Fire Serpent symbol
from the top of the initiate’s head to the base of the spine.
¾ Remain behind the student, and place both hands over the top of
the student’s head, to gain rapport and tune in.
¾ Take three blue Kidney Breaths, and create the Violet Breath. Use
the Violet Breath to transfer the Tibetan Master symbol from your
brain to the initiate; visualise the symbol moving through their
crown chakra to lodge at the base of the brain. As you do this
silently chant the sacred name of the symbol three times: once
each at the crown chakra, the third eye chakra and at the cerebral
¾ Trace the Usui Master Symbol over the student’s head using your
dominant hand as a guide. Picture the symbol moving into the
crown chakra through the head to the base of the brain. As you
follow it on its journey, silently chant the sacred name of the
symbol three times: once each at the crown chakra, the third eye
chakra and at the cerebral cortex.
¾ Repeat the previous step using the Mental/Emotional Symbol.
¾ Squeeze the student’s left shoulder, with your dominant hand, as a
signal to raise the hands to the top of the head.
¾ Hold the student’s hands with your non-dominant hand and draw
the Power Symbol in the air above them with your free hand.
Picture the symbol moving into the hands, through the crown
chakra to the base of the brain. As you follow it on its journey,
silently chant the sacred name of the symbol three times. Once
each at the fingertips, the crown chakra and at the cerebral cortex.
¾ Return the student’s hands to the original position at the heart.
¾ Move to the front of the student and open the student’s hands out
flat, with your non-dominant hand held underneath.
¾ Trace the Power Symbol in front of the student’s third eye, with
your free hand, and imagine shooting the symbol into the student’s
third eye using your fire finger. Silently chant the sacred name of
the symbol three times, in time with the shooting motion, and
visualise the symbol moving into the student's third eye.
¾ Repeat the previous step using the Mental/Emotional Symbol.
¾ Trace the Power Symbol above each of the student’s palms. Picture
the symbol moving into each hand as you silently chant the sacred
name three times, whilst using a tapping motion to the palm
chakras to drive the symbol into the hands.
¾ Replace the student’s hands together in front of the heart, and then
blow. Move the breath from the student’s hands, downwards to the
solar plexus, then upwards through the hands to the crown chakra
back down through the hands to the solar plexus, and then back to
the hands.
¾ Move behind the student and place your hands on the student’s
shoulders. Look down through the crown chakra to the student’s
heart chakra, and make a positive affirmation - [e.g. You are now a
confident and successful Reiki I healer.] State the affirmation,
silently, three times and intend that it be accepted by the student’s
subconscious mind.
¾ Place your thumbs at the base of the student’s skull and silently say
to yourself, “I now seal this process with Divine Love and Wisdom”.
Picture a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed and locked.
Intend that the process is complete and that the student is now
connected directly to the Reiki source.
¾ Place your hands on the student’s shoulders and say silently to
yourself, “We are both blessed by this process”.
¾ Move to the front of the student, remove the hands from the heart
position and lay them palms-down on the thighs. In the case of
group attunements this step is left until all students have been
Stage 4…

¾ Working from behind the student, draw the Fire Serpent symbol
from the top of the initiate’s head to the base of the spine.
¾ Remain behind the student, and place both hands over the top of
the student’s head, to gain rapport and tune in.
¾ Take three blue Kidney Breaths, and create the Violet Breath. Use
the Violet Breath to transfer the Tibetan Master symbol from your
brain to the initiate; visualise the symbol moving through their
crown chakra to lodge at the base of the brain. As you do this
silently chant the sacred name of the symbol three times: once
each at the crown chakra, the third eye chakra and at the cerebral
¾ Trace the Usui Master Symbol over the student’s head, using your
dominant hand as a guide. Picture the symbol moving into the
crown chakra through the head to the base of the brain. As you
follow it on its journey, silently chant the sacred name of the
symbol three times. Once each at the crown chakra, the third eye
chakra and at the cerebral cortex.
¾ Repeat the previous step using the Distance Symbol.
¾ Repeat the previous step using the Mental/Emotional Symbol.
¾ Squeeze the student’s left shoulder, with your dominant hand, as a
signal to raise the hands to the top of the head.
¾ Hold the student’s hands with your non-dominant hand and draw
the Power Symbol in the air above them with your free hand.
Picture the symbol moving into the hands, through the crown
chakra to the base of the brain. As you follow it on its journey,
silently chant the sacred name of the symbol three times. Once
each at the fingertips, the crown chakra and at the cerebral cortex.
¾ Return the student’s hands to the original position at the heart.
¾ Move to the front of the student and open the student’s hands out
flat, with your non-dominant hand held underneath.
¾ Trace the Power Symbol in front of the student’s third eye, with
your free hand, and imagine shooting the symbol into the student’s
third eye using your fire finger. Silently chant the sacred name of
the symbol three times, in time with the shooting motion, and
visualise the symbol moving into the student’s third eye.
¾ Repeat the previous step using the Distance Symbol.
¾ Repeat the previous step using the Mental/Emotional Symbol.
¾ Trace the Power Symbol above each of the student’s palms. Picture
the symbol moving into each hand as you silently chant the sacred
name three times, whilst using a tapping motion to the palm
chakras to drive the symbol into the hands.
¾ Replace the student’s hands together in front of the heart then
blow. Move the breath from the student’s hands, downwards to the
solar plexus, then upwards through the hands to the crown chakra
back down through the hands to the solar plexus and then back to
the hands.
¾ Move behind the student and place your hands on the student’s
shoulders. Look down through the crown chakra to the student’s
heart chakra, and make a positive affirmation - [e.g. You are now a
confident and successful Reiki I healer.] Silently state the
affirmation three times and intend that it be accepted by the
student’s subconscious mind.
¾ Place your thumbs at the base of the student’s skull and say to
yourself, “I now seal this process with Divine Love and Wisdom”.
Picture a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed and locked.
Intend that the process is complete and that the student is now
connected directly to the Reiki source.
¾ Place your hands on the student’s shoulders and say silently to
yourself, “We are both blessed by this process”.
¾ Move to the front of the student, remove the hands from the heart
position, and lay them palms-down on the thighs. In the case of
group attunements this step is left until all students have been
¾ Ask your student/s to now open their eyes, and congratulate them
on becoming a Tibetan Reiki 1 healer.

As with all attunements a period of settling into the energy may be

experienced after the initiation, so advise the person to run the Reiki on a
daily basis… they’ll find it to be most helpful.

Ask them to drink plenty of water too as it will assist the process, and also
help minimise discomfort if their body feels the need to dispel any toxins.

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