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Cardiorenal syndromecurrent
understanding and future perspectives
Branko Braam, Jaap A. Joles, Amir H. Danishwar and Carlo A. Gaillard
Abstract | Combined cardiac and renal dysfunction has gained considerable attention. Hypotheses about its
pathogenesis have been formulated, albeit based on a relatively small body of experimental studies, and
aclinical classification system has been proposed. Cardiorenal syndrome, as presently defined, comprises a
heterogeneous group of acute and chronic clinical conditions, in which the failure of one organ (heart or kidney)
initiates or aggravates failure of the other. This conceptual framework, however, has two major drawbacks: the
first is that, despite worldwide interest, universally accepted definitions of cardiorenal syndrome are lacking
and characterization of heart and kidney failure is not uniform. This lack of consistency hampers experimental
studies on mechanisms of the disease. The second is that, although progress has been made in developing
hypotheses for the pathogenesis of cardiorenal syndrome, these initiatives are at an impasse. No hierarchy
has been identified in the myriad of haemodynamic and non-haemodynamic factors mediating cardiorenal
syndrome. This Review discusses current understanding of cardiorenal syndrome and provides a roadmap for
further studies in this field. Ultimately, discussion of the definition and characterization issues and of the lack of
organization among pathogenetic factors is hoped to contribute to further advancement of this complex field.
Braam, B. etal. Nat. Rev. Nephrol. 10, 4855 (2014); published online 19 November 2013; doi:10.1038/nrneph.2013.250

Cardiorenal syndrome encompasses conditions in which research group consequently introduced the concept of
failure of either the heart or the kidney leads to, or accel cardiorenal connectors1factors that are modulated by
erates, failure of the other organ.1 Combined heart and either heart or kidney failure, affect both organs, interact,
kidney dysfunction is very heterogeneous in its clinical and are associated with functional or structural, renal or
presentation, although forms of cardiorenal syndrome cardiac consequences. Despite the attractiveness of this
associated with combined heart and renal failure confer concept, conclusive identification of cardiorenal connec
extremely high morbidity and mortality.14 Cardiorenal tors is difficult and, specifically, a hierarchy among such
Department of
interactions have received substantial attention in the factors is hard to define.
Medicine, Division of past decade. Nevertheless, two important prerequisites Deciphering of interactions between the heart and
Nephrology, University for further development of the concept have not yet been kidney is currently in its infancy. Thus, this Review
of Alberta, 11132
Clinical Sciences met: a precise definition of cardiorenal syndrome and focuses on two major conceptual issues that have
Building, Edmonton, a mechanistic framework that facilitates the design of emerged in the cardiorenal field: the difficulty of pre
ABT6G 2G3, Canada
(B. Braam, clinical and experimental studies. Nevertheless, a clini cisely defining disease entities that consist of combined
A.H.Danishwar). cal classification system has been designed, based on the cardiac and renal failure; and the current status of the
Department of
Nephrology and
order in which organs are affected and the time frame hypothetical framework for cardiorenal syndrome. We
Hypertension, (acute versus chronic).3 In the absence of any mechanistic also highlight issues regarding hierarchical organization
University Medical alternative, this classification has been widelyadopted. of potential pathogenetic factors and the existence of a
Centre, PO Box85500,
3508 GA, Utrecht, Interactions between cardiac and renal function have final common pathway to cardiorenal syndrome.
Netherlands traditionally been explained by haemodynamic factors.58
(J.A.Joles). Division
Initial observations about renal venous pressure and, Definition of cardiorenal syndrome
Department of Internal subsequently, the haemodynamic model proposed by The definition of the cardiorenal syndrome has
Medicine, University Guyton, explain combined heart and renal failure in developed over time (Box1). Any definition should
Medical Centre
Groningen, University terms of interactions between cardiac filling and con address key dimensions of the cardiorenal interaction:
ofGroningen, tractility, renal function, blood pressure, and blood and first, the primary failing organ, second, the inter
extracellular fluid volumes.9 However, structural damage action being unidirectional or bidirectional, third,the
9700RB, Groningen, to both the heart and the kidney has been reported in nature of the disease affecting the organs, fourth,
Netherlands patients with cardiorenal syndrome, which cannot easily thepathophysiological mechanism (haemodynamic
be explained by haemodynamic factors alone.1014 Our versus nonhaemodynamic) and, finally, the time course
Correspondence to: of development of the interaction (acute versus chronic).
B. Braam
branko.braam@ Competing interests None of the current definitions at this time addresses all The authors declare no competing interests. ofthedimensions.

48 | JANUARY 2014 | VOLUME 10

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Key points Box 1 | Evolving definitions of cardiorenal syndrome

Interactions between the heart and kidney form the basis of cardiorenal 2004: The frequent presentation of combined cardiac
syndrome, which is a heterogeneous and complex clinical entity associated with and renal dysfunction104
substantial morbidity and mortality 2004: The presence or development of renal
Precise clinical characterization and classification of cardiorenal syndrome has dysfunction in patients with heart failure105
not yet been performed 2006: Severe cardiorenal syndrome is a
The factors that mediate connections between the heart and the kidney and pathophysiological condition in which combined cardiac
their complex interactions must be clarified invitro and in experimental models and renal dysfunction amplifies progression of failure
before clinical applications are sought of the individual organs1
Iron metabolism and erythrocyte turnover are likely to be central to the 2008: Cardiorenal syndrome is a pathophysiological
pathophysiology of cardiorenal syndrome disorder in which acute or chronic dysfunction of one
organ may induce acute or chronic dysfunction in
In the absence of clear mechanistic understanding, 2010: Each dysfunctional organ has the ability to
aclinical-descriptive definition is the only possibility, initiate and perpetuate disease in the other organ
and should be regarded as a temporary, operational, through common haemodynamic, neurohormonal, and
expedie nt (Figure1).15 As a clinical expedient, the immunological and/or biochemical feedback pathways16
definitions by Bongartz etal.1 published in 2005 and
by Bock etal.16 published in 2010 might be the most
Recognition of a Classification as
theoretically appealing; however, the operational defini clinical problem clinical syndrome
tion described by Ronco etal.3 in 2008 is likely the most
practical in the clinic. Without a universally accepted
definition, each study of cardiorenal syndrome should
be explicit about what the definition for cardiorenal Pathophysiological Aetiological
understanding classification
syndrome is for that study and each of the five dimen
sions listed above should be defined and addressed. Figure1 | Evolution in the understanding of a clinical
To achieve these overarching descriptions, it is prob condition. Initial recognition of a clinical condition
lematic that nephrologists and cardiologists use differ typicallyleads to its characterization as a syndrome with
ent definitions of acute kidney injury (AKI, as used by a heterogeneous presentation. However, a mechanistic
nephrologists), also referred to as worsening of renal understanding of the basis of the condition is necessary
to provide an aetiological classification. In the case of
function (WRF, as used by cardiologists). Furthermore,
cardiorenal syndrome, the absence of mechanistic
when defining a cardiorenal condition, the damage to understanding (dashed line) presents a substantial
each individual organ should be graded. This specifica obstacle to development of a useful and consistent
tion might seem trivial; however, we have no generally classification scheme.
accepted biomarker for the detection of early AKI and
clinical grading of the severity of heart failure remains that are discriminatory in terms of clearly defining the
extremely complex, even in animalexperiments.17 disease and, preferably, map to disease mechanisms and
therapeutic options for a given patient.
Classification of heart and kidney failure The few currently available classifications of cardio
Clinical classification of a disease serves a number of renal syndrome do not comply with such requirements
different purposes18. First, it can serve to create labels to for a valid classification (Box2). In the acute setting, there
establish clear communication about a clinical entity. This is no agreement among cardiologists, intensivists and
clarity would also enable quantification of the disease via nephrologists with respect to the diagnosis of worsening
measures of prevalence and incidence. Classification can of renal function, that is AKI. Worsening ofrenal func
also be used for the analysis of aetiologies and prediction tion in the context of heart failure has been diagnosed
of outcome. A good example in the cardiorenal field is by an absolute change in serum creatinine levels,4,20 or a
how classification of patients with heart failure and ele change in plasma creatinine levels of >20%.23 The RIFLE
vated versus normal central venous pressure has led to criteria (acronym indicating Risk ofrenal dysfunction,
the clinical recognition of the link between central venous Injury to the kidney, Failure ofkidney function, Loss
pressure and renal function impairment in patients with of kidney function, and End-stage kidney disease) use
heart failure.1921 Second, the method of classification a multilevel classification, and incorporate urine flow
can be based on temporal patterns (acute versus chronic, as parameter of renal function.24 The rate of decline in
reversible versus irreversible), on simultaneous occur renal function is considered by criteria used by the AKI
rence of signs and symptoms (that is, symptoms that Network,25 but not by the other criteria.
define syndromes) and on particular diagnoses. Third, To illustrate how easily a classification can become
when disease mechanisms are well understood, clas ambiguous, the aetiology and recognition of groups
sification can be based on structural and/or functional two (chronic cardiorenal syndrome) and four (chronic
analysis. A recent proposal for cardiorenal syndrome renocardiac syndrome) of the Acute Dialysis Quality
based on this premise is an excellent first step towards Initiative (ADQI) cardiorenal syndrome classification
such a functional classification.22 Finally, a good classifi should be considered.26 If the patient is first diagnosed
cation is based on unambiguous and measurable criteria with CKD, cardiac investigations would likely follow and


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Box 2 | Classification of cardiorenal interactions Box 3 | Clinical presentation of cardiorenal interactions

Why classify? The clinical presentations below might provide
Labelling and communication information about cardiorenal interactions.
Quantification (prevalence and incidence) Acute renocardiac
Analyses of aetiology Living kidney donor*
Prediction of prognosis Kidney transplant recipient*
How to classify? Acute renal failure*
Temporal patterns (acute versus chronic, reversible Acute interstitial nephritis
versus irreversible) Urinary tract obstruction
Diagnoses or syndromes Acute cardiorenal
Mechanisms Acute myocardial infarction (without important
Structural features haemodynamic consequences*)
Functional features Heart transplant*
What makes a classification useful?* Acute heart failure (acute cardiomyopathy)*
Measurable criteria Chronic renocardiac
Unambiguous Chronic kidney disease*
Chronic cardiorenal
Highlights mechanisms
Chronic heart failure*
Drives therapy
*Not caused by a systemic haemodynamic event, not caused by
*None of these items has been fulfilled for cardiorenal syndrome.
a major systemic event (for example autoimmune disease),
notassociated with major haemodynamic consequences, and not
associated with significant volume retention.
could reveal heart failure, and viceversa. This situation
has been recognized by the ADQI group.27 Clinical situ coupling in patients with heart failure, such that the renal
ations that could provide data for the compilation of a failure induced by heart failure leads to sodium andwater
robust classification of CRS occur in critical care, neph retention, further aggravating heart failure, and poten
rology and cardiology settings, and a combined effort tially further decreasing arterial pressure and elevating
might be required to achieve this goal (Box3). renal venous pressure. This bidirectional coupling is quite
profoundly illustrated in patients with untreated heart
Coupling between the heart and kidneys failure, who show large increases in extracellular fluid and
Haemodynamic factors plasma volumes.32 Indeed, drugs that reverse this vicious
In 1931, an association between increased renal venous cycle (such as inhibitors of the RAS, blockers, digoxin,
pressure and reduced renal blood flow was reported in nitrates, aldosterone inhibitors and loop diuretics) are
dogs.8 In 1956, the consequences of an increase in renal successfully used as therapeutic agents in patients with
venous pressure for peritubular capillary and intratubular heart failure. However, this therapeutic approach is not
pressure were assessed in rats.28 A slight increase in renal successful in a number of conditions, suggesting that
venous pressure (015mmHg) had little effect on either other underlying disturbances have a role.33 A detailed
peritubular capillary or intratubular pressures; however, discussion of all haemodynamic factors that could
further increases caused linear increases in both these potentially drive heart and/or kidney failure is beyond
parameters. The transmission of increased renal venous the scope of this Review, and such information can be
pressure to increased intratubular pressure is important, found elsewhere.34,35 The reader should note, however,
since every 1mmHg increase in intratubular pressure that information about renal haemodynamics and seg
directly reduces net ultrafiltration pressurewhich is mental sodium handling in patients with combined heart
normally only ~20mmHg 29thereby decreasing glomer and renal failure is extremely limited.
ular filtration rate (GFR). Importantly, this physiological
principle resurfaced when several different studies estab Nonhaemodynamic factors
lished a relationship between central venous pressure and Our research group initially proposed that several cardio
renal blood flow in patients with heart failure.19 renal connectorsthe RAS, SNS, inflammation, and the
Subsequent work, drawing together the understand balance between nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen
ing of systemic haemodynamics, pressure-natriuresis and species (ROS)underpin all nonhaemodynamic cardio
the phenomenon of total-body autoregulation, explained renal interactions.1 This hypothesis forms an extension
physiological cardiorenal interactions in terms of extra to the haemodynamic model of cardiorenal interaction,
cellular fluid volume homeostasis and blood pressure but does not replace it. However, for each of these factors,
control. 9 This conceptual framework is now widely interactions have been described with all the other
accepted. A direct consequence of this model is that factors,which make this concept quite complicated.
heart failure induces a decline in cardiac output and The RAS can be considered a prototypical cardiorenal
arterial blood pressure that activates the sympathetic connector, since it fulfils the prerequisite of a bidirectional
nervous system (SNS) and the reninangiotensin system response and is induced by both heart failure and by renal
(RAS).30,31 This activation leads to volume expansion failure. Renin release is triggered by decreased renalartery
which, in turn, restores renal perfusion.30,31 Interestingly, pressure,36 increased renal venous pressure,37,38 decreased
these haemod ynamic factors provide bidirect ional delivery of sodium to the distal nephron39 and increased

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The SNS, similarly to the RAS, also fulfils the prerequi
sites of bidirectional cardiorenal coupling and activation
in both heart failure and CKD.4547 Again, multiple con
GP130 IL-6R IFN-R Extracellular space nections link the SNS with other cardiorenal connectors.
Despite the availability of many drugs that target the RAS
JAK2 JAK2 JAK2 JAK2 or the SNS, the consequences of dual inhibition of these
SOCS3 SOCS1 SOCS3 systems in experimental models of combined heart and
IFN- IFN- renal failure have not been investigated, and no robust
clinical trials have tested whether any of the clinical
P P P presentations of cardiorenal syndrome can be prevented
by such treatment. Of note, more than 10 studies of
selective renal denervation are ongoing in patients with
Mitochondrion Nucleus heart failure,48 and their results are expected to provide
P P P detailed insight into the complex role of renal nerves in
cardiorenal syndrome.
Complex Complex The last two connectors are of an even higher com
STAT3 STAT1 plexity: the balance between NO and ROS, and inflam
mation. NO and ROS are both involved in renal sodium
STAT3 ROS STAT1 handling, systemic haemodynamics49 and renal haemo
dynamics,5054 generally in opposing ways. Moreover,
Antiapoptotic effects of STAT3 mediated the balance between NO and ROS has complex con
Apoptosis by: iNOS; MnSOD; MT1, MT2; Bcl-xL;
mitochondrial stabilization sequences for the regulation of cardiac function. 55
Both renal failure and heart failure are associated with
decreased NO bioavailability and pro-oxidant status,56,57
Figure2 | IL6 is one of the many factors implicated in cardiorenal interactions. which in turn can lead to aggravation of renal failure and
Complex interactions occur between IL6 and other cardiorenal connectors at
heart failure.58 Treatment with a tolerance-free NO donor
various levels: signalling pathways, transcriptional regulation, and in mitochondria.
Abbreviations: Bcl-xL, Bcl2 antagonist of cell death; IFN, interferon; IFN-R, IFN
in a model of established renocardiac failure improved
receptor; IL, interleukin; IL6R, IL6 receptor; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; both renal and cardiac function.59 However, convincing
JAK2, tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2; MnSOD, superoxide dismutase; MT, evidence that antioxidant therapy is effective at reducing
metallothionein; PIAS3, E3 SUMO-protein ligase; ROS, reactive oxygen species; cardiovascular events and/or renal disease progression
sIL-6R, solubleIL-6R; SOCS, suppressor of cytokine signalling; STAT, signal in either CKD60 or heart failure61,62 is lacking, although
transducer and activator oftranscription. discussion on this issue is ongoing.63

activity of the SNS,36 which all occur in heart failure and/ A complex cardiorenal connector: IL6
or CKD. Activation of the RAS is associated with myo The concept of cardiorenal connectors is hampered by
cardial remodelling 40 and fibrosis.41 These structural a notable lack of insight into the hierarchy between the
consequences of RAS activation seem to happen in con identified factors, owing to their complex molecular and
junction with activation of other cardiorenal connectors. cellular interactions. We will discuss the cellular actions
Angiotensin IIinduced ROS production by NADPH of interleukin6 (IL6) in some detail to illustrate the
oxidase is present in patients with cardiorenal syndrome drawbacks of this lack of knowledge about cardiorenal
and isimplicated in inflammation. Angiotensin II stimu interactions. IL6 is a pleiotropic cytokine that signals via
lates proinflammatory cells through their type1 angio the tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 and signal transducer
tensin II receptors as part of the physiological response and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). Throughout
to stress (reviewed elsewhere42). Moreover, the RAS and its signalling and effector pathways, complex inter
SNS are tightlycoupled.43 actions are documented at the level of receptor binding,
A critical look at the RAS in the context of clinical postreceptor signalling and through mechanisms that
cardiorenal syndrome reveals that inhibition of the RAS modulate IL6-induced gene transcription.64
is associated with improved outcomes in patients with The main IL6 signalling pathway, which acts via
heart failure, many of whom also have CKD. By contrast, STAT3 in the nucleus (reviewed elsewhere6567), modu
whether RAS inhibitors can prevent AKI (or worsening lates the transcription of genes linked to the cell cycle,
of renal function) in patients during acute heart failure is inflammation, apoptosis, cytokine signalling and lipid
not known. In fact, RAS inhibitors are frequently discon metabolism (Figure2).68 A first indicator of the complex
tinued in such patients, since they are held to be respon ity of IL6 signalling is that STAT3 has also been found in
sible for the deterioration of renal function, which might the mitochondria of mouse heart, kidneys, liver, brain and
not be true. Nevertheless, some arguments and data splenocytes,69 where it interacts with the electron trans
suggest that, for instance, aggressive diuresis would have port chain. STAT activity is regulated by various protein
increased efficacy during RAS inhibition.35,44 Data on the tyrosine phosphatases, including suppressors of cytokine
effects of RAS inhibition on renal haemodynamic and signalling (SOCS).7073 SOCS3 is a strong negative regula
excretory function or on cardiac function in experimental tor of IL6 signalling;74 however, SOCS3 production and
models of cardiorenal syndrome are absent. feedback inhibition is not necessarily specific to IL6,


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which can lead to cross-inhibition of other signals.70,74 doses of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents also had the
Furthermore, IL6 interacts in multiple ways with other lowest haemoglobin response, which seemed to account
cardiorenal connectors, although these interactions have for the overall negative outcome; however, these studies
not been fully characterized. For example, angiotensin II were not designed to separate poor and good responders.
alone75 or a combination of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) The RED-HF trial compared the effects of darbepoietin
and interferon gamma (IFN)76 both stimulate the pro alfa against placebo in over 2,000 patients with heart
duction of IL6 by monocytes. However, IFN treatment failure, and found no benefit (in terms of improved out
(without TNF) upregulates the expression of IL6 recep comes) for correction of anaemia with erythropoietin;89
tor mRNA and increases IL6 binding to this receptor on again a higher incidence of stroke was reported as well
the cell surface, whereas IL6 combined with TNF treat as more thromboembolic events in the active-treatment
ment downregulates both IL6 receptor mRNA and IL6 group. Multiple mechanisms could explain the absence
receptor binding in monocytes.76 Finally, the effects of of any positive effect of treatment with erythropoiesis-
IL6 might not be identical under all circumstances. For stimulating agents in patients with heart failure, such as
instance, its antiapoptotic effects are modulated by other increased blood viscosity, increased locoregional levels of
cytokines.7779 IFN mainly promotes inflammation and endothelin190 or components of the RAS,91 and decreased
apoptosis,80 but notably also diverts IL6 signalling to the antithrombotic activity.92 Such responses to these agents
STAT1 pathway rather than the main STAT3 pathway, might c ounteract any positive effects of the treatment.93
thereby dampening the antiapoptotic effects of IL6. Despite observations that anaemia worsens the
Taken together, signalling downstream of the IL6 cardiov ascular outcomes of patients with CKD and
receptor involves not only transcription-factor-related heart failure, partial or complete correction of anaemia
signalling to the nucleus, but also actions on the mito using erythropoiesis-stimulating agents clearly does not
chondria. These responses strongly depend on the pre reverse this increased risk. However, these findings do
vailing environmental conditions, formed by interactions show that haemoglobin level perse is not the master
with other cardiorenal connectors. Simple blockade of switch (if such a switch exists) in the network of cardio
either IL6 receptors or IL6 signalling will, therefore, renal connectors. Yet, in our opinion, the mechanism
lead to unpredictable responses, and clinical trials of these driving anaemia remains of major interest to both the
approaches seem premature. Novel analytical methods, basic scientist and the clinician involved in cardiorenal
such as those based on systems biology, are probably syndrome.94 In an attempt to elucidate the actions of
needed to unravel the contributions of specific factors and erythropoietin and iron in more detail in patients with
cardiorenal connectors to clinically relevantoutcomes. chronic combined heart and kidney disease and mild
anaemia, our research group investigated short-term
The search for a master switch (2weeks) and long-term (6months) responses to low,
Anaemia, as well as being highly prevalent in patients fixed doses of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. Our
with chronic heart failure or CKD, is thought to convey study (EPOCARES)95 was designed so that the effects
an elevated risk of hospital admission for decompensated of erythropoiesis-stimulating agent that are not medi
heart failure and of cardiovascular events and death in ated by haemoglobin level could be evaluated, and dis
patients with CKD.81 These observations led to the pro tinguished from their haematopoietic effects by using a
posal that heart failure, CKD and anaemia interact such short treatment on the one hand and by keeping haemo
that the presence of one factor causes or exacerbates the globin in one treatment group chronically at baseline by
other factors, termed cardiorenal anaemia syndrome.82,83 repeated phlebotomies on the other hand. A number of
Conversely, treatment of anaemia could improve observations in this study point towards iron metabo
outcome in patients with heart failure or CKD. Indeed, lism and erythrocyte turnover as a potentially important
a large number of observations in experimental models pathway in cardiorenal syndrome.9698 These findings are
of cardiorenal anaemia syndrome suggested that treat in keeping with those of studies on iron deficiency in
ment of anaemia with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents heart failure and CKD.99
has beneficial effects on both cardiac and renal function. Owing to the negative results of studies based on nor
The biological actions of erythropoietin on cardiorenal malization of haemoglobin levels using erythropoiesis-
connectors are beyond the scope of this article, but have stimulating agents, anaemia management in patients with
been reviewed elsewhere.84,85 heart failure has shifted towards intravenous iron treat
In direct contrast to the positive preclinical find ment. This change has been driven by studies demon
ings, three major trials of this approach in patients with strating the beneficial effects of correcting iron deficiency
anaemia and CKD who were not on dialysis (CREATE,86 with ferric carboxymaltose on quality of life, symptoms
CHOIR87 and TREAT88) all reported negative results. and functional capacity in patients with chronic heart
Despite normalization of haemoglobin levels, treat failure,100 and by publication of new KDIGO (Kidney
ment with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents did not Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) guidelines. 101
reduce cardiovascular events, renal damage or mortal Unfortunately, these clinical investigations are not backed
ity in these patients.86-88 Moreover, a trend towards an up by experimental studies in heart failure and CKD and
increased risk of stroke was noted in TREAT.88 Post-hoc understanding of the effects of iron administration on
analyses of the TREAT85 and CHOIR86 data indicated renal function and cardiomyocyte function remains
that, in particular, patients who received the highest limited. That being said, large trials to evaluate renal and

52 | JANUARY 2014 | VOLUME 10

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Cell and animal studies Human studies probably requires a systems biology approach, rather
Characterization of Characterization of than a factor-by-factoranalysis.
Molecular machinery Molecular machinery/
Cellular processes biomarkers using
Interactions and genomics Future perspectives
heirarchy among Proteomics and
connectors metabolomics A thorough consideration of the complex interactions
between the heart and the kidney in disease is now
required: the first step is to reach a consensus about
Design and test
Test potential Small translational useful theoretical and clinically practical definitions
specific interventions
factors and human studies for well-characterized
interactions in to obtain proof patients with heart of cardiorenal syndrome; the next is to reach consen
animal models of concept and kidney failure sus about a useful classification of cardiorenal syn
drome, which would enable subgroups of patients
Characterization of to be characterized and phenotypes to be linked to
Acute and chronic Design classification disease mechanisms (Figure1). The haemodynamic
models of heart and and phenotype
kidney interactions heart and kidney and nonhaemodynamic abnormalities in patients with
Biomarkers applicable patients precisely combined heart and kidney failure then need to be accu
also to human studies
rately phenotyped; finally, the molecular, cellular, and
Figure3 | Proposed roadmap for future studies of cardiorenal syndrome. Small pathophysiological roles of individual factors involved
translational studies in well-characterized patients are central to this scheme, to in these interactions need to be studied in well-defined
serve as a link between experimental models, cell culture studies and human cell culture and animal models (Figure3).
pathophysiology. A data-driven discussion in the literature might then facilitate a
Crucially, future analyses of cardiorenal interactions
systems biology approach, which in turn could function as a solid basis for further
clinical trials. should not focus on clinical outcomes in large studies,
since such studies perpetuate the false assumption that
the population of patients with cardiorenal syndrome is
cardiac outcomes in patients with well-characterized homogeneous. An example is provided by the PROTECT
cardiorenal syndrome are still awaited. trial,103 which was partly based on the asssumption that
inappropriate activation of tubuloglomerular feedback (a
Models of cardiorenal syndromes component of renal autoregulation) was involved in the
Given that a number of pathophysiological factors could reduction of GFR in patients with heart failure. More than
drive the initiation and progression of cardiorenal syn 2,000 patients were enrolled in the study, which com
drome, correcting or blocking some of the cardiorenal pared the effects of an adenosine A1 receptor antagonist
connectors seems a logical approach. Nevertheless, the that inhibits tubuloglomerular feedback to placebo.103
information regarding interventions that target cardio Unfortunately, we are currently unsure whether and
renal connectors is incomplete and/or conflicting. The to what extent tubuloglomerular feedback is activated
complexity of these interactions is already clear from in all patients with heart failure, and this potentially
theabove-described actions of IL6, and the clinical useful therapy might have been abandoned prematurely.
observations about erythropoiesis-stimulating treatment Similarly, no reasons exist to assume that manipulating
of patients with cardiorenal anaemia syndrome. A few endogenous factors in the internal environment would
considerations with respect to RAS inhibition further cause homogeneous responses in the different cell types
illustrate this point. involved in the development of cardiorenal damage.
Patients with CKD, heart failure or both respond dif
ferently to RAS blockade. Thus, these patients clearly do Conclusions
not all have the same renal and cardiac receptor density Heart and kidney interactions are complex and the
and sensitivity. Such differences will determine their subject of immense clinical and scientific interest and
renalandcardiac, functional and structural responses debate. In this Review, we argue that without consensus
to the prevailing (local) levels of angiotensinII and other on definitions and classification, clinicians will not be
components of the RAS (such as angiotensin 17). For able to precisely phenotype the various forms of cardio
example, if angiotensinII strongly constricts the post renal syndrome. Such phenotyping, in turn, forms the
glomerular vasculature in an individual, blockade of basis for invitro and animal studies, as well as small
this factors actions would induce a decrease in GFR translational studies in patients. The Babylonian confu
with potential further deterioration of cardiorenal syn sion that currently exists can then evolve into a classifi
drome as a consequence. However, if vasoconstriction cation of the disease and its treatment that has a sound
is preferentially preglomerular, RAS blockade could mechanistic basis.
ameliorate the renal dysfunction, and potentially also
renal ischaemia. Information about factors that predict
the benefit or harm of RAS inhibitors (which are often Review criteria
administered in combination with diuretics) on renal For this review we used PubMed as our main source of
excretory function is lacking. In this respect, one impor information. Search terms varied per subtopic. All articles
tant approach might be study of the interaction of RAS identified were English-language, full-text or review
with concomitant changes in other cardiorenal connec papers. We also searched the reference lists of identified
articles for further relevant papers.
tors.102 However, the complexity of such interactions


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Institute member.
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Legare, J.F. Highly purified human peripheral J.Math. Biol. 7, 5794 (1979). manuscript before submission.


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