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CONTENTS 1 2 an _ a8 N an PF Ww 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 18 19 Where's your cousin? A new pen-friend At the airport Puzzles Young giraffes Where does rain come from? ‘Who's the boss here?’ Who do you believe? The silent robber Animal talk aa foley teaecteremoretcmeatcmeoets People of the world A true story Bill and Ben Footprints on the Moon The crow and the water jar Racing driver Magic string DA n P PB PB Bw Ww WY YN YN FB Be eo AN OA BON BF B® ANH 0D Aw ON A Where’s your cousin? ee : A Look and discuss. 1 Why is the young man hiding? (picture 5) 2 Where are the children going? (picture 7) B_ Read the story and choose: true or false? 1 The children want to be cowboys. 2 They tie Tim’s cousin to a tree. 3 Then they forget him. Two boys are cowboys. They hide, and we look for them. We catch Let's play ‘Cowboys and Indians’.) __\ them and tie them to a tree. 1 AC OK. I'll be a cowboy. There he is! Tie him to a tree! Five minutes later ... 7 Cn ee 5 OE) Nee ess E LA A Wh ts 2 | 4 10 wants some J @) chocolate cake? as r —_— a WH) 6 (May I have some (more, please? | >. op a C Choose a, b orc. 1. The children want to ‘Cowboys and Indians’. a) look for b) play ©) watch 2 Tim’s cousin, Dave, plays alll the children want to be Indians. a) because b) but c) and then 3 The children Tim’s cousin. a) like b) can’t catch —_c) don’t understand 4 Tim's mother a) sees Tim's cousin __ b) calls to the children ©) goes into the garden 5 Tim’s cousin can’t a) see or hear b) speak or move __¢) think or feel 6 The children think only about a) the cake and the TV) Tim’s cousin —_c) the game D Discuss: What happens in picture 11? E Find nine more verbs from the story. (@ e) x x ab zetlhave zm p lay y ag fo ff w) m w qu w b t b 1 0 0 k aj i too vie ioc, n i 0 oo p n}| p p vb j c h s w ik fon Lt) t ow op t ae io u h ge g h i j i k wa c h ze y xX Ww voeou t s r q op od h iodenm lt 0 o j ioh A new pen friend Oo A Discuss. 1 What do you know about Canada? 2 What do pen friends do? B Read the letter and find the word for each picture. 12 East Street \ Tgaluit al Baffin Island Canada 12th January 1999 Dear Peter Hello! My name is Kipanik. I am ten years old, I live in Tgaluit in the north of Canada. It is winter now and the temperature is -20°. There is snow on the ground and thick ice on the river. My friends and I play hockey on the ice. Ice hockey is my favourite sport: My favourite animals are white mice. Thave three white mice at home. a Tike playing computer games ana I like riding on my dacs snowmobile. Sometimes we go out on the snowmobile, and my dad shoots a caribou. My favourite food is caribou anc chips. There are five people in my farnily, We can all unclerstand English, but we speak Inuktitut at home. Inuktitut is the language of the Inuit people. My English teacher helped me with this letter Please write to me about you and your hore. Best Wishes from Kipanik $s D> 15 ee er C Choose a, b or c. 1 The letter is a) from Kipanik to Peter__b) to. a boy in Canada c) from Peter The weather is.......... in winter, a) cool b) cold ©) very cold The ice on the river a) is very thin b) is hard and strong _¢) breaks easily The letter does not say anything about .. a) Kipanik’s favourite things _b) Kipanik’s school ©) Kipanik’s home town Kipanik likes .......... caribou. a) eating b) playing with ) riding Kipanik is boy. a)an English b) not aCanadian co) an Inuit Kipanik wants a letter from a) his English teacher b) a British girl c) Peter D Match the phrases to make sentences. Kipanik likes 4 playing caribou and chips. playing ice hockey. going out computer games. eating a snowmobile. riding letters. getting with his father. E What do you like doing? Write three sentences. 1 A Look and discuss. 1 Where are they and where are they going? 2 Which things can you see? suitcases passports tickets keys sunglasses acamera aradio abeach towel a street map B Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1 Has the father got the passports? 2 Has the mother got the address of the hotel? 3 Have they got the camera? 4 Have they got the tickets? 10 MOTHER: FATHER: MOTHER: FATHER: MOTHER: FATHER: Boy: FATHER: BOY: FATHER: GIRL: MOTHER: GIRL: MOTHER: Boy: GIRL: FATHER: CLERK: MOTHER: FATHER: CLERK: FATHER: MOTHER: FATHER: MOTHER: FATHER: ALL: Unit 3 At the airport Here's the check-in desk. Have you got our passports? 1 Yes, I have. Here they are. Where are the suitcase keys? Have you got them? Yes. I've got the keys. They’re in my pocket. Have you got the street map and the address of the hotel? 5 Yes. They're in my bag. My sunglasses! I haven’t got my sunglasses! You're wearing them, Dad. Oh! Thank you. Have we got the radio? 10 Yes. It’s here. Have we got the tennis racquets? Yes. They’re behind that big case. What about the beach towels? Beach towels? Um ... Oh, yes. They’re in that bag. 1s The camera! We haven't got the camera. Oh, no! It's OK. It's in the green case. Good morning. Good morning. 20 Good morning. Can I see your tickets, please? Oh, no! The kitchen table! The kitchen table? We don’t want that. Yes, we do. The tickets are on it. 2s What? The tickets are on the table at home. Oh, no! 11 12 Unit 3 At the airport C Choose a, b or . 1 The......... are in the woman’s bag. a) passports b) keys c) map and the address of the hotel The father his sunglasses. a) hasn’t got _b) is wearing —_c) doesn’t want The boy can’t see the a) sunglasses) radio _c) suitcases The are in a bag. a) sunglasses __b) tennis racquets _c) beach towels The father where the camera is. a) knows __b) wants to know ___c) can’t remember The clerk wants to see the . a)table b) morning ) tickets The tickets are a) inthe kitchen b)inabag c) on the desk D Complete the table. What are their holiday plans? | How do you know? | 1 They are going to stay in They have got the address of a hotel. the hotel. 2 They want to play tennis. 3 They want to visit the beach. | 4 They want to take photos. E Match the words and make two-word nouns. 1. suitcase racquets 1 sdifease keys. 2 street ~ keys 2 3 tennis map 3 4 beach table 4 5 kitchen towels 5 Puzzles A Discuss Puzzle 1 1 What can you see in the pictures? 2. Read the puzzle and answer the question. (2) Puzzle\1) tsw'sncn” These six children live in Home Street. een There is one child in each house. Samia @ Sarah lives at number two. @ Peter’s house has an even number. @ Samia’s house is between two other houses. Those two houses have boys in them. @ Monica does not live at number four. @ Mark's house is at the north end of the street. Which child lives in each house? 13 B Discuss Puzzle 2 1 What can you see in the picture? 2. Read the puzzle and guess the answer. Puzzle\2)\ ie ate foor 2) ! -. A litle girl lives with her family on the tenth floor. Every morning she goes down to the ground floor. She does not walk down, she goes down in the lift Then she goes to school. She comes back from school in the afternoon and she gels into the lift on the ground floor. She goes up in the lift but she stops at the ninth floor, She gets out and walks up to the tenth floor. Why does she walk from the ninth floor? Can you guess the answer? 14 C Choose a, b or c. D Complete this answer fo Puzzle 2. 1 The little girl's is on the tenth floor. a)home b) school 9) lift 2 In the morning she uses . a) the stairs) the lift c) the lift and the stairs 3 In the afternoon she uses .. . a) the stairs _b) the lift —_c) the lift and the stairs 4 She walks .. a) up from the ground floor _b) up from the ninth floor c) down from the tenth floor Use these words: top eleven tall There are ... buttons in the lift. The little girl is not very ........ The .......... button is too high for her. Write the numbers as words. Find the mystery number. 1 4th = |flojalr}t}h 2 11 = 10th = 15th = 40 = An ewn 15 A Discuss. What do you know about giraffes? Think of three things. 16 B Read and choose: true or false? 1 Giraffes learn to walk when they are twenty minutes old. 2. Giraffes lie down at night. 3. Giraffes can put their tongues in their ears. 4 Giraffes eat for ten hours a day. Young giraffes You and | learnt to walk when we were a few months old, 1 but baby giraffes can walk after only twenty minutes. Baby giraffes live in a dangerous world, Lions and other animals like to eat them, so the babies must learn quickly. They learn to run fast and to stay on their feet almost all of the time. 5 Even at night, giraffes do not lie down. They stand by a tree and sleep. Big giraffes have long legs and they can run at fifty kilometres per hour. The English word giraffe comes from the Arabic word xirapha. The word means, ‘runs fast’. Giraffes also have very long tongues. A giraffe’s tongue 10 can be fifty centimetres long! Giraffes use their tongues for cleaning themselves. They can even clean their ears with their tongues! Their tongues are important for other things too. A giraffe’s favourite food is green leaves from acacia | trees. These trees have sharp thorns, but the giraffe’s tongue 1° can go between the thorns. The giraffe’s long neck is important because the best leaves are at the tops of the trees. Giraffes love these leaves, and they eat for about | eighteen hours every day. 17 18 C Choose a, b or c. 1. Baby giraffes must learn quickly because a) other animals want to kill them b) they are dangerous) they eat lions 2 Giraffes do not often .......... a)run_b) sitdown _c) sleep 3 There was an Arabic word for giraffes .......... there was an English word. a) xirapha__b) because __c) before 4... giraffes have fifty-centimetre tongues. a) All b) Some cc) Young 5 Giraffes love to eat . a) acacia leaves b) trees) thorns 6 Their tongues get the from the trees. a)thoms b) wood ) food 7 The best £00d 8 sco a) high up b) on the ground _) between the trees Choose the three most interesting things about giraffes. 1. 2... 3. What do you think of giraffes? Choose four words. Then say why. Giraffes are ... — — funny unusual nice fast slow dangerous | tall a clever Mr Eat-All A Look and guess: true or false? | spoons | | | | supermarket | | trolleys | bicycles 2 He is often in hospital. 19 |20] B Read and answer. 1 Were your guesses right? 2 Which part of him is unusual? a) his teeth b) his stomach 4 i ’ {_} Mr Eat-All Michel Lotito is famous because he can eat metal and glass. He started when he was nine years old. First he ate small things and then he ate big things. He ate glasses, spoons and televisions. He ate these things because he liked them. Now he is famous. People pay to watch him and they call him Mr Eat-All. He travels to many different countries in Europe, Asia and the Americas and eats many strange things. He can eat nine hundred grammes of metal in a day. He can eat a supermarket trolley in five days and he enjoys eating bicycles. His biggest meal was a two-seat aeroplane. He ate the aeroplane in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela in South America. How can he do it? Important: Lotito’s doctor says, ‘Michel is different Metal and glass are from you and me. The walls of his dangerous for you stomach are very thick, so the metal and me. Do not eat and glass don’t hurt him. He can eat metal or glass. metal and glass easily. It isn’t difficult They can kill you. for him. In fact, he enjoys it.” C Choose a, b orc. 1 Lotito started to when he was nine. a)eat b)be famous ¢) eat metal and glass 2 He . televisions. a) liked eating b) stopped eating ¢) did not eat 3 Many people him. a) know about __b) travel with —_c) eat with 4 He......... eats nine hundred grammes of metal in one day. a) always b) sometimes c) never 5 He ate......... in Venezuela. a) an airport trolley b) two seats _c) a small aeroplane 6 Lotito’s stomach is very a) hard b) big) strong 7 Metal and glass are dangerous for a) nearly everyone _b) Mr Eat-All_c) a few people D Answer the questions. 1 Why are metal and glass not dangerous for Mr Eat-All? They are not dangerous for him 2 What do you think of Mr Eat-All? I think, E Can you write four more words in each box? | metal metal and glass spoon cor 21 Where does rain come from? A Match these words to the picture. cloud land ocean rain river sky sun wind fe ® ww B_ Read the text and write the correct words. 1. The world is like Your os. 2 The oceans are like your 3 me Foe Rain always comes from clouds. But where do clouds | come from? How does all that water get into the sky? Think about your bathroom. There is hot water in your bath. Steam goes up from the hot water. The steam makes small clouds in the bathroom. These warm clouds meet the cold walls and windows, and then we see small drops of water on the walls and windows. up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the air in the sky, and we see drops of water. The drops of water are rain. And the water from oceans makes clouds and more rain. So water is always moving from oceans to clouds to rain heads before! The water in your garden was in other gardens in other countries. Where does rain come from? The world is like your bathroom. The water in the oceans is warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water goes clouds for hundreds of kilometres. Then the clouds meet cold The rain falls and runs into rivers. Rivers run into oceans. to rivers to oceans. So the rain on your head was on other 23 C Choose a, b or c. 1 Rain.......... comes from a blue sky. a) always b) sometimes c) never 2 Hot water makes .......... in the bathroom. a)rain b)steam _ ) walls 3 Steam .. when it comes to a cold wall. a) changes_b) falls c) makes clouds 4 Clouds a) move with the wind __b) come from cold oceans c) do not travel a long way 5 Cold air in the sky is like the .......... in the bathroom. a) bath b) steam __c) walls 6 Water is always a) going somewhere _b) moving away from the ocean c) going up 7 The same water falls from the sky a) in the same place _b) again and again _) every day D Answer the questions. 1 Does hot steam go up or down? 2 Where do big clouds come from? 3 What happens when clouds meet cold air? E One L or two? 1 walls 4 sma 7 he...o 2 could 5 fe 8 e..even 3 a..ways 6 fami.y 9 ki..ometres ‘Who’s the boss here?’ A look and discuss. 1. Which of these animals can you see? alion atiger anelephant amonkey ahorse a mouse 2 What do you think the lion is saying? B_ Read and discuss. 1 What did the lion like? 2 What was the lion’s question? 3 How many animals gave the ‘right’ answer? 4 Why was the lion wet? ‘ y , Who’s the boss here? | There were a lot of animals at the river and there was a lot of noise. But then the lion came, and the animals were quiet. The lion walked slowly to the river. He looked at the | | | water. He saw his face in the water and he smiled. He liked | his big strong face. | | The lion put his big strong foot on a mouse’s tail. | ‘Who's the boss here?’ the big lion asked. ‘You are,’ the small mouse said nervously. ‘Right answer,’ the lion said. | The lion put his face nose-to-nose with a monkey. to | ‘Who's the boss here?’ the lion asked. ‘You are,’ the monkey said quickly. ‘Right answer,’ the lion said. Then the lion saw an elephant. ‘You! Big Nose!’ he said. 1s The elephant did not look at the lion. ‘Big Nose! I’m talking to you,’ the lion said angrily. “| don’t have a nose. | have a trunk,’ the elephant said. ‘OK. Big Trunk. Who's the boss here?’ The elephant did not answer, but his big long trunk moved quickly. It picked up the lion and threw him into the river. "OK. OK,’ the wet lion said. ‘You're angry because you don’t know the answer.’ 20 26 C Choose a, b or c. 1. The animals were quiet because a) they wanted to drink __ b) the lion was there c) there was a lot of noise 2 The mouse the right answer. a) did not know __b) asked for —_c) gave 3 The monkey gave ......... answer. a) the same ) the wrong c) a long 4 The lion the elephant. a) was friendly to _b) said hello toc) talked to 5 The lion was angry because the elephant .......... a) hada big nose _ b) talked __c) did not answer 6 The elephant's trunk was a) very strong b) not big ©) short 7 The elephant did not a) know the answer __)) like the question c) throw the lion into the water Write the answers. 1 What did the lion say at the end? 2 What do you think happened next? Finish these words from the story. Adjectives Adverbs qu. 7 Theos Slovene, b. lo. ne. uly str. Worse qu... ly SMe an. ang. ly 27 Who do you believe? A Look and guess. 1 Which part of the world does this old story come from? 2 Which person says ...? a) your donkey b) please c)I’msorry dd) my donkey B_ Read the story and correct these sentences. 1. The young man wanted to buy the old man’s donkey. 2 The old man said, ‘I’m sorry, but my donkey is ill.” 3 The young man was angry when he saw the donkey. 4 The old man gave a clever answer to an easy question. Who do you This is a famous story about an old man and his donkey. 1 This old man lived in a village in a warm country a long time ago. One day a young man came to the old man’s house and ‘Said, ‘Can I use your donkey today, please? My two donkeys ~ are ill, and you’re not using yours.’ The old man knew this young man well. The young man was not kind to animals and often hit his donkeys. So his donkeys were often ill. The old man did not want to say. *Yes’, but he could not say ‘No’ because he was very polite. So he said, ‘I’m sorry, but my donkey isn’t here. My son is ing it.’ The man did not believe this because the old man’s son had three donkeys. Then the old man’s donkey made a loud oise, and the young man heard it. The ‘ngry and said, ‘I can hear the donk r Z you say it isn’t here?’ Unit 9 Who do you believe? ¢ Choose a, b or c. 1 The young man’s donkeys were a) notat home b) not well _—c) happy 2 The young man was with animals. a) careful b) clever —c) not good 3 The old man wanted to a) be polite b) say ‘Yes’ ) use his donkey 4 The old man’s son did not really have a) the old man’s donkey _b) three donkeys __ ©) any donkeys 5 The young man thought the old man’s answer was a) not true b) not polite c) not clever 6 Then the young man heard . a) the old man’s donkey _b) a little noise _—_c) the garden 7 The young man’s question was a) very polite b) angry c) kind D What is wrong with each picture? 4 Inthe story, there was, 2 3 E Make words from these letters. Example: edokn y = donkey 1 mafsou 2 othrebr 3 ecbeaus 4 ebelvie 5 icidfftlu 6 wanser 30 The silent robber A Look and discuss. 1 What do bank robbers say in films? 2 Which person in this picture is the robber? 3 What is the robber doing? 31 B Read and answer. 1 2 3 4 Are bank robbers usually silent? Did this robber say anything? Did he ask for money? Did he get any money? THE SILENT ROBBER 32. YOU SOMETIMES see bank robbers on TV programmes or in films. The robbers run into a bank and shout, ‘I've got a gun! Give me the money!’ or "This is a holdup!’ They make a lot of noise, so everybody in the bank looks at them. They shout, ‘Hands up!’ or Nobody movel’ But the robber in this story wos different. He wanted to rob a bank quietly, so he did not say anything. This story is true. It happened in the USA a few years ago. First the robber got some paper and wrote, ‘This is a hold-up and I've got a gun.’ Then he walked into a bank and gave the paper to the woman al the cash desk. The woman read the words on the paper, and then the robber took the paper and started writing again. The woman waited while he wrote carefully and slowly. He wrote, ‘Put all the money in a bag.’ Then he gave her the paper with this new sentence on it, The woman read it, picked up a pen and wrote, ‘| don’t have a bag,’ and then pushed the paper back to the robber. The robber ran away. read it and C Choose a, b orc. 1 Bank robbers on TV or in films ........... a) are quiet b) have guns___c) do not move 2 ......... people look at the robbers. a) One ortwo b)Alotof c) Big 3. The robber in this story a) was a real person __b) was in Britain ¢) lived a long time ago 4 He wrote things down because he wanted a) to remember them __b) to show them to everybody c) to be quiet 5 The woman at the cash desk read the words on the paper and then a) ran away _b) wrote an answer __c) waited 6 The robber did not .. a bag. a) want b) have _ c) ask for 7 The robber ran away because . a) the woman said ‘No’ _ b) the woman pushed him ©) there wasn’t a bag D Answer the questions. 1 How are robbers on TV different from this robber? 2 How many sentences did the robber write? 3 How many words were on the paper in the end? E Find the past form of these verbs. 1 want ... wanied 2 write 3 happen 4 walk... 5 give 6 read 7 take eeseee 8 start 9 wait VO Pik oocccceeennee 11 push 12 run 33 34 Animal talk A Look at these living things and discuss: 1° Which one is an insect? Which one lives under the ground? Which one is a fast swimmer? How many are fish? Are any of them plants? An Pwr Which ones do you think are ugly? B Read and check your answers from A. Hi! I'm an insect and I’m green. Animals like to eat insects, but they don’t eat me. They think I’m a plant because I’m green! Ha! Ha! Stupid animals! People call me a katydid. What do they call you? It's hot today, but I’m cool. Do you like water? I love water! I’m a hippopotamus, but my friends call me Hippo. Maybe you think I'm big and slow, but I can swim faster than you. vata Anima ox Look at my big beautiful eyes and my pretty face. My teeth are too big, but I’ve got a nice smile. I’m a viperfish. I’m thirty centimetres long, | live at the bottom of the ocean and I like eating other fish. Hello. I’m a fish. Yes, I'm not a plant, I really am a fish. You think I’m not a fish, but I am. I'm a pipefish from Australia. Do you see that long thing at the top? That’s my mouth. It’s true. I’m a fish! Who wants to be beautiful? Not me. I live under the ground, and nobody can see me. I’m a mole-rat from Africa and I'm about ten centimetres long. Now go away. I’m busy. 35 36 C Choose a, b or c. 1 Animals do not eat katydids because they do not .... a) like katydids —_b) know about small insects ©) know the katydids are there Hippo likes to a) be cool b) be dry c) run fast The viperfish thinks a) she is pretty b) her teeth are nice __) she is big The viperfish lives under the water . a) in rivers b) a long way down _c) and eats plants The pipefish is ..... a) likea plant) from the Indian Ocean) nota fish The mole-rat wants to a) be beautiful b) go away ©) work The mole-rat lives .. a) in dark places b) above the ground —_c) in America D Which animal ... 1 2 3 ... is ten centimetres long? ..- eats fish? ... is safe because of its colour? E Complete the sentences. 1 a PR wd Animals think the katydid is People think hippos ATE .....m The viperfish thinks her eyes are I think the viperfish is... I think the cessenenneescesnese 1S The policeman and the cat oe BeCTte tht oe edaea A Look and discuss. 1 Who can you see in the picture? 2 What are the children doing? 3. Is the policeman angry or friendly? 38 B Correct the mistakes. 1 The little girl talked to an old cat. 2 The policeman said ‘That's @ nice brush.’ 3 The girl said ‘It isn’t a brush. It’s a Cat.’ 4 The policeman walked to the tree. 5 Then she talked to the policeman again. The policeman and the cat Police officers in Britain sometimes visit schools and talk to 1 the children. They talk, answer the children’s questions and try to be friendly. One day a policeman was at a school for young children. He saw a little girl in the playground. The little girl had an Ss old brush in her hand. She lifted the brush up to her face and talked to it. She said, ‘You’re a good cat, Tabby, and I love you.’ The friendly policeman heard her and said, ‘Hello. That's @ nice littie cat.’ He put his hand on the brush and said to 10 it, ‘You’re a nice cat. Is your name Tabby?’ The little girl looked at the policeman. Then she said loudly, ‘It isn’t a cat! It’s an old brush!’ ‘Oh. Sorry,’ the policeman said. The little girl put the brush under her pullover and ran 4S behind a tree. The policeman walked away, and the little girl watched him. Then she put her hand under her pullover and said to the brush, ‘You can come out, Tabby. It's OK. He | thinks you’re @ brush!’ | cena ineesianiaseenemrensreremn C Choose a, b orc. 1 The policeman wanted to .. children. a) catch b) question —_c) talk and be friendly to 2 The little girl said ‘I love you’ to a) the brush_b) the policeman ©) herself 3 The policeman talked to the .......... a) girl anda brush b) cat c) brush first 4 The policeman .......... the brush. a) wanted bb) touched _c) did not see 5 After the girl spoke, the policeman .. a) felt ill b) was angry ) said ‘Sorry’ 6 The girl watched the policeman from ........... a) under her clothes _b) behinda tree _c) her classroom 7 In this story, ‘It’s OK’ means... a) It’s not dangerous _b) It’s not good _—_) It’s polite D The little girl told this story. Can you complete it? I took Tabby to school yesterday and I played with him in the Deanne A policeman saw Tabby and talked to him. T think the? wanted to take Tabby away. But Donne sooune ‘It isn’t a cat! It’s an old brush!’ and the policeman believed “............. E Find eight more school words. noagTKoO XK mx motu x B)o eam eo eM HH Bro 2 H/o aoe aco els no RT 0 slo evecarels Basu 2 0 ols Foo an ola eCoxreore (tuo rwrnos ookooans 39 People of the world A Look and discuss. 1. Can you put these countries in the correct boxes? Russia Spain China Turkey Japan Britain Egypt Country: Language:} Arabic |Japanese| Spanish | English Turkish Russian Chinese 2 Can you name some other countries? 3 Learn these words: 1,000 = a thousand 1,000,000 = a million 1,000,000,000 = a billion Unit 13 People of the world B Read and match the questions to the texts. 1 How many countries are there? 2 Are people different in other countries? 3 How many people are there in the world? People of the world That is a difficult question because the number goes up all the time. The population of the world was four billion in 1975, five billion in 1987 and six billion in 1999. The population now goes up about 240,000 every day. So every year there are about ninety million more people than the year before. | We are all different and not different. We speak different | | languages, we wear different clothes and we eat different | food. Our hair, our eyes and our skins are different colours, | and we sometimes have different ideas. But we can all feel | happy or sad, we all get hungry, we all like to play and we all want friends and a home. We are like people in a big family. We are different but not different. That number can change too. It can go up or down, but there are usually about two hundred countries in the world. The biggest country is Russia. The country with the biggest population is China. China has about 1,250,000,000 people. Some countries are much smaller. The smallest country in the world has only 750 people. | 41 C Choose a, b or c. 1 The world’s population went up from four billion to six billion in ........... years. a) twelve b) twenty —c) twenty-four 2 The population this year is probably higher than last year. a) 240,000 b) 90,000,000 —_c) 90,240,000 3 Russia a) is bigger than China __b) has the biggest population c) has not many people 4 China people. a) has more than a billion _b) has the biggest c) has about a million 5 ‘We’ means.......... here. a) people in my country __b) all the people in the world c) people in other countries 6 We........ think differently. a) donot b) sometimes c) always 7 The people in......... are like the people in a family. a) this country _b) other countries _c) the world D Answer the questions in B. 1 Bown E Do you agree or disagree? 1 World population is a big problem. Yes/No 2 I would like to visit other countries. Yes/No 3 All people want to be good but are sometimes bad. Yes/No A true story ne A Look and discuss. 1 2 Is this story about the past, the present or the future? Which of these people can you see? the king the queen two servants a young man an old man B_ Read and answer: true or false. 1 The young man told a lie. The king planned to kill the young man. 2 3 The king asked about the young man’s future. 4 The servants killed the young man. 5 The young man changed. A true story King Louis the Eleventh was the king of France about 500 1 years ago. One day a young man said to the king, ‘I can see the future.’ This was not true, but the king believed him. The young man was pleased and he hoped to. get an important job. But King Louis thought, ‘This man knows % the future, so he knows more than I know. He is dangerous, and I must kill him.’ The king said to his servants. ‘I’m going to invite that man to eat with me. When he comes, watch my hand. When | lift up my hand, throw him: out of the window,’ 2 That evening the man came to the king’s private room. The king had a smile on his face, but it was not a friendly smile. He said to the man, ‘You know the future, so tell me your future. When are you going to die?’ Then the young man understood his mistake. He thought — 15 ‘quickly before he answered the king's question. ‘I'm going to die three days before you,’ he said. The king stopped smiling. The servants watched the king’s hand, but it did not move. The young man was safe; but he never told another lie after that. 20 1. The king......... the young man could see the future. a) believed) did not think —_) knew C Choose a, b or c. 2 The young man.......... because the king believed him. a) gota good job _b) was happy ___c) was important 3. The king the young man. a) was afraid of _b) was pleased with _c) wanted to help 4 The servants were ready to the young man. a) hit b) invite c) kill 5 When the king heard the young man’s answer, he a) lifted up his hand _b) smiled __c) was afraid 6 The young man lived because the king + a) moved his hand __b) did not want to die _—__c) died 7 After that, the young man .. a) died b) killed the king _¢) said only true things D Complete the sentences with words from the box. but because so when before The young man was pleased ...... the king was not. 2 The king spoke to his servants ..... he invited the man to eat with him. 3 He invited the man so. he wanted to kill him. the king heard the answer, he stopped smiling. 5 The king believed the man, ose .. the man lived. E Write three more verbs from the story in each box. thinking saying doing believe - believed say - said Kill - killed 45 Bill and Ben A Which animals make these noises? 1 Miaow! 2 Woof! 3 Bzz! 4 Moo! 5 Baa! 6 Quack! Animals: dog cat sheep cow duck bee B_ Read the poem. Find two mistakes in each picture. Bill and Ben This is a story of two bad men, 1 ‘One-Eye’ Bill and his brother, Ben. Bill was clever but Ben was not. (Between his ears there wasn’t a lot.) One night they robbed some jewellery shops, 5 But when they left, they saw the cops. A policeman shouted, ‘Hey! You! Stop!’ Bill and Ben said, ‘No thanks, Cop.’ They ran through the streets and into a park There wasn’t a moon, and the night was dark. 10 Bill said to Ben, ‘Hide in a tree Go on! Quick! The cops can't see.’ So Bill climbed one, and Ben climbed another And sat there quietly like his brother. But the police had a dog. Its name was Flea 15 It used its nose and it found Bill’s tree. But Bill was clever. He had an idea He said ‘Miaow! Miaow!’ when the dog came near. A policeman said, ‘Did you hear thar?’ ‘There's nobody here. Is just a cat.’ 20 Ben thought, ‘| can do that too But not a cat; something new. What other animal do | know?" Ben thought and thought, but he was slow. High in his tree, he could hear 2s The big police dog very near. The police dog stopped. The police stopped too. Then high above, they heard, ‘Moo! Moooo!’ a7 Unit 15 Bill and Ben C Choose a, b or c. 1 Ben was not a) bad b) big) clever 2 The police tried to Bill and Ben. a) stop _b) run away from —_c) help 3. Bill and Ben went a) up the same tree __b) to the police _) into a park 4 The police did not Bill. a) come near b) hear ) see 5 The police thought in the tree. a) there was a cat) Bill was__) there was nothing 6 Ben wanted to make a a) cat noise too _b) better noise) different animal noise 7 Ben made a noise, a) clever b) bird © cow D Complete the text. Bill’s idea was clever because cats often climb ' , and dogs often try to catch them. So when Bill said ‘Miaow!’ the police thought there was a ” .. in the tree. Ben's idea was a bad idea because cows *. oe ees stsesneenessee E Match the rhyming words. 1 moo tree know where why here | she through I go near chair 2 cow too tea say no fly we they how high who grow Footprints on ins ee A True or false? 1 ae wn The Moon goes around the Earth. The Moon is bigger than the Earth. The Moon’s light comes from the Sun. People visited the Moon more than thirty years ago. It often rains on the Moon. sO Unit 16 Footprints on the Moon B Read and answer. 1 Is there any wind on the Moon? When did the first people go to the Moon? What did they see in the sky? What did they wear on the Moon? a Pwr Are their footprints on the Moon now? Footprints on the Moon When you walk on sand, you leave footprints behind you. Then the wind comes and covers your footprints. But there is no wind on the Moon and no rain. There is no air and no weather. So the footprints of the first people on the Moon are still there today. Those men are famous now. Their names are Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. They climbed out of their spaceship and stood.on the Moon on 20th July 1969. They looked around and saw no living things. The ground was dark grey and dusty, and the sky was black. They could see the Earth in the sky. The Earth was blue and white. 10 Then they started to walk on the Moon. They were in heavy spacesuits but they could walk and jump easily. | They could move six metres with each step. It was easy because everything on the Moon is lighter than on the Earth. Things are lighter because there is less gravity. This is because the Moon is smaller than the Earth. Armstrong and Aldrin spent only f three hours on the Moon, but their footprints will probably stay there for hundreds of years. | Unit 16 Footprints on the Moon C Choose a, b or c. 1 Footprints have a short life on the a) Earth b) Moon oc) Sun 2 There is no wind on the Moon because a) the weather is good _b) there is no air _c) there is no rain 3 Armstrong and Aldrin went to the Moon ....... a) after the first people b) ten yearsago _ ) in a spaceship 4 They saw a) plants and animals __b) white sand __c) a black sky 5 They could walk and jump easily because they ........... a) had spacesuits _b) were lighter _c) had long legs 6 The Moon's gravity is ..........the Earth’s gravity. a) not as strongas_b) as strongas__c) stronger than 7 will cover their footprints in the near future. a) Grey dust b) Sand) Nothing D Answer the questions. 1 Who left the first footprints on the Moon? 2 How old are the footprints now? 3 Why are the footprints still there? E How many words can you write in each box? On the Moon there is no there are no wind animals rain clouds $1 The crow and the water jar A Look and discuss. 1 What is the crow doing? 2 What can you see near the water jar? 3 What is the weather like? B Read and answer: true or false? 1 2 3 4 5 The water was at the bottom of the jar. The crow broke the jar. The crow moved the jar. In the end, the crow got some water. This story teaches us something. jar’s neck was narrow, and ee poe get the water. 53 C Choose a, b or c. 1. The crow was thirsty because a) it was nearly dead __) it could not find water c) the water was hot 2. The crow was......... the neck of the jar. a) wider than b) as wide as_c) not as wide as 3. It put its head into the jar ......... a) many times b)anddrank c) at the bottom 4 The jar was .. a) very big and strong __b) too heavy for the crow ©) on its side 5 The crow used a) a lot of stones b) a lot of jars c) only big stones 6 The crow could drink because ......... the jar. a) the stones broke __b) some water came out of ) there was water near the top of 7 This story has a at the end. a) moral b) problem —_c) answer D Answer the questions. 1 How did the crow try to get the water? First the crow. put, Then. it tried to Then, it tried to. Finally, the crow put, 2 What is the moral of the story? E Read and discuss. The crow and the water jar is a fable. A fable is a story with a moral at the end. Most fables are about animals. Do you know any fables? 54 Racing driver A Look and discuss. 1 2 3 Would you like to drive a go-kart? How fast do cars usually go in towns? On big roads? Why are racing cars dangerous? B_ Read and answer. bw dN What did Kirsten drive when she was 12? What is her job now? When did she have a bad crash? What is she afraid of? 55 56 — =Racing driver Motor racing is a very exciting sport, but it is also very dangerous. Racing drivers go at 200 kilometres per hour and faster. Sometimes the cars crash and the drivers die. This is Kirsten Kolby. When she was a litle girl, she and her brother learned to drive go-karts. She loved driving go-karts, and she became good at it. When she was 12, she was the best young driver in her country. Now she drives racing cars. Most racing drivers are men. Is this a problem for Kirsten? ‘Sometimes,’ is her answer. ‘Some men don’t like a woman driver in front of them. They get angry.’ Is she afraid of crashing? 15 ‘had a bad crash two years ago. The car rolled over. | was under it and | couldn’t move. There was a fire, and | couldn’t get out. A man fought through the fire and pulled me out. He was a very brave man. After | came out of hospital, | tried to race again, but | was too afraid. | was cd afraid of fire. So | stopped racing and got a different job. But | wasn’t happy. | really wanted to race again. | wanted it very much. So now I'm racing again. I’m still afraid, but I'm stronger than my fear.’ C Choose a, b or c. 1 Racing drivers ... cars. a) sometimes die in their _ b) like to crash their ©) drive dangerous 2 Kirsten was the ........ 12-year-old go-kart driver in the country. a) youngest b) fastest —_c) smallest 3 Some men are angry when she is them. a) faster than b) behind ¢) talking to 4 There was a fire in the car and a) it was under her __ b) then it rolled over c) she could not get away 5 After the crash, . a) she was in hospital _b) she did not drive again ©) she was not afraid of fire 6 She got a different job a) and she liked it —_b) but she wanted to race again © because she wasn’t happy 7 Her fear of fire a) is going _b) does not stop her __) is stronger than she is D Answer the questions. 1 Why didn’t she die in the fire? 2) Why did she stop racing? 3 Why can’t her fear stop her? E Do you agree or disagree? 1 Motor racing is the right job for Kirsten. Yes/No 2 Kirsten isa brave woman. Yes/No. 3 I would like to be a racing driver. Yes/No 57 Magic string A Discuss. 1 Where is the long piece of string in picture 1? 2 What is the girl doing with the scissors? 3 > What is happening in picture 2? correct order. 1 2 58 | How do you do the trick? Now pick up the scissors. Hold the paper carefully and cut through it. Keep the small piece of string between you and the scissors, so you do not cut the string. Cea a | ‘Magic string’ is a famous magic trick. You can do this trick for your friends or family. You just need a piece of paper, a piece of string and some scissors. That's all. aa ~~ —— aaa ~ Pick up the paper and fold side A down. Now your friends can see side B, but they can’t see side A. Side A is shorter than B, so it does not cover the string. Push the middle of the string up, and fold C up over A. Now most of the string | is inside the paper, but a small piece of the string is outside. You can see it but your friends can’t. Te dp \ [ Put one hand over the paper, and then pull the string out slowly | with your other hand. The string is still in one long piece! | if 1 = e |}—— oe — First, fold the paper so that it is like the paper in the picture. | Side A is shorter than side B, but not much shorter. Side C is much shorter than side B. Show the long piece of string so that | people can look at it. Put this piece of string on the paper. a 59 C Choose a, b orc. 1 You need. .......... for this trick. a) your family _b) three things _c) to be famous 2 Side A is .......... side B. a) nearly the same as__b) much shorter than _c) longer than 3 People can look at the string the paper. a) before you fold b) when you cut} inside 4 Fold side A down ........... a) over the string b) over side Cc) onto side B 5 Fold Cup the string. a) over most of _b) and show __c) but do not move 6 Cut through the paper and a) the string) let it fall_ ©) hold the pieces carefully 7 Atthe end, the string is.......... a) the same as it was _b) in two pieces _) in the paper D Answer the questions. 1 Which is the longest side of the paper? 2 Which part of the string do you push up? 3 How many pieces of paper are there at the end? E Match the verbs to the pictures. hold push pull fold cut pickup show & a Sem”, FO tome AY 60

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