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The main difference between various chemicals is colour. The white light composed of wide
range of wavelength that is in ultraviolet, visible and infrared region. Wavelength and
frequency differs for each latter region. As light passes through or bounce off from a
coloured compound, certain amount of energy is absorbed which all those coloured
compound have similarity in conjugated double-double bond structure such as alizarin and
benzene. For this purpose, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy is used to measure the
absorption within ultraviolet-visible region with the usage of light from visible region or near-
UV light region. The absorption is affected by the colour or the presence of conjugated
double bond of a compound. During the absorption of UV light, the molecules experiences
electronic transition which quite similar to fluorescence spectroscopy.


To determine the concentration of iron in food sample (Milo Breakfast cereal)


Standard Preparation

The standards used in this experiment involve iron (III) nitrate, potassium thiocyanate and
hydrochloride acid solutions. The involved chemicals are prepared by their following
concentrations; 0.1M HCl and 0.1M KSCN solutions. The standards are prepared as
described in the following table and the volume is marked up with distilled water to calibrated
mark in 100ml volumetric flask.

Volume of 0.001M Volume of 0.1M HCl Volume of 0.1M Total Volume in mL

Fe(NO3)3 in mL in mL KSCN in mL
0 20
5 15
10 10
15 5 2.5 22.5
20 0

Food Sample Preparation

The sample (Milo Cereal) is grinded using mortar and pestle which is then about 2.5g of
sample is obtained. The weighed sample is treated with high heat and left to cool down to
room temperature. With the addition of 10ml of 0.1M HCl solution and 10ml of distilled water,
the mixture is filtered which the obtained filtrate is mixed with 2.5mL of 0.1M KSCN solution.
The sample is then tested with uv-vis.


Standard Concentration (mMol/L) Mean

Std 1 0.00 0.0061
Std 2 0.25 0.2213
Std 3 0.50 0.4723
Std 4 0.75 0.7054
Std 5 1.00 0.9260
Sample (Koko Crunch) 0.01 0.0089

The experiment is starts with the making of standards. A series of standards consists of
0.001M iron (III) nitrate mixed with 0.1M hydrochloric acid (HCl) and 0.1M potassium
thiocyanate solution. The 1st reaction of iron (III) nitrate and hydrochloric acid described as:

Eq 1: Fe (NO3)3 + HCl = FeCl3 + HNO3

The product is iron (III) chloride which is then treated with potassium thiocyanate solution of
0.1M which produces:

Eq 2: FeCl3 + KSCN = Fe (SCN) 3 + KCl

The 2nd reaction produces iron (III) thiocyanate solution, having deep red colour, is used as
the analyte in a series of 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 mMol/L standards. The standards
are tested using uv-vis device and the produced correlation coefficient is at 0.99960 with the
calibration equation, abs= 0.93151*Conc.

The sample is prepared by the grinding the sample using mortar and pestle, to increase the
surface area and to ease the weighing in acquiring 2.5g of sample. The obtained sample is
then treated with high temperature, dry ashing, to remove organic matter from the sample.
The produced product is charcoal-like mass, is then mixed with 01.M hydrochloric acid and
water, 10mL each and then passes through a filter to separate insoluble matter from the
mixture. The filtrate is again mixed with 2.5mL of 0.1M KSCN and tested using Uv-vis. The
chemical reaction is similar to Eq 1& 2, since the iron within the food sample is used instead
of iron (III) nitrate solution. The obtained concentration of iron in food sample (Milo) is at
0.01mMol per litre.

The concentration of iron in Milo cereal is at 0.01mMol per litre


1. Note on Gas Chromatography, CHM 260 by Mdm Faridah Hanum Hj Badrun

2. Information of GC,
3. Notes on GC CHM 312
4. Picture,

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