Pedro Sánchez Villegas

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It is known
that a
bad alimentation in our daily life can cause
us terrible illnesses, so depends on
us to take care of our health. Doctors have determinated that 60% of
people suffer from obesity and 25 % of that percentage are children,
this average is still rising. When I was at school, I had a friend and he
was really fat, just 9 years old and he weighed 60 kg. I could
remember that in our breaks he ate a lot of fatty food such us
chips, pizza, cheeseburgers. He didnt like to eat fruits
and salads.

He had been doing that for a long time, at the of 13 he passed out during the
math class. Everyone was in shock, so the teacher called an ambulance. Hours
later, the doctor told his parents he would pass out more times if he didnt
reduce the amount of sugar and salt in his blood. He decided to follow a diet
and exercise every day.

Its important to take care of our health, even if you exercise every day, but if
you have bad habits in eating, its probably that you will have terrible
consequences. You must be disciplined in your life, at home, job, university and
in any activity you do.

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