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Standard Preparation

The standards used in this experiment derived from 100ppm iron (III) solution
which is made from a given stock iron (III) solution by lab instructor. From the
100ppm iron (III) solution of 100ml, seven standards are prepared as stated in
the following table in 50.0mL volumetric flasks.

Standard (ppm) Volume of 100ppm Iron Volume of deionised

(III) solution (mL) water (mL)
5 2.5 47.5
10 5.0 45.0
15 7.5 42.5
20 10.0 40.0
25 12.5 37.5
30 15.0 35.0
35 17.5 32.5

Sample Preparation

The sample is prepared from Honeystar cereal which has been grounded with
mortar and pestle. About 5g of the sample is obtained which is added with 50mL
of 3M hydrochloric acid solution and is left treated at a temperature near to
boiling for 45 minutes. The mixture is left to cool down at room temperature
before filtered into 100mL volumetric flask and deionised water is added up to its
calibrated mark. The mixture is then separated from fine solid particles by the
usage of centrifuge. The obtained solution is then collected for Uv-vis testing.

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