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Bible Reading | 2017

28 Woe to the showy* crown* of the source of mightiness to those who repel
drunkards of Ephraim+ the attack at the gate.+

And the fading blossom of its glorious 7 And these also go astray because of
beauty, wine;

Which is on the head of the fertile valley Their alcoholic beverages make them
of those overcome with wine! stagger.

2 Look! Jehovah has someone strong Priest and prophet go astray because of
and mighty. alcohol;

Like a thundering hailstorm, a destructive The wine confuses them,

And they stagger from their alcohol;
Like a thunderstorm of powerful
floodwaters, Their vision makes them go astray,

He will forcefully hurl it down to the And they stumble in judgment.+

8 For their tables are full of filthy vomit
3 The showy* crowns of the drunkards of
Ephraim There is no place without it.

Will be trampled underfoot.+ 9 To whom will one impart knowledge,

4 And the fading flower of its glorious And to whom will one explain the
beauty, message?

Which is on the head of the fertile valley, To those who have just been weaned
from milk,
Will become like the early fig before
summer. Those just taken away from the breasts?

When someone sees it, he swallows it as 10 For it is command after command,

soon as it is in his hand. command after command,

5 In that day Jehovah of armies will Line by line, line by line,*+

become a glorious crown and a beautiful
garland to those left of his people.+ A little here, a little there.
6 And he will become a spirit of justice to
the one who sits in judgment and a 11 So by means of those with
stammering speech* and a foreign

Bible Reading | 2017

language, he will speak to this people.+ he will give the rain for the seed you sow
12 He once told them: This is the in the ground,+ and the bread that the
resting-place. Let the weary one rest; this ground produces will be abundant and
is the place of refreshment, but they rich.*+ In that day your livestock will
refused to listen.+ 13 So to them the graze in spacious pastures.+ 24 And the
word of Jehovah will be: cattle and the donkeys that work the
ground will eat fodder seasoned with
Command after command, command sorrel, which was winnowed with the
after command, shovel and the pitchfork. 25 And on
every tall mountain and on every high
Line by line, line by line,*+ hill will be streams and watercourses,+ in
the day of the great slaughter when the
A little here, a little there, towers fall. 26 And the light of the full
moon will become like the light of the
So that when they walk, sun; and the light of the sun will become
seven times stronger,+ like the light of
They will stumble and fall backward seven days, in the day that Jehovah
binds up the breakdown* of his people+
And be broken and ensnared and caught. and heals the severe wound from the
+ blow he inflicted.+
Isa 28:1-13 27 Look! The name of Jehovah is coming
from far away,
Burning with his anger and with heavy


His lips are full of indignation,

And his tongue is like a consuming fire.+

28 His spirit* is like a flooding torrent

that reaches clear to the neck,

To shake the nations in a sieve of


And the peoples will have a bridle in their

jaws+ that leads them astray.
22 And you will defile the silver overlay
of your graven images and the golden 29 But your song will be like the one
plating of your metal statues.*+ You will sung in the night
cast them away like a menstrual cloth
and say to them, Be gone!*+ 23 And When you prepare* for a festival,+
Bible Reading | 2017

And your heart will rejoice like one The breath of Jehovah, like a torrent of
Who walks with* a flute
Will set fire to it.
On his way to the mountain of Jehovah,
to the Rock of Israel.+ Isa 30:22-33

30 Jehovah will make his majestic voice+ VOCABULARY


And reveal his arm+ as it descends in the
heat of anger,+

With the flame of a consuming fire,+

A cloudburst+ and a thunderstorm and

31 For because of the voice of Jehovah,
Assyria will be struck with terror;+

He will strike it with a rod.+

32 And every swing of his rod of

That Jehovah will bring down on Assyria

Will be accompanied by tambourines and 36 In the 14th year of King Hezekiah,

harps+ Sennacherib the king of Assyria+
came up against all the fortified cities of
As he brandishes his arm against them in Judah and captured them.+ 2 The king of
battle.+ Assyria then sent the Rabshakeh*+
with a vast army from Lachish+ to King
33 For his Topheth*+ is already
Hezekiah in Jerusalem. They took up a
position by the conduit of the upper pool,
+ which is at the highway of the
It is also made ready for the king.+
laundrymans field.+ 3 Then Eliakim+
son of Hilkiah, who was in charge of the
He has made the woodpile deep and
wide, household,* Shebna+ the secretary, and
Joah son of Asaph the recorder came
With an abundance of fire and wood. out to him.

Bible Reading | 2017

4 So the Rabshakeh said to them: those who will eat their own excrement
Please, say to Hezekiah, This is what and drink their own urine along with
the great king, the king of Assyria, you?
says: What is the basis for your
confidence?+ 5 You are saying, I have a Isa 36:1-12
strategy and the power to wage war, but
these are empty words. In whom have VOCABULARY
you put trust, so that you dare to rebel
against me?+ 6 Look! You trust in the
support of this crushed reed, Egypt,
which if a man should lean on it would
enter into his palm and pierce it. That is
the way Pharaoh king of Egypt is to all
those who trust in him.+ 7 And if you
should say to me, We trust in Jehovah
our God, is he not the one whose high
places and altars Hezekiah has
removed,+ while he says to Judah and
Jerusalem, You should bow down before
this altar?+ 8 So now make this wager,
please, with my lord the king of
Assyria:+ I will give you 2,000 horses if
you are able to find enough riders for
them. 9 How, then, could you drive back
even one governor who is the least of my
lords servants, while you put your trust
in Egypt for chariots and for horsemen?
10 Now is it without authorization from
Jehovah that I have come up against this
land to destroy it? Jehovah himself said
to me, Go up against this land and
destroy it.

11 At this Eliakim and Shebna+ and
Joah said to the Rabshakeh:+ Speak to
your servants, please, in the Aramaic*
language,+ for we can understand it; do
not speak to us in the language of the
Jews in the hearing of the people on the
wall.+ 12 But the Rabshakeh said: Is
it just to your lord and to you that my
lord sent me to speak these words? Is it
not also to the men who sit on the wall,

Bible Reading | 2017

40 Comfort, comfort my people, says your Because the breath* of Jehovah blows upon
God.+ it.+

2 Speak to the heart of* Jerusalem, Surely the people are but green grass.

And proclaim to her that her compulsory 8 The green grass dries up,
service has been fulfilled,
The blossom withers,
That her guilt has been paid off.+
But the word of our God endures forever.+
From the hand of Jehovah she has received a
full amount* for all her sins.+ 9 Go up onto a high mountain,

3 A voice of one calling out in the You woman bringing good news for Zion.+
Raise your voice with power,
Clear up* the way of Jehovah!+
You woman bringing good news for
Make a straight highway+ through the desert Jerusalem.
for our God.+
Raise it, do not be afraid.
4 Let every valley be raised up,
Announce to the cities of Judah: Here is your
And every mountain and hill be made low. God.+

The rough ground must become level, 10 Look! The Sovereign Lord Jehovah will
come with power,
And the rugged ground a valley plain.+
And his arm will rule for him.+
5 The glory of Jehovah will be revealed,+
Look! His reward is with him,
And all flesh* will see it together,+
And the wage he pays is before him.+
For the mouth of Jehovah has spoken.
11 Like a shepherd he will care for* his flock.
6 Listen! Someone is saying: Call out! +

Another asks: What should I call out? With his arm he will gather together the
All flesh is* green grass.
And in his bosom he will carry them.
All their loyal love is like the blossom of the
field.+ He will gently lead those nursing their young.
7 The green grass dries up,
12 Who has measured the waters in the
The blossom withers,+ hollow of his hand+

Bible Reading | 2017

And taken the measurements* of the 46 Bel bends down,+ Nebo stoops over.
heavens with a span of his hand?*
Their idols are loaded on animals, on
Who has gathered in a measure the dust of beasts of burden,+
the earth+
Like baggage that burdens the weary
Or weighed the mountains in the balances
And the hills in the scales?
2 They stoop and bend down together;
13 Who has taken the measurements of* the
spirit of Jehovah, They cannot rescue the loads,*

And who can instruct him as his adviser?+ And they themselves* go into captivity.

14 With whom did he consult to gain 3 Listen to me, O house of Jacob, and
understanding, all you who remain of the house of Israel,
Or who teaches him in the path of justice,
You whom I have supported from birth
Or teaches him knowledge, and carried from the womb.+

Or shows him the way of true 4 Until you grow old I will be the same;+
Until your hair is gray I will keep bearing
15 Look! The nations are like a drop from a

And as the film of dust on the scales they are

As I have done, I will carry you and bear
regarded.+ you and rescue you.+

Look! He lifts up the islands like fine dust. 5 To whom will you liken me or make me
equal or compare me,+
16 Even Lebanon is not sufficient to keep a
fire burning,* So that we should resemble each other?
And its wild animals are not sufficient for a
burnt offering. 6 There are those who lavish gold from
their purse;
17 All the nations are as something
nonexistent in front of him;+ They weigh out the silver on the scale.
He regards them as nothing, as an unreality.
They hire a metalworker, and he makes it
into a god.+
Isa 40:6-17

Bible Reading | 2017

Then they prostrate themselves, yes, I have purposed it, and I will also carry it
they worship it.*+ out.+

7 They lift it to their shoulders;+ 12 Listen to me, you who are stubborn*
of heart,
They carry it and put it in its place, and it
just stands there. You who are far away from
It does not move from its place.+
13 I have brought my righteousness
They cry out to it, but it does not answer; near;

It cannot rescue anyone from distress.+ It is not far away,

8 Remember this, and take courage. And my salvation will not delay.+

Take it to heart, you transgressors. I will grant salvation in Zion, my splendor

to Israel.+
9 Remember the former* things of long
ago, Isa 46:1-13

That I am God,* and there is no other. VOCABULARY

I am God, and there is no one like me.+

10 From the beginning I foretell the

And from long ago the things that have
not yet been done.+

I say, My decision* will stand,+

And I will do whatever I please.+

11 I am calling a bird of prey from the

From a distant land the man to carry out
my decision.*+ 12 I myself am the One comforting you.
I have spoken, and I will bring it about.
Why should you be afraid of a mortal
man who will die+

Bible Reading | 2017

And of a son of man who will wither like You who have drunk from the hand of
green grass? Jehovah his cup of wrath.

13 Why do you forget Jehovah your You have drunk the goblet;
You have drained out the cup causing
The One who stretched out the heavens+ staggering.+
and laid the foundation of the earth?
18 Not one of all the sons whom she bore
And all day long you were in constant is there to guide her,
fear of the rage of the oppressor,*
And not one of all the sons whom she
As though he were in a position to bring raised has taken hold of her hand.
you to ruin.
19 These two things have befallen you.
Where, now, is the rage of the
oppressor? Who will sympathize with you?

14 The one bent over in chains will soon Destruction and devastation, hunger and
be set free;+ sword!+

He will not die and go into the pit, Who will comfort you?+

Nor will his bread be lacking. 20 Your sons have fainted.+

15 But I am Jehovah your God, They lie down at every street corner*

Who stirs up the sea and makes its Like wild sheep in the net.
waves boisterous+
They are full of the wrath of Jehovah, the
Jehovah of armies is his name.+ rebuke of your God.

16 I will put my words in your mouth, 21 So please listen to this,

And with the shadow of my hand I will O woman afflicted and drunk, though not
cover you,+ with wine.

In order to plant the heavens and to lay 22 This is what your Lord Jehovah says,
the foundation of the earth+ your God who defends his people:

And to say to Zion, You are my people.+ Look! I will take from your hand the cup
causing staggering,+
17 Awake! Awake! Rise up, O Jerusalem,
+ The goblet, my cup of wrath;

Bible Reading | 2017

You will never drink it again.+ You children of an adulterer and a

23 I will put it into the hand of your
tormentors,+ 4 Whom are you making fun of?

Those who said to you,* Bow down so Against whom do you open your mouth
that we may walk over you! wide and stick out your tongue?

So you made your back like the ground, Are you not the children of transgression,

Like a street for them to walk on. The children of deceit,+

Isa 51:12-23 5 Those who are inflamed with passion

among big trees,+
Under every luxuriant tree,+

Who slaughter the children in the


Under the clefts of the crags?

6 With the smooth stones of the valley*

is your portion.+

57 The righteous one has perished, Yes, these are your lot.

But no one takes it to heart. Even to them you pour out drink
offerings and offer gifts.+
Loyal men are taken away,*+
Should I be satisfied* with these things?
With no one discerning that the righteous
one has been taken away 7 On a mountain high and lofty you
prepared your bed,+
Because of* the calamity.
And you went up there to offer sacrifice.
2 He enters into peace. +

They rest on their beds,* all who walk 8 Behind the door and the doorpost you
uprightly. set up your memorial.

3 But as for you, come closer, You left me and uncovered yourself;

You sons of a sorceress,

Bible Reading | 2017

You went up and made your bed


And you made a covenant with them.

You loved sharing their bed,+

And you gazed at the male organ.*

9 You went down to Melech* with oil

And with an abundance of perfume.

You sent your envoys far off,
So that you descended to the Grave.* 62 For the sake of Zion I will not keep
10 You have toiled in following your many
ways, And for the sake of Jerusalem I will not
keep still
But you did not say, It is hopeless!
Until her righteousness shines like a
You found renewed strength.
bright light+
That is why you do not give up.*
And her salvation burns like a torch.+
11 Whom did you dread and fear
2 The nations will see your
righteousness, O woman,+
So that you started to lie?+
And all kings your glory.+
You did not remember me.+
And you will be called by a new name,+
You took nothing to heart.+
Which Jehovahs own mouth will
Have I not kept silent and withdrawn?*+
So you showed no fear of me.
3 You will become a crown of beauty in
the hand of Jehovah,
Isa 57:1-11
A royal turban in the palm of your God.
4 No more will you be called an

abandoned woman,+

Bible Reading | 2017

And your land will no longer be called Nor will foreigners drink your new wine,
desolate.+ for which you have toiled.+

But you will be called My Delight Is in 9 But those gathering it will eat it and
Her,+ they will praise Jehovah;

And your land will be called the Married And those collecting it will drink it in my
One. holy courtyards.+

For Jehovah will take delight in you, 10 Pass through, pass through the gates.

And your land will be as one married. Clear the way for the people.+

5 For just as a young man marries a Build up, build up the highway.
Rid it of stones.+
Your sons will marry you.
Raise up a signal* for the peoples.+
With the rejoicing of a bridegroom over a
bride, 11 Look! Jehovah has proclaimed to the
ends of the earth:
Your God will rejoice over you.+
Say to the daughter of Zion,
6 Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, I have
commissioned watchmen. Look! Your salvation is coming.+

Continuously, all day long and all night Look! His reward is with him,
long, they should not be silent.
And the wage he pays is before him.+
You who make mention of Jehovah,
12 They will be called the holy people,
Do not rest, those repurchased by Jehovah,+

7 And do not give him any rest until he And you will be called Sought After, a
firmly establishes Jerusalem, City Not Abandoned.+

Yes, until he makes her the praise of the Isa 62:1-12

8 Jehovah has sworn an oath with his
right hand, with his strong arm:

I will no longer give your grain as food
to your enemies,

Bible Reading | 2017

5 I looked, but there was no one to help;

I was appalled that no one offered


So my arm brought me salvation,*+

63 Who is this coming from Edom,+
And my own wrath supported me.
From Bozrah+ with bright-colored*
garments, 6 I trampled peoples in my anger,

This one with splendid clothing, I made them drunk with my wrath+

Marching in his great power? And poured out their blood on the
It is I, the One speaking in
righteousness, 7 I will mention Jehovahs acts of loyal
The One with great power to save.
The praiseworthy acts of Jehovah,
2 Why is your clothing red,
Because of all that Jehovah has done for
And why are your garments like those of us,+
one treading the winepress?+
The many good things he has done for
3 I have trodden the wine trough alone. the house of Israel,

No one from the peoples was with me. According to his mercy and his great
loyal love.
I kept treading them in my anger,
8 For he said: Surely they are my
And I kept trampling them in my wrath.+ people, sons who will not be disloyal.*+

My garments were spattered with their So he became their Savior.+

9 During all their distress it was
And I have stained all my clothing. distressing to him.+

4 For the day of vengeance is in my And his own personal messenger* saved
heart,+ them.+

And the year of my repurchased ones has In his love and compassion he
come. repurchased them,+

Bible Reading | 2017

And he lifted them up and carried them If you will return to me

all the days of old.+
And if you will remove your disgusting
10 But they rebelled+ and grieved his idols from before me,
holy spirit.+
Then you will not be a fugitive.+
He then turned into their enemy,+
2 And if you swear,
And he fought against them.+
As surely as Jehovah is alive! in truth,
Isa 63:1-10 justice, and righteousness,

VOCABULARY Then the nations will obtain a blessing for

themselves by him,

And in him they will boast.+

3 For this is what Jehovah says to the

men of Judah and to Jerusalem:

Plow for yourselves arable land,

And do not keep sowing among thorns.+

4 Circumcise yourselves to Jehovah,

And remove the foreskins of your hearts,


You men of Judah and inhabitants of


So that my wrath may not blaze up like a


And burn with no one to extinguish it,

Because of your evil deeds.+

5 Declare it in Judah, and proclaim it in

4 If you will return, O Israel, declares Shout and blow a horn throughout the
Jehovah, land.+

Bible Reading | 2017

Call out loudly and say: Gather together, VOCABULARY

And let us flee into the fortified cities.+

6 Raise a signal* toward Zion.

Seek shelter, and do not stand still,

For I am bringing in calamity from the
north,+ a great crash.

7 He has emerged like a lion from his

The destroyer of nations has set out.+

He has gone out from his place to make
your land an object of horror.

Your cities will be reduced to ruins,

without an inhabitant.+

8 Therefore, put on sackcloth,+
26 For among my people there are
Mourn* and wail,
wicked men.
Because the burning anger of Jehovah
They keep peering, as when birdcatchers
has not turned away from us.
crouch down.
9 In that day, declares Jehovah, the
They set a deadly trap.
heart* of the king will fail him,+
It is men whom they catch.
Also the heart* of the princes;
27 Like a cage full of birds,
The priests will be horrified, and the
prophets will be amazed.+
So their houses are full of deception.+
10 Then I said: Alas, O Sovereign Lord
That is why they have become powerful
Jehovah! Truly you have utterly deceived
and rich.
this people+ and Jerusalem, saying, You
will have peace,+ when the sword is at 28 They have grown fat and smooth;
our throats.*
They overflow with evil.
Jer 4:1-10

Bible Reading | 2017

They do not plead the legal case of the Each grazing the flock in his care.+
4 Prepare for* war against her!
That they may gain success;
Rise up, and let us attack her at
And they deny justice to the poor.+ midday!

29 Should I not call them to account for Woe to us, for the day is declining,
these things? declares Jehovah.
For the shadows of evening are getting
Should I* not avenge myself on such a longer!
5 Rise up, and let us attack during the
30 Something appalling and horrible has night
occurred in the land:
And destroy her fortified towers.+
31 The prophets prophesy lies,+
Jer 5:266:5
And the priests dominate by their own
authority. VOCABULARY

And my own people love it that way.+

But what will you do when the end

6 Take shelter, O sons of Benjamin, away
from Jerusalem.

Blow the horn+ in Tekoa;+

Light a fire signal over Beth-haccherem!

For a calamity looms from the north, a
great disaster.+

2 The daughter of Zion resembles a
beautiful and delicate woman.+

3 The shepherds and their droves will

They will pitch their tents all around her,


Bible Reading | 2017

your gods have become as many as your

cities, O Judah, and you have set up as
many altars to the shameful thing* as
there are streets in Jerusalem, altars to
make sacrifices to Baal.+

14 As for you,* do not pray in behalf of

this people. Do not cry out in their behalf
6 Jehovah then said to me: Proclaim all or offer a prayer for them,+ for I will not
these words in the cities of Judah and in be listening when they call out to me
the streets of Jerusalem: Hear the words because of their calamity.
of this covenant, and carry them out.
7 For I solemnly admonished your 15 What right does my beloved one have
forefathers in the day I brought them out to be in my house
of the land of Egypt and to this day,
admonishing them again and again:* When so many have carried out evil
Obey my voice.+ 8 But they did not schemes?
listen or incline their ear; instead, each
kept stubbornly following his own wicked With holy flesh* will they avert the
heart.+ So I brought on them all the calamity when it comes upon you?
words of this covenant that I commanded
them to do, but they refused to carry Will you exult at that time?
them out.
16 Jehovah once called you a thriving
9 Jehovah then said to me: There is a olive tree,
conspiracy among the men of Judah and
the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 10 They Beautiful with fine fruit.
have returned to the errors of their
forefathers of old, who refused to obey With a great roaring sound, he has set
my words.+ They too have followed her on fire,
other gods and have served them.+ The
And they have broken its branches.
house of Israel and the house of Judah
have broken my covenant that I made
Jer 11:6-16
with their forefathers.+ 11 Therefore this
is what Jehovah says, Here I am bringing
on them a calamity+ that they will not be
able to escape. When they call to me for
help, I will not listen to them.+ 12 Then
the cities of Judah and the inhabitants of
Jerusalem will go to the gods to which
they are making sacrifices* and call for
help,+ but these will by no means save
them in the time of their calamity. 13 For

Bible Reading | 2017

He will turn it into thick gloom.+

17 And if you refuse to listen,

I* will weep in secret because of your


I will shed many tears, and my eyes will

stream with tears,+

Because the flock of Jehovah+ has been

carried away captive.

18 Tell the king and the queen mother,*+

Sit in a lower place,

For your beautiful crown will fall from

your head.

19 The cities of the south are shut,* with

no one to open them.

All of Judah has been taken into exile,

taken completely into exile.+

20 Raise your eyes and see those coming

from the north.+

Where is the flock you were given, your

15 Hear and pay attention.
beautiful sheep?+
Do not be haughty, for Jehovah has
21 What will you say when your
punishment comes
16 Give glory to Jehovah your God
From your close friends whom you
cultivated from the start?+
Before he brings darkness
Will not birth pains seize you, like those
And before your feet stumble on the
of a woman giving birth?+
mountains at dusk.
22 And when you say in your heart, Why
You will hope for the light,
have these things befallen me?+
But he will bring deep shadow;

Bible Reading | 2017

It is because of your great error that your Your obscene* prostitution.

skirts have been stripped off+
On the hills, in the field,
And your heels have been treated
violently. I have seen your disgusting behavior.+

23 Can a Cushite* change his skin, or a Woe to you, O Jerusalem!

leopard its spots?+
How much longer will you remain
If so, then you can do good, unclean?+

You who are trained to do bad. Jer 13:15-27

24 So I will scatter them like straw blown VOCABULARY

by the desert wind.+

25 This is your lot, the portion that I have
measured out to you, declares Jehovah,

Because you have forgotten me+ and
you trust in lies.+

26 Therefore, I will lift up your skirts over
your face,

And your shame will be seen,+

27 Your acts of adultery+ and your lustful


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