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7 Determination of Pressure Drop and Column Diameter

In order to begin the pressure drop and column diameter calculation random
packing was chosen for the first base case. Figure one below was used to
interpolate the capacity parameter, using the interpolated value the flooding
velocity was calculated. Finally multiplying the flooding velocity by the gas flooding
velocity percentage, superficial gas velocity was found which was in turn used to
calculate the required diameter. The procedure and the subsequent equations used
are listed below.

Firstly the liquid-to-gas ratio (GL/GG) is first calculated using the equation:

G L ( L1MW L )
GG (V 1MW G)

Equation 1

The respective liquid and gas densities are converted into metric units using
conversion factors. Knowing this the flow parameter can thus be calculated as


G G L( )
The flooding pressure drop in the column is now estimated by using the following

for Fp< 60 f t 1 : Pflood .
H 2O
ft ]
=0.115 F 0.7

Equation 2

for Fp> 60 f t 1 : Pflood .
H 2O
ft ]

Equation 3
For our base case a packing factor of 580 f t was chosen thus the second

condition applies and the pressure drop is assumed to be [

2 .
ft ] .

The capacity parameter is now interpolated using the figure 1 and is found to be

The flooding velocity is now calculated using the above parameters as follows:

ft Capacity Parameter
v g flooding [ ]=
s G 0.5 0.5 0.05
L G ) Fp v

Equation 4

The superficial gas velocity is calculated by multiplying the flooding velocity by the
gas flooding velocity percentage:

v g [ ]=v g floodingGas flooding

Equation 5

Knowing the superficial gas velocity, the mass flux GG can now be determined by

simply multiplying by the density of the gas.

GG [ ]=v gG
f t2

Equation 6

To convert into kg /m the conversion factor is used

kg v gG0.453592 kg
GG [ ]=
m2 0.092903

Equation 7
The cross sectional area can now be easily determined by simply dividing the flux
by the mass flow rate by the flux.

V 11
M W gasAVG
2 3600
A C [m ]=

Equation 8

The diameter of the column can now be easily calculated:

A c4

Equation 9

To minimize the cost of the column, the height of the packed bed has to be as
small as possible. Due to the fact that the pressure drop is directly proportional to
the height of the column, a smaller pressure drop is needed. Thus the packing
factor is varied to achieve the desired height and pressure drop.

1.8 Application of Integrated Approach for Determination of Column Height

The height of the column was computed by combining the mass balance with the rate equations.
The aforementioned equations can be found in Appendix X. The tower height will thus be
calculated using the integrated approach, as described by the following steps.

Firstly, it is important to note that the procedure for numerical integration begins at the top of the
tower at the operating point with coordinates (x2, y2). The total molar flow rates for both gas and
liquid are calculated using the following equations:

V n+1 [ ]
( 1 y )

Equation 10
Ln [ ]
( 1x )

Equation 11

It is significant that the molar flow rates possess units of [kmol/s]. Next is the determination of
the total mass flows Gy and Gx by applying the following equations:

V n +1 MW O +V n +1 MW C H 6O ( 1y y )
[ ]
kg 2 2

Gy =
s m2 S

Equation 12

Ln MW H + Ln MW C H O ( 1xx )
[ ]
kg 2O 2 6

Gx =
s m2 S

Equation 13

Notice that the mass flow of the solute must be included in both streams for the above
calculations. Based on the problem statement, it is assumed that the film mass-transfer
coefficient vary throughout the column. In turn, the diffusion coefficient DAB was presumed to be
constant in the system in order to evaluate the equivalent heights of transfer unit HG and HL.
(discuss fp)

0.5 0.5 0.35

N Sc Gx Gy
H G [ m ]=
fp )( 0.660 )( 6.782 ) ( 0.878 )
Equation 14

H L [m ]=
( 0.357
() 372 )

0.8937 103
Equation 15

In pursuance of the transfer unit heights, the Schmidt number NSc is required while considering a
constant diffusion coefficient. Accordingly, the dimensionless number will also be fixed through
the incremental regions of the packed tower. The following equations display the aforestated
diffusion coefficients for gases and liquids, using the method of Fuller and the empirical equation
of Wilke-Chang, respectively.

D AB [ ]m
1.00 107 T 1.75
1 2

[ ( v ) +( v ) ]
3 3

Equation 16

[ ]
m T
D AB =1.71316 M B 0.6
s B V A

Equation 17

The components A and B represent the inert, whether it be water or oxygen, and the solute
ethanol. The Wilke-Chang empirical equation was used rather than the Stokes-Einstein equation
as the molecular weight of the solute was small (VA < 0.5 m3/kmol). (-sum of structural volume
increments-why use specific method rather than other). Once the diffusivity coefficients are
computed, both Schmidt numbers for the gas and liquid were found using the following

N Sc =

Equation 18
The properties of water and oxygen are assumed to be constant. Therefore, the viscosity and
density of both streams were adopted at a reference temperature of 10 C. Ensuing the
determination of the heights of transfer units HG and HL, the film coefficients were obtained
using the following equations:
V n+1
k 'y a=

Equation 19

k 'x a=

Equation 20

Using the variables shown above, the interface compositions xi and yi corresponding to the
operating point can be identified by simultaneously solving the operating and equilibrium line.
This task was accomplished using a VBA code which utilizes the bisection method as the
integration technique. Refer to Appendix Y for the previously mentioned code.
All variables required to determine the height of the packed tower were uncovered by means of
the computational procedure summarized in Appendix Y (flowchart of steps). The height Z was
then found using the following equation:

V dy
Z [m]= '
y2 k a S
( 1 y ) ( y y i )
( 1 y )

Equation 21

Since this is an integral, the trapezoidal rule was used as a numerical integration technique to
determine Z. By knowledge of the inlet and outlet compositions of ethanol in the oxygen stream,
the step size was estimated by dividing the change in solute concentration through the system by
an arbitrary number of steps n.
Determination of total molar flow rates Vn+1 and Ln with composition of solu

Computation of total mass flow rates Gy and Gx while considering so

Calculation of diffusion coefficients DAB in liquid and gas stre

Estimation of dimensionless Schmidt number NSc by considering constant diffusion coefficients a

Determination of heights of transfer units HG and HL

Computation of film coefficients k'ya and k'xa

Calculation of interface compositions xi and yi by means of the bisection method for estimation of intersection

Determination of height Z employing the trapezoidal rule as a numerical inte

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