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BMI.1X The Value of

Business Models Re-run
This online course was created by:
Dr ir Mark de Reuver Prof dr Harry Bouwman
Dr Timber Haaker

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1. Course overview .............................................................................................................. 3
1.2. Learning objectives/outcomes ......................................................................................... 4
1.3. What we expect from you ................................................................................................ 4
1.4. What you can expect from us/the course team ................................................................ 4
2. Course structure .................................................................................................................... 5
Block 0: Getting started .......................................................................................................... 5
Block 1: Design thinking ......................................................................................................... 5
Block 2: Creating value for customers .................................................................................... 5
Block 3: Drawing a simple BM ................................................................................................ 5
3. Assessment ........................................................................................................................... 6
4. Resources & Tools ................................................................................................................. 7
5. Professor/Contact information ................................................................................................ 7

1. Introduction
Learn the value of business models and essential tools to help you develop a sound business
model for sustainable success.
Does your business need a make-over? Are you unsure how to start?
Having an innovative business model is the key for a profitable business and growth. In this
business and management course, you will learn how to design, test and implement new
business models for sustainable success.
This course introduces you to the main topics of business model innovation. You will learn what
drives business model innovation and why it is valuable to you and your business. You will
apply practical tools to (re)design and test a business model.
Be inspired by real-life business model examples from fellow entrepreneurs and learn from
leading experts who design business model innovations. By the end of this course, you will be
able to structure your thinking and communicate your business model ideas and learn how to
improve your own business.

1.1. Course overview

This course contains three blocks. Each block spans two weeks. Within each block, there will be
online lectures, quizzes, case assignments and self assessments. A typical block is as follows:
- Week 1
o Online lecture about the topic of that week
o Quiz
o Tutorial on a business model tool
o Case assignment for learning how to use the tool
- Week 2
o Online lecture about the topic of that week
o Quiz
o Self assessment

1.2. Learning objectives/outcomes
By the end of this course you will be able to:
Explain what a business model is
Explain why business models matter to your firm and the value they bring
Apply simple-to-use tools to improve your business model
Evaluate how business model innovation improves business performance
Explain how tooling can help you to innovate your business model

1.3. What we expect from you

This is a hands-on course. You will apply the insights immediately to your own business. It is
possible, but not required, to share insights on your companys business model with other
participants. Its fun to do so, and you can get valuable feedback from your peers. But if you
dont feel comfortable, you can keep your business model to yourself.

1.4. What you can expect from us/the course team

Moderator: Will moderate the forum.
Response Time: Since this course is a re-run, questions will be answered within 3 business

2. Course structure
The course is organized in 3 blocks, of each two weeks.

Block 0: Getting started

Get started in the course. Read the syllabus.

Block 1: Why Business Model Innovation Matters

Why do business models matter? Whats the difference between business models, revenue
models and strategy? We will define core terms and look at inspiring examples.
Youll learn your first business model tool: a card game with business model patterns. Youll
learn how to use the card game with a case of a bakery. And youll apply it to your own

Block 2: Making Your First Business Model

Youll learn design your first Business Model using four simple questions. .
Business model innovation should give you concrete answers. Therefore, youll learn also a
Business Model Metrics tool. With the tool, youll define clear and measurable outcomes of your
business model innovation project.

Block 3: Business Model Tooling

Now you know why business models matter, and what you would like to get out of it. The final
step in this online course is: How can business model tools help you to innovate your business
model? Youll learn how to select the right tool for your challenge. Well use what we call `I-
want-to. By making clear what you want to achieve, you will be able to select the right tool.
Well give you an outlook to the four follow-up online courses: which one is best for the
challenge you are struggling with?

3. Assessment
In order to successfully complete the course you need to will complete all assignments. All
assignments are mandatory. Assignments can be completed untill the deadline of the course:
November 15th 2017.
The grading for the assignments is as followed:
1. Quizzes (40%): After every instruction video (excluding video 5) there will be a quiz to test
your knowledge. Every quiz question has its own weight, so quiz 2 might be weighted less than
quiz 3. You can see the weight of every quiz question.
2. Case assignments (20%): After learning a new business model tool, you will be asked to use
this on a case example. This exercise will either be a word cloud, drag & drop or self
3. Company assignments (40%): Apply the business model tool on your own business idea.
You will be asked to review your own work for points.

Block Assignment(s)
1 Quiz 1
Case assignment (Bakery)
Quiz 2
Company Assignment 1: Apply pattern cards to your own business
2 Quiz 3
Case assignment (Rauma case)
Quiz 4
Company Assignment 2: Apply 4 key questions to your own business
3 Case assignment (I-want-to path for previous cases)
Company Assignment 3: Define I Want Tos for your own business

4. Resources & Tools
All educational resources will be available in the course.
Business model tools are available, free of charge, at

5. Professor/Contact information
Mark de Reuver,
Harry Bouwman,
Timber Haaker,

Gudo Reekers,
Stephan Kool,
Agnes Gnther,

Online Learning Support:

Office Hours: every day from 08:00 to 24:00 (Amsterdam time)

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