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Zener diode

In electronics, a diode is a two-terminal electronic component that conducts primarily in

one direction. It has low resistance to the flow of current in one direction, and high resistance in
the other. A semiconductor diode, the most common type today, is a crystalline piece of
semiconductor material with a pn junction connected to two electrical terminals.
A Zener diode is a diode which allows current to flow in the forward direction in the same
manner as an ideal diode, but also permits it to flow in the reverse direction when the voltage is
above a certain value known as the breakdown voltage.After reaching this value, diode is able
to run a substantial current, but will limit the voltage.
The device consists of a highly doped p-n junction diode operating in the breakdown region.
Conventional diodes never operate in the breakdown region, but the Zener diode makes a virtue
of it and can safely be operated at this point. The device was named after Clarence Zener, who
discovered this electrical property.
Breakdown voltage is a parameter of a diode that defines the largest reverse voltage that
can be applied without causing an exponential increase in the current in the diode.
As long as the current is limited, exceeding the breakdown voltage of a diode doesnt harm
the diode.

I represent a graphic where the voltage is reduce to a certain value even if the voltage varies
according to a sinusoidal law. If we look at this graphic we will observe that common
application of zener diode is to protect other semiconductor devices from momentary voltage
However, many diodes described as "Zener" diodes rely(se bazeaza) instead on avalanche
breakdown as the mechanism. Both types are used with the Zener effect predominating under
5.6 V and avalanche breakdown above.
Either the Zener or the avalanche effect may occur independently, or both may occur
simultaneously. In general, diode junctions which break down below 5 V are caused by the
Zener effect, while junctions which break down above 5 V are caused by the avalanche effect.
Intermediate breakdown voltages (around 5V) are usually caused by a combination of the two

Tensiunea Zener
La polarizarea direct, diodele Zener se comport precum diodele redresoare standard: tensiunea direct are
valoarea de 0,7 V, conform ecuaiei diodei. La polarizarea invers ns, acestea nu conduc curentul dect peste o
anumit valoare a tensiunii de alimentare, valoare denumit tensiune Zener; dup atingerea acestei valori, dioda
Zener va putea s conduc un curent substanial, dar va limita cderea de tensiune la bornele sale la acea
tensiune Zener. Atta timp cnd puterea disipat sub form de cldur nu depete limita termic a diodei,
aceasta nu va fi afectat n niciun fel.

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