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[center][color=orange][b][size=18pt]Werewolf application[/size][/b][/color][/center]

[color=orange][b][u]General knowledge[/u][/b]:[/color]

[b]1. [color=white]What does the term [i]werewolf[/i] mean?[/color][/b] Werewolves are half
humans, half spirits, half wolfs. They are being born, not created. They can be born in three
diffferent circumistances. If a wolf and a werewolf mate, there are chances that their child will be:
werewolf (Lupus). If a werewolf and a human mate, the child will maybe be Homid, and if two
werewolfs have sex and make a child (thus breaking the Litany - the law for Garou), the child will
be some kind of abomination in Garou's society - Metis. With deformities and mostly hated from
others, they are direct breach of the Litany.
A werewolf's biggest danger which can harm them badly is silver. The silver is cappable of killing
even most resistant Garou. It's not quite sure how the human society get the knowledge about
werewolf's biggest danger but once they did - it spreads everywhere. Even the humans who think
that werewolves are myths and legends, the scary stories the tell to their childer - they know what
silver means for a werewolf.
A werewolf can transform in five different forms : Homid, Lupus, Crinos, Glabro and Hispo.
The werewolves are, normally, the protectors of the Gaia, Her warriors. She made many other
shapechangers, like wereravens - which seek for knowledge. To each of them, She gave them
their purpose in this world. But at the one moment, Garou nation decided that they are the most
powerful shapeshifter race - and thus, they started the War of Rage.

[b]2. [color=white]What is a [i]werewolf's[/i] way of seeing the world? Why do you believe that that
is their vision of the world? [/color][/b]
The Wyrm is embracing the world, grasping and destroying it, fullying it with sickness and poison
- as the Gaia suffers the pain and screams loudly.
Gaia made Her warriors - Garou nation, to be Her sword and destroyer of the Wyrm, the sickness
which is everywhere. With the powers they posses, their task is to protect her and wipe off their
existence. Their vision is simple - the world expurgated from the Wyrm.
Why is that their vision of the world? Because(most of them) live and fight only for Gaia - and only
for Her. With gifts from spirits, with primal anger from Luna and their gnosis - connection to spirits
- they seek to clean the world.

[b]3. [color=white]From where do you believe a werewolf's power comes? How can a werewolf
learn a gift?[/color][/b]
Gaia gifted werewolves with powers of wolves, claws and fangs - but if they had only this powers,
they would lose war against the Wyrm centuries ago. As they are half-spiritual beings, they can
use the blessings of the spirits in their battles. Auspice, breed and tribes offer different blessings
to Garou nation, giving them the strength to rip off their enemies throats.
A werewolf must summon a spirit, and normally do some kind of a challange or a quest, or to do
something for spirit - and spirit will teach him the secrets of particular power. That quests can be
small, or large and hard to do. Gifts are ranging from level one to six. Level one gifts are small
gifts, granted to Cubs and Cliaths. Level six gifts... Only the most powerful Garou in the world
ever reach the rank of a Legend, only the most stronger, wisest, and bravest Garou of all times
reached this Rank. Their gifts are so powerful, that someone would mistake them for Gods. Such
beings are rare, but once one werewolf reach this level and that gift, not much of the Wyrm can
stop him.

[b]4. [color=white]What does the term [i]auspice[/i] refer to? How does an Auspice influence a
werewolf? What auspice have you chosen for your character and why? How does it influentiates
your character?[/color][/b] Gaia is their mother, but Her sister - Luna - has big influence on Garou
nation. She blessed them with their primal anger, but also with Auspice - the manifestation of
Luna at the moment of Garou's birth. Commonly known as moon phases they are far more
important for Garou than humanity thinks. Most of them thinks that werewolves can shapeshift
only under the Full Moon, however that's not true. They can shapeshift whenever they want.
Auspice is the moon under which the Garou is born. Trickster, shaman or warrior? Or something
else... It also gives the stronger connection to Luna, giving them bigger Rage in themselves which
they can use to strike down the Wyrm - the sickness and thus, protect Gaia.
I choose the Ahroun Auspice for my character as I want to roleplay a Garou warrior, the one who
will stand and protect Gaia from all the Wyrm.
As he is Lupus-Ahroun Garou, he will have personallity of an animal who is able to defend itself
and protect Gaia.

[b]5. [color=white]What does the term [i]breed[/i] refer to? What difference is there between the
breeds and how are each of them seen in the garou world?[/color][/b] Werewolves are being born
not made. Breed is a term used to describe in what conditions a Garou was made and thus, in
what form he was born.
If a human and a werewolf have sex, and they get a child - the child might be a werewolf, born in
a Homid form. (that could happen with two humans as well, if the Garou blood is stronger and
potent enough in their lineage)
If a werewolf and a wolf mate together, and they get a 'child' - born in a Lupus form.
If two werewolves have sex, and make a child it will be born in Crinos-form.
Long before the First Change, werewolf's true nature is shaped. If he was born as a Lupus, he
would be raised in the wolf's society, knowing nothing about human kind. Otherwise with Homid
and Crinos children.

[b]6. [color=white]Explain the first and second War of Rage, what happened in it, who fell victim to
whom in detail(350 word minimum)[/color][/b] Gaia, Luna and Helios gifted many werecreatures
with many powers. Gaia created Rakea nation to patrol in the deep sea, and to protect it from
Wyrm, wereravens to patorl in the sky, seek for knowledge and many others. But Garou, as Her
children with swords, Her warriors and guardians - decided that they are Gaia's childer who are
the most strongest, most powerful and the ones who are only to be. They started the war. The
hunt has started, and many Fera's was fighting for their freedom, and many escaped. Ravens
flied far away in the mountins, where Garou can't come and Rakea nation hided themselves in
the deepest of world's oceans.
It's not quite sure when this war started, but Garou nation in modern night, at least many of them,
agree that there should be some other way instead of War. Someone regret their existence in
such a war. The Second War of Rage.
Garou spared some Fera nations, and they survived. They spreaded to the America, and gained
numbers once again. Nobody wanted to break that peace again but then European tribes
attacked them, and The Second War of Rage started. Some myths says that Uktena and
Wendigo tribes even helped Fera nation to escape and evade the European tribes.
Some of Fera nations were completely destroyed in this two wars. Camazotz, Gaia's
messangers, barely survived First but then they almost all died in Second War of Rage.

[color=orange][b][u]Character development[/u][/b]:[/color]

[b][color=white]Name :[/color][/b] Henrik Stenbergson

[b][color=white]Age:[/color][/b] 3
[b][color=white]Breed:[/color][/b] Lupus
[b][color=white]Auspice:[/color][/b] Ahroun
[b][color=white]Tribe:[/color][/b] Get of Fenris
[b][color=white]Rank:[/color][/b] [i][/i] Adren

[b][color=white]What's your character's tribe? How was growing up among their culture? How did
it shape your character's personality? (500 words minimum)[/color][/b]
My character's tribe is Get of Fenris. As he was born as Lupus, he spent countless days in cruel
scandinavian forests, hunting and practicing the art of killing. He fitted in in Get of Fenris perfectly,
once he experienced his First Change - he started practicing with the prideful warriors and soon
enough he mastered the fighting.
This tribe affected his personality. Of course, even before the First Change and Get of Fenris, he
killed countless of times, and he experienced what means to get blood on your hands - but after
he got practice, their beliefs from Get of Fenris - he knew what his purpose in the world is.
His purpose is to serve Gaia, to protect Her and to never run from the battle. To stay with pride,
kill easy and without mercy for the Wyrm.

[b][color=white]Character Story:[/color](1500 words minimum*)[/b]

The Scent of the Meat

Scandinavian forest. Countless trees are hiding the monstrous beasts in it. As the slow snow falls
on the ground, everything around is dying - evergreen forest is not stopping to grow around.
Wilderness is home for countless beasts. A sudden howl destroys the silence. The pack of hungry
wolfs wanders around the forest - looking for the prey.
Those are normal wolfs, all with gray fur. Skinny builded, this forest is taking off their life. In every
breath and sniff - you can feel that they are weak and that they will do everything here. They must
hunt to surivive.
The pack is made from ten gray wolfs. In the middle of the group, there is beautiful white-gray
she-wolf. As they was running - they felt the scent of a blood. Their started running with more
strength, their teeth screamed for food and blood - and the scent was there. Immediately, after
half of a kilometer.
Big black wolf is ripping meat from large deer. The pack surrounded him and he raised his head -
letting out loud growl to the pack. Instantly, they turned and escaped. The mounstrous wolf
returned to his meat - swalloing the bloody-snow in his mouth. He felt that another wolf is present.
He turned his head, and saw a she-wolf. She slowly approached the deer. He letted her pass him,
and allowed her to eat. After she finished, he came to her.
The gray fur was wet due to the snow and her jaw was covered in blood. She turned her head
and looked at him. He made the circle around her, slowly walking with his large paws. He
approached her from the back and jumped on it. They started mating, and finished after few
minutes. After that, wolf never left she-wolf again, following her everywhere. Wolfs are known to
eat their cubs after the birth, not allowing next alpha to be born. But this cub was different. With
the blood of werewolf, and the child of Gaia - he was the one who will protect Gaia under any
circumistances. And immediately after birth - it was known. The son of Stenberg was born.

The Gray Cub

Stenberg slowly followed the she-wolf in his Lupus form for months. And after she started giving
the birth to his child, he shapeshifted under the moon and looked at his child.
The black cub slowly made his first steps, falling on the ground and looking at his mother with
fear. She possesed a gentle, caressing tongue that soothed him and passed over his soft little
body, and that impelled him to snuggle close against her and to doze off to sleep. Stenberg
shapeshifted again into his Lupus form, jumping from the shadows and went to the she-wolf and
the gray cub. She started growling at him, protecting her child, but Stenberg's intention was not to
harm his child. He looked at him with his wolf-eyes and letted out a large howl. The werewolf was

After three months, they went on hunting-expedition all together. As the pack of she-wolf left
months ago, three of them had to hunt together. Stenberg spent his time in his Lupus form for
months, hunting for his child and child's mother - she-wolf. They found a deer, and Stenberg
jumped on it - his teeth ripped of deer's shoulder blade and the it felt on the ground, almost
lifeless. The Gray Cub, slowly approached the deer, sinked his, now sharp-teeth, in the meat and
started eating, and she-wolf did the same.

The Scream of Anger

The two years passed.
She-wolf, gray wolf and Stenberg weren't in the group anymore. She-wolf left the cub as soon as
he was able to hunt alone, and he and his father travelled across the forests, and finnaly - one
night - Stenberg decided to follow the river in the search for some pack, and he left the gray wolf
alone to wait near the stone. That wasn't the problem for the gray cub. Firstly, he enjoyed the sun-
rays, and after it he looked at the moon. The silence broke the sound of steps, and breathing of
the animal. He sniffed the air, and raised his head. The howl can be heard, not from the gray-cub
but from the other wolves. But the gray wolf wasn't controllable enough to resist the sniff of
animal, specially because he was hungry - so he jumped from the stone and followed the scent.
He was skillful hunter by now, and he slowly ambushed the deer and jumped on its throat, ripping
it off. The deer felt on the ground, letted out some kind of 'shhhghh', trying to kick the wolf from
him. Wolf approached the deer slowly, sitted next to him and started eating his throat. Sudden
growl behind him, and the mounstrous bite on his left leg - then annother attempt of the same
attack. The gray wolf turned and saw a black wolf. And he knew what is the reason of this attack -
wolfs were hungry and this lone black-wolf found a deer... But gray wolf found it before him, and
the fight will decide who will will and who will eat this night. Bites, claws and many others attacks
was delivered to each other as bloody fight was going on. Finnaly, black wolf used his teeth to
bite area around gray wolf's throat. And the pain was terrific. The gray would let out a mounstrous
growl, took a second and after that - attacked black wolf.
His paws transformed into a hybridous hands - hands with fur and sharp claws - bigger than ever.
His head transformed into more humanoid shape, his gub has been lengthen and his whole body
transformed into something bigger, faster, stronger and terrific. With one soft swing of his left
hand, the gray wolf ripped black wolf's throat. He felt on the ground, and never raised again. The
gray wolf turned, and walked to the deer. He grabbed it and eated it in few bites. Then he felt
another scent. Another wolf, from black wolf's pack. He runned to there. Five wolfs. He killed all of
And as night passed he killed black wolf's pack - all of them. Twenty dead wolf-bodies were laying
in the forest - dead and disfigured. The gray cub was transformed into the normal wolf once
again, and in the morning his father was back, but immediately after he saw dead-wolf bodies all
around the forest - he knew what happened. He shapeshifted into his Homid form and found his
child. Slowly crouched near him, and patted his head. He whispered to him, and slowly guided
him... and the wolf was not the wolf anymore - the father for the first time saw his child. The one
to be glorious man, the warrior - protector of the Gaia.

The Call of Kind

Few weeks passed.

Stenberg teached Henrik all secrets of shapeshifting and the Litany, even the secrets of Walking
Between Worlds, aiming his anger in the right way.
But no one wants Garou who didn't proved himself to the elders, and to the spirits. As days
passed, Stenberg knew that Henrik will have to go to Rite of Passage.
Henrik spent most of his time in Lupus form, but not rarely he was in his Homid or other forms -
learning to shapeshift instantly. It was the whole new world for him. How to use fingers? Damn...
How he is supposed to eat with.. spoon? What's wrong with teeth only?! Language was the
hardest thing for him to learn it. He knew only basic stuff, and only simple words. And even if he
lacked some human attitude, language and other things, he was a good warrior - he proved
himself in battles with other cubs countless of times - throwing them to dust each time they tried
to strike him. And even if he winned, many Garou shaked their head and would simply tell. "Not
good enough".

Stenberg, as well as his grandfather, was in the Get of Fenris tribe. And it was obvious what tribe
will Henrik choose. And so he did.
Staying in front of the elder of Get of Fenris for the first time is the even that probably most Garou
never forget. With pride, power and strength, wise warriors and protectors of the Gaia - nobody
would be relaxed.
Few days before Henrik started his Rite of Passage, one girl named Aisha had her First Change,
and unfortunately her last one. She was in the forest when that happened, few kilometers from
the town. After only few moments of her shapeshifting, five silver bullets ended up in her head.
They found her dead body, lifeless and with wounds. They knew no human would know to use
silver bullets, nor that he wouldn't run away in fear due to the Delirium. Elder knew that it was
supernatural hunter, but in order for Cub to become member of Get of Fenris he must be the
warrior, and prove himself in the combat with dangerous threat.
Henrik got his task from the elder and shapeshifted into his Lupus form, sniffing the forest around.
He got the scent of a human, and he followed it. Across the river, there was a little camp.
Campfire was burning, and meat above it was smoking - giving the comfortable scent of the
roasted meat. The human was lying on the ground, sharpening his dagger. He didn't had idea of
what was about to happen. Henrik slowly sneaked to him and ambushed him from the shadows
of the trees. Henrik bit him in the leg, and he screamed in pain. Hunter took a deep breath, and
pulled out a knife. He had a knife in his left and sharpened dagger in his left hand. They started
crossing each other, and before they jump on each other - threy tried to read each other's next
"She was the threat for humans", said the man through his teeth. Henrik just growled at him, and
jumped to bit him. He felt his body was somehow affected, and he just falled on the ground -
freezed with hunter's supernatural power. Hunter made a fast move toward Henrik's body, and
made two cuts on his body. The dagger removed his skin and knife sticked in his meat - cutting it.
The gray wolf almost whimpered due to the pain, but then he remembered what father teached
him how to control his anger and rage inside of himself. Using anger to shapeshift directly into his
Crinos form, Henrik striked hunter's head twice. He cutted his cheeks, and broke his teeth. The
man had a mark all around his face, as the claws sinked in his skin. He screamed and falled on
the ground, and Henrik took his hand and pulled the man, punching him against the near tree.
Lifeless body of a human dropped on the ground, and the knife and dagger flied away. Henrik
took hunter's body and separated his body and the head. He took the head as a thropy, the thing
to show to his elder. He letted out a loud growl, and few birds flied away from nearby trees. He
assumed the form of a wolf, and with human's head in his teeth he slowly jogged to his pack, and
to his elder.
He dropped the human's head in front of the elder, and sat on the ground - he licked his teeth and
looked his elder at his eyes. He was proud.
Once he entered the tribe, Get of Fenris, many things he learned. Not only that, but he learned
new gifts, blessings from the spirits, which they gave him after he finished quests from them.

Another year passed, and in this time Henrik progressed to the third rank of Garou's nation. But
he decided to move, as he wanted to experience new things as a human. He knew that there are
many prideful and strong werewolves in America, so he headed there. Countless weeks he spent
traveling across the country in his Lupus form, his journey went quietly. He was normally running
all the day, stoping to take some rest and to eat and drink. Finnaly, he decided to once again to
get on the ship and travel to one island. He heard that there are many werewolves, any many
legendary elders - San Andreas. First thing he learned about that island is that it was really small
one. Three small cities and few villages. He couldn't decide where were the werewolves, so he
tried at the mountins and the forests. He found nothing. But one day, when he used his Homid
form to travel with local-machine (it's a bus.), he heard it. The prideful howl, the call of the kind - a
sharp pitched howl followed by a series of brief staccato bursts. And he knew he is in the right

[color=orange][b][u]Out of character[/u][/b]:[/color]

[b]1.[color=white]Are you allowed to roleplay tame wolves in this server? Why do you think it is
prohibited?[/color][/b] Because werewolves are not meant to be pets nor tamed wolfs. They are
protectors, wise warriors. It's simply not their nature to be tamed.

[b]2.[color=white]Are you allowed to shapeshift in public places? Why is it dangerous to

shapeshift in public areas? What OOC punishments could you suffer?[/color][/b] Yes, I can, but I
should not. Because not many humans knows of supernaturals, and shapeshifting is not best
example to keep them from knowing that supernaturals exist. Administrators could easily race
change me, then race change all of my exclusive races. (which would be, in my case, my mage

[b]3.[color=white]What could happen if you ventured into the town while in your wolf form? Why
isn't it a good decision? If you were to go as a werewolf in town, why would you do it?[/color][/b]
Many humans would probably reach for their weaponary to hunt me down, and kill me. And I,
even as werewolf, need to roleplay fear of weaponry. Well, my reason may be to hunt down the
vampire who attacked our sept. Not going in the middle of town in Crinos, but few meters from the
forest and the shadows of the trees - that's fine by me. (The Delirium)

[b]4.[color=white]Give an example of a good reason to shapeshift in a (more or less) public place

or venture into town while in your wolf form.[/color][/b] Attack of vampire would cause me to
shapeshift into my Crinos form in order to defend.

[b]5.[color=white]While in your wolf form, do you have to roleplay fear of weaponry? Justify your
answer.[/color][/b] Yes. Even as a werewolf, who posses supernatural regeneration power, bullets
can kill me. And my character's death is the least thing I want.

[color=orange][b][u]Player information[/u][/b]:[/color]

[b]1.[color=white]For how long have you been playing on Vampires, Werewolves and Humans
Few months.
[b]2.[color=white]Make a list of your current and past characters.[/color][/b]
Leonard Wirtus, Nicholas Redding, Jack Harisson, Leonard Pooern
Nicholas Redding - clean admin record - vampire of 12th generation - Lasombra
Leonard Wirtus - clean admin record - Arete 3 mage - Order of Hermes
Leonard Pooern - clean admin record - Indenpendent ghoul - Potence and Auspex 1
Jack Harisson - clean admin record - human
[b]3.[color=white]Do you understand that you can be CK'd or race-changed at any time if you fail
to follow the race rules/roleplay your race properly?[/color][/b] Yes, I do.

[b]4[color=white]Post a screenshot (embedded with [img][/img] code, no links) of your admin

record and activity (include each personal account):[/color][/b]

[b]5.[color=white]If there is anything you would improve/change regarding the werewolf race, what
would it be?[/color][/b] Nothing, really. Darko wrote many tutorials, there are lore books and
everything I need is in darko's guides or in lore books. Everything is perfect.

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