Board Resolution Template Updated 102516

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Date: March 18, 2017 Agenda Item :

To: Dr. Kelvin R. Adams, Superintendent Action:


Other Transaction Descriptors:

Action to be Approved:
(i.e.: Sole Source, Ratification)

Select Here Enter Previous Bd. Res. #/or RFP/Bid # Here

Select Here Enter Amount Here

SUBJECT: The subject must include: 1) Action to be Approved (see above), 2) The Vendor Name, 3) Dates of Service,
and 4) The Cost of the Transaction - Sample: To approve a sole source contract with Public Financial Management (PFM)
for financial consulting services to be provided September 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 at a cost not to exceed

BACKGROUND: The background must include the data the district used to determine the need for service, the kind of
data that will be used to measure the success of the service, and the purpose achieved. Use an attachment if space
provided is not adequate. BACKGROUND MAX is 1500 CHARACTERS INCLUDING SPACING.
Accountability Plan Goals: Objective/Strategy:

FUNDING SOURCE: (ex: Fund: 730, Funds Center: 40425-01, Commitment: 641101, Internal Order: S397YI, Grant
Number: 2014-TI-A-SWISS-1234 Note: Internal Orders and Grant Numbers are not applicable to every Fund Source)
Fund Source: Requisition #:
Fund Source: Requisition #:
Fund Source: Requisition #:
$ 0.00 Pending Funding Availability Vendor #:


Requestor: Melody Ellington, Director for Budget

Angela Banks, CFO/Treasurer

Dr. Kelvin R. Adams, Superintendent

Revised 10/25/16 Reviewed By: Reviewed By:

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