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Jhustin Ancheta-Czajkowski
Title: Intro to Pythagorean Theorem Subject Grade 9 Mathematics
Time: 75 Minutes Strand: Applied

Desired Results
Lesson Description:
Students will learn about pythagorean theorem, how to manipulate the formula and
how to find the height of a 3D object using it. Using 3 sets of squares with given side
lengths, students will investigate their relationship to right triangles and then apply it to
finding the height of a cone.

Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations:

determine, through investigation, the optimal values of various measurements of
solve problems involving the measurements of two-dimensional shapes and the
volumes of three-dimensional figures;
determine, through investigation facilitated by dynamic geometry software, geometric
properties and relationships involving two-dimensional shapes, and apply the results
to solving problems.

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations:

representationa^2+b^2= c^2;solveproblemsusingthePythagoreantheorem,asrequired
Lesson Goals (clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, as if asked the purpose by a principal)
- Find the length of the hypotenuse using Pythagorean Theorem
- Manipulate the formula to find other side lengths
- Be able to find height of a cone or pyramid.

Success Criteria (teachers will identify the criteria they will use to assess students learning , as well as what evidence of learning
students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge and skills ; in student language)
- Completion of work sheet
- Completion of homework

Assessment Mode: written
Assessment Strategy: see if work sheets are completed and quiz, collect homework (next

- cut out answers to square root questions
- pre cut strands of yarn
- Attachment 1, 2, 3, and 4
- Computer
- Smartboard or projector
- Green, yellow and red cards
- scissors
- glue
- blank pages
- protractor

Lesson Format : What Teachers Do/Say

Motivational Hook/engagement /introduction ( 5-10 min) Minds on
- Start of class hand out answers to square roots of numbers on paper to students.
Say a number and if a student has the square root have them hold up the answer
(DI Technique).
- Get students in pairs to make right triangles out of yarn and ask students how they
know they have created a right triangle

During /working on it/action ( Hands on) What the students are doing (45-50 min)
- In pairs, hand out one A card and one B card ( see attachment 1 and 2) and have students
record data and observations on attachment 3. On question 1 (attach. 3) help students with the
constructing (instructions for constructing on smartboard). Students should see if triangles form
after constructing is done. As a class, go over the observations and see if there are any
relationships between the areas of of each square for right angled triangles. ( should see that
area of a + area of b = area of c). As a class make an algebraic model to show this and make
sure it is stressed that it only works for a right angle triangle. (a^2+b^2=c^2)
After: Consolidation : Reflect and Connect (15-20min)
- show powerpoint presentation of pythagorean theorem and have students follow along on
attachment 4. See if students can manipulate formula to find other sides of square. Use green,
yellow, red cards to see students understanding of concept.

Extension Activities/Next Steps

For homework have students construct 3 new sets of squares that form right triangles that were
not used in class and how they know it is a right triangle. Have them share next class in
partners then have a short quiz.
Attachment 1
Attachent 2
attachment 3

See instructions on smartboard and draw your 3 squares forming a triangle

Card A Card B

2. Fill in the chart

Card Square with Side Square with Side Square with side Type of Triangle

3. Share your data with other groups and complete the chart, do you notice any

Group Area of square Area of square Area of largest Type of triangle

with side a with side b square with side
Group Area of square Area of square Area of largest Type of triangle
with side a with side b square with side

Instructions on smart board

1 Create 3 squares, one for each side lengths given on the card you receive
2. cut out squares
3. Position squares as the image shows

lue squares into position. ( in notebook or use blank page)

5. Label the areas of each square inside them
6. measure angles in the triangle and record measurements on diagram
Attachment 4

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