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Second Notebook Notes an wha Qarely Cruel anak. we: connection. wu Calule Chevsti anirey compled, by +l ,abbor sp} Daleag a+ Leawatbeaa Zeek By oun onm tRadicims re Ruod-that aug oun auordut Chersnan Faith has aselid Lik woth he eacly Church in cche Nese Gast. 34 came our of the Lauds f Palestue oud oor does tasey sone Sudae, Forms, Art the same tus, despre the Keapuy 4 the old Sabbadk , che caloulasin af the time Yoo rche Goal Frevlay ah Sabbach bara based upon rehe Srame olondar for Passever , one Dould be migquided ts assume uae tha es: Cuore 2 iz etme to us das but a sect gf Judovem, And, alchough whee mam See of ma Chdiceyaney hed been eeqaeded by our eee aacestors xo hue bean slat. ah feeusalen Rather thaw Kome , by wo means A our sum cluoech Pachees subscebe- to such @ docteve ae that ache Ghirmtes, We Were never subjects of cheKomanSee , but Weee naer eaher tainly auoches sect of(udaiw. "Che Ghee Freed us he aule of Wosaie Las” ws unpered, by che faBoh Sele padsts, senikes A PAR ees Che Chase cutesduced to 15 ae lanmnéete losing God tin plede of the stevia, jerbows ated TEM afl God ofthe old Cencdmens, Cue fowebcuy acid the dords Aud sew vous of Paul , bur adeee, som amiQae bit Oars of a0 Gade waglir fawes apparent AL te bo. On eadentton of fis owe makes - Free £6 Ray eaely rues the foes of oun oom chueel fs pe aupon rele Foun Y Yospals aud suche ether ARLDUNAS aveick QAMe our Hay, dDucleowks schers ager © Saadung beew a rR REA CAVAAR Die the Ol Testament of the Bibles on the Opist- les, OF is mtewesting te wote: that our Pou Sasa 3 shou Cg rent auctenest Gn the Book et Poalms, Yer tha dary oanky church eame- to we Am ks Sem in Che grasx Lis u Trade wer, yen bean sat forth. Comsarily Sue Lord ‘esus Cad not praaticed, complex aites avd. eituals. there is Arery clean conneerton of the chuneh of oun Porbenes Wich rhe Uueches Ads Miron aud Cqype wthis hes coma down ta “a by Day of oun, oun oral ~enaduiumes Bud, at 26 alse often wu eaeened by aleyirg ands wDeutars of the Contemporary _desermcdauses ey those eosrern ehurales, Not dong before the tule of sehs wang Deipurg FR OD vet “Rass jon orrhodax. yrese sf S8 Dunstan of Co pnarclanny 7 ash Un Crtorudell, Yeu Feduud, % Stat to we the folledeng aeertise Duh tc thy Seek ef Wereoprrian Senaphim op the Boprce church : “Ov. ther Tadil of che Sater Copele Moule te Teslud” the- Coptic. Orthodox Unueck bas long Kaoun of he Weterie, Laks banteea thE Geutish Isles mud Uceistau Sayer, bux documentatun and Solid oridenog 16 thin on the ground Ge these cawly cenmueas of chuech history Thera ane latenecd aeticles by Wortque Glawe- Ontolan of-the. Wasee- bee diets corauts [Paris , aud “Picerc- Dio Bouguert of wha Louvee on Coptic aud Tere stew”, aud by Yoseph F.C Kelly 4 John Carrell “lt werstey , Cerelaud, ols, on “Coprie Tuflucnees uw the Betti Leles’ de he Qoptie, Eneyclopedsa. sorluch ace Dowthe consuburng . Other Deeks , Ake. Sey Coulson’s “the CeltcYear’ auch asseres chow “eather than adhere te ole ula oh ches ouaeal C of Chaleaton’, some of the west dada “Med AdLenents, of Mono phuysteise fled Prom Saupe, aud sown of hate Mmest surely aevelled, west ed wrth te Tecland Gy vkeue aacduastacen co sovablide a link’, wikee ap Mae ts Ledley de (awd adrdenee Derk sheen vtec tue. “he, Lac. Aucebd ale Kang nored cha luaWVe be. s% neared vlene muck of the toatact vork plaice before the Washi Conpuest of B40. Cheve exist eidenee of tuscan, Coltic Leeland auc Loptie Sagye tk evi aAWediternauenn trade in a suudle passage g— St John cheBusqwer Clounes WM elesmond, Genel Parriancl <} Alerandena berileen blO-bal, in Meck, Reference us made to» cessel, saskiig zo Men- andeia front Brian adith a tego of tin, doubt— less come Leow Coenaasll on Somerset. King cbseeves that the Kud of aseereisms assouared Dith the Desert Fathers das especially congental to the Crush , bur Rafars to Dom Honed Lecleney’s suggestion thar Gels Wonastressin das ane. deeured Peon Qype, aA ws uMsubstaute ‘ated hypothesis”: > NS serious histor, however, Bould deny thar Srese-houd Kuouledge of whe- Desaar Fathers Was brought ureetly sto the Soudk of Gaul by st {olan Qassiaa cond three lee Lles batdleen tha Ste Aud Jallican chances oaks specially aus Acris paris) “Roig nevertheless aduues leas rele geeupey toqachee of soteeal seaall chusches duluw a eashall on fortified emolesuees seems to support ledlarcg’s Wav’, Kueg mentims oa Ogham dascenption ona steng near StOlaw’s Well inche paesh 4 Dqha- bulloge: , County Cock , wich scholaes incerpeet ag Reading :"PrayCon Olan the Cgypecu’. Pefessor Stskes +alls us about the Tesh Wonk Deeul , who azound 825 Deore his ‘Loew SeMensuce oebis tare! deseeiloug ther pyrawids as Dellasan auclewe precursor of the Suez Canad. Se Would Seewe dwar Egypt: das often vigucad by pulgeumes tothe oly and. Stokes Mastamees che ‘Sabrair Na Rand, aa ansteolegy of biblical poems arredutad co Gangus tha Culiee, buc vontaung the sith on solenche caweury “Book af Adaw awd Git, composed wm Cour aad Knoum inno other Queopetn eounoeey accept Leeland, Kueg also notes that owe of the commonest WAmes Jor. -tommlonds on praishes is Disert oe Veseer? a solizaey place: in dle, anchoates dees eoe— ablished Presumably che samme. weyrclogy, ques us Une Seocxes “Dysavex?, jase north of Kueculdy anal che. Valsh, ‘Dyseath’, coche south of Prestatyn? "har Qould chen peesaut & Consistenc plesure- rowwon tv elie Chevsrumey, Che Waerspavlogy rf Comgus whe: Culdec-, au. carly ninth cencuey weomaretie bishop of Clone tage CCoumty OV Flay) aed beeen, fCallaghe ban a Leese nual "Sede w. stonkis, of Cayo Lo Dunert, Uiboiy indole: ray aud, sheough fesus Chaise: ¢ Mhoefess e, he wows Ogipeced dm Disuerts Wilairg). we The Antiphonaey of Bangor ¢ Aaeeg fro between 686-691) also contains the, wast : ‘V.TDomus delicis plank Super pecan doaspaucty Naemon Viner Tere. Sx Deqypte PRIMEOUIN ~ uduch it veamdated os: “Meese full ae delights Bure onthe rock Qucds Dadeod, tewe Winer Teanslared Leon Byer aaa This Watrapalran goes Onto teh us mora- un Peqacd to tha ‘saren monks’. and tell, as ales of the Locarion of chair, graves t " Paavubense sudaubtedly par ves‘ “touchy ubth Fr, Feangal Paracel, Wigeady, prrest of- Ballywane,lounsy Amerin cn theRowam Carhobe, Discase- of Down aud Connor. As Dallaz baurg DR WATE of DowiPareelh Ceha pueuh place of— St Paxedk), Fe. Feaegal ag anthusurstie aloo the Breton chupches aud hells tes Helinces” Popa Shanmda Un Fuge asteem, Ye das deliheo-t ao asst: With my Geguuates amd areny s00% ade gentagt: ek toeat {ws-topaans , oto aaa, ches Real source: cf the wfhormarun ule weed. “pe Cahal Dallas Sganenclogise aul Hse- onesh Consuberue, of Bablyessvler, Couney Qutain, Adanubed Diseer Tlidh on trbaigh sath Dun daseet wear Ceumbln , County Dncein , aluch 5 to “cha Wrth-West of Belfast cha Caprral of Northern Leeland , betmeen Ballast Tncernation- al Airport and Compleparenls. + the sive ts “approached by > pach iho rohe sles ofa gazing eld 208-3200 ~uavees PeomPoplan Road .Jt is on ve staap wank ef Crumble Risse, uch tsa lange, Free. Pladuig Ree, but is moee than 100 wetees From the Waster. DBeoess is easy du chey Deather , bur wor pleasant after a haasy Rain.” Che tered sila he enclosure is very Rough 2 Che ground xs Stmaum dich bowders Dhich have dither Pallen on been aanoted rom VAedienal walls “Pasets of the wWedlgial dalle, cm places thse Lect thle and eovared wa lay, suRvive- on the: est Con-gabled and sourk sides. Che ease WAL eorrvaus two drehed Revessas on seclia, wed only about Pour feet an height, yuk peob— claly cml fedien jelous Pormchatanes Daeg alorred. sf ches cortanaute, on galt Stowe Aud, Wa Clee. Didling vor. only +o ava: verbally ey wea, Moser dserrunts lid wort erform. to thai, oe ,bur someunes elug seen zo ated’ wuoclee PRysieally. So deen tao, de- etd A snetances aShen bdhop: Deuld uweke whe power tthe seculue stase to strep a wival ef evecfis west essentisl, possassious aad sea how actually hams. Whusever bishops had beconter by the cle rH chat Gest ceumeninal counerl ot Nicaaa, a BLT AMD, che Pico Das veey often afar wey fron the posit § elders in the ealy church, Srdeed cha very fea of a caeritonicl on Bic ssan bulop on aedh-prizst seas wane: te hare been. dee ectQUsim, of Roma oversszashtip, wo A systene mhich Wad gree narwealy . . . Mt Chestian chiccol cedoe aud Regularuim, ok “a the Gushops Deee based as a mule lu the greece Buby eenters 4 Supurd ... mud wade stheie “ex cathades” pronsuncen2nts -to over rhe eunches within there entias and swe dioceses over uel, they q eld sDay. 9 was Shen these oc encledes doerenes of one eonter Mees: sean -to emf lek Dvth the sumlar peonuscements which releded af - ferences in theclogy ek other aacers the nee foe councils and aonsensus aeere-, Bur, what of these eounals = Whar Ad ohey addeess 7 At Dich of chem, om de all thew , das che persousd fateh, of even one member op che. deveah fone fred » oR wea eousdersAT The Couaed das che Spoen ef—- bishops, “they compared their votes aud ther Decangs, chev, wouter pretarius of Semcprurs ak then, deoteies, “Chey aarempted. -tp sate chat dled bs Dive ated God gusern WEA AB sues sek aA Daraedays aud the eruluct aud ous fuel “% demos Age, sertled ina degislauen, Thea bunbops formed ite policieal sours, webdle- cthiéen* aey comuassions , played wheue potcertal, pu wees... -foom. Mow? Ceacarily wee tee the falful followsrs 4f che. Verelicngs af rhe Cheap, the bodes J ole greet eves seam to have: adopted the stauce cf. over - Lords aud gerry Kungs adhe Vad wurered sure wml veebal aud Litenany dees ou ona ai otker. Qe is wtenasting to note that abthough. ye Gas been eecended that thera Dare buslops fern Beitaunia aud Gaul present at rhe towel of Cptesvs — and at che earhest: ounal at Neepea, the~ deaisims wade at such igererat Synod did wer muck aleae reba ougvons of these Destern Lunds the leeds -f che Celeie dest were wmastery-ceutered eather than under athe -ominirn a wey -bared bishops. thee ane che fret Seven Soumenceale Councils aud Thar matrers Wars supposedly Asaased aud rescleed : HK. Guest Coueek of Nigaea in $25 AD. ouRad by che Qupeaoe Constantine, At elle courerl Aadatem Das Rapudiarad as O45 Quoetodesi- Mang. heck. ts say joka pethod wah, Wad beew oy, eat ga ike calenlaron at Passover aks Yow ‘ee! the Nisene Greed was also adopted at this counad, X2. Frese Consal of Constausimogle Cal); the Nicene: Creed 0s revised vite she Poem wow” ated by che malasteatun Casteen aud Oriewtal Orthodor churcies ... and peoubrtad any Perm ther altaeaum e+ the Ceeed drvhouc chee assent of- an Coumenteal cowed . AS. Coundel of Qo Resus C431) epudiarad Nastoraamrsm 5 procured the Wudgin Ware, as the Chentddos : “God Beacer, 1 OR” Motle of Jed” “Chis conned aud all echens Fellode Wes wot been Redegnljed by the Assyeun Chuck ofthe Gast. AH. Council of Chuleedon C451). mefured whe Cntycluan docteine oP WonspRysttism, desercbsd aud delineated the te warueer of Clues: Human ded Didue ; adoeted the Chaleedonue Creed Cha aud ath Gollodurg Councils are not- Recagatgec by che Qricatal Onthrodon Communion, WS. Secrond Coauerk of Constantinople (553) 5 “Renaffi aed Jecuous and dectames explanted by peencus Counce ,dembamnecd wow Revita, Nestorian, aud Mimaphyscte wWeeage, > ry 4q AS, Third Council of Constantenople- 680-6915 repudiated Wowoekelincsm , atummerd chat: Cese tad beth human aud. dunres Dus, He Blse in 692 che Quinisesct Coundds Gounedl in Crulle this Das yatuly aurtediate 20 sabe: counc char eased some local careus co ecumenical stams aud established prurceples oF cleeieal Avsciphue. Se ic wt seen Ga wv Ful-fledged courant because it did wor adleces on determine waters of boowerive- Cle Gourd, wiGile: actepted by cha: Qactaen Ortkoder Qbuech asa pare of che Chird Coumaib Conerantiuogle, As Rejected by-Roman Lathes - % FB. Second, Couned. a Mieaer. C727) 5 Restenatem, of the Yeusraum of ons aud andet he Suest- eonsclasm , Tc i6 Pajencedk by wan PI Prorastanty Aemonmarins , who wusaed peepee rch Sater - wiimasio oh a Sect rh Constaurinoples of pea, Beh condensed the paverande af Aoows , The various Couneks aud the agttencpts on the. parts oP “Bishops to set clown whe bases for one ,all- encloeaniing Chereeun Keligun ee Shuck all beauckes aud pacples were bound tn bocrmve. ,eovenaut aud Lieueay : -w0 Fouad ond ‘uuweesal aud “orthodox” theistic 5 fuws, seeved vo usher in wore-divdsims, Less vaariny amds beaming audless stmife bamdeare the ve oe che Unrest chin could, only be wed. 4 is obvious thas o mh Ay Dotagvens aren. arttnding bighops ould estuen to there hewe Anesses aud banceally sgucwe whee CARTER ARIRES suey Wave Gaew rereued a ake parttular tounerl. ubhar is also que aldeut thee aseey opean “matters Deut Sue, beyond tha unkerpeatatio of Seripeure In So many eses , practices Dtch fud ewg baer Nusiacamed, even Pesu thee weiey early detecte a whe Apostles, Dera scrapped , deauedto be- \eretusl oud outlaued ey seen Legal dex, che seey freee councwl ar Nicaea is peallays whe bast example of lis Wen the toes Vemsend warlord. Por - daxervincie the dazer of tha. pass~ aver, (Genen the ¢ weceaRipeon) was ~cot ally dowd, Achay wth, weetly Vo paleersel pruwposer tr Woutel is séeme. ton emagic: fom those alle bad taken yee pas co keep the worked of ealeu tate ac led Geen passed to chem Peau che Apastles + baw selwas , to Goad. —chemseles +0 be Aeclared as bathe “in armor”, ce“ heeetics’, Wet joven to this jour own ccloy aud age, womsus bareches of Uerinrauey Glos the “emeenaus of thes om vehat. tounal, ~heweby cutting thencelwes ff Yeo other Uheictian Follasskps. AL in edb, che Counails appare eo hwe Wad wach more to-do wth the @aneoter of powenchae much alee. The Uneist had freed wen feomohe ealiquus Luss 4 a. priesthood wud range reheat tLe artentum slould ve gue toot eheough a veetumg tal , shady dialogue adith the Cagator . Whee af che Url Spunic an all f che haie-selir- the rh tha, bishops aud cheolequins 7 Had wot hase Clueatian leaders ban aden kus cunaless ly “to Rebuild the same aushority dich Tach eke Jade pocple Gad been Rell capes; a wad Sauledaan ? $v is woe by BAY WOU anpeatonalale. to sonsidar char hase woukls aud scholars hud Arudak to “” Destd aed teQaud Sud Beata in owen. on absent theagelves Feu ‘phe toned, Aud peesecutems of bod Roman cull aucloret add the Tyranny of the peeing bishops, tea get Reaton to do se dong before whe Couned Chabeedon the Celere Uureoly iw Ritamuca, Teeland aud Seotlard Das sell exploy s the pea-NicaerCouned troelod 2 erloul— Ate fre. faster at whe ume sdthe Syed ok Wineby in BAAD. De wast Remanbex, Re hug pomt- ie Mnteghat be berePerh toads ndenstaudsicg char fess Coundl at Meaer aud orhars wich Dould follow at later tices 14 Gistoey Lf De take the ecoumple +2 che ed culaxiina fon, Passover... dud Gosh Peiday... Bud beng xo ved cle eornomirg beleid she Aiseute. Tha teem: “Quantodacumancem”, Refers te rhea, perdtiee vA feteuieg the dace 4@rscen) Passover for Uveictulus onthe fountaauel day af the ofa Hebreaor week. of Nussan as cet fomeh wothe Book of Latitius 2315. Deconduig to tke. Qospeh “§ Gola i914, thes udas the Any ut idan) whet fesus Das coucified te Senucalerc, This Dould have bea on the 134 Nuc. € ComeRrotewe vueeye reed dhe OE ae Wether ie lola ola be a ea nunmce Lear UolyDay oud chewefine: Alecken de shoul, suatecd be celeleatok or a partcanlsc Sunday Jn tach tose Asa result of vhis, it Was becomes the wovecble Feacedey thar bas erme te bos called “Easter Sunday” Nou, the ealerdar the Hobeaws ica ludisolan one tule whee ofthe Ramans rad whe Destenn Umeck it ouly solar. Se fellows thas fon ee poole tho ace naeguarited. die rhe Dockiigs of a luisa edlender, sucha Calenjarion Dould be oxteenely Sofitel. Cok ahis ewson,asvellas a stem desies on che pacts of some Uneistrin lerders to digeance the Charel, {ream (udaism , the Chuech ale hese to use a Aiffer ent weerhkod Siro hae do ake seus +o caleulace the date fon Costar ... on." Resueezetiom Sunday" Yer, Qurctedactinanvem hed bee fasceed auemey Ureiserus oa Asta Mince, Bad de as fal’ so favs been che matleod spacfinally preteens? by che {llores of Galen ehe Apostle. Juche Seed Caasaery RAD. a Uspwoar- aprse wa ehe Charade regarding she cabaelarnre rR che Paschal Casteral Whang of the dhueehes 9 of the Cast celebrated thee Passover at the close of Nissan, Ranuecless. sp the clay of- the deel m Thich ix fell, Dhle che Chameh 4 Rowe and other chueckes celelearad Gasrce” ou-the fuese oday of whe deal’... Sumcay.. follow - ing the 1A ot Nissan. Ascowding to the Heitargs oh Trevaeus , the Rowen chuech hed celeberced ‘the: Sunday" Passover’ swee- che come of che Bishop DimtusT Tech is co say auton 19-125 AD, When he aged Apostolic. Faker Polyeaep, thar Siseiple of STZ cha the Apestle, msiced Rowe) in Coe ehout) iS4 Arp, he déseussed the Afferencer in Paschal ealeulatim wreh Busteop DWaieets aud du Auicsble eompeomse Dis Rasthed Avicetus concaded to Polycarie nw that ceoasion in Respect for lis Waly oflee, age And Cormected ness arch che BeloveL “visuple 2 Oute Loed jor Loser, one of tha Bislop Sniececus” successors ,Nietor. T bisbop of Rome ..tosk ie pow Gumself- ce act as the Soveres Powel ef che Unmiack che Pope... ud ches Sama bishop seught to caccommencente these— rfocbe Creevemn Chueh ho wntrawed to eal— cubtee fa le shloe Cnea Bowie ) 2 typ Fae ween soos Wolito of Sadie aud Colyer vee af Grleasus weed. aiccommuncented Calchough Gach ama stl Asted as Sanccs by-che Toman Catholic Unieok) . That fest Councdh at Nieaesr acd baen comlened Sore eke purpose of briegueg abouws ona, unifidel Form of Cneiserinivy . Ther Cachabs, Cprphauiie Deote- ta the: wid FF canary: TilThe empener ... convened a enuneil ef 318 bufops... inches exty af Nicer... they passed tertun ecclesiastical canows at the councib basides ,aud arrke same tue cleexeed Ue Ragaed tothe Passoter that theee muse be- one UMAWiMoUSs coneoed onthe celebrarum of- Gods fely aud suprenely ancalleas day. For Gheee must be- put to ene rule) i das Aantourly obsanved by people...” ASunday date das selected inetead of Missan 14 Calveh can fall ow auay day at the Weak), In Cusebins’ “Life, of Cowstaneia’ Boole’ ZB, chapror 19, eacocds Constaurcue: the Geant: as haauig Decten +"... appeared an undortly wthuag thar dota calebearnn oy} alu messy \ohy feut we should follod che practices of the fens 5 Whe wet Pefihea shen hauds Sith evoemous shy aud ave, theratoee; deservedly affliered Deck blinduess of soul ...het us chen have woeleng an eommou dith che detestable Yawdish crowd 5 fox oe have ecceiled feo our Sadiour a differ one tay! ae Se Dould act be too overly critical to wote rohat this QmperonCmstontive, seems to have ~vaken a gest deal Ab enncern and aurhorixy, considesturg sehr We Bas stl a won- Cleiseuln, practong, Pagan at the tue of ashe Nicaea Council. Surely too, x Dould wor be ancharitable to shsente: what the Barperon fies vec to say aloouct. eas Reaavieg defiled whete Rade , men oc Das Roms Lad and-Rowmin setdiers under oeders wie nailed Hesus to the ¢eoss % There had been @ cme Den ove Chevstuin open wigeniig caccher Deuld be overjoyed aud. veey Duylous to compare these Nessons and weleugs Deh partied ro Cue Sadiour aud Vus wintseey, Somaked , chose euely Chacstans ene wendfil of che exauglt ag sat Pooch tw the Fables Ay Aesop , Were ten bled mer str out ty -oseredoe- che elepReat: Grek wan eclacete 4 Wheat bee Wied Frew the ateph acc to ber a ball af’ he feb Wiig se pA eee Af! he fran qradpect thelonsse's tad, Jon a.comme. « wed ches, Le tuprcke Ag he had # 4 they Sere, auPancdar dich Recep they sucely bok aan sudeestaudieg ef such a quest 1 that wo adh 5 wot Aare ah hewn, could desceba, vies auimal on ces extrety , each wen had cower day Arch a paetul aurceestandeng ot agree truth. Ju the erel chanel. wthe so-called “Gevmvewre” church, Gheetidne dere augous oes aud Lewen atl chat. whey could. Se muse we been evident to then thea,as uc should be clewe to uw today, that wo hemes wand wor BA ewe of us, Can see the totulicy of dang hang eoncauls wot the vUrnAstiew n= Ourhord she Unetse aud surely woe even the uuest paet ob the Almsity Gade Chere seams to Lays been im place an sterstanding that Somes Bus vice her Aifer Dich Trae way Carer come to an audivdual while overs confaemed wax Vad beer fewed ... wide std other mecourts veauiie wad ad someccues Lnspuiedieg massages which Wud wor beel ered on related ae a tims peur 20 che oa at hand. De & wg aweiut Prue Guwre Geen -eald “way aumes over. thac we Wear, another 25 Spewlrig 4 mites on Sectmes Dib Duch one of us cannot Aare ,De are woe to eomclemn, hax other peesou ,“thoude De wy say," 5 Cannot ewe ageee dich Sax woe say, brocer. 9 rust poder clus, ake foe Dare Guidance and seek +o ean the vous tp Cre Wel Seuace. Ie wage wher wy anderseinding Gas war co mest ath sour own 5 o@ ae may leer thax ayoun, our suderestauding way woe be Wasreeliceng an yor thar luch Was beer qwea to me. In any cuss, all Dull be Retecled Intake .. co all hus, and to each ob as... by thee ely Spurce Swale, and fou some Reasons , by the wid-secowd cocietey AD. , bukeys bectme Juled worth cele oum amportance, Rater then he Sevacelsieg uel de wag: Seal tobe thaie proper. Semeauor Rubicg from palsces , eather than Leaduatg as sumple aud apeeeite: sllagheeds , thay began to ge far bayoud cha eole he HeMand of tha fleck aud begauto Qube as ~aoareles ,auter wats Leary squabbles VER md, pout dw Saeipture om Another, aud opauly atinel, chein fellows tn other hugh a [jces, Youecuie, teang tore ¢xtonumun— vegtan aed aur baw eleet of: ehene fallea ecclensties, Nig denne os otheestapeaat nies f The muki aud flo cers Aepe to vi wWecloue quastion the dictares of olcur bubeowe thas Peonuncamenis 4 show gene passed nu by “day 4 whe paash priests. Ths Wed beerne- the day o& clas an the Queies thacoedee. sehe.- empire, Bar Sur of the wovastio Cevters? whe: melds Rad wor beer un cues , wor Deere he Subject co bishops, Ie fase , tee. Coumerd f Gciae addeecsad chig ussue dn AS, Attamprine to pleee Mensstic centers under whe emtesl of bishops. ‘Yet monastic centers had bean aetis as cenners of faith aud cnetruetion, ourside, phe authority of the bishops aud thew erty-based governed: fon a very long tues aud hay Dowd corte: todo so gor Wuanty Hotes -to egg. Ie Dos one chung for bishops to sit in dounerls end grace extended Powses to ~remaales and me another, but abbors aud Fouden-abboes tad weve been corseleal ae Reged Co such juris diatees wor ad they Requested o@ Raceured any form of ad, Feo whe cutesy aud parishes Vv woh yet Ge uw nein ‘geoqeaptieal ancr. Werther did abl 25 of the Gishops eetuen to chen Gomes dresses And toll nthe donsausus pace whe eounedk Freon aah, whey Bere ee To Ranuen to the Uk Gendesn the Cheech mW Bartaunid oud Sealand andthe wonastic tradbopn ich fad eome owe of Rayer: Oe should remember -chat the Fora- ation aud wonsstreism We Ogyee wld woe tome our of Aarauder. jthar concer of a Remainseg Hellewe culture Andrhe seat of- On amportaste bishop, bur racker frerm rhe mature Copes of Sgyee yekese Cnderaus Ro dudele on the Delaa of Upper Sgyet weet Ar2r berdeen Aswan and tha Wediteerucade Bact Lie, Vhonasticlew began as Sclixares sougher +o le in besese vlires’ wurck as wehey Vad seen Johu che Baptst to hase lied. In time others Dould acrach chemsgelues to suck sel- copes ag Macigles aud seudenes.,, Thre led to the estahlislnest 2 commuiucies op- “ronkis aud students, Aeseing wu small detached vats on *ealls” These small furs Dene ofeen werdes of Stone Lae mebur shape of the old seyle- hae base Miche te bey) Rounds ands Rowmd— 2h founked—tupped but the foam af vee, CA Rady aol hice Js os the smullen of tors’ pouted cud. of an Agq. Such a stvwaturc Js extremely Strong Oud needs na thaceahasig oF. Ret. dover, Suice stonen tan be lad up iv such a Jay as -to Gal Daxac to the ery top of the surnctira, Suck % yee of. Stemerues sag hr be bude eeound a larger budding » Pm ORACORY Oe church , Which Dold seare as vA tanter for, common Aeorien aud instruction, Ie spre happened thar other Jargere buskelinag West enone robe Raised such as 4: sexiptorslim. ox am Kitchen aud Refectory. Suck buddings Dold Yue bean essence, im the wustanced of mo aster censaes which served as plrees of— ‘The young pacple Uke aees sent to auch aeurees' Weeds expecsed to submis -chemselves to the euler of che preticulsa establishment as Ld doo wy abbot ..zhe Lackam! of— ~ohes qantee. Bask abbor Lad doum fg cum Qule- and eachabless on ‘mother’ did che same, de as sateresting vo ate that whle soma ef sthe: alboes, monks aud nung toyosad a machen saiens- dat. upoa theusslves they after vere a ete senaleescanding tn Raqaed te he neads ; oy thein stuclents aud monks in teaming Soma abbors sadthe nead foe a Dall-baloaua- aA deat, are eaclucliies @995, salutacsteour, NAiaws camel grarms andk aven Sroney, anh, wi. Some Dent so far ag ta peotide a be a We... and erenche ecaasional “ale Perse” Cabthough oe sae eles Thereby gle. pupeds ud monks aes tepuired, to sup-theie. ale aud sawour ix, eather chante alt athe Same , aTtuely Approaee weg he laad to giddiness), Some adbors forbade the use of stwong Amik alrogechee Here again ,2t ig to bee noted thet the rules of Jarious ceuroes hed aes Ald Lown by foundeig abbors The fect that such aubes AArid, Leon one eoucar. te aucther, seams vo have wot been an agsue- a Ay grest impontaueer. Grok esreklishment seems to have acerptad the Strong Peutes ef othaes Dithout Ay grart yeast Wa sex. here che projactin +p ada Sexy early chatocdy ulweh had never Danced empactad oR Paguepad the Subjusacens of oh Cheistudug co Me gwen Yorn ee Warde dow fer a feentor? bushes pe fern A towsoustus of bishops ar Pounce. ‘Holy Walls” Ke Wis porate: tL Gould woe be a digo essen of say Sent to makes monrin of chase: mer He ly Wells dich ave rto be found “whee cutee wheosen-~ lands shaze eaely Uneestencicy Gerd hae asrubbic ek, aud partioulsny chose: founder by” Gabic” reliquius ,"Cheonmour whe lends “do bor adall, “Beiciuny, Iecland ,Scoclind and Dales here Rewain, Bm Geer many of thece ater coueces, The same us teue im over Lands ohere— Caleie monks had established centers? Thera- as & grovto amd Spaug on the: far side- ef— whee Voountaur at Heidelberg ws and one onthe Island of he Rehan ‘a Soh West Gaemany 5 Some of xhese Springs and dells dere- sacred even prior to the aeawal of he Chateau wessige-, of course , but others are lek as Wat dere once the Daten sources fon, mowsue centers, Of course, oder he years they Save Tecome “Alay Wells Aes 0 then connectedness wre some auely Cele Sadat. det, wey have calso comes down 25 Sradeivg hoses baer seared, aud QuseGeen regarded as such by Chereuns at Pee-hrisedu Palle as Dell. Sede ae De Cid so vrany chutes to be den zy addeessing shose waerers teh pertain to sue, particular branch of Cnersrrawizcy Meher, certain wells Aeee lecared bythe Gunlers 4- cle, worssile sutes tn theue Wy “ELLE, OFR 2h he comers Reece founded in aheesdy boty places of the ld peligurn May ba Amatter, oF qeear meaeent aud oven eo Cartan amount of Conjecture on che paecs of waaay husteersies aud the. levees of weyseseres abke ,yet it weed wot ba A matter sp too meek deighe for us ect alc ture, ‘The delle Lave coma downto us and aee stil noted even yer. Some ace moee mote) hon othees suchas the “clootia dell” near. Weratoche cache Bleck tste poet a} Sndeeuess, ertha Dall oe Dalweally ae the North Gud k—- Lech Que ... heh ts aencss—Peom the present day Pelee Statin thee. War ohare are ftan stil tended, abchoude sineually aunkncum , swoln at thas ae Appin ‘a tha aires just Nomsh “f— Oban. Somehow ove wey Petaah, On 2ffeatng ot flowers ac asa such An chserpe sube-, Old udays die. hued aud thees is enyee, aPeen comtunds of Roman Cutholrersm, stern Cay eecsn tad wubolieding praginactucu, and Seeenee, Some prople Obe fect whe need vo \acepete, the old Be walls Speers, Toke toner aad genres af amerenst. trees. Je shoul came: ag wo yeere~ suapeise, ths Yeceraron for anmeur forms, Fem wiRencle: ope ashes ery often, tha: sary question 16 posed)..." Ae what seus fuanteony was the dd. Raleqlon op des Druids abardonad. and sullen did ke “giver Way “te the Chetsuan treachungs?” The answer, would, be. very hard. th “Que in taut ansofan, as clus question, u duselt. samerhing of an uncruch. Now, fusrony bockts tal us af. convartsions of- Kenge sad, hugh, chiefs and dertes une: suppled for the foundascon of robes “Waris stay OR ear bust we rte af. tonnensions" an, “ha sense of the: Spanish breugveg Cais ecanicy rts Par on Wests ; thas Franch Jesus ang wha- Huron oa, Dgonqun paoplas, ... oR panhas 96 19% Aud, doth Cousuey Provescauc Westra aries ae offs to China, om rea Solomon Tlauds, du athar dords, We are deny ape sco hud ye" tentansion" da chee, Sange- of cum sumertunes, Sa lighe ap this a ans panRuyps reguined “to geste + -vhe question Aesalf, Thane ws a yee Supposision thas aun elder Pabgeon, om ser oh hebafs fad been abandouted uh onder -o a; xt Actemedara Cherstiinity, thas peesuppes ition. os Wot DARRAnted nor WALA . There. appears to ber a, Stgatala body sf anidanne, ro -demcnsendte- hat he Briuds bids sown a grant Mrsreste ha Unecgtidy, sacking yro the extent reheat aang of aoe aes “co Fiquere peommnaurly as Ueeseiin Joundexn-ahbors of- mmaczemets oud Urestuin Centaws of Lesmwiin. des sey doube fad thar such ‘comeets” were tw auiply DAK auday Foon har had been fom them Many APES study, discwplines aud the practical ayplisatirn Ca aac, deseitony for the prrpose: of sawing adreue, own souls, Indeed, aver. sehis preseeupatio Porm on Orde Personal sal— Nancmn hs after 9, mantar, wore to ba Sound, in lexer eather than qaeler, Cheistiancty. Contrary cto That waeuny have, come to aacept 46d REASON For SAnly Merstinn men duck Doman vo soliraay on “Yeseae’ plices : thar 2 fda personal salar, the purpose Dag woes ba often thie ef- paesonal sarees aud Contan plactn, che beccen to astablish a canter wovements ‘ond, Projected sueanes Ws could Live on ectire Life wdvekont heweing cha Did inehe teass ve, hes eariing ye solitary slay Leaf in cha braze. ah day, The aetiPicial lughe ts such vehi aa way Rarely s06 wha stars. 3414 adfteale for ss to shu of sumele lieng oR a -euieg Shen men and Ronen Dene meee completa , Pese op shee , 33 TMaA- made PROPS aud anuichgs uduch De so Often SAtM40 Ree wre, Os must ask ourselves AE 8& could axdupa- compleschy drekerned wighes ard, ha KReaning eo duds and beasts, We wha Fave: tortaised eke mecns by Which We way lengthen ene carelly duiss, Keep suckwesses Aseage aud pain at bay J way vaey dell, Save lope matural muniaies 3 vor only those of a ‘plysieal vature but peniiaps sur payteotog ven on Gmoranadl, oas 26 Dadl. Wadtig plecsd severy ack, of our. efforts aud teusts ince vhs eegpreg of our. Puysieal Mypliscices ue is wor beyoudd Raton we Donde Wp pedhaps va fave dose wo small eontact: wdrth ou Syvelcvalicy, the er of qeng spuedtual strengths rated. musufices aed gesaran. amnencal wets -to che: Sqeeat UW Spucur slack we 2A “God. ts not only A weer Auciant prictica-anang tha Dereet Varker s ok Sgype aud the Essencs before then, fiwt cdl also Porn Oe Sree pao of che te adiieg Aud ewliditauncentr * cha Delids. Soe histories Vee Connecter anith the weuteLase andehe Deus ae stared -ultaie bale? thar clane hud beer a 4 wih aud Beecadr, some scholues snug tliat whe Deus deen tyrb. os Yeallnerteg wehuat ays etm, aa at whivge, poate aud adil aoa che, celavemsup of WL ithn the. whdwomrim acd tlt Weed Cosme a sential do Rao -thae he Deeds Weed: Wide Gued Wow os Aaede aid Aeaswicang Jae eenoved Lan Sunyler animism. Che pout ic had ree Dads LW she Qssenes aude the TNesert Cacleees, Ask also feud, ds wecagsdiey “co Rave thensabies fee Nase sematy for extended porieds sf time- for the. sake co desing” -thensalves tn the- expectation of - “indaleg” chensalues in & greater age Bayon Shacks tg Baca more Pere au “all Spi” Itech Rue whe custioue ad thee is eppporanl aud im — sorporaal- This tonsept dow appear to be ane ith @ cern enreesaliey > fe de Yad rhe Same peattices amang tekal pasples eveeyTuers: wrethen dust “Alves Warrpelon” sR the. Cardy Galece Saubs se che ” Vesa quere s wehe: Ueorigvend peoples of Ameren. St is a reartan di che tome honored “Spwitusl te aun jp even g “Spuritual Qeisis", thes ahseh A aw of Doman os “tore apart’ and pus back tocethan in a oery Jena ways WL grote spuevcual Vecders . gasphecs aud ~easchers sean te have arparcenaed his hethen De aes put an mud of Goin che Baperse Sellodieg ashe Yas whe Assexe readizwi, on of Vewlee Barakuse SimsedS toche Jidernacs oud loweeg Odd basses. Indeed ie Cele lore De meet with ths term: "Tibas" Tubas us a state of bets vaaduese 5 Of one's barirg an a menral ve spurizush state outside, 4 the pesual Beer of fume amigtance- 5 puRnaps bea @ “Walker betdear doelda’... oe pae— Geaps Qatar. Wore ia towel uth kat oe tecdvicinally cath abe” enar dorkl”, rocker ehetin. us "outer Derldl” ateee the oalyy uses Amen aud Demen wee wots sR vest eee luced. Wow ie as very endene het whe desiee. yor: Arenwarade: quest que. prowunasctly « a che exnly fommacun of Beata wae le Qeleie Lauds “Cha coe “Aesoee? oe ‘eset places” Pquees veey often ie early Aektings aud che astusl Dord “desent” is ei ‘HAY Deh aul Seush place names. Sy. cars waved bur che eaPerouce is alidsys bigk sad. Fieeckae -to - vehus, Da Sak hax Sheeaver the woed anne up: esse, digawe or dharaves, te warks the gita of cae aah fee ama e Of cower, Ur ofconbappones y tlece a so leeks men ote “jomae eee Kc doete. fi. te Cava aves We eral? “to 35 Suetounded by other doullba doragler, wack oh hand oudkcdeng ® Sappae cee: wmall Pe Gate , Aud daecume che et Tiel Vcd’ oy Aielle, ens she soliisney muathe favs bloss- acura ef lete Oe exch ease rhe founder, Wo Wad become & funder - abGor, fouud. ur to oe wecessaey to astebleh A rule- by Dlrthy thea, wenbews of te communecy Would abide-ts on ake dould ba rhe father or wotkee figures rh x Srudstic, Broa. The dicerples pe Students were as fords ywenbees , sdecepeiig athe leader — sp of shade Ponder. Nebougn che aute re one eeuree. wuche AufPer. Soma Tbe fem athe rule another. , che. Affsrences Dees Muice, sues and de ane ald a feding ourselves to ve net a litle ne ax bea wery much there fas aloays Geen held va common y che, Varvous ‘longer oa Sailations , Chess fas albays been, tn every Ca6S, A qeeat cdedocim epee a othe Unerse, a 2G eo tacrare ahe aqauiple, De the same tines , there has ahowys boca pee sexe a gear Appeececim of thn nated Joel about each plea; hae blnslle Referred -te 24 tha“ woeld's hespicalicy. The Deeds of— St. Manchu a Lerch sun this ap Navy del. wee he ome, bee : oF the wish Wanchai ob biatch "y wush, 9 sen rp rhelsuig’ged ance eters. Kung 5 ape a secret fat inthe Ddldenness, shat ce may be wy Bdallrirg, A seey blue , shallow well to be Saside tx, a cles pol fe vas ug addy SUMS theough als quace, ae che Wyly qhese. D Gane fed Derk close by Bepuwd de on every side, for che maces

los ain, Sause oe comonumccy, sche wecessace tuition ee prattde fre the youns svadest inthe 5 weu Carey of lustRuctiok . ‘Whur dis Groughe to A veomastic Center reat ob the Wine. Qryuag Lele (ronan prucaly fouse The ~quien over co ches dispes re heeuegler roth Gin Cok workers party Gt of cr hoareegally wera aud sole blake t could wor deyoet te shee under hice (re toaulice Llaket, for bee Gould (ane teraewele gd “Ut alow ith Mil eboa 2h wali sedd Gite hed staple yout Reba that fre had Veen quien nto Gore, A MeKd found nakeduess, Indeed, a party les dus coplice- weughe have bean co see-chat blaukdar ayes to the peonest novice, ary oth ewe, OR Gen to a PooR beggqae. em A Rascued, min who had been attacked by eobbees , stuecpped and heft toda. Aftee all, Sarm dhe. verey barguensigs 72 weaasticrsm te the Celete West, “Wonrstic tencaes aece islands of sanctuary aud healing. The examples of ea Goal Samacedou And Sates Maer aud the beqqax lene, never Fae Peow rhe woustes oF the works om mums, AE ue vs ap cradirwing nelare f ole aang « mq foaoure of she Ld the sek, other stad af edclorlan teal auube ful allow \or EfeaBkcs Cache, eamavs "AH saul allo wthe Celie Religious be concurs om as che 4 War done... Dith an occasional acyl eu 0 Remote priests , Suqqestuns cheat recy Selleo me wile aud ove Vicwegy cin, thee Kadg alo, grant oleeruce, das shou to Lnceueeres as Bell, Che Gaus Keo Ged fren the pogeows Lu England duet che Pau of Kung oben of whar WALL , they dere Quen sefecy Awd pesrecten an Scotland. The Teuglres Dewees toetuecd, aud Kdled in Frances , stepped of their peepenty aud rPten Lmpersoned an Cnsland 7 found an Srorland ahavcn 4 is believed what some Refagees fem the South af Geance- che Viekuus #e the Mogan sian Qeuzade C Chas) wees Recewel inca Seotlaud in the eaely Joursecath Cencury, At what sane tine va owe fustory , 4ust preor te the Bale of Ban~ nockbuen , alelough “Ku Rebee sche Bene had been excommunicated by the Pope, the- “Prelate of the Celtic Chuech came forth to qe Kutg Robert a kepromdnd bur wiel cc a plasstug stud sacred Rekes ees carered Gefors che Seoctsl Asenay ta -ther “yea 1314, Oo canbe safely stated ee a cfihsse hard and ve ’ eures, Ridut up to che tune of lee icon, sche: a, bishops “a Septland . wide yot avally aqeeeug adith alee tenets of she Celtic Church 2 oR he practices of adhe hey aabled " wominal Chetstias un Seorlaud's recker Regus, CAme about as close: to gunq m wd of wot of approval of Aut} ye e Auciwwr church. Seotlud’s Roman Carlee Chuech we ed to steer aay Veo, ae usu 3 Aad Mrat wien wees severely yeestumed Dee fed on wenber.. Woe semet the establelment aa Crlsien Doula che Seots expererce terals for Seresy or for “deteherae’, aud dhe Sette Diechewahe vals , Teich Went me few the better pret of te centuries, wee areeerble blot om the- Na story of @ paople, The gresvest member rE Gike buened, deemed , tortured or mdrmed You “Witehoraft” wees derly Domen, Calvan Was oboe allelse Patriarchal aud wore— vl jese a bee oly of mercy! Ware of- this WM be aclde esse fuerte em Je thes Drctke. Muhive Gy carpe ttice fie ts to Conseder ts OW Seem ce Gane Dean the state tn Seetlaed oF a (ecm che: pobre or weaascry wh ober Rimncie, Catholic tamales luce AK “the wiitune: ate she chauge: in puople anol there, spucit ualety freon thee tune... oe Unose tomes. af. hee oewudaccin, of a state, rekgow , aerctel, fanely te Yodan rues, “Che, qrccuch replacement a she alder oeder by -ehat of hee Romar clucecd, As seey Aigtende +o measuee-, for andeck it das a (gradual jearker thin a sudden changer, Re bad been signalled at dRithy and rele Synod there im BbYAB, das che Suds cUime, chet! a local wonseck inthis case Oswin | ang ae WNorchumbeia .. » declaring & Certain Sew Nees Chote ranricy -to be. whe Recognized chuecl of— {us realian , here cede even been any mentee Ferma mies of oe 2 eRCOg NTU, eh theee— Walurg bean any Lilfomances in Reqaed to thes hut S. Feom chat time ondaed, Kangs aud local eulers Doulsl be moved by circtmstances of ov Ieeud om euectuer to ARGH WA eeetarn churah eo task +o he Spiectual weeds =f shee excple BA thela realms, “Chis period in rhe fastory oF rhe Dest comeded ich the cise of ahe- Kugs aud Kutgdems vemselegs foe a weeny Chees wchere Gad been petitag, only cao qaverecans from conditaus Shen aud Mere Bhat dere— Kuigclows Gad eosloedk, Pen trulval eonfederarcens, aud aTrewe a Kurds qeeud faker wry Wave been a Hah Chiel Tha Celuc lauds hae aluays been pariewlsely Reluctant te gwe over cleus Woed aud Lact leyaley to a chan chef ow teretorul Lord co & central, sengulve are Qguee, Sts vo ee quested. a6 aidead tn she ese of Scotland the tesusfleeed of loyatey Leon loca leader to the parson of a wonsech had evem been wetally realized. there Ves were been a Kuig on Queen of Seorlaud , althoudh theme Sats becw a Kas of Scots , oe a Queen of Scots, “Ue, ampleacin here is that the Kang as Aveik ameng e wal Leds on Ciefs, bus wever, A mugrerlul ounee ef then Lands, Akutig L- Seots euled because Pche support of ocher, Weal eudoes , alk rp Seow Wad the loyakey qe close Golly Ufo Wed on thueie Lauds, Chee was abso a bond of Kinship betaeen Leaders oud radhewencs aud sery close bleed tes. Chee levees A woe excpect cheug char ges co bow vo thee cw bend chee awd een me oe Gallows es by che hand. Cowl af Wares yo qae bee pledge 69 yo or i: ibe Weg coubl enpoot enduusud te Logaley foo chic eauke cand (Ub af here Caxton Condewsely , uf Waedonalil Lowd a the Isles ode : wot place his faud between che tide aude of the Kung aud elected to eemcry apiet , che Ku vi of Seoes Ais eaguined to reese Dueh thes Hud, Wiel. eee ah auothen Land. Nowe of clits as Jun amy Day" besihe che poe”, bur cues at noche veey comran eb che desue, Consider (aur very chesely, Kutt che secular seuary aud the olureck of actebal people found ieself-esbe. As re sules of a com ohey Bees ae she Same Cou, The concept of a Nartowal chuech soll have beeu seay foraign. wa the Celtic wn, eemicaps a concapt lich could Was hal we mein tig ak all, Foom anctert tumes ploy baer Checseun teachers Rad come to oun Queestors , there hecl aliens péen a caste? of nen, and women A jeer Knortedge. Uhete mann Fumctirn bad base shee of \maincainting that body of kuottalge jt act as advisers aud. te wana also a Mstuumance” Role auneong che people of se Land. Rett was athe: woRy bouese Kung of thote lLdder, ef Learn aid pesowee-, foe in thet System. vune hands ..cvke historians as lt eres of ca cele tech group sock the seat of feeghest oe all (ences, hese Urbymen ged dowen Were qovce ally arcached elsely by bleed te the Faualies and each of theme could ave Geen aud s Fen dere, che 4 qRey su of che local ruler; chat rulers spizitual courters— peat. Asthe seclae overlord deable eel -these aspects of the"“ourer Joela aech deud oe cgeey “EON Conceened Gemself. dtch Matec aud the “nner dorll” AU suck wen aud Domen shueed che same geet body ef Katedge ,Gadeng wndengare eas ot hee ARAMA UU | plysceal, psyckolog veal aud speck strength, The \ooay of Cumsledge Dag sufficnently eTteNSiE So +O F adlewe Pe ene suey aditvaial to" specialize” an OWe discyelce \woess chan ocher Udiserpliies } wore than other brinds. There ere of coutse , aites 62 Rituals votuick Wad been passed doun rheough teadition, aud st 1s tole supposed that these Dera of a somedtut somdar nates cleo iow thee Vadus tribes and meng alos PRACTLITUARRS, er wos arg aOdPE vb CeetArm Kit]es oR Customs Lita: arene fa cungus qeatinys & -weader tn Se ee Wai ee rm pow tant efowme ti atroler scan ig lib hue: beliefs, che ( uy of weurly qeeatar, Consequence te ohue of Karousibe sd 2 the aitualy; isha Udmuld come te bo x cas a "keuegy" Boke Cee ee Che pont is that the idea of toeal Samus e in the practioe of Religie was a coacope weak waderstood wor, dasuiced, by che Coles md cba fuest encounter wich Chestanus Weuld ba rely these whe bors a wessage- and a bol of ae ley Gar ao had yer te Aeon oP a desire amon 3 crey-based Cheescrraus she had fallen ent” Pow ctth merkodalogy 1 the “proto-oerkodon” Clmraus alla believed inthe absoluce wecesstty of a feghty . oeganiged Wdeaeclul aud pacecaechal church Orth one fowin We deaeeriie aus Weungy ta evry corceruable day, They had yet to weet aut ecthaps yever ceudeastaed these weomaston -coevennisl Celeic Heestians, che Tepacial Chuee Milcurs au relumphant ,eb Rowe, Fe way even be posseble shat as les teachings af esus ; refer +f a fedaise, luck bad become eke Ged cugidm and bad, - woe SAME secchangs Came 2S A means by Shah a wiuee-comterer\ ee A&A eAnedal and . 2B ~Dewedigm could ecdefne Atself. , fer Chevstiancey Woas greasy aud eeadly accepted by wn verey leueuEl Deuds as che eeoduirgrgloey ef a cqeeat beauty of thoughe aud plibosopluy uch had been ,as it dere, an Old Testament” of che. ts. des a martee of some cucerest that, Cableic. Clueisrrains > Cohoughe fambide ~vteh elle OWTestament of the feos ,artched wo greet wupoetauce to Whar is retaced there ja least Wo Mors mpoetance-than hat dad been sto thee own baedic -ceadizion. In bork cases the veomds of human ceeoe, buman aehievement- aw some eather stro Daenings Deee tobe Yowed Further stl de must renember ehat at Das, often the Chezuan works dhe vere the \urse wo set Bown the great readies oF whe ‘hee Cycle aud she Fenian Qyole on parelment, Cle book , ule aud parchment, had come as a Chesca See pA means by Such ene checregh UWS suet Ccleic lee TD a see @ Continuum, Ga cy 5g thar Chess thicicy OAS qrefted Ont BW pus \eeale fey . Ligon” Poat-stock , dud Rather weeping ta borg a Blot had beeu tu place uw Cd oe plu a wee ete! Yak Le age Oheawe ele old sy been, Ue wew reac lame etme vs the wader to ol cguerteaie SMe tO che Sitece ened euslimmving A goat beauty wlach bad beeen to dedine. Ds Cheistianty began to tome vito the Celtic Lrwds ele places Much Gad -alecady been reqaeded as fly sites bythe old Religion AeRe Stern to comm ith eke, saueerty cutact. The early Celece eheeeale hid wet (ue ae a part of us mission che 7 aday ot abel, foems dud bekefs Rather < ae Daz eonsuleresd to be Wore Luportane wo buld upon aud ade te a Samerity aleeady % ia place than to teae dow whe plans of an existing social aud serectusl oeder th the dish to auseall semerclaneg ese te ats place, Qeleie Cheseutus chen as nou’, task’ reey seriously ete, edtas as peacemakers, Bfree alk whey Trad wot cone Apon ® Rebjion on social cedar Such sexed as an wutrebests eo CHR tIAW ceaackshgs , bur eather a Fach aud Doeldyren whieh they foul so be sdmirable aA great many Days, Iw a Sens sa they often a ADGA dalghoed “co Few Some Bras 2} a form, a “Cee ology ahechdy ¢ welaee. the cael, Christian eommuncties often eeflected tha eres ad ung grelvvies af a gusen locales , coupled dchhee sewage aud peculsectins of the Founder -abbors, aud as ras ale hea wmenceomed, Many of these fourder-abborts dere themseles Chestiuged Drude. Che munch and center at WMurkoen Kells ,Tona aud Aber Croan Céupels Geoss) somal all calebeace che Lord's Supper. on Bapesm acto wq tothe same Rate, but nu cack case there could dell be: aA wwerom obseeved Stuck wale fer Geom ale ochers. the cite Dould be the same uw aack ease jbur a Communun Wass wy lt be Gellowed by a geese Communal meal ca one place , Whibe another group of belrevers at another foundagion waghee rave A-tieadi- tum which eequired a sclenmn period ef peur aud contemplation. One abbot wegler ure chat bis works aud studenes deal owly Dater , Stle austher abboe vugiet allow foe Bn De feast on one even ‘ e} eal. weelk sawe fon thee, season cf Leur, Co the Christus of that tune ur Celate lands these LAKE A wecogmivem of cemtdum ferences , aud SFE OA ep Aww. -\ee Some samp feature whcebe yeiglir he les wel of a quem community, wen, me cdma te yes uae ane «forks pento- or leads Ueeoauun tool leuel. eb &: char ge: shat. Caleic commu ae : cl, obo conform to “uncesal” ae “eatholie’ gra ove tule te goveen all thrstuaus, Celtre cleegy Muay wet even Gave aealiged thee the J dere beur thaeged. dich ay Beongdoug, or had ales been said a chem by pReto- orthnadox Uisrtores -chat there could be wo Ladle found With hele doeteme, only duh the Loewe gy ae kt dhe Legg Apeled, Soir Was thar the transition from society and aaliqion wa Celete lands was a smooch one, samaened by Wolent destewctions of ald foens au, oeder te put A wed form on place, Indeed , perbips even the teem :teausircon” wueghe adh An AURMECESSARY Notion of thea hrading been Wy great ange at al, Thera had bean no sass consersions ag had larer caken plice by the Conrinenal Leadees suck as Clas aul hut Franks, Che clder pea-Craisdian Knowledge and Learning wdas wor wheogerhar Ayerrded aud-che new vot emmediace Ka “Ree Ags ot ati, at weaken aye, Afed learned men and Women semply meted as exemplars aud -cuxons to q the Sepes aid terbes of che Celtic people, ae Kuoding that on tame all Dowd be related by he oly Sp uelt Yee ,m-alee Lebece Lansls Ureistaucey Das fese accepted, and night feaddly by an tducared peiesthood already uv placer It is wot Rae wor Afteoule to observe char che majority off thee carly fourclee-abbots Were of chaaftainly or Royal houreficlds, The Celtic church commuctties flourished wud multiplied feom-the ffeh ta che teshele CERES , pee “men Gud Oemen of great learning wo wdent forth to establish otler wamters. Is stated peatioudy , thete "wissio soak" cs wot be Consedered, un the same lala as Uker of later Roman Cerholic on Pectestuct stonaeies, Often the Culdee’ Sould ge forth, te a Rocky sale: 2@ tmoumraumaus o@ Lovested Vewd. aMluch as -rocathy -aevotd of Cuma paoul- tun. SPBeendan, foe example, doudd Lud oul Abueds amd Puffing en wha Gaerctlah Isles, eis chews chat he bude a center, Noe s "Pex reat" Foon sen nneuncy was suck. “Che self erde te ‘deseet” ‘yu heres Cae@ed grey verry mystical sence 1 othe: Fawr asce try ried ‘qa’ Premtur Codd best ba, sacred. chaough Dee, Gila Gleb cice af canes of geearr spictuak enengy oleh would ue a SUSE, Qeveeare- 2 positue force , owe of- A Ceetain hotness Which Dould sand. fioetle x geeat Lglee to the Doeldy a meus oy Ruch “God's Odl Dould yas the Lord's eager states, "he Aone, on eaeth ag ic is in Heawen. Indeed , che Wowsstic ceuter dould act ag aud bacome, au Outpost A Yew on earth , The weowks atecl wus had wo doubt Dhateer that once such a Saceed space Was establshed woke Wiealicy Would sewd Fore a suffienane newber 2 Augels to quads aud Ditch over the communis» Fe ws also -doubeful chat che eudirdual cleeie oe ealinous of the, ashy centers Vad taken Fels orders for. personal salyacion. Celeie Cheistianey fas aliays steessed jas as the eace een today, hae fe i 1s tobe eelebeatad, pur xo goolute , aud vthat de are weaut to seese others, One Mee could babes: the eautims sat Goel by Our leed Yesus Regaedeiny Amy Oth Gh any one sf us vader we tedueds parsomal advancement, wevld lwe A Reluctance to ask foe eaten, status for Wine sah on Weeself Indeed, such wight even be seen by the cndindeal Kin jer self- asa Lack of seeust Ln God's mercy. When one takes on the- Helyoeders one wast put others before self-, One who Dorl’s rooaeds the creatim of sacred space leaens to carey that saceed space on he personal 4 joweney thecugh Lifes Bx the eorclu— sion rf the wetealy ofc 5 even net , the Cullee Remoyes fuss stole, Kesses it aud Uerlds ob sepeigiee Aad feats the Pouce clikcetuims pee- deAicanes the saceed site, ends Odd, rhe dords : "aed af te a5 They Od, Facer bet aren one ray ob Aegier shove Fonch fran this place to ewer one other whe is Lonaley, dejected og au Pere , that he emshe way be comforted by thine om Wereey aud love The reementously beaneGal Dorks that Srave come ont of hat Slomavs age, p beanerfuly uccalexte, Aud maufescacums fb dander (ul in — Sprertim , Seese as maufestacucs of qeeat love aud au cnnee calm Theey come to us Term counrless Amoywis Aetisang ded artuts aud Mich We see ace but a Leaceare of That : ~ lace. Racds by Wikeiigs, Nemmnan Loads, Gre che, eAnse folders nd eeformers Wave been wl Lestemceu, Greume Ubreaeces #9 been bummed aid on whe (lowes of eb ware Nest pecealiss Wane a Aid, éuibeardy eeed Limaus. Weral ebjers ed wessealk eee cAeaed off many to be melted Lou aud put to other sudess Wack of ahar (ais ema doum -to we is the Remacule : these whens Sheela Gerd bead Ridden aadny ok caenied eA pleces, of gre ker safety. UShar We see and so greatly admine sf that grtar age is bur the tovest pact of Rar must have. cuca been theee- in these monastic scutes. Sometimes ic Cappenecd thar a hele cou veuiey Dould be Lid waste aud ais inRabicanes atthe dewen Hf, slan om as fren Mapperet , soll suto slavery, For such Reasous some cf- the genters eee Sulugaly dete aud even forgotten audas wed settlers crme rcuro the, parceuler, ace hey wighe take stone Ferm the ued batdriigs for, che purpose of bidding nei Rowses aud byees. Che properetans of the Lead Dowd COVE to exawerse auchorsty aver theue fild— tags, eacake ig svluse acees Much hele oun aneestors Vad Let our Fece of charge to company of ealgunus. ieee Dare other eon ~ woumetess Lh Sumyely cemntmnued to rebuld and carey on as bebe yabehough aa truth, there a could be wo gong back to hac qeettage of Cebtie Wenastrerswe . ‘Aftee che Bartle of Langs, whe claus aud cuectts of Norcemen geased ,bue ar thes Same tune whe Roman Cathelic euch basen to take che erle as leedung eluued an the Real, Often too it would be Berecdietime- weuk’s athe Dould stat ta he rebuldieg aud whe dulregevent of tha old Culdee centers. “Geant. abbeys akse began te aise all owt Seot- Laud aud de is tothe eeedit a the Roman check hae thay Lefer many Culelee, centers to qe aldeys paud Wax Culdee sues ow Leeged. afcee Requisition stheey erated to Serer we and God as Gtk ahdaye bee the cane adith ce older chumeli. This 2s wet to 04 chat Seotlacd’s Roman Cathole bishops dee covally eruvent te see che vestiges of the rer. chueeeh in the same Kueqdou pour Ae us eo ther credit that vehey dd wot persecute cere, Mee Aollowed the “ald” Way. Ths wet too omy Stace af a(fan 5 You these tues ables Que a Continiem forche Cullecs aud an che equ safe he “WAd Seecs”, the Ueqhlnders, the Guha te cle ancces Wasa fall Sell hace the Chet serae vey awa many dther arcu eis peacuwed by such poole tity well beyond ches pale: of Seorush Ku q Led rec agemes PUN a tH Do came. out tthe wowwtaues seemed wor at alk ten Pander Did the Wass aud whe. Cheech of che Roman Path aud if -chey dil Wot Amnredios resprad as those who had been carechis wow he Kowa das jth, “Dude Seots’ sere ar Least respeetful. The eyebrow’ of a bishop oe priest sanighe ease vcs to an arc of confusion supgen cha, hermucy of Varaus seasows of the yan bean gy observed by youths Leapeitg over bou-fires oe Wariur Rites bang obseaved according to A cult A ateibal sat wm the Remote qlexs Couch asthe mituel saeni~ fee ef a bullock? on an island Lu Loch Wlaree), but chey dees also ature these Roman perises, shat Wey hlandees Ved, steong Aud Laseceg MARU aud a geet seuse of ae) urd chancey vem , 31 could be sad, “Well pebvey ae aN Chesciuns ax Lest, aud in time all WAL be eedeclad waco then Wan curler eather Reminisce dn aksal ef the clic cere , aid oe hide sould speed deeds, Faroe or asceptauce wrong cleeies of che Qontument of Quteope-! ) 3s So xt as thar the asendeney of the Reman Catholic Larch tn thee Wet gdom of Scotlead ced woe brug dow che custain for the Celeicchumeh at all. thubke Cuglird juke outljueg ueches aud sunaie. small cow nagatumns contumed on in the came eld Day. on Guglaud chueele Gorman was both Nucee alle seeweg Dad Nery wick 205 addeess Bony depretuecs from the nwle as Set Gonth by Cautenbuey. Chere hid been an exteption, as 14 imalizuldly to be the ease the Duccley ad Cornawth ..Keewod ...,aucteae, veey Celece laud, juse suf feererel wetelked dey te hide, wDay shee Such, che, Pech fil Fete should be removed Ferm oper vied. Sudeed as lace as the wid tdeutiach cencwey , Yours Fetloos dee bau Sent Olt of Coewesh Adlages Aud toms te PECAE eR whe Sevctaneres 4 che Cece 4 Cuglewd, laren to Retuen as erdamed peiests Sho Douwtd follow whe “stlen oay" Jn Scotland the eld sites ore hell 1» we holy aver afeer eleey had been clestroyed. eer Were ofsea sufficerr number oft People, ix che area atu hid rad connections oe mamemios *f ths Ulow Kun j demcans chat a soe af habe f quceckauas” spor spe van ap AN a4 Wiig suck deus Ebis de wae te any ehace Lose Gol fouwd -rhemisa lores te fin mde se bakiowg stone fea che wld acces te ba pat tn mes, ou thaw cashes on foes yoo iv os guste talleug eo wb tee whar 2as Aefe auicouled gue wot taken . Cyc as the monastic sites eedertad to che direc owneres\oip af che loesl lindouner wwhe local people waintueed thee vaunet memory aud mae Aucigut Respect. Belud aU dees sf thee, homes the td Sabbah drs Kepe, waaay of the. oll prayers aud ‘sume Jeee Lutoned dary Seon ake ears and eyes of su-epmees As ae number oh aneomers tneeessed, in more Rqecut tuiLes, otoeces began to be xold of some person an the aeea Do Kept to che “elk anys” oe ote etm younger. people Sho Yould daler off Se spices of tine aud s REAppete. “During the Seoerish wars of Qadopendance- vehe Long ‘dent? ce. sleapring Celtic dhusch was to Minake accel? Kwoum to tome out ohalts self-uaposad "Siceermanceyeectout »oretdle aud staudas a Scottish, gquideng Foree Wile the poleereat ched, Rome seat ensoys aud messages from Scorlaud’s chapter Gouses to thetelySee dn ACRES to Have exermnneacios paleesel aud Mnterctices so Ulead, the somevhar Ragged, Make on geay-clad cman spthe cld eluuech mate theuselues Kivoun , These men Want about as they eed always Sone, “Papal Recequition Yad never been avrler soug ter om qRauterd 7 Chese Vaueg Representatives af — Qalmodle, Sun, Fula Kertigeeua et alia Kye Sh they Were: Seotland's anaenc clureeh, Aud sumply set about tends to the Wounds of souland body of Scotsman athe dere tn Dems for theta Vomes aed couciey, Je has been ald to us that, sumce chose troubled, sumtes, afer, the Beuce, Stumet Runge aldays sougie whe Ulassuig aud the guidance + zhe Cole cheweel Aven auto OUR OUR timer Feom-che timer of tha Sectush wars ef- Tudepenclene, a geast many setbacks Sere saan hy tha Oldesale desteuction ef Libeacies Week 1G tha loss of Caleice Manuscripts utich Gave Often been Lard +p tke Ruling Boman Carholle wlueral “un Seo" tliud, os metualla a eesuke 5 aud Jevastatim emerald out by che Canlish Chis wn wo way exonerates some Komen Pothole. ‘reformers’ bur co set cle Reaored srtesuglel p-the hu press af beaks ced Libene ey by Po peek ololices de Sal ee menvees of ab clectmented Despite. an tinderlyeg Seotusd: nause, a wanum, rat rhe Boel wight call “patmvotism’, sche base theese contucces of Peotestant alargy ond fustoewus Dould peefse A qrearee Kuusluy Udith “peotestane” Cugleud's church than Weel Whar hed been Scottish Roman Cathuliascn. Fore lus Reason Fac cGeusme od whe Jacobire Risueys fase not beex geestet by Caluimuers as Cowele other ths ” Carholia.” causes; Rebrallisns agaest Sgt onder, which (rod been carers), ite by “ld” Seats... suchasthese Udo dees Catholic on Eprsce paler Lo wet Gere the “won juresig” cha rales (hea Useese: clergy and acheasuts Wad Failed ayy “ecto au cath ok allagiewes sco thee Brectish Woanah) Sn thes luge, Calviasm we Scotland sles a ceuly Aunsue: Pree not only 4d fee bet VERY Anpiots to ally axself- he " Paorastaut” Brest vwoware be , opposing whe ceoun Juen Sowa Wenaecks shoucsdA tendencies Oleh Dees leaned by ele wiuretow: af che Kuck to be “toe Cathealis”, coo” Gem this Light the Chand of che Caloinises, i Rha and burning wubh A eects ee of choir Resqurces @ud xu los ‘che, paliwmeuts -clucn, wee emaun Afeoe the dosoaliiteam af thie Seoutialy Paalerumant as i eh Rese of thee Whit ef che Ducglesh aud Saortesh praliancences ca 1707 jhe Chewal 4 Seotlud bacame the he freto ragvennnng be dey ef the Scotus people doch she Brenal Asse a ob che Ghueeh ob Searlad as tes denne 4 Shen, any WStton vo Seotliud in aut cum twas Comes upon ona ofthe ancient Ruined abbeys cathodeals ox thueehes he As ery apt ta he deeply ampaessed dith the absolute Yeamess ued. ceafismansGup 1s eovlear yen an at Pemams , aud also vith a sense of rene astenigkmant at tha feccaness of uke Les ceuctine: That sual epecente beauty ead baer Yeo was perl, Jerm Sects rocky hospitable bad ds ready at a dong testament to the, Fach, cu grea aud rk shall, of Scotland's people “Chat a geneeatin oh zealous wolos could, have, deaslished che Donks rR tleace aueastors? “we weaets Aud lurusls so veclousle atk aye such hata filled, Resale is sssey nearly Amaze: fet (reo ats bequiaregs ~v wert, Ue -reredle: spews ask biqewey of OLR ENT cene,, Caltarsm bie (a yen deers aed anges’, Con culleee. cameras , Deoulaudd as bene the Lath of a wane cheer yd \vercan 4 au wile (real thoes wap Maser eae as “fa yeagle fas been aber eed Maal, ci cue aula eune | Seotloud’s churches stied amy tr buble of the people divvewsr(ul of + possession of an almost Markisy uced vf bie, Oe can see thar peiaps the Galan Clue ag Seetlagad bas Acre vines todaede thee alteruy of the Seoeesh, wate tha aug meen baw of Cuglah Requnents could euze fase done, Presbytenuutsm Un Scotlid may be ceed coud fer paseneg we place a qeok system. ef edna atiak, and the establisomec He a Poem of damoemane, oder cheough che Chick assenbly Be by whe wide winetectl centmey plane dee -to be found coma nlarstees Jo Jere appeaeraturg + thease culture te ancextact, Mors oft he MUMAstees s Ree vehg ag they aid wehede stupends Yeo sche, local Land loeds, yteuded to act as the DRSUES oe factors of those Land loeds and peace ofeen Cound +. buve berele oO Jacluig oe ayrcpachy for whe cenents ute Veen lavig enreted Feo -cheta feemes. Tle atticnde of che wumistons -tadard he HAM Uand foans of wagia and ant u's ugha buc Kindly aud che stoeies Regecing whe bursa oh haeps , frddles aud baapupes are luagoncanaataly auseal wqprte aeeueate, 3h he Barrsh gomenment frally wepeslel the Lar astich forbade cle Weghlene deess the Chuceh eremnued tn Les precehnrents agaist VA aad barbareus costume as a Aung statcmenr’ op au aucrent Wesel day oh Life those Felk She paesisted ux eldec Ways eee fren nawed on lises of those te be elearced Leon the lend. Jeoweclaseic. [eon staet mora stable aud engage, peadueture aud clmough char weaus -to he cen sncmbereg $ Sooty aud, feeb (ol r cele Uareed Kucgolanés)s Of dorrrse:, aclue ald, “free t d S45 touches

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