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Rock Cycle

Comic Strip

DUE: Monday March 21st

Imagine that you are a rock. Your task is to produce a creative
comic strip or mini comic book describing the changes you go
through as you progress from one form of rock to another (The
Rock Cycle).

Must include
Minimum of 6 frames
A rock as the main character
A description of the rocks characteristics (examples include
colour, shape, lustre, hardness, scratch test, cleavage, and
A mineral as a supporting character
A description of the minerals characteristics (examples
include colour, shape, lustre, hardness, scratch test,
cleavage, and fracture).
Tell a story of the rock cycle not just a picture at each step

Vocabulary list:
Sedimentary Rock Heat
Metamorphic Rock Pressure
Igneous Rock Weathering
Magma Erosion
Sediments Compaction
Cementation Sedimentation

Day 1:
1.) Select a rock. Research the rock on the internet and
record whether or not it is sedimentary, metamorphic, or
igneous. Record three of its characteristics (colour, shape,
lustre, hardness, scratch test, cleavage, and fracture).
2.) Select a mineral. Research the mineral on the internet.
Record three of its characteristics (colour, shape, lustre,
hardness, scratch test, cleavage, and fracture).
3.) Select a setting. Where is this rock and mineral found?
4.) Include the concept of erosions, weathering, and
5.) Brainstorm the direction of the story and the rock cycle.

Day 2: Writing

Day 3: Peer review

Does the author
Describe the rocks characteristics (colour, shape, lustre,
hardness, scratch test, cleavage, and fracture)? SLO 2-1, SLO
1-4 (1 mark per characteristic)
Describe the igneous rock formation accurately? SLO 2-2
(3 marks)
Describe the metamorphic rock formation accurately?
SLO 2-2 (3 marks)
Describe the sedimentary rock formation accurately? SLO
2-2 (3 marks)
Describes the formation of sediments (through erosions,
weathering, and sedimentation) accurately? SLO 2-3 (3
Describe the minerals characteristics (colour, shape,
lustre, hardness, scratch test, cleavage, and fracture)? SLO
2-1, SLO 1-4 (1 mark per characteristic)
Include the required vocabulary list accurately? (Up to a total
5 marks)
o Sedimentary Rock o Pressure
o Metamorphic Rock o Weathering
o Igneous Rock o Erosion
o Magma o Compaction
o Sediments o Cementation
o Heat o Sedimentation

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