Video Conference Questions

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1. What sparked your love for climatology?

2. What is a typical day at your job?

3. When you study climate, do you look at anything specific?
4. How can one become a climatologist today? What kind of majors should they

5. Is your job similar to Jack Hall from the movie? How is it different?
6. How far have you travelled for work?
7. How realistic are the events from the movie? For example, could ice the size of an
orange really fall from the sky?
8. Is a shift in the North Atlantic current really a threat like it was in the movie?
9. Can this current shift be caused by the melting of glaciers?
10. Could temperatures drop low enough to freeze a helicopter?

11. Could hurricane Sandy have been prevented?

12. Are we going to see warmer winters in the future?
13. Was this past month of February the warmest we have had in winter before?
14. How will we be affected by rising sea levels, here in New Jersey? Could we become
a copy of Venice?
15. When will our fossil fuel supply run out in NJ? Will we have to completely switch to
alternative energy?
16. How will climate change affect our rivers and flooding in North Jersey where we

17. Can the United States alone put a stop to global warming?
18. Are we due for another climate shift?
19. Which is more likely to happen: an ice age or a greenhouse age?
20. Does climate change affect our fresh water? Is the California drought related to
climate change?
21. Was this climate shift caused entirely by humans?
22. How much time would we need to reverse the climate change effects? Can we even
reverse it?
23. What can we do to truly make a difference? Is recycling enough?
24. How come we know what climate looked like before humans were around?
25. How will we protect our wildlife affected by climate change for decades to come?
26. Can the east coast ever get a tsunami?
27. Where do you see our future, in terms of climate?
28. How could we persuade politicians and community leaders to not be driven by
companies that do not support global warming?

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