Critical Thinking

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Running head: Utilizing a Systematic Approach to Thinking

Utilizing a Systematic Approach to Thinking

Kevin Gattas

University of Phoenix


Michael Myers

Utilizing a Systematic Approach to Thinking


The paper reviews the ban that the government puts on the citizens. Many governments around

the world put a restriction or ban on items for multiple reasons and many efforts. The first

section discusses the pros and cons of many different government bans. This sections is to

generalize the idea that not all bans are one sided. The second section gives my opinion on

whether or not I agree with these bans along with logical process and personal experience. The

last section reflects the process of critical thinking I used to come to a conclusion to the idea of

government banning.

Utilizing a Systematic Approach to Thinking

Should we decide for ourselves whats best or should we leave it up to the government to

decide for us? In some cases, this could be a good thing. For example, China put a ban on game

consoles back in 2000 because in certain parts of China, inmates where forces to play online role

playing games so the government could sell the items they obtained to other players. However, in

Greece they banned video games on a law they passed to crack down on gambling machines but

the law was written so broadly that it covered all forms of gaming machines. This lead to an

arrest of someone playing a game at an internet caf that didnt have any gambling at all. These

are laws that the government believe to help improve the cause of their nation one way or

another with limited or any concern of the general publics opinion. What if the law is to protect

an endangered species or even a location? How about the lives of others which can be

endangered by carelessness or even self-gratification? Texting while driving is one of these

incidents where the safety of the public is more important than the message that is being sent

while driving, which puts many in extreme danger. When it comes to land preservation,

sometimes even the locals dont have a say. Yellowstone National Park officials limit the

electronic intrusions in the park by banning cellphone towers in the campgrounds and

recommended wilderness.

Utilizing a Systematic Approach to Thinking

In my opinion, I do agree with the government when it comes to banning things to a

degree. I believe that sometimes we (as humans) neglect certain aspects, to include our own

environment (and others for that matter) and need a group of legislators to assemble and gather

facts, as well as opinions to determine certain bans. The fact that some of these bans seem

unorthodox to the public is often irrelevant. I do believe that we still need the government

because they probably look at the longevity of the article or item and determine whether the

results down the road cause more problems, hurt or damage to a group of people or even a nation

as a whole.

The research involved to evaluate and come to a conclusion was difficult due to the

numerous opinions from both biased and non-biased parties found all over the internet. The real

challenging part of this essay was the research involved. However, in order to think about this

topic, I wanted to make sure I incorporated the three broad dimensions of thinking which are

reflective, creative and critical. To come to a decision, the approach of using the W.I.S.E. method

of thinking simplified how I started and ended this essay. Wonder is the first thing I did because I

thought on my own experiences in life and the things I witnessed. This initially helped me

identify issues that can be caused due to the government putting restrictions or banning. After

that initial thought, I started on my massive research effort to gain both fact and opinion based

information off the internet. This helped me understand and gain the needed information to start

my speculation process. I did take a step back and reflect again after obtaining all this

information to make sure that I had covered all areas of issues that I wanted to address. I did

speculate on some methods that could possibly alleviate the process of having citizens upset due

to these bans, and this would have been a voting style method. However, some actions I see that

Utilizing a Systematic Approach to Thinking

could have been voted on would have been devastating to society and certain bans that are

already in effect. So I evaluated all possible outcomes and came to a conclusion of my opinion,

which was that I agree with the government banning certain materials. One of the biggest

fundamentals of thinking I used was reflective because I used a lot of material I knew already.

Utilizing a Systematic Approach to Thinking


Kurt Repanshek (2009) Yellow Stone National Park: No Cellphone Towers in the

Campgrounds. Retrieved from


Jill Harness (2011) 11 Things You Wont Believe Governments Have Banned

Retrieved from

Wikipedia (2017, January 19th) Texting while driving

Retrieved from

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