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Al & Post Dashdn,N.H.No3, DLslBaod.-391740(Gujallndia)
Admn. Ofice : 32&329,ThndFloot Pa6diseComplox,Sayaiigunj.Barcda 390005 (Gujaral ndia)
Phone +91 2e,92362966, .
. :

DePartmen!oI CorFdat seFico


Sub. :Rg,33-Un.udiidfimialresulbforrhquartdnded31nDc6b*2m6

Rd. : Scip Cod- 526075

The B@rd oI Dits.tors at ther Meting held d 106 February 2012 Id .osidred and
apprcvd the Un-adited filmcial resltts fd the quarter ended 31r Daerbd 2016alonC
with Limited siew Eport

Kin.[y tzte the s'ft m you e@r& md achMredge the reiPt

Yotr iaithfully,

For Rekvtui labor.tdis Limited


(ad!, @"."'hy,h*;trii




. I, /,p tq"'" tr.opbG;i;

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\, [u
Y. K. SHAH & Co. 213,PhodixComplex.

roel N* Smj Ptu, Sayajieuj,

VADODARA- :t90005.
E Mait :

Linfte.l Rcviw Reporr

Rekvim Lahohlories Linited

We naverviewed the acomleyinB slalenjentofuludird nndcial csuhs otRekvim

I a b o d b r $ ' m n e dA r & P o . r 2 8 .p a d i e . o m D . r . ( a J a . r g u j V
. ad.oda
fof te
0lanereted rl De\erbe- .0 o. tlr'. sdeme i . rr respor)ioitD o. rher orpdnr.s
Mdagemenl and hs beenaplmvd by rbe Bodd of Diectors. Our rcspoisibitiry isto
i.iLe a rmrt oa d e.e irtrciatsEkmerL b")edor ourc\ier

We conducledou Eview in accordece eith the Slandar.lon Reviewlnsasement (SRt)

2400. Ehsagehentsto ReriewFitu"dzl S/a/e,e,/J hsued by lhe Insritute of CndeEd
c ( o ' n s r c o f l n d t t h ' . . t a 1 d t uroe o r i e . | n a r{ e p L n a n d d e l o m r F e l i e r o
o wlertef .|e,lnm!.a JatemeF! ft,rce ol mrerisl
hisslarenor. A review h linited prindty b inquiries or conpmy pesomel
tulrlical prcednres applied !o fimcial dat! ed dus less sslnflce tn6 an
audit. Ve have not pedomed m audjr and accordinely. w do not expressd audit

Basedon our rcview onducred osabove,nothingh6 cone b ou

lo believe tbat the acconpanyins siarenent of unaudnednnancial resutls piep@d in
aeordmft wilh apllicable accounting standardsdd other Eogdzld accouting
pre.j!e. tud poli.'e. hs ro' d..ctosedtre Informdr,onEqLiFo to bedFc.o.edI km,
ol Bes Lron l) of rhe st Bt 'Lisrne Ob.isario$ cnd D,*tosue R4riJencn.)/
Regularions, 2015 includinstne ndref in whichit is lo be disclosed,
or lhatit contains
tuy naterial fr isslatenent.

M .N o : 1 0 1 6 8 7

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