The Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) and The Next Generation of Human Space Ight

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Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 185 192

The crew exploration vehicle (CEV) and the next generation of

human spaceight
Michael Raftery , Todd Fox
Space Exploration Systems, The Boeing Company, USA

Available online 10 April 2007

Announced in January 2004, NASAs Vision for Space Exploration describes an ambitious series of missions, including a
plan to return humans to the moon before the end of the next decade as well as eventual crewed missions to Mars. To accomplish
these missions, NASA is developing Constellation Systems, a system of systems that will create the required vehicles, systems,
and infrastructure. The rst vehicle produced for Constellation Systems will be the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV).
The CEV is a spacecraft designed to affordably, reliably, and safely transfer crew from the Earths surface to destinations
beyond. Since Constellation Systems relies on a exible, modular architecture to accomplish different missions, the CEV will be
a very versatile vehicle. Initially, it will be used to transfer crew and cargo to and from the International Space Station. By the
end of the next decade, it will transfer four astronauts from the Earths surface, dock with the Earth Departure Stage for the trip
to a Lunar Orbit, then maintain itself autonomously there while the crew explores the surface below. The CEV design utilizes
experience and technology from previous programs like Apollo and the Space Shuttle, but combines that with modern materials,
manufacturing techniques, and avionics. This paper explores the requirements and design factors which drove the denition of
the vehicle conguration.
2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Announced in January 2004, NASAs Vision for led to the selection of the overall approach to the Orion
Space Exploration describes an ambitious series of spacecraft shape and design. We will show that the se-
missions, including a plan to return humans to the moon lected approach satises the performance requirements
before the end of the next decade as well as eventual by using mature technologies to offer the broadest and
crewed missions to Mars. The rst vehicle produced most efcient capabilities for missions beyond low earth
for this system of systems will be the crew exploration orbit (LEO).
vehicle (CEV), also known as Project Orion. Orion
will join the US Space Shuttle, the Russian Soyuz, and 1. Requirements
the Chinese Shenzhou in the eet of crewed ascent and
reentry vehicles active in the world today. Requirements form the foundation of any coherent
This paper will explore the factors important in the engineering effort. Since Project Constellation aims
design of these vehicles and show how these factors to allow a human return to the moon and an eventual
crewed mission to Mars, Orion is primarily intended to
be used in missions beyond LEO. The planned retire-
Corresponding author. ment of the Space Shuttle in 2010 creates a need for a
E-mail addresses: (M. Raftery), vehicle that can ferry crew and supplies to and from the (T. Fox). International Space Station, so Orions design must be
0094-5765/$ - see front matter 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
186 M. Raftery, T. Fox / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 185 192

exible enough to allow the efcient completion of onboard crew. On the right side of Fig. 1, one can see the
those objectives as well. Given the short time available effect that L/D has on the entry g-load for the different
for development and the limited funds available, Orion vehicle shapes. Low L/D shapes (such as a sphere) pro-
must also be designed to use mature, well-understood duce large g-loads over a shorter reentry, while g-loads
technologies wherever practical. Mass, volume, thermal from high L/D vehicles remain at relatively low levels.
and functional capabilities must all be balanced to pro- NASA standards show that humans can only withstand
duce a design that is safe and cost effective to build high-g loads for short periods of time (10 gs are allow-
and operate. Design considerations which are important able for a maximum of 40 s) but at more moderate lev-
for LEO spacecraft become increasingly challenging for els human tolerance increases dramatically (7 gs can be
missions that extend to the Moon or Mars. Orions de- withstood for 5 mins, and 4 gs can be withstood indef-
sign reects an optimization of these different consid- initely, even by injured crew) [3]. As the gure shows,
erations to produce a versatile yet technically feasible even modest lift signicantly reduces reentry g-loads,
spacecraft. which level out at L/D ratios above 0.5. Of course, cross-
range for landing accuracy is also a consideration and
2. Aerothermodynamics we will discuss this later.
The L/D ratio is also a good indicator of the type of
The basic physics of atmospheric reentry are the same reentry heating a vehicle will encounter. The extreme
now as they were when human spaceight was young. g-loads resulting from a zero-lift (or ballistic) reentry
Fig. 1, which was adapted from a 1968 planetary reentry are due to the vehicles rapid descent into the lower,
text, is still an excellent presentation of the initial factors thicker part of the atmosphere. This trajectory causes a
which must be considered in the conguration and shape high overall heating rate over a relatively short period
of the spacecraft [1,2]. of time. High L/D vehicles have longer reentries with
The gure, which assumes a 7 km/s entry velocity lower generalized heating rates, but the same geometry
(corresponding to entry from LEO), shows the near lin- that is used to achieve lift causes higher localized heat-
ear relationship between volumetric efciency and the ing at the leading edges. Fig. 2, an infrared photograph
hypersonic trim lift to drag (L/D) ratio. The sphere in the of the Shuttle on reentry, shows this localized heating
upper left hand corner maximizes volume with no L/D vividly. Temperatures across the underside of the or-
while winged vehicles, like the Shuttle, provide signif- biter are relatively consistent, but the nose and leading
icant L/D at the expense of usable volume. The simple, edges are signicantly hotter [4]. The net result is that
high volume spacecraft on the left are also much less high L/D vehicles generally have higher total heat loads
expensive to build. than low L/D vehicles because they must withstand the
Vehicles with lower L/D ratios decelerate more lower generalized heating rates for a longer period of
rapidly, which translates into increased g-loading for time. They must also provide a more complex thermal

0.2 10
Maximum g-Load for LEO Entry

Apollo 8
Vol2/3/Wetted Area

0.1 5
M2 4

X-20 3
0 1 2 0 1 2
Hypersonic Trim L /D Hypersonic Trim L /D

Fig. 1. Effect of lift to drag ratio on volume and g-loads.

M. Raftery, T. Fox / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 185 192 187

Peak Heat Rate at ref location (q), Btu/ft2-sec

800 Design Undershoot, HR-1


Planned Operating Regionla

400 AS-501
Manned 10 8 (Apollo 4)
Apollo 15 14
Flights 13 12 11
AS-502 (Apollo6)
AS-201 Design Overshoot, HL-1

0 20 25 30 35 40 45x10
Reference Heat Load (Q), Btu/ft2

Fig. 4. Apollo TPS performance.

Fig. 2. Infrared image of Shuttle on reentry.

too narrow for the navigational, guidance, and propul-
sive capabilities of the spacecraft to enter.
The actual thermal performance achieved by the
320x103 Overshoot (HL-1)
Undershoot (HR-1)
(Block 2) Apollo CM is shown in Fig. 4. The dotted line to
(Block 2)
Overshoot (HSE-3A) the right connects the two design trajectory limits of
(Block 1)
240 undershoot and overshoot [6,7]. This line represents
what were meant to be the design limits for the TPS
Altitude, ft

performance. The cross-thatched area in the center of
160 the diagram represents what was expected to be the
120 operational performance region. This planned oper-
Undershoot (HSE-6)
80 (Bock 1)
ating performance region was bracketed by the two
unmanned test ights of Apollo 4 and Apollo 6. Both
test ights were intended to stress the limits of the TPS,
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40x103
but a failure of the S-IVB on the Apollo 6 mission lim-
Velocity, ft/sec
ited its entry velocity to 32,800 ft/s which signicantly
Fig. 3. Apollo design entry trajectories. reduced its peak heat rate.
All of the manned missions required less thermal
performance than what was originally expected and
planned. In operations, the ight and ground crews in-
protection system (TPS) to account for the wide varia- variably preferred the shortest down-range trajectory
tions in localized heating [5]. which produced higher g-loads but minimized thermal
Entry trajectory design plays an important role in dic- stress. Orions missions, which will require targeting
tating the TPS requirements. Fig. 3 shows the trajectory of a specic landing site, will most likely exhibit more
envelopes for the Apollo blocks 1 and 2 command mod- thermal dispersion than Apollo.
ule (CM). The block 1 conguration had a design L/D All of the factors that might lead to the selection of
of 0.5 while block 2 had a design L/D of 0.4. a lifting capsule for LEO return are dramatically mag-
In the end, Apollos measured performance on L/D nied when considering return from Lunar or planetary
was 0.3. The entry corridor is dened by the lim- orbits. A quick comparison between Figs. 2 and 4 will
its of the undershoot (steepest allowable) and overshoot illustrate the dramatic increase in TPS requirements be-
(shallowest allowable) trajectories. Undershoot trajecto- tween LEO and Lunar return missions. This are due to
ries result in the highest g-loads and the greatest heating the effects of radiative heating which become more sig-
rate and often drive the selection of the TPS material. nicant at entry velocities beyond 25,000 ft/s.
Overshoot trajectories create the largest heat loads and Extensibility of the basic design to support the re-
drive the required heat capacity (often thickness) of the turn from a Mars mission is an important considera-
TPS. A too-broad entry corridor results in an unneces- tion. Analyses of hyperbolic velocity returns with the
sarily over-capable TPS, but the corridor must not be Apollo design were done in the 1960s during the period
188 M. Raftery, T. Fox / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 185 192

M-2 & M-1 SHAPES in spite of a complete failure of the primary control
(1964 Lockheed Predictions)
0.60 system, something which is very difcult to do with a
(1962 NR Prediction) lifting body conguration.


(1965/66 NR & 3. Abort and landing conguration

M-2 Lockheed P
Lo Predictions)


Another critical aspect of the spacecraft design is the
& CONIC SEG CONFIGS method by which the crew will escape in the case of an
(1965 Lockheed Predictions)
. emergency. The two most threatening phases of ight
APOLLO SHAPE are ascent and decent through the Earths atmosphere.
0.10 (1968 P ediction) A well-designed TPS can guard against reentry temper-
0 atures, but other systems are needed for ascent aborts
30 40 50 60 70 80 and safe landings.
ENTRY VELOCITY(1000 FT/SEC) The abort conguration for an Apollo shaped space-
craft is well understood and offers some distinct advan-
Fig. 5. Heat-shield weight predictions.
tages. First, since it sits atop the launch vehicle, it is
well clear of falling ice and insulation debris. Further,
since the entry heat shield is protected by the service
when extensions to the Apollo contract were being module and faces downward during launch, other haz-
considered [8]. ards are avoided such as bird strikes and exposure to
TPS performance at very high velocities is difcult to weather. Many lifting body congurations have dif-
predict. Many complex factors affect the actual perfor- culty matching these benets without resorting to un-
mance and replication of this environment in the lab has usual conguration options. One such approach, which
not been possible. To compound the issue, little actual was studied by Boeing in the early 1990s and known
ight data have been generated to date. Until January 15 as the Personnel Launch System (PLS) [9], featured a
2006, the highest speed entry into Earths atmosphere biconic lifting body with L/D in the range of 0.70.9.
was the Fire I pre-Apollo test at 37,700 ft/s in 1964. Practical design issues included:
The entry velocity for the Stardust spacecraft was near
42,000 ft/s and the performance of its advanced ablative How to provide and attach the abort propulsive en-
heat shield is still being evaluated by NASA. gines.
Fig. 5 shows predicted TPS performance at planetary Protection of the abort engines from damage due to
return velocities for various geometry spacecraft. This launch vehicle explosion.
performance is characterized as a percentage of overall Protection of the spacecraft during abort engine r-
spacecraft mass. Several different estimates are shown ing.
for Apollo because the understanding of that designs Orientation of the crew seats for launch, landing, and
capabilities improved as ight data became available in aborts.
the late 1960s. It is clear from the analysis that TPS Abort separation sequencing, trajectory, and mini-
mass will play a large role in any spacecraft designed mum parachute altitude requirements.
to return from Mars.
A capsule shape such as the Apollo CM is a The PLS design study chose to solve some of these
strong competitor for LEO missions but has clear issues with the conguration shown in Fig. 6.
aero-thermodynamic advantages for missions beyond Clearly there are other, perhaps better ways, to solve
LEO. The shape is volumetrically efcient resulting these conguration issues, but the study serves to il-
in reduced weight, which for these missions is hyper- lustrate the complications that arise as a design team
critical. Crew g-loads and localized heating are con- details each mission phase including all of the abort
trolled within manageable limits with a geometry that modes. For example, care must be taken to avoid fea-
is simple to analyze and simple to manufacture. An- tures which require penetrations of the entry heat shield
other advantage of this shape is that correct placement because these features could later expose the crew to
of the vehicles center of gravity results in a craft that unnecessary risk. Since these issues have all been eval-
is monostablethat is, there is only one orientation uated and resolved with the basic Apollo conguration,
that is aerodynamically stable. This makes it possible Orions designers have inherited a set of low-risk so-
to accomplish a safe ballistic entry from LEO orbits lutions. This also translates into reduced program cost,
M. Raftery, T. Fox / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 185 192 189

Expendable Launch Fairing

Radiator &

PLS Manned Capsule

Expendable Configuration
LES Engine


Fig. 6. Personnel Launch System.

since ight qualication of the abort system requires While orbital inclination and cross-range capability
extensive testing and the expense of this testing must dene the possible landing sites, a number of other tech-
be considered by designers. nologies dictate exactly how the landing occurs. After
Landing accuracy and cross-range are important con- the initial reentry burn is complete, the remainder of the
siderations for crewed vehicle design. Increased cross- mission can be divided into a descent phase (signicant
range capability allows spacecraft to reach a wider num- reduction in vertical velocity) and a landing phase (nal
ber of potential landing sites, and landing accuracy helps deceleration and dissipation of the impact forces). How
ensure a safe landing (and ease of recovery) once a site the design challenges of these two phases are answered
is chosen. Of course, both nominal and abort case land- will further restrict the types of landing sites that can
ings must be accommodated. be used.
For vehicles with an Apollo-like conguration, the Vehicles with high L/D congurations (such as
jettison of the Service Module (SM) just before reen- winged craft and some lifting bodies) are able to glide
try presents another challenge. The crewed vehicle must or y into their landing site with very small remaining
develop enough lift to be able to reach its desired land- vertical speed. This provides for a very soft landing,
ing site while the SM, which reenters on virtually the but it limits candidate landing sites to places with large
same trajectory, falls harmlessly into an unpopulated runways and requires either a highly trained pilot or
area. For Orion, a natural solution to this problem is a complex automated landing system. This type of
to target the SM into the Pacic Ocean and land the landing occurs with relatively high horizontal speeds
Crew Module (CM) in one of several possible sites in at touchdown, so vehicles of this type are required to
the western United States. In their Exploration Systems have wheels (such as those on the Space Shuttle), with
Architecture Study (ESAS), NASA determined that the the resultant penalties in safety, weight, and complex-
L/D required to reliably reach these sites from a typical ity. Abort cases are also very difcult to accommodate
ISS return trajectory was 0.4well within the range of since they require the ability to reach a runway no mat-
L/D values for Apollo-type craft [10]. ter when the abort occurs. Wheels-up water landings
190 M. Raftery, T. Fox / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 185 192


Stabilization &
Extract Chute

Parachutes Parachute
(3 Bags) Mortar

Fig. 7. Gemini parafoil conguration. Parasail

might be attempted, but success would require substan-

tial structural margins of safety leading to large weight
Lower L/D vehicles also typically use aerodynamic
means to reduce their velocities on descent, often using
parachutes or parafoils. Parachutes result in landings
with higher descent rates (typically around 2030 ft/s)
and relatively low horizontal speeds. Parachutes have Fig. 8. Appolo parasail conguration.
limited controllability, so candidate landing areas have
to be relatively large and unobstructed. Parafoils offer
similar performance to parachutes with the added ad- Vehicles using parachutes during the descent phase
vantage of increased controllability, since they glide require a different technique to handle the landing im-
into their landing. One drawback of this descent method pact forces. For the rst US crewed space programs
is that vehicles using it still retain a modest horizontal (Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo) these impact forces
speed at touchdownenough that wheels or skids must were mitigated through the use of water landings.
be deployed to control the vehicle and dissipate the re- While this technique yields the maximum number of
maining velocity. While less than those of winged ve- potential landing sites, the costs required for crew and
hicles, these horizontal velocities can be signicant. In vehicle recovery are large and the effects of seawa-
development tests performed by North American Rock- ter on the potential reusability of the spacecraft make
well for NASA in the 1960s, a Gemini-type capsule refurbishment much more difcult. Both the Russian
was outtted with a parafoil and skids and dropped into Soyuz and Chinese Shenzhou capsules reduce landing
a desert test area (see Fig. 7) [11]. Even performing a impact forces by using retro-rockets. These vehicles
are maneuver just before landing to minimize impact jettison their TPS heat shields as they drift under their
velocity, the craft slid 200 ft on its skids. As a result, parachutes, ring the retro-rockets at an altitude of
parafoils still require a large, open area for a success- about 5 ft to soften the nal touchdown. Other vehicles,
ful landing. Fig. 8 shows a conceptual design for use such as the Mars Pathnder probes, have used airbags
of this approach with an Apollo conguration, which to absorb the landing impact.
would involve much greater reentry mass and velocity Land based landing offers signicant advantages for
than the Gemini implementation [12]. reduced recovery costs and re-usability, but potential
More recently, the X-38 program conducted an ex- abort modes will require that the system be capable of
tensive series of drop tests using a parafoil designed impact attenuation on a water landing. Tests and analy-
for a LEO rescue vehicle. While parafoils may be of- sis are still underway to determine the optimum method
fer promising options for future vehicles, the costs and for mitigating landing impact shocks for the Orion pro-
time required to certify this technology for Orion make gram but current studies favor airbags as the safest
it problematic. solution.
M. Raftery, T. Fox / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 185 192 191

Fig. 9. Wind tunnel testing of CEV shape.

4. Leveraging experience L/D capsule, but advances in materials and design tech-
niques allow that capsule to be signicantly larger than
In the past 40 years, the commercial airplane indus- its Apollo predecessors. The parachute/airbag combi-
try has improved safety and efciency through careful nation allows Orion to safely land on land or sea, giv-
evolution of their basic design. One look at a modern ing the largest number of contingency landing sites. Fi-
airliner will show the design features which have been nally, the similarities to the Apollo conguration allow
stable for years and most improvements have happened NASA to focus their time and development resources
below the skin. In a similar way, the well charac- on enhancements to safety and performance, rather than
terized and robust conguration from Apollo will al- the certication of new technologies. This conguration
low NASA to focus on taking safety and operational results in an Orion vehicle that can satisfy the require-
efciency to the next level. As the second generation ments of the Vision for Space Exploration with a mini-
of manned Lunar spacecraft, Orion will benet both mal amount of cost and risk.
in cost and schedule from all of the previous lessons
learned. References
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[6] B.R. Erb, et al., Apollo thermal protection system, Journal of
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