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Rotatory Motion 49

Rotatory Motion

6.1 Rigid body.

A rigid body is that which has a definite size and definite shape. Both the size and shape of a
rigid body do not change during the motion.
The concept of a perfectly rigid body can not be realized in practice, as no material body is
perfectly rigid. Practically, a body is taken as rigid, where change in inter practice distance under
the effect of external forces can be ignored.
6.2 Centre of mass.
Centre of mass of a system is a point at which the entire mass of the system can be
supposed to be concentrated. The nature of motion of the system shall remain unaffected if all
the forces acting on the system were applied directly on the centre of mass the system.
Centre of mass n particle system : If a system consists of n particles of masses
m1, m2, whose positions in the co-ordinate system are given respectively by the

position vector r1, r2 , r3 ..........rn . Then the position vector of centre of mass

m r m2 r2 m3 r3 rn
r 1 1
m1 m2 m3

6.3 Velocity, Acceleration and Force for a Rigid Body.

dr d m1 r1 m2 r2

(1) Velocity of centre of mass vcm
dt dt m1 m2

d vcm d 2 r d 2 m1 r1 m2 r2
(2) Acceleration of centre mass Acm
dt dt2 dt2 m1 m2

(3) Force M A cm F M d vcm F M d r .
dt dt2

For an isolated system, no external force is acting. Therefore
F 0 , then Vcm constant
Hence centre of mass of an isolated system moves with a uniform velocity along a straight-
line path.
50 Rotatory Motion
6.4 Torque.
The turning effect of a force about the axis of rotation is called moment of force or torque
due to the force.
If the particle of mass m rotating in plane x, y about the origin O. and p is the position of
particle at any instant whose position vector is
r . Let the rotation occur under the action of
F applied at p.

Then torque

r F
F cos
(1) It is an axial vector.
F sin
(2) Dimension = ML2T 2
(3) Unit = N-m P

(4) Magnitude of torque can be given by r F sin r

As shown in the figure: F cos F r = radical component of force
F sin F = Transverse component of force.

So Torque r F sin = rF

Thus the magnitude of torque is given by the product of transverse

component of force and perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation.
i.e. Torque is due to transverse component only. The radial component of
force has no role to play in the torque.
(5) As r sin . It can be rewritten as F (r sin ) [from the fig. X
r sin d ] d
so Fd these the magnitude of torque also be can be given
by the product of force and perpendicular distance of line of action of
force from the axis of rotation.
F d momentof force.This is why torque is also called moment of force. And d is called
moment or lever arm.
(6) Maximum and minimum torque : r F sin

(i) When sin = minimum = 0, i.e. = 0 or 180, F is collinear with r min 0

(ii) When sin

= maximum = 1, i.e. = 90, F is perpendicular to r

max Fr
(iii) Torque due to a force is maximum where r is maximum.
Example : (a) We can open or close a door easily by applying force near the edge of the
door (at maximum distance from the hinges) that is why handle is provided near the free edge of
the plank of the door.
(b) We need a wrench with a long arm to unscrew a nut fitted tightly to a bolt.
(7) A body is said to be in rotational equilibrium if resultant torque acting on it is zero i.e.


6.5 Angular Momentum

Rotatory Motion 51
The turning movement of particle about the axis of rotation is called the angular momentum
of the particle. As we know the torque is regarded as rotational analogue of force, and according
to Newtons second law of motion force is equal to rate of change of linear momentum.
Therefore if we can represent torque as the rate of change of some quantity that quantity will be
rotational analogue of linear momentum, and it can appropriately be called the angular

momentum. In translatory motion F d p

Rotational analogue d L . Here quantity
L is known as angular momentum.

(1) If K is position of particle of mass m and linear momentum

P rotating in x y plane about

z-axis OK r

Then angular momentum

L r P
(2) It is an axial vector In the given figure the sense of rotation is anti-clockwise so the
direction of
L is outward perpendicular to the plane along the axis of rotation.

(3) Dimension : [ML2T 1]

(4) Unit : Joule-sec or kg m2 s1 .

(5) Magnitude of angular momentum can be given by

L rP sin Y P sin

As it is clear from the figure. P cos

P cos P r radicalcomponent
of momentum

P sin P transverse
of momentum

So angular momentum L = r P sin rP

Thus the magnitude of angular momentum is given by the
product of transverse component of linear momentum and perpendicular distance from the axis
of rotation.
That means angular momentum is due to transverse component only.
The radial component of linear momentum has no role to play in angular
(6) As L rP sin it can be rewritten as L P(r sin ) from the figure
r sin d so L Pd . Thus the magnitude of angular momentum also can
be given by the product of linear momentum and also perpendicular
distance of line of action of force from the axis of rotation.
(7) Maximum and minimum angular momentum : As L rpsin rmvsin = mvrsin
52 Rotatory Motion

(i) It will be minimum (= 0) when sin =minimum = 0; = 0 or 180 i.e. r and v are
parallel or anti parallel i.e. if the point is on the line of motion, angular, momentum is minimum
and zero.
(ii) It will be maximum (mvr) when sin = maximum = 1 i.e. = 90,i.e. angular
momentum is maximum when
r and v are perpendicular. Thus happens in circular motion of
particle where angular momentum is maximum and is mvr.

(8) In case of circular motion of a particle L mvr= mr2 L I
Thus the angular momentum is equal to the product of momentum of inertia with angular
velocity. This is analogue of
P mv .
(9) If a large torque acts on a particle for a small time then angular impulse of torque is
defined as J dt av t dt av t
J L i.e. action of angular impulse is to change the

angular momentum. This result is analogue to impulse = change in linear momentum.

I P.

6.6 Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum.

Newtons 2nd law for rotational motion is d L

So if the net torque on a particle (or system) is zero d L 0 i.e. L = constant


L1 L2 L3 ...... constant

i.e. Angular momentum of a system (may be particle or body) remains constant if resultant
torque acting on it is zero.
This is the principal of conservation of angular momentum, as L I L I = constant. It
means can be increased by decreasing I and vice-versa.
Example of law of conservation of angular momentum :
(1) The angular velocity of revolution of a planet around the sun in an elliptical orbit
increases when the planet come closer to the sun and vice-versa
As L I , since there is no external torque on the system, so L = constant. When planet
comes closer to the sun, it moment of inertia I decreases, therefore increases.
1/ I [L= constant]
(2) A circus acrobat performs feats involving spin by bringing his arms and legs closer to his
body or vice-versa. On bringing the arms and legs closer to body, his moment of inertia I
decreases. Hence increases.
(3) A person-carrying heavy weight in his hands and standing on a rotating platform can
change the speed of platform. When the person suddenly folds his arms. Its moment of inertia
decreases and in accordance the angular speed increases.
Rotatory Motion 53
(4) A diver performs somersaults by jumping from a high diving board keeping his legs and
arms out stretched first and then curling his body.
6.7 Moment of Inertia
It is the property of a body due to which it opposes any change in its state of rest or of
uniform rotation.
(1) For a particle of mass m rotating in a circle of radius r, moment of inertia about the axis
of rotation is given by

I mr2
(2) If a body is made up of number of particles of masses m1, m2, m3........etc, at position

r1, r2, r3...........etc. respectively from the axis of rotation I m1r12 m2r22 .............. mr2 .
(3) For a continuous distribution of mass, treating the elements of mass dm at position r as

dI dmr2 , i.e. I dm

m r1 m
r m r dm
2 1 r
2 r3 m

For point mass For discrete distribution

For continuous

Some important points about moment of inertia :

(1) Dimension : [ML2T 0 ]
(2) Unit : kg-m2 (in S.I. system)
(3) It is not a vector as direction clock wise or anticlock wise is not to be specified and also
not a scalar as it has different values in different directions. It is a tensor.
(4) It depends on the axis of rotation. So if axis of rotation changes usually moment of
inertial will change.
(5) Moment of inertia for a given axis depends on mass, shapes and size of the body. If same
mass is casted in different shape with same axis, moment of inertia will be different.
(6) For a given shape, size, mass and axis it depends on the distribution of mass within the
body. Farther the constituent particles of a body are from the axis of rotation larger will be its
moment of inertia. This is why in case of hollow and solid body of same mass, radius and shape
for a given axis; moment of inertia of hollow body is greater than that for the solid body.
Radius of gyration : The radius of gyration of a body about a given axis is the
perpendicular distance of a point p from the axis, where if whole mass of the body were
concentrate, the body shall have the same moment of inertia as it has with the actual
distribution of mass. This distance is represented by k.
54 Rotatory Motion
For a body of M if k is radius of gyration
2 2 2
I Mk 2 and I mr1 mr2 mr3

Mk 2 m(r12 r2 2 r3 2 ) mnk2 m(r12 r2 2 r3 2 )

r12 r22 r32

Value of k shall depends upon shape and size of the body, position and configuration of the
axis of rotation and also on distribution of mass of the body w.r.t the axis of rotation. Units of
radius of gyration is meter or cm and its dimension is [M 0 L1T 0 ]

6.8 Theorem of Moment of Inertia.

Theorem of parallel axes : Moment of inertia of a body about a A C C
given axis I is equal to the moment of inertia of the body about an axis I IG I
parallel to given axis and passing through centre of mass of the body Ig plus a G
where M is the mass of the body and a is the distance between the
two axes.
I I g Ma2

Theorem of perpendicular axis for a lamina : According Z

to this theorem the sum of moment of inertia of a plane lamina about
two mutually perpendicular axes lying in its plane is equal to its
moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to the plane of lamina X X
and passing through the point of intersection first two axes.
Iz I x Iy Y Y

6.9 Moment of Inertia of Different Bodies.

S. Axis of Moment of
Body Figure k k2/R2
No. Rotation inertia
1. About an axis
passing R 1
MR 2
through C.G.
to its plane
2. About its 1 R 1
MR 2
diameter 2 2 2
Rotatory Motion 55

S. Axis of Moment of
Body Figure k k2/R2
No. Rotation inertia
3. About a 3 3 3
tangential axis 2 2 2
in its own

4. About a 2MR2 2R 2
tangential axis
Ring to its own

5. About an axis 1 R 1
MR 2
passing 2 2 2
through C.G.
Disc and
to its plane

6. About its 1 R 1
Diameter 4 2 4

7. About a 5 5 5
tangential axis 4 2 4
in its own
Disc plane

8. About a 3 3 3
tangential axis 2 2 2
to its own

9. Passing M 2
Annular Disc [R1 R22]
through the 2
Inner radius
centre and
= R1 and
outer radius
to the plane
= R2
56 Rotatory Motion
S. Axis of Moment of
Body Figure k k2/R2
No. Rotation inertia
10 Diametre M 2
[R1 R22]
. 4
Annular Disc

11 Tangential and M 2
[R1 5R22]
. Parallel to the 4
Annular Disc

12 Tangential and M 2
[R1 3R22]
. perpendicular 2
to the plane
Annular Disc

13 About its own 1 R 1

MR 2
. axis 2 2 2

Solid cylinder

14 Tangential 3 3 3
. 2 2 2

Solid cylinder

15 About an axis L2 R2
M L2 R 2
. passing
12 4 12 4
through its C.G.
Solid cylinder and
to its own axis
Rotatory Motion 57

S. Axis of Moment of
Body Figure k k2/R2
No. Rotation inertia
16 About the L2 R2
M L2 R2
. diameter of one
3 4 3 4
of faces of the
Solid cylinder

17 About its own MR 2 R 1

. axis


18 Tangential 2MR2 2R 2


19 About an axis L2 R2
M L2 R2
. passing
12 2 12 2
through its C.G.
Cylindrical and
Shell perpendicular
to its own axis

20 About the L2 R2
M L2 R2
. diameter of one
3 2 3 2
Cylindrical of faces of the
Shell cylinder

21 Hollow Axis of cylinder M 2

(R1 R22)
. cylinder with 2
inner radius =
R1 and outer
radius = R2
58 Rotatory Motion
S. Axis of Moment of
Body Figure k k2/R2
No. Rotation inertia

22 Tangential M
(R12 3R22)
. 2
cylinder with
inner radius =
R1 and outer
radius = R2

23 About its 2 2 2
MR 2 R
. diametric axis 5 5 5
Solid Sphere

24 About a 7 7 7
MR 2 R
. tangential axis 5 5 5
Solid Sphere

25 About its 2 2 2
. diametric axis 3 3 3

26 About a 5 5 5
tangential 3 3 3

27 Hollow About its

2 R2 R1
5 5
. Sphere of diametric axis M
inner Radius 5 R23 R13
R1 and outer
Radius R2
Rotatory Motion 59

S. Axis of Moment of
Body Figure k k2/R2
No. Rotation inertia
28 Tangential
2M[R25 R15 ] 2
Hollow Sphere 5(R23 R13 )

29 About on axis ML2 L

. passing 12 12
Long Thin through its C.G.
Rod and
to the rod.
30 About an axis ML2 L
. passing 3 3
Long Thin through its
Rod edge and
to the rod
31 Rectangular Passing through M 2
[l b2]
lamina of the CM and 12
length l and
to the plane
breadth b

32 Tangential M
[4l 2 b2]
. perpendicular 12
Rectangular to the plane
lamina and at the mid-
point of
33 Tangential M 2
[l 4b2]
. perpendicular 12
Rectangular to the plane
lamina and at the mid-
point of length

34 Passing through M [b2 t2]

. centre of mass (i)
Rectangular 12
parallelepipe and parallel to
(i) Length (x)
M [l 2 t2]
d length l , (ii)
breath b , (ii) breadth (z)
thickness t (iii) thickness M [b2 l 2]
(y) 12
60 Rotatory Motion
S. Axis of Moment of
Body Figure k k2/R2
No. Rotation inertia
35 Tangential and (i)
. parallel to M 2
[3l b2 t2 ]
(i) length (x) 12
parallelepipe (ii) breadth (y) (ii)
d length l , (iii) thickness(z) M 2
[l 3b2 t2 ]
breath b , 12
thickness t (iii)
M 2
[l b2 3t2 ]
36 Elliptical Passing through M 2
[a b2]
. disc of CM and 4
semimajor perpendicular
axis = a and to the plane
axis = b
37 Axis joining the 3
. vertex and 10
Solid cone of
centre of the
radius R and
height h

38 Passing through Ma2

. Equilateral CM and 6
triangular perpendicular
lamina with to the plane
side a

39 Along the Mb2

. edges (1)
Right angled
triangular ma2
lamina of 6
sides a, b, c.
M a2b2
(3) 2 2
6 a b

6.10 Kinetic Energy, Work and Power.

(1) Energy : A body rotating about a fixed axis possesses kinetic energy because its
constituent particles are in motion, even though the body as a whole remains in place.
The energy, which a body has by virtue of its rotational motion, is called rotational kinetic
energy. If I is the moment of inertia and is the angular velocity.
Rotatory Motion 61

1 2
Then rotational kinetic energy K R I
This is analogue to kinetic energy in translatory motion K T mv2
1 1
KR L is analogue to kinetic energy in translatory motion K T Pv
2 2

L2 2
KR is analogue to kinetic energy in translatory motion K T P
2I 2m
(2) Work : If the body is initially at rest and angular displacement is d due to the torque
then work done on the body.
W d this is analogue to W F .dx
(3) Power : Power is the rate at which kinetic energy changes
d 1 2 d
dt 2 dt
Power = Torque Angular velocity
This result is analogue to P Fv in translatory motion.
6.11 Analogy Between Liner Motion and Rotational Motion.
Translatory motion Rotatory motion
Displacement / distance (s) Angle or angular displacement ()
ds d
Linear velocity v Angular velocity
dt dt
dv d 2s d d 2
Linear acceleration a Angular acceleration 2
dt dt2 dt dt
Mass (m) Moment of inertia (I)
Linear momentum P mv Angular momentum L I
Force F ma Torque I
dp dL
Force F Torque
dt dt
Translatory kinetic energy Rotatory kinetic energy
1 1 P2 1 2 1 L2
KT mv2 = Pv = KR I = L=
2 2 2m 2 2 2I
Work done W F .s Work done W d
Power P Fv Power P
Principal of conservation of linear Principal of conservation of angular
momentum linear momentum of momentum angular momentum of a
system is conserved when no external system is conserved when no external
force acts on the system. torque acts on the system.
Equation of translatory motion Equation of rotatory motion
62 Rotatory Motion

Translatory motion Rotatory motion

(i) v u at (i) 0 t
1 2 1 2
(ii) s ut at (ii) 0 t t
2 2
(iii) v2 u2 2as
(iii) 0 2 2 2
(iv) sn u (2n 1) where the
2 (iv) n 0 (2n 1)
symbols have their usual 2

6.12 Slipping, Spinning and Rolling

(1) Slipping : When the body slides on a surface without rotation then it is called slipping
motion. In this condition the body possess only translatory kinetic energy
and there will be no frictional force between the surface and the body. v
Friction = 0
Kinetic energy = Translational only = K T mv2 Slipping
(2) Spinning : When body rotates in such a manner that its axis of
rotation does not move then the motion is called spinning. The body
possesses only rotational kinetic energy in this condition.
Example : Motion of blades of electric fan
1 2 1 K2
Kinetic energy = Rotational only K R I mv2 2 Spinning
2 2 R
(3) Rolling : In case of combined translatory and rotatory motion if the
object rolls across a surface in such a way that there is no relative motion of object and surface
at the point of contact, the motion is called rolling without slipping.
Example : Football, flying disc.

Friction 0 v

Kinetic Energy = Rotatory + Translatory

1 2 1 1 K2 Rolling
K Net K R K T I mv2 = mv2 1 2
2 2 2 R
6.13 Energy Percentage for Different Bodies in Rolling Without Slipping
1 1 2 1 K2 1 K2
K Translatoy K T mv2 ; K Rotatory K R I mv2 2 ; K net K n mv2(1 2 )
2 2 2 R 2 R
By using the above expressions we can conclude that :

Body k2/R2 KT KR KT/KN KR/KN

Ring 1 50 % 50 % 1 /2 1 /2
Rotatory Motion 63

Cylindrical shell 1 50 % 50 % 1 /2 1 /2

Disc 66.6 % 33.3 % 2/3 1/3
Solid cylinder 66.6 % 33.3 % 2/3 1/3
Solid sphere 71.5 % 28.5 % 5/7 2/7
Hollow sphere 60 % 40 % 3/5 2/5

6.14 Rolling on an inclined plane.

When a body of mass M rolls on a inclined plane of height h and comes to the bottom. Then
(1) Velocity at the bottom k2 B
1 2
S h
g sin
(2) Acceleration in the body k2 A
1 2 C
1 2h k2
(3) Time taken by the body to reach the bottom t 1 2
sin g R
1 1
V a k2
As it is clear from the above three equation that k 2 ; k2 ; t 1
1 1 R2
R2 R2
Velocity, acceleration and time of descend (for a given inclined plane) all depends on 1 .
Lesser the moment of inertia of the rolling body lesser will be the value of 1 . So greater will
be its velocity and acceleration and will be the time of descend.
If angle of inclination and height of inclined plane h is constant then
1 1
v ; a ; t momentof inertia
momentof inertia momentof inertia
Note : If a solid and hollow body of same shape are allowed to roll down on inclined
plane then solid body will reach the bottom first because it has lesser moment of
inertia. t M .I
If a ring, cylinder, disc and sphere runs a race by rolling on an inclined plane then
sphere will reach the bottom first with greater velocity while ring last with least
First ...............................last
Sphere > Cylinder, Disc > Ring
0.4 0.5 1
64 Rotatory Motion
6.15 Velocity, Acceleration and Time of Descend for Rolling, Sliding and
Physical Rolling Sliding Falling
Velocity k2 v 2gh v 2gh
g sin
Acceleration K2 a g sin a g

1 2h k 2 1 2h 2h
Time of descend t 1 t t
sin g R 2 sin g g

6.16 Simplified Expression of Rolling for Different Bodies.

Body Velocity Acceleratio Time of descend Translatory Rotatory Total kinetic
g sin kinetic energy kinetic energy energy
R2 2gh a
2 1 2h K 2
v n K
t 1 1
I 2 1 K 2
KR mv2 1
2 1 KN
2 sin g R2 KT 2 R 2
1 R

2 1 2 K
2 2

Ring or 1 g 1 1
sin 2 h mv2 mv2 mv2
Hollow 2 sin g 2 2
Disc or 1 2 1 3h 1 1 3
solid 0.5 4gh g sin mv2 mv2 mv2
2 3 3 sin g 2 4 4
Solid 2
0.4 10 5
g sin 1 4 h 1
mv2 mv2 7
sphere gh
5 7 7 sin 5 g 2 5 10
Hollow 2
0.66 6 3
g sin 1 10 h 1
mv2 mv2 5
sphere gh
3 5 5 sin 3 g 2 3 6

If a point mass m is attached to a very light string which is wounded over the body (cylinder,
Disc, Pulley etc.)
Mass of this body is M and radius R and it is mounted on a horizontal axis xx and is capable
of rotation. When the point mass is left it moves downward with an acceleration = a and let the
tension in the string is T. 1 2
I MR for solidcylinder
g mg 2
a T
Then I and mR2 1
1 1 I MR 2 for Disc
mR2 I 2 m
I MR 2 for pully(ring)

6.17 Graph for Various Relations of Rotatory Motion.

(1) Graph between energy and angular (2) Graph between angular momentum and
Rotatory Motion 65

velocity angular velocity

1 2 L I
2 L
E 2

(3) Graph between moment of inertia and (4) Graph between moment of inertia and
radius of the body radius of gyration
I I g Mr 2 I MK 2
I K2

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