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A microcontroller based project called the "SMS Based Voting System". Using this
system you can ask your users to vote for any of the four options. Four available
options are identified by a letters 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D'. User can vote for any option
by sending a text message to the mobile number.
For example if you want to create a poll like this.
Which is your favorite phone brand?
A: Nokia
B: Apple
C: Samsung
D: L.G.
So your user can vote for any of the four brands by sending a message like this
where x is the choice he/she wish to vote for. For example if they want to vote for
Nokia, then they should send a message like this :
The number of vote received for each option is shown in real time on the LCD
Module. The votes are stored in the internal EEPROM of the AVR so they are not
lost on power failures. That means even if you switch off the device and switch it
on after few days (or few years!) it will remember the votes !


SMS based voting machine is type of machine on which user can dial the specific
number from any land line or mobile phone to cast his vote. Once the user is
connected to the voting machine he can enter his password & choice of vote. In
this project user can dial the specific number from any land line or mobile phone to
cast his vote. Once the user is connected to the voting machine he can enter his
password & choice of vote. User is allotted 15 seconds to enter his password &
choice. Note that time limit is set accordingly

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