Circuit Breaker 1

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CU PSI e ea DAHA e DUN DeN DS BS EN 60898: 1991 BS EN 60947-2: 1996 INTRODUCTION TO EIEMA AND IT’S LOW VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER DIVISION T Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, is an ‘nonious, incorporated Association of British manufacturers of electrical installation equipment. The Assoriation’s roots date bark to 1915 as a product section of BEAMA The Federation of British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers EIEMA’s Low Vollage Circuit Breaker Division consists of major UK manufacturing companies in this field and has its evn officers, technical and other committees, all operating under the guidance and authority of the EIEMA Board of Management supported by specialist central services for guidance nn European Single Market, Quality Assurance, Legal and Heal & Safety matters Active participation in the work of numerous national, international and regional standards committees has provided the background and support to ensure safety and performance for the design, development and manufacture of its members’ products, The result is quality equipment of the highest standard throughout each division of the LOW VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKERS CHANGES IN STANDARDS Harmonisation [retinas enti manta gd sw a scale due to inereased manufacturing volumes which in tum aphical area can remove barriers to trade and can result in an efficiency of an reduce costs. In the clectrical industry, appropriate standardisation could mean common supply networks and products; and in Inw-voltage cireuit bresker applications can result in 4 cbility to use compatible equipment 4 no need lo adapt or modify such products © ower limitations on the source of supply To this end considerable progress has already been made by the national standards comanittees of over 40 nations who are co-operating to formulate world standards which provide a consensus of international opinion on electrical supply and harmonisation World Standards Participating, countries comprise the International Flectratechnical Commission ( Most of these participating countries already have their own national standards which may differ from elements of the IEC Standards, However when a need for harmonisation i identified, documents produced by the IEC may, whe > propriate, form the basis for future national standards European Standards Within Europe harmonisation of electrical products is controlled by CENELEC (Comite Europeenae de Normalisation Electrotechnique) which produces, appropriate European standards based on the work of the IEC once a need hasbeen identified and agreed. CENELEC is made up of the 18 national standards committees of the EC (European Community), and EFTA European Free Trade Association), Whilst a Euro} Standard can be a divect replica of an IEC standacd, discussions within CENELEC may result in the formulation of e standard which includes commonly agreed variations xan Norm {prefixed EN-) and the Tivo types of European Standard exist the Europ Harmonised Document (prefixed HID-) where EN- qualifies the adoption of the standard by all member countries ‘viation; and HID- qualifies that the standard has been adopted subject to national deviations Inn general the first hvu stumbers ater the EN- or HD- prefix indicates the presence orotherwise of an IEC Standard: sin the ease of the former, Sin she case of the Latter United Kingdom Standards Adoption of the European Standard within the EC is mandatory. In the UK such standards are further endorsed with the additional ‘BS’ prefix, for example: Bs household and similar installations A(8%8, the British Standard for circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for BS EN 60898 (EN 60898, TEC 60898) Relates to Low Voltage Circuit Breakers for use in household and similar installations. In the UK traditionally known as miniature circuit breakers {MCB‘s), BS EN 619: (EN 6094: . TEC 60947-2) RAEN! to Low Voltage Circuit Breskers for use in industrial and similar installations, In the UK tra (MCCB's) and also air circuit b ually known as moulded case circuit breakers S(ACB's1 for the introduction of the new standards andards, ‘The guide also shows the ti and withdrawal of exist LOW VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR USE IN HOUSE- HOLD AND SIMILAR INSTALLATIONS BS EN 60898 (EN 60898, IEC 60898) BS 3871 Part 1 BS EN 60898 1965 1991 1EC 898 EN 60898 1987 > 1991 [iene tt apt Sn i miniature circuit breakers which, in the UK, have been manufactured since 1965 10 BS 3871, under the title “Miniature Air Circuit Breakers for ac. circuits The introduction in 1987 of IEC 898, under the title ‘Circuit Breakers for Overcurrent Protection for Household and Similar Installations’, formed the basis for acceptance of the European Standard EN 60898; which was published in the UX in 1997, as BS EN 61898. BS 3871 Part 1 was withdrawn on the Ist July 1996, Products which complied with BS3871 Part 1 before Ist July 1994, as shown by the manelacturer or by & ation, were allowed to apply for production unl 30th June 199, Since this date all products must comply with BS EN 60898, There are considerable differences between the BS 3871 and BS EN 60898 standards and reference must be made to the standards for full details Worthy of mention hese and of interest tothe specifier | installation designer are Preferred Values of Current ‘The Imperial current ratings have been totally superseded by the Renard series which hhawe been increased to include 125A ‘The new values are 6, 10,13, 16, 20, 25, 92, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100 and 125, The inclusion of 125A rated circuit breakers recognises the increasing cursent demand in final ixcuits an he requirement for suitable protection devices, compatible in physical size with circuit breakers, and capable of being installed in the same standand distribution boards, A, time econ) BS 3871, BS EN 60898 TIME/CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS Where I = rated current ofthe circuit beaker Current 61) T he Types I to 4 are omitted from the new standard which reguires new instantaneous tripping characteristics: iN 85 3871 (OLD) BS EN 60898 (NEW) 1 Typel 27 40, TypeB 3005}, ' Type2 A0t07Iy TypeC Sto 10, ! Typed 7001004, TypeD 01020), i Typed how HU, Se jos rie Etowah There is no Type A instantancous tripping characteristic to avoid confusion with the A shbreviation for amperes. The application of the new tripping characteristics should pose no problems to circuit designers in that Type 1/'ype B are ideally suitable for domestic and commercial installations having litle or no switching surges, ‘Types 2 and 3/Type C are bust suited to general use in commercial) industrial installations whore the use of fluorescent lighting, small motors ete. can be produce switching surges which would operate a Type I Type B circuit breaker ‘Type 3/Type C circuit breakers may be necessary in instances of highly inductive circuits, for example, banks uf fluorescent lighting, Lype 4!Type D are particularly suited to the protection of equipment such as transformers, some fluo; cent lighting, X-Ray machines, industrial welding equipment and similar applications where abaormally high inrash urvonts aww experienced RATED SHORT-CIRCUIT CAPACITY (1,,) BS 7671:1992 Requirements for Electrical installations (16th Edition of the 12 Wiring Regulations) s cally identifies Types 1, 2 & 3, Types B, C& D. Lower earth, fault loop impedanees (Zs) are generally necessary for Type 4 to achieve the operating tims required by Regulation 4134208. (Maxinvum Zs is calculated using the formula in tho regulations and the characteristics of the cteuil breaker Whore the requirement cannot be achioved, use of circuit breakers as overcurrent protective devices is not precluded, but the use of residual current devices (RCDs) to provide protection against indicect earth fault conditions is implied Fatablishment of the value of the earth faul loop impedance (Zs) atthe design stage ofthe installation will determine which type of circuit breaker should be used Table 4IB2 of the Wiring Regulations gives the same maximum loop impedances for Types 3 and C since their maximum instantaneous operating current coincides at 10 times rated current, The Table also quotes the same mayimum values for either 04 second or $ seconds disconnection times I 11 BS EN 60898 the ’M’ category ratings for short-circuit capacities disappear, The ananufacarer must, however, declace the short-cireuit capacity’ of the prodcts at specified powor faclors of test circuit. Higher short-circuit capacities up 10 25KA a recognised with the following values of | le BS 3871 BS EN 60898 (J...) ML O00 MIS man 1500 15004 MB 30008) Mis 45004 sm Sen Mo ean 6000 6000 M9 San T0000 100008 15000 150008 25000] 2500 BS EN 60898 uy U; = 500V Tested @ 2000V ac 50Hz T,= 32, T NEW STANDARD TERMINOLOGY Ug Rated Operational Voltage ge ofthe system should not exceed U U; Rated Insulation Voltage The voltage on w p the diclectic properties are based using tests at igh vollage and mains frequency 1, Rated Current The current which the cireuit breaker will carry continuously under specified conditions and on which the time/ current characteristics are based, Unless otherwise stated I is based on ce ambient temperature of 3 degrees contigrade. 8 fy S2A Trip Type C marked C32 BS EN 60898 | NEW STANDARD TERMINOLOGY Acq Rated Short Circuit Capacity The calculated prospective fault current at the incoming, terminals of the circuit breakor should not exeeed ky by DKA nik Exception: Using back mp prove: Ac, Service Short Circuit Breaking Capacity [Not marked on the circuit breaker] The maximum level of fault current aperation after which further service is assured without loss of pesformance Ratio between service short-circuit capacity (Iy)) and rated short-circuit J —(lactor k) capacity ( i k 6000. 1 = 6000 A 07% > 10000 A 05% LOW VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR USE IN INDUSTRIAL AND SIMILAR INSTALLATIONS BS EN 60947 -2 (EN 60947 -2, TEC 60947-2) BS 3871 Pari 21966 aps 4752 Part 11977 spas EN 0947-2 1992 TEC 157 Part 11973 of TEC 947-2 1989, — EN 60947-2 1992 recor 1988 [ab EN e004 1992 apes EN 60947-1 1992 of IEC 609 one must refer back to the origins of T 6 fully understand the 5 circuit breaker standards, The original standard in the UK was BS 3871 Part 2 1966, which was followed by the evolution of IFC 157 Part [ 1973. This was incorporated as BS-4752 in 1977. During the 1980's the concept of the 947 series of standards evolved. This for the first time would bring all products relating to low vollage sivitchgear and control gear under one generic standard. Refr fa note om page 4 ear and contro) goa IEC947 —Speciteation for low voltage sil IEC 947A General ules IEC917-2.Gireit Breakers IEC 9473 Switches dsconncton, svc disconnectors and fused combination anit Contactors and motor starters Control circuit devices - electromechanical TEC 947-5-2 Proximity switches TEC 947-6 Multiple function switehing devices TEC 947-7 Ancillary equipment Jn 1989 the International standard for air circuit breakers IEC 157 was superseded by JEC 947-2, This was adopted as the European nornt EN (47-2 in March 1991, This was published in the UK as British Standard BS EN 609 withdrawal ofthe dual standard IEC 157/85 4752 in September 1992, in May 1992 with the Products which complied with the relevant national standard before 30th Septumber 1992, as shown by the manufacturer or by certification, were allowed to apply for production until September 1997. comply with EN 601 nee this date all products must ISOLATION She CATEGORIES This standard for circuit breakers introduces additional stringent testing procedures toemphasis the reliability in service of conforming products There are considerable differences between BS 4752 and BS EN 60847-2 and reference must be made tothe standards for full details, Worthy of mention heve and of interest to the specifier installation designer are T he suitability of cicust breakers for use as isolators has been a contentious issue for some time, BS.A752 stated that is views on isolation were under review BS EN 60947-2 is more procise in its requirements for circuit breskers suitable for isolation by defining tests to whieh suc units must comply. the criteria for such tests are met the product must, if intended use 26 an isolator display the syrmbol illustrated standards. BS EN 60947-2 rec Nand B. T his subject constitutes the major change between the BS 4752 and BS EN 6047-2 ices a different classification system in categories Category A designates circuit breakers not spevifically intended for selectivity with devices on the load side. In other words circuit breakers will discriminate only up 20 certain fault levels, above which discrimination with deviees oa the load side cannot be guaranteed. Category B designates circuit breakers specifically intended for selectivity sith doviees on the load side. Such circuit breakers will incorporate some form of time delay SHORT CIRCUIT BREAKING CAPACITIES [= 18kA“T BS EN G0947-2 Recognises both a rated service (leg) and a rated ultimate {Ij} short capacity for both category A and category B circuit breakers, cireuit breakin Rated Service Breaking Capacity (I) In order to define the value of I, the circuit breakers under tost nuust be subjected to a test sequence of Iyso-t-en-teoo 0 = pening operat After this test sequence, dielectric, terminal temperature and overcurrent tests are applied. The circuit breaker must mect certain test parameters to ensuce that the circuit bnreaker has not deteriorated in performance and can, in fat, be put back into service. Rated Ultimate Breaking Capacity (hy) on weer foul conditions Aiter this tost sequence, dielectric and overcurrent tests are applied. Application of Breaking Capacities The in practi tod serview breaking capacity (,.) applies to short circuit faults that could oceur whereas the ultimate shoet circuit capacity (fy) is the maximum theoretical fault value ofthe installation at she point of connection, The standard defines the ratio between land ky willbe shown as ether 25, 5 75.0r 100% of its by value, for category A and 50, 75 or 1007 of y for category B. Thus a circuit beeaker can remain in service after interrupting, shot cizeuit up to its v0 oF more faults occur between the I and fy values the rated value of ky. Wh continued operation ofthe circuit breaker must be verified 1 BS EN 60947 U;=680V Tested @ 2500V ac 50Hz Ty aA 1 NEW STANDARD TERMINOLOGY U, Rated Operational Voltage The nominal line-toline voltage of the system should not excved U. U; Rated Insulation Voltage The voltage on which the dicletric propestics have conventionally buen based using tests at high vollage and mains frequency Itis intended to replace this value with Ups fat the med ins Jn of the ovine ote cvlage of i ico Jigyp Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage The voltage on which clearance distances are based. The value of transient peak voltage the circuit breaker can withstand from switching surges or lighting strikes imposed on the supply 2. Uy SKY, Tested @ SEV pea with 1.2150, impulse wave 1, Rated Current The current which the circuit breaker will carry continuously under specified conditions and on which the time current characteristics are based Unless otherwise stated Iy is based on a reference ambient temperature of 30 dogrees centigrade 0 BS EN 60947 NEW STANDARD TERMINOLOGY Jey Rated Ultimate Short Circuit Breaking Capacity The calculated prospective fault curcent at the incoming terminals of the cieuit breaker should not exceed Igy A Exception: Using back up protection as specified by the manufacturer. ————__> |,,Rated Service Short Circuit Breaking Capacity The maximum lovel of fault current operation after which further service is assured ‘without loss of performance 1 Ay Rated Short-Time Withstand Current Circuit breakers of Usililisation Category B have a shorttime delay allowing time graded selectivity betweun circuit breakers in series, Jew is the current the circuit breaker will withstand for the mayimunt shorttime ddolay time, Proferrod times are(.05, 1 (123, 0.5 and 1.0 second. MEMBERSHIP Bill Circuit Protection & Control ar Caradon MK Electric Limited The Awl Contre racocke Row Basin Esser SSI 3EA Contactum Ltd Victoria Works Egewore Rot London NW! Crabtree Electrical Industries Limite Forge Rovd Witlentait West Midlands WUI2 4D Dorman Smith Switchgear Limited backyoe! Roa do PRO 2DQ Eaton Limited Eso Rov Bosind MKA2 SLIT FDB Electrical Limited Roos Mis Trang Etat w Midalesee TWS9NZ GE Power Controls Limited vst Lancasine Rod Livergoo L103H8 Hager Powvertech Limited Hortomont Tajo Shropstuve TET APT Moeller Ti PO BS: Gatehouse Clase ie Limited sHPI93DHL West Midlands BUY 3EZ MEM Limited Whitega Chadderton Oban Greater Ma ser OL8 906 Merlin Gerin Lin Voltage Devers Di Forthonse Row wi wvi0 ED. PBT Limited fatten Horlow Fesiv M2028 Siew ple Wiliam Siemens Hose tess Rav ester M20 3UR Square D Cheney M Wiltstite SN2 206 ‘Terasoki (EvropeiLinnited Ciydetonk Glasgow GST HHT Wylex Limited Sharston Rov Wyle Wethewshowe Manchester M224RA GUIDE TO CIRCUIT AUN OSD ENDS DN) BS EN 60898: 1991 BS EN 60947-2: 1996 POS SVEW ST eC 2000: Issue 1 reprint SUbatcen eve CEM eC eset Manufacturers’ Association Westminster Tower Ee eers onan enon’ London SEI 7SL Bro eee MEER E} Telefax: 0207 735 4158 Other publications from EIEMA: rE eee Sore eke OEY en eg se Guide to Switch & Fusegear Devices On esa ere One oe tec OnE eer eer ere ad Guide to Low Voltage Busbar Trunking Systems Guide to Type Tested & Partially Type Tested Assemblies

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