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Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Two Year Fundraising Plan

David J. Clay, Treasurer, Fundraising Committee Chair

2017/2018 Fundraising Plan

Executive Summary:
Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources (EHPR) is a faith based non-profit

organization operating pro-life crisis pregnancy centers in five counties throughout

South Central Ohio. Committed to upholding their mission to Honor God, Offer Hope,

Promote Life, Enable Mothers1 the ministry has spent the last two years reorganizing to

better meet the needs of the clientele, along with strengthening the financial and

administrative functions to ensure its long-term success. Further focus was placed on

expanding operations, which included additional hours at two sites and the onboarding

of a new pregnancy center in Highland County.2 Looking to the future, EHPR has its

eyes set on yet another growth plan; transitioning to a medical ministry and purchasing

a mobile medical unit. Growing the ministry, and expanding into medical services, will

require a significant growth in funds. This required a well-prepared fundraising plan

developed to meet the current and future needs of the organization. This fundraising

plan is centered on the need to grow individual donor support by 30% while significantly

increasing major gifts, corporate donations, and grant awards to diversify the ministrys

income while securing the funds to cover the initial costs of developing medical


To ensure the fundraising plan adequately addressed the current and future

needs of the ministry it was important to conduct a review of the current financial health

of the organization. This review assessed the current income and expenses alongside

the current fundraising efforts to determine the ministrys financial strength and

weaknesses. While reviewing finances, their past and present fundraising events were

Elizabeth's Hope Pregnancy Resources. (n.d.). Feeling called to help lead this organization? Retrieved
June 01, 2016, from
Franklin, K. (2016, June 01). 2 Surprises on the Road to Hometown Hope. Retrieved June 08, 2016,
also analyzed to gain a better understanding of each events ability to deliver the desired

results. The analysis is critical to identify those events that remain strong, those that

need to be tweaked, or those that should be eliminated to better focus limited resources

on events that offer the best return on investment. 3

A review of the organizations financial statements has proven that income from

several key financial sources remained steady over the last three years. 4 This provides

some certainty that finances will remain stable over the next two years and served as

the foundation of this plan. However, certain fund sources showed negative trends

which needed to be addressed. Additionally, the property owned by the ministry in

Pickaway County needs repairs which falls outside the regular maintenance plan and

will add additional stress to the organizations finances. 5 Despite the added expenses,

and concerns for future obligations, the ministry finished 2015 under budget and

continues to exhibit strong discipline in managing expenses. This places Elizabeths

Hope in a strong position to develop a new plan that will allow them to meet their growth

plans without jeopardizing their core programs and services.

Ministry Overview:

Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources has been in operation for 25 years and

has traditionally operated in four counties: Ross, Pickaway, Pike and Jackson counties.

However, in 2016 EHPR added a fifth center in Highland County. They are

Perry, G. (2012). 7 Reasons You Need a Fundraising Plan To Raise The Money Of Your Dreams.
Retrieved June 11, 2016, from
Cutler, L., & Moore, L. (2016, April 13). 2016 EHPR Annual Budget [XLSX]. Chillicothe: Elizabeth's Hope
Pregnancy Resources.
Clay, D. (2016, January 19). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of Directors
Meeting January 19, 2016 [Secretary's Report of a Regular Board Meeting]. Chillicothe.
headquartered in Chillicothe, Ohio with executive offices located in the same building as

the Ross County Pregnancy Center. The ministry currently leases office space for four

centers and owns the property that houses the Pickaway center; the property is free of

debt.6 EHPR is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and daily operations are

managed by the Executive Director. Including the E.D. there are seven paid employees

with only one full time staff member. They remain dependent upon the strong corps of

volunteers they have developed over the last 25 years. Because center services are

offered free of charge the ministry has no income outside of grants and donations.

The ministry serves surrounding communities through the following services: 7

Mentoring services with a trained coach

Counseling on pregnancy options, STDs and birth control
Free self-administered pregnancy tests
Free Ultrasound referrals
Emergency assistance for maternity and baby supplies
A variety of Earn While You Learn educational programs
Parenting class for both mother and father
Referral services for various community assistance programs
Fertility and sexual health education
Post-abortion and miscarriage healing programs and support groups
Adoption information

Services are offered free of charge and all client information remains confidential. 8

While they offer information on adoptions they are not a facilitator and do not have

Cutler, L., & Moore, L. (2016, April 13). 2016 EHPR Annual Budget [XLSX].
Elizabeth's Hope Pregnancy Resources. (n.d.). Our Services. Retrieved June 01, 2016, from
cooperative agreements with any adoption services. They do not offer any abortion

services or referrals as it would violate their pro-life Statement of Faith.

The ministry is focused on helping mothers to choose life and their clients are

enrolled in a series of programs designed to equip the mother, and father, with all the

skills necessary to be successful parents. Programs begin during pregnancy and

continue through the toddler years to ensure the parent(s) have a solid foundation to

successfully raise a child. One of the most attractive offerings is the Earn While You

Learn Program. As the client completes pre-established milestones or tasks they are

awarded with Hope Bucks they can use at the Mothers Store to purchase the various

supplies they will need before and after the baby arrives. This program is designed to

encourage the client to complete all the modules in the education curriculum developing

the broadest skillset possible. While their center programs are vital the ministry also

offers a series of services outside of their traditional center programs.

Elizabeths Hope recognizes the challenges men and women of all ages face

when it comes to relationships, sex, pregnancy, and post-abortive needs. This has led

the organization to move outside of the center and develop community outreach

programs. The Healthy Relationships program targets young adults in school and in

church youth groups, while educating participants on relationships it is first and foremost

a program designed to promote abstinence.9 They also offer post-abortive and

miscarriage support programs to vulnerable members of the community, including a

prison program to promote emotional wellbeing prior to a full reentry into society. 10 Due

Franklin, K. (2016, June 01). 2 Surprises on the Road to Hometown Hope.
Clay, D. (2016, April 19). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of Directors Meeting
April 19, 2016 [Secretary's Report of a Regular Board Meeting]. Chillicothe.
to the increase in various court programs, and the growing number of drug related

cases, Elizabeths Hope agreed to provide parenting classes specifically designed for

those clients rounding out a full set of programs and services that makes EHPR so

valuable to the communities they serve. 11

Financial Assessment:

Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources entered 2016 in a strong financial

position. In 2015 the organization lost the financial support of a major corporate donor

when the business was sold.12 This forced the ministry to focus on controlling expenses

and trimming the budget which led to them finishing 2015 below budget. Payroll and

other expenses remained stable while income showed minor fluctuations from the

previous years. In January 2016, the Board of Directors approved the new budget

which was based on a total income of $210,000.00. 13 Their income can be broken down

into four major categories; monthly contributions, events, solicitations, and grants.

Contributions continue to remain the top source of income for EHPR at about $100,000

in 2015. Events came in higher than expected at $92,000 but solicitations continued to

slide to a disappointing $10,000 while income from grant money remained unchanged.

Income is expected to grow in 2016 with expenses tightly managed, but they are

expected to climb as the ministry focuses on growing its income and donor base.

In 2015 Expenses fell to $200,000 leading to a carry forward amount of roughly

$38,000. Payroll remains the top expense growing to more than $130,000. Office

Clay, D. (2016, May 17). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of Directors Meeting
May 17, 2016 [Secretary's Report of a Regular Board Meeting]. Chillicothe.
Clay, D. (2016, January 19). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of Directors
Meeting January 19, 2016.
Cutler, L., & Moore, L. (2016, April 13). 2016 EHPR Annual Budget [XLSX].
leases, utilities and property expenses are combined into the total occupancy budget

and at over $35,000 is the second largest expense. Office expenses are budgeted to

decrease this year while client services costs should drop in 2016 thanks to a grant for

educational materials. In the current budget EHPR needs to raise a total of $202,000 to

meet current needs, but to support their growth plans they must cover future expenses.

The biggest hurdle that Elizabeths Hope must overcome is the cost of their

expansion plans. EHPR has added a new center in a fifth county and is working to gain

the support of local churches and individual donors that will support the growth of that

center. This is another example of how the ministry is growing while keeping costs

down.14 The Executive Team is operating the center with limited hours, the local phone

number rings into the Ross Center, and supplies and curriculum are being provided by

donors or excess materials from the existing centers. But with each fully operational

center costing roughly $25,000 annually EHPR needs to significantly increase its

income from Highland and surrounding counties. However, the lions share of their

growth expenses will come from their desire to move into medical services, and the

board is already laying the ground work. 15

The cost of going medical is not an insignificant amount, however, a pro-life

doctor has already offered EHPR the use of her medical license as the ministrys

volunteer Medical Director. This will significantly reduce the cost of the transition to a

medical operation, but covering the cost of insurance and the mobile medical unit

remains a daunting challenge for a ministry that has a record of barely breaking even

Clay, D. (2016, May 17). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of Directors Meeting
May 17, 2016.
each year.16 At a 2016 pro-life conference EHPR was awarded a $64,000.00 grant

towards the cost of a mobile medical unit from Save the Storks. 17 The grant will provide

$30,000.00 as a rebate once the unit is delivered, and then each month EHPR will get a

monthly stipend to cover the cost of operating the unit until the remainder of the grant is

utilized. That means EHPR must raise a total of $113,000.00 to purchase the unit, and

once the grant expires they will need to cover an estimated $1,500.00 a month in

operating expenses.18 Current income levels will not meet this need requiring a plan

that will drive growth in total income from fundraising and grant awards.

Current Fundraising Events:

Elizabeths Hope has a long history of successful fundraising efforts. Some

events remain a major revenue stream for the ministry while others have posted

disappointing results in recent years. While the ministry is flexible in their strategy some

events seem harder to let go of than others, but it is vital for the organization to focus

their limited resources on events that offer the best potential rewards. The review

revealed certain events should continue as is, some will need to be slightly adjusted to

remain competitive, while others should be eliminated and replaced with new events.

The ministry is fortunate to have two major sources of income that continue to

show real strength year after year. The annual banquet is the groups largest

fundraising event, with a projected income over $30,000. 19 However, the 2016 banquet

Cutler, L., & Moore, L. (2016, April 13). 2016 EHPR Annual Budget [XLSX].
Clay, D. (2016, April 19). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of Directors Meeting
April 19, 2016.
Save the Storks. (n.d.). Guide to Going Mobile. Retrieved April 19, 2016, from
Cutler, L., & Moore, L. (2016, April 13). 2016 EHPR Annual Budget [XLSX].
brought in more than $60,000.00, thanks in large part to the guest speaker they hired

for the event.20 This would indicate that spending a little more to obtain a higher quality

speaker provides the best opportunity to ensure the annual banquet remains a strong

source of income in 2016. The organization also has the annual Baby Bottle Campaign

which continues to be a major source of income despite the campaign falling short of its

goal in 2015.21 This campaign is critical to the ministrys ability to reach out to

supporting churches though attention should focus on recruiting new churches for this

campaign. Keeping it a vibrant part of the fundraising calendar will continue to grow the

ministrys name recognition with their most loyal supporters.

Though the Baby Bottle Campaign and the banquet remain strong financial

contributors the organizations annual Walk for Life event continues to disappoint. What

once raised over $30,000 a decade ago is now barely breaking even, though it does

provide a great opportunity for positive publicity to increase the communitys awareness

of the ministry and its services.22 Chillicothe is a major stopping point on the annual

Tour of the Scioto River Valley (TOSRV) bike tour and is well connected to major state

funded bike paths. It is home to multiple bike shops and several cyclist clubs, as well as

being a significant attraction for cycling enthusiast looking for a place to train for the

TOSRV. The Walk for Life event can be overhauled into a 5k run/walk event (which

performs well in this area despite a few such scheduled events) with a bike tour

incorporated into the event. The tour offers the opportunity for a great source of

Clay, D. (2015, October 20). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of Directors
Meeting October 20, 2015 [Secretary's Report of a Regular Board Meeting]. Chillicothe.
revenue with low overhead increasing the total income potential. 23 However, it is

evident that EHPR should consider cancelling its annual golf outing due to its negative

financial trends that show no sign of improving.

The annual golf outing once brought in more than $10,000.00, however, in the

last five years it has struggled to break even.24 Golf outings are expensive, and

because this is a faith based organization it can be difficult to secure high paying

sponsors. The South-Central Ohio region is currently flooded with golf outings

throughout the season, including two events scheduled for the same weekend as

Elizabeths Hope annual event. The golf outing is being overshadowed by many other

organizations with greater name recognition and broader appeal and it is recommended

that this event be cancelled to make way for fresh events.

Fundraising Strategies:

While Elizabeths Hope maintains a strong record of successful fundraising

events, a new strategy was needed to feed their growth plans. First and foremost, a

renewed commitment to recruiting new supporters will ensure financial stability in the

growth period ahead. Revamping current events, such has transforming the annual

walk into a 5k run and bike tour, EHPR can generate a fresh buzz in the community

about the ministry. This will stir new excitement about the organization and bring in new

participants that are not interested in a strictly faith based walk. The group will also

need to reevaluate their relationships with local churches, their strongest supporters.

Each church that is not scheduled for the Baby Bottle Campaign needs to be

Clay, D. (2015, August 18). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of Directors
Meeting August 18, 2015 [Secretary's Report of a Regular Board Meeting]. Chillicothe.
approached once again to try and connect with its leadership. These connections have

a history of generating dedicated individual monthly supporters, the lifeline of EHPRs

financial resources. And finally, new events are needed to replace the failing events of

the past. A new, annual Night of Hope benefit concert will be the perfect opportunity to

bring together members of the community to showcase EHPRs mission and connect

with the community in a fun, music filled night. Growing events like this year after year

will provide a fresh way to capture some earned media while allowing those who do not

currently support EHPR to connect with the organization.

Individual donors are still the greatest source of income for non-profit

organizations across the country.25 Ensuring these donors remain committed and loyal

to EHPR is vital to their continued success. A new, quarterly newsletter sent to each

donor will allow them to continue to feel connected to the ministry, and a special section

can be used to thank supporters who recently committed to a monthly sponsorship and

to mark major anniversaries of current supporters. This will reinforce just how important

they are to the organization. This will also place the ministry in a solid position in which

to approach current supporters to make the appeal to upgrade and become a major

donor. With the move to a medical mission the ministry can now begin tapping into the

medical community and draw increased support. Potential major donors should also be

invited to the pregnancy center for an open house social event to better understand the

depth of the programs offered to the community, this will place a higher value on the

work accomplished and drive home the need for their support.

Giving USA. (2015, June 29). Giving USA: Americans Donated an Estimated $358.38 Billion to Charity
in 2014; Highest Total in Report's 60-year History. Retrieved June 14, 2016, from
Grants remain the underdog in this ministrys financing, but that is poised to

change. The transition to medical operations will make them a stronger competitor for a

growing number of grants, and those grants are vital to the successful plans to

purchase the mobile medical unit. The good news is that the organization is not alone

to navigate these unfamiliar waters. As part of the $10,000.00 agreement to accept the

grant and purchase the mobile unit Save the Storks will spearhead the effort to connect

EHPR with numerous grants and supporters that will make the purchase and operation

of the unit possible.26 Grants are the key to their growth!

Fundraising Plan Details:

The goal in 2016 is to bring the organizations total income levels up from

$210,000 to $262,000. This will be done by growing the ranks of individual donors,

securing major donors, and the new approach to annual events. In 2017 the income

goal jumps to $405,000 largely with the support of grants. Grant awards currently

account for roughly $10,000 of total income, in 2017 that needs to climb to $130,000

with the help of Save the Storks. They will also connect EHPR with potential corporate

sponsors who will help cover operating expenses once the large grants to purchase the

mobile medical unit expire. Plan details are below:

SOURCE Income Expense Income Expense 2017 Income 2017 Expense
Individual Donors
Total 202000 12000 242000 14200 265000 13700
Montly Sponsors 100,000 500 120,000 1,000 130,000 1,000
Events 92,000 11,000 102,000 12,000 110,000 12,000
Major Gifts 0 0 5,000 200 7,000 200
Mail Solicitation 10,000 500 15,000 1,000 18,000 500

Clay, D. (2016, April 19). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of Directors Meeting
April 19, 2016.
Misc. Income
Total 8000 0 20000 500 140000 10500
Grant 8,000 0 10,000 0 130,000 10,000
Corporate Donors 0 0 10,000 500 10,000 500

Total Income 210000 12000 262000 14700 405000 24200

Fundraising Plan Timeline:

Strategy Goals Target Audience Description When Who Expense

Members of
Via mail, email, Board
Recruiting churches, friends Ongoing
church visitations, Members,
monthly $ 120,000 and family of throughout $ 1,000
& recruiting event Staff and
donors volunteers, board the year.
participants Volunteers
members and

Church campaigns Development

should be Director with
Supporting Ongoing
Baby Bottle staggered quarterly assistance
$ 40,000 Churches and local annual $ 500
Campaign to evenly spread from the
area churches campaign
the income and Executive
expenses Team

Reach out to area

Recruit Businesses located companies to Ongoing
Members &
Corporate $ 10,000 in each county w/a recruit donors and throughout $ 500
Donors center sponsors for the year.
campaign events

Reach out to
existing supporters Board
Current the year, with
and upgrade their Members &
Major Gifts $ 5,000 monthly/annual center open $ 200
level of Executive
supporters houses
commitment to Team
major donor status
once per qtr
A 5k run/walk in
Yoctangee Park
Traditional using the bike path
supporters, headed east. Board
$ 5,000 community and Cyclists will use 16-Apr Members and $ 200
and Bike
area residents and the path heading Staff
cyclist enthusiasts west to
Washington Court
House and back.

Traditional A musical concert 6-Aug; Trinity

Night of supporters and with 2 acts, client Church
$ 5,000 Members and $ 300
Hope members of the testimonies and a donated
community at large financial appeal space

Annual banquet w/
a key note
Director with
speaker, event is
Traditional and new assistance
free at the
Annual supporters, friends from the
invitation of a
Hope $ 52,000 and family of board 22-Sep Executive $ 11,000
board member or
Banquet members, staff & Team, Board
staff member, or
volunteers Members and
one of the recruited
table hosts for the

Total $ 237,000 Total $ 13,700

This plan is measurable and achievable with proper planning. It is designed to

grow financial support for EHPR while educating the team, and making them

comfortable, with the skill set they will need to continue to grow financial support to

transition to a medical ministry; skills such as grant writing, recruiting major donors, and

securing corporate sponsors. Elizabeths Hope is growing, and its going medical!

Clay, D. (2015, August 18). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of
Directors Meeting August 18, 2015 [Secretary's Report of a Regular Board
Meeting]. Chillicothe.
Clay, D. (2015, October 20). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of
Directors Meeting October 20, 2015 [Secretary's Report of a Regular Board
Meeting]. Chillicothe.
Clay, D. (2016, January 19). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of
Directors Meeting January 19, 2016 [Secretary's Report of a Regular Board
Meeting]. Chillicothe.
Clay, D. (2016, April 19). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of
Directors Meeting April 19, 2016 [Secretary's Report of a Regular Board
Meeting]. Chillicothe.
Clay, D. (2016, May 17). Elizabeths Hope Pregnancy Resources Regular Board of
Directors Meeting May 17, 2016 [Secretary's Report of a Regular Board
Meeting]. Chillicothe.
Cutler, L., & Moore, L. (2016, April 13). 2016 EHPR Annual Budget [XLSX]. Chillicothe:
Elizabeth's Hope Pregnancy Resources.
Elizabeth's Hope Pregnancy Resources. (n.d.). Feeling called to help lead this
organization? Retrieved June 01, 2016, from
Elizabeth's Hope Pregnancy Resources. (n.d.). Our Services. Retrieved June 01, 2016,
Franklin, K. (2016, June 01). 2 Surprises on the Road to Hometown Hope. Retrieved
June 08, 2016, from
Giving USA. (2015, June 29). Giving USA: Americans Donated an Estimated $358.38
Billion to Charity in 2014; Highest Total in Report's 60-year History. Retrieved
June 14, 2016, from
Perry, G. (2012). 7 Reasons You Need a Fundraising Plan To Raise The Money Of
Your Dreams. Retrieved June 11, 2016, from
Save the Storks. (n.d.). Guide to Going Mobile. Retrieved April 19, 2016, from

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