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An Assembly Language Program to find the square root of a number using 8085?


1) Load the HL pair with the address of the number whose square root is to be found.
2) Copy the number to accumulator.
3) Initialize E with 0.
4) Subtract content of E from accumulator.
5) Increment register E by 2.
6) Increment content C register by 1.
7) Compare accumulator content with 0.
8) If accumulator content is not zero then go to step 4 else go to step 9.
9) Store the square root in to the memory.
10) Terminate the program.



4200 MVI C,00 0E Initialize C as 0
4201 00
4202 LXI H,4100 21 Load HL pair with the address of
4203 00 the data whose occurrence is to be
4204 41 found
4205 MOV A,M 7E Copy the data to the Accumulator
4206 MVI E,01 1E Initialize E with 0
4207 01
4208 LOOP SUB E 93 [A] [A] + [E]
4209 INR E 1C Increment register E
420A INR E 1C Increment register E
420B INR C 0C Increment register C
420C CPI ,00 FE Compare accumulator content
420D 00 with 0
420E JNZ LOOP C2 Jump on non-zero to the label
420F 07 LOOP
4210 42
4211 MOV A,C 79 Copy content of register C to
4212 STA 4500 32
4213 00 Store the square root in 4500
4214 45
4215 HLT 76 Program ends


Input at 4100 : 31H

Output at 4500 : 07H ------------ Square root

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