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1. Customer Jobs
There are two kind of angkot tracker customer that have different job.
The driver angkot job is tracking customer. In conventional way, they tracking
their customer by feeling such as waiting in an alley, hope there is a people
who will be their passenger. Angkot passenger job is tracking angkot. Usually
they are waiting wherever since still in angkot line. But, sometimes angkot
passenger is not meet with the angkot that they want although waiting in a
long time and in the right line.
2. Customer Gains
From angkot driver side, we think that the gains that they want are
effective and efficient. The driver usually wasting time for waiting uncertainty
passenger. From angkot passenger side, we think that the pains is more
certain in arriving time.
3. Customer Pains
The pains that both angkot passenger and angkot driver have are
quite different. On angkot driver side, the problem is long waiting time to wait
another passenger in angkot (terlalu lama ngetem). angkot will serve the
passenger until the capacity is full. And problem for angkot driver is
uncertainty number of passenger day by day and bottleneck of angkot which
is the other angkot will wait until the previous angkot move to the next stop.

4. Gain Creators
To accommodating customer aspiration, we created two solution
which in each of it involved the two actors (angkot driver and passenger). It is
necessary to gain the awareness of user, with that kind of interaction the
solution will innovate continuously. Passenger rewards is useful to calculate
customer satisfaction while improving the service with comments and
suggestion. Driver community needed to created good atmosphere between
driver in the working environment.
5. Pain Relievers


To overcome the customers problem, we propose GPS usage to each

angkot in order to provide certainty in terms of the time accuracy of incoming
angkot. GPS also helps improving the safety of angkot since the exact
location is shown and can be tracked thanks to GPS device being installed on
6. Product and Services
The purpose of Angkot Tracking Apps is to effective and efficient for
Passenger and drivers. The apps are looking position of angkot also the
passenger that waiting for angkot, time angkot waiting in the position, tariff of
journey and angkot that must choosed for the destination.

We summarize interview by labelling the interview result.


a. Pain

Hard to get passengers OOO

Traffic jam OOO

Competitiveness OOO

Income OO

Too many expense O

Waiting Time O

Routine deposit to boss O

b. Gain

Hiring angkot O

Limiting online-based ojek O

Erasing routine deposit to boss O

c. Offering
Increasing amount of passengers OOO

Government policy OO

Snatching angkot segment O

Training of using application O

Popularity O



a. Pain

Reckless driver OOOOOOO

Selfishness of other passengers O

Waiting time OOOOOO

Cigarette smoke O

No trash bin OOOOO

Hot O

Criminality OOOO

Smelly O

Unclear tariff OOO

Not using turn signal light O

Route OOO

Uncomfortable OOO

Overcapacity OOO

b. Gain

Other transportation OO

Trash bin OO

Pray O

Keep own personal belongings O

Be relaxed O

Use mask O

Be patient O
Riding shotgun O

Positive-thinking O

Using smartphone O

Orderly OO

Ignorant O

To remind O

Drivers attitude O


Expert O

Ride earlier O

c. Offering

Easy to use OOOO

Effective and Efficiency OOOO

Reduced waiting time OO

Safe O

Non-smoking O

Orderly O

Comfortable O

Economical O

Route O

Exact tariff O

Fabulous O

Simple interface O

Storage-friendly O


After we did an interview, there are many changes in our business value canvas. The
difference are on gains, pains, gain creators, and pain relievers. Below are the explanation
about the changed.

1. Customer Gains
The Gain for angkot passanger is cheap compared to another transportation,
easy to find because angkot has many routes, local experience is becuase in another
country there are not transportation like angkot, and know price/tariff at first before
going to the destination. Then gain from driver angkot is to gain more lot of
passanger than usual and kinship to another driver and make a paguyuban.
2. Customer Pains
The pains that both angkot passenger and angkot driver have are quite
different. On angkot driver side, Uncertainty of passenger (the most important
problem), Bottleneck or distribution of angkot, waiting time for driver because the
driver will wait in the position until full capacity of angkot, also the high
competitiveness of angkot drivers. On the passenger side, the pain is long waiting
time of angkot because uncertainty of arriving angkot, uncertainty of tariff also the
problem because no standard for tariff, unsafety and no trash inside of angkot.
3. Gain Creators
There are many significant different on grain creators between the old canvas
and new canvas. The new gain creators are bill payment, community, and promo
(partnership). The bill payment answered know price / tariff and cheap. So, the
passenger can control and know the certain tariff. The community answered the
angkot driver gains to a kinship with other angkot driver through paguyuban. Due to
many partnership with sponsor for promotion, the angkot tariff also will be cheaper.
To answered the gain from angkot passenger about the easy to find angkot, GPS will
be attach in every angkot. Customer still get local experience although the angkot
become more comfortable. They still can interact with local people because of the
sharing principle of angkot.
4. Pain Relievers
Based on the interview result, we offer several solutions to the customers
problem. For angkot drivers, we provide GPS attached to each angkot in order to
deal with the uncertainty of passengers and the uncertainty of arriving angkot, angkot
tracking app with detailed information on it in order to deal the uncertainty of angkot
and long waiting time, angkot ID and angkot insurance in order to deal with the safety
issue, and the clarity of the government policy in order to deal with the bottleneck of
the angkot and the high competitiveness between angkot drivers.





A. Scorecard for Angsurance

1. Customer: 80
a. Unmet need or desire: 80
Insurance comes to solve problem, which is to cover common
accident that usually happens. Angsurance comes to give protection to public
transportation (which in this case is Angkot) if there is accident.
b. Right-sized market or segment: 80
Angsurance targets all Angkot cars in Bandung as a due diligence,
and will be implemented in all big cities in Indonesia that still use Angkot as
public transportation.
c. Reliable access to customers: 80
Acquiring access to Angkot drivers are considered easy and reliable
since the data can be gathered from the Ministry of Transportation.
2. Product: 85
a. Customer focused solution: 85
Angsurance comes with the focus of solving the problem in insurance
protection to public transportation, especially Angkot. Current insurance
protection only gives a small compensation and only to major accidents.
Therefore, we strive to give more sufficient protection to any accident
happens to Angkot.
b. Low barriers to adoption: 85
Angkot driver should not have problem in adopting Angsurance since
it only covers their activity and not change it.
c. Clear value proposition: 85
The value proposition is clear and straightforward as it emphasises
giving the protection to Angkot that Angkot and surely Angkot drivers will need
3. Timing: 90
a. Recent innovation enabler: 90
Currently, there is only one insurance company that offers protection to
public transportation, which is state-owned company called Jasa Raharja.
With there is no other insurance company that engages public transportation
sector, this can be an opportunity for innovation to develop Angsurance.
b. Demand already established: 90
There is already an established demand for public transportation
insurance. In fact, many Angkot drivers need insurance for covering the
accidents, repairing and maintenance of the vehicle.
c. No signs of commoditization: 90
As there is still no competitor in public transportation insurance, certainly
there will not be any commoditization.
4. Competition: 82
a. Clear market Inefficiency: 80
There is a high possibility that Angsurance will have a dominant solution
provider and command the large majority of opportunity and profit as there is


still no competitor. However, the market could be inefficient since there might
be a difficulty when trying to change the habit and manner of Angkot drivers.
b. Low barriers to entry: 85
Angsurance will face insignificant barrier to entry the industry since there
is still no competitor. However, it is worth to consider the regulation that may
apply since there is only one state-owned company that acts as an insurance
company that gives protection to public transportation.
c. Differentiable position: 84
Angsurance is clearly differentiable with current only-competitor which is
Jasa Raharja, since Angsurance offers greater compensation and coverage in
terms of accidents happened, repairing, and also maintenance of the vehicle.
Specifically, Angsurance will offer compensation for each death casualty 4x
larger (IDR 100 million maximum), permanent disability 3x larger (IDR 75
million maximum), accident treatment 2x larger (IDR 50 million maximum),
and funeral if there is no heir 2x larger (IDR 4 million).
5. Finance: 30
a. Low sunk cost: 30
The sunk cost for Angsurance may be high since it needs much
money to provide cover for accidents, repairing and maintenance. While it can
laterly depend on the premium received by Angkot drivers, it still takes a very
long time to reach the breakeven point.
b. Working capital float: 20
The return of the working capital of Angsurance is likely to be long and
no uncertainty at the beginning of the business since it still needs to gather
more Angkot drivers to join, and eventually, received their premiums.
c. Economies of scale: 40
The economies of scale of current situation is still considered high
since there are still many people who use Angkot in Indonesia. However,
along with the development era, people will switch to cheaper, more safe,
more convenient, and faster transportation. At this rate, the number of Angkot
might be reduced, and eventually, vanished.
6. Team: 66
a. Subject matter expertise: 70
Although this is still considered new in Indonesia, the business itself is
not really different with other common insurance company. The particular
point that only needs to be paid attention is the regulation issue since it deals
with public transportation and it is managed by the government. Therefore,
the team will not be facing any significant problem, assuming they have
previous experience in insurance company.
b. Functional competence: 65
The expertise in insurance company and dealing with public services
might be needed by the team in order to operate the business. Since finding
people from the public services background is a little bit harder than
insurance company background, the functional competence of Angsurance
might be hard to be established.
c. Supplier partnerships: 63


A good relationship with the suppliers should be maintained. In this

case, Angsurance needs to have a good relationship with car workshops,
hospitals or healthcare companies.

B. Scorecard for SPBA

1. Customer: 81,67
a. Unmet need or desire: 85
SPBA comes to solve what motorcycle user want. Many of people has
problem for queuing in gas station when they used motorcycle because
usually SPBU just gives limit area in service station of motorcycle.
b. Right-sized market or segment: 80
SPBA targets all motorcycle user in Indonesia. So, from the
government statistic in 2013, Indonesia has more than 50% motorcycle than
another vehicle. So, it pursues large market.
c. Reliable access to customers: 80
SPBA really easy and reliable for customer because we have large
market and also can be operate like SPBU Pertamina system, Shell system
or others gas station system because it is having a same concept with them.
The difference in the specific customer only.

2. Product: 81,67
a. Customer focused solution: 85
SPBA focus on solving the need from motorcycle user. They have
problem in long time of queuing to get service station when they in SPBU to
added gas and oil.
b. Low barriers to adoption:.80
People that has part of this project are not worry about problem that
maybe can happen, because this project really has same concept with other
gas station. The difference just in the target market that really specific.
c. Clear value proposition: 80
The Value proposition clear enough that solve problem in specific
target also when considering in the system it same with other gas station. so,
the benefit and cost are same and make profit.

3. Timing: 80
a. Recent innovation enabler: 75
SPBA is not innovative idea at all. But we improve in the specific target
market to motorcycle only. it is because the large demand in Indonesia.
b. Demand already established: 85
Demand for SPBA can be predict already established, because in
Indonesia we have large number of motorcycle user.
c. No signs of commoditization: 80
The visitor in the SPBA can be predict using number of people that own of
motorcycle. So, the profit can predict too. In this sector, still already no
4. Competition: 71.67
a. Clear market Inefficiency: 75
SPBA is the one and only of service gas and oil station that have specific
market. so, it is in the category of new market with exceeds demand.
b. Low barriers to entry: 60
For now, Indonesia still not have company that operate in this sector. Just


the government can open the business. so this sector are low barriers to
c. Differentiable position: 80
SPBA is clearly differentiable with focus on the specific of customer or
target market.
5. Finance: 68.33
a. Low sunk cost: 60
The sunk cost for SPBA is high because this is a big project. and for
execution we need permission also must partner to do it with government.
b. Working capital float: 70
The return of working capital can be covered in the beginning because
this project is partnership with government.
c. Economies of scale: 75
The margin of this project will increase with increase of volume also. But it
cant be added the profit. because every volume has same profit. So, nothing
added or less the profit because increase or decrease of volume. everything
will same.
6. Team: 70
a. Subject matter expertise: 75
SPBA is new, but its not have significant differences with other SPBU or
gas and oil station others. because the system and the concept are similar.
so, the team is not facing any significant problem for this project.
b. Functional competence: 75
The expertise people in this project are places in beginning of process
when the project start to build the building. After the building finished, the
experts will same like the SPBU in general.
c. Supplier partnerships: 60
The project is collaborating with government, so the supplier also will
discuss with government. Usually, the suppliers of project that in the
beginning will gets from tenders.

C. Scorecard for Klik Car

1. Customer (60)
a. Unmet Need or Desire (60)
Klikcar can be used to any customer as a place to make a transaction/
purchase the car themselves. It will easy to access. It can help the customer
who confused to choose the right car workshop/car.
b. Right Size Market or segment (70)
Klikcar will be more focus on the competition in high e-commerce
market and will meet strong competitor from in and outside the country. They
build Klikcar in strategic place as their expand strategy.
c. Reliable Customer Channels (50)
Klikcar provide the best car workshop or vendor to make the customer
easy to find the right one.
2. Product (66.67)
a. Customer Focused Solution (80)
Klikcar is very focus on the customer need. As an professional e-
commerce for customer to find the right car workshop and make sure that
Klikcar is the right answer for make a purchase. To supports that Klikcar


make partnership with some car workshop website to advertise their e-

b. Low Barriers to Adoption (50)
E-commerce like this is still not too attractive the customer compared
to go buy to car workshop directly. Its hard to convince meet the right target
c. Clear Value Proposition (70)
Klikcar is a good investment. Considering to the facilities, easy
access, warranty, offers, etc.
3. Timing (73.33)
a. Recent Innovation Enabler (80)
The concept of Klikcar as an e-commerce was set up maturely, so it is
innovative in the country since there are not many automotive e-commerce
in here. And it's such a good solution for some busy man.
b. Demand Already Established (60)
One of the advantages being as a follower is to know the market
condition. Further research of the market is tested to predict the market
expectation of automotive e-commerce. In this case, Klikcar has already
studied the market and hopefully will accommodate market needs.
c. No Signs of Commoditization (60)
As the number of visitor increase month by month, Klikcar will create
more profit. Furthermore, partners will pay higher as the time goes.
4. Competition (50)
a. Clear Market Inefficiency (40)
There is a high possibility that Klikcar will have a dominant solution
provider and command the large majority of opportunity and profit as there is
still few competitors in town. However, the market could be inefficient since
there might be a difficulty when trying to change the habit of customer to buy
b. Low Barrier to Entry (50)
Klikcar will face insignificant barrier to entry the industry since there is
still few competitors. However, it is worth to consider the regulation that may
apply since there is only one state-owned company that acts as an
automotive e-commerce that gives easy access to people.
c. Differentiable Position (60)
Klikcar is clearly differentiable with another competitor. since Klikcar
offers greater compensation and have 0% installment which not all
automotive e-commerce has.
5. Finance (50)
a. Low Sunk Cost (40)
The sunk cost for Klikcar may be average since it just needs an
internet to access and not spend too much money to make an e-commerce.
But for advertisement it will spend higher than usual because Klikcar has to
have a good connection to put their advertisement.
b. Working Capital Float (60)
Klikcar shared the revenue by 80:20 for the car workshop and for the


c. Economies of Scale (50)

The economies of scale of current situation is still considered low
since the customer rare to buy online about automotive. However, along with
the development era, people will switch to cheaper, simple, effective and
efficient. At this rate, the number of buyer will be increased.
6. Team (63.33)
a. Subject Matter Expertise (80)
Although this is still considered new in Indonesia in automotive world,
the business itself is not really different with other common automotive
company. The particular point that only needs to be paid attention is the
regulation of buying online since it deals with a lot of money. Therefore,
Klikcar will not be facing any significant problem, assuming they have
previous experience in e-commerce.
b. Functional Competence (60)
The expertise in automotive e-commerce and dealing with public
services might be needed by the team in order to operate the business.
Since finding people from the public services background is a little bit harder,
the functional competence of Klikcar might be hard to be established.
c. Supplier Partnership (50)
This kind of project involved many parties, the programmer, the car
workshop, and the buyer/customer. They need to integrated each other so
they can calculate the exact price where it can make supply chain profit.

D. Scorecard for Angkot Tracker

1. Customer: 88
a. Unmet need or desire: 90
Since there are two customers of angkot tracker, angkot driver and
angkot passenger, angkot tracker should can solve problem which comes
from both of them. By angkot tracker, the angkot passenger problem such as
long waiting time, uncertainty of arriving angkot, uncertainty of tariff, and
unsafety trash can be solved. From angkot driver problem side, such as
uncertainty of angkot passenger, bottleneck of angkot, long waiting time, and
high competitiveness also can be solved.
b. Right-sized market or segment: 90
Angkot tracker target market are all of angkot passenger and angkot
driver in Bandung. It also will be implemented in all big cities that still use
angkot as public transport in Indonesia.
c. Reliable access to customers: 85
Angkot drivers data can be easily get from the Ministry of
Transportation. Increasing high tech angkot passenger awareness also can
be access by using social media marketing.
2. Product: 88
a. Customer focused solution: 90
Angkot tracker focus on solving the problem in how to increase angkot
service, from the driver side and customer side. Nowadays, angkot have


many problems that can be solved with a right information system between
angkot driver and angkot passenger by this apss.
b. Low barriers to adoption: 85
We need to educate the society and angkot driver since this is a new
habit for them. They also should can operate smartphone.
c. Clear value proposition: 90
The value proposition of Angkot Tracker is clear and straightforward to
make their activity of using angkot become effective and efficient.
3. Timing: 90
a. Recent innovation enabler: 90
Fortunately, there is no company that provide information system for
Angkot. Currently, the other online transportation that can be Angkot Tracker
competitor are Uber, Grab Taxi, and Go Car. But, with sharing principle,
Angkot Tracker certainly will be cheaper than them. It can be an opportunity
for innovation to develop Angkot Tracker.
b. Demand already established: 90
Since online transportation booming in Indonesia, the demand already
established. We offer cheaper but still low cost and can get local experience
with a comfortable way by Angkot Tracker.
c. No signs of commoditization: 90
As there is still no competitor in angkot online transportation, certainly
there will not be any commoditization.
4. Competition: 88
a. Clear market Inefficiency: 85
Since there is no competitor, Angkot Tracker will be the only one
online transportation solution for angkot. It also has a high profit potential.
But, changing habit will be be the hardest challenge.
b. Low barriers to entry: 90
The barriers of Angkot Tracker are low because there is no online
transportation for angkot and the society have been educated with online
c. Differentiable position: 90
Angkot Tracker is one of online transportation. Since there is no online
transportation for angkot, Angkot Tracker is very differentiable with other
online transportation.
5. Finance: 73
a. Low sunk cost: 80
The sunk cost for Angkot is moderate sink the company have its own
web developer. The highest cost will be on marketing to increase the
passenger awareness. But, it will be in breakeven point due to compensation
from driver when use Angkot Tracker.
b. Working capital float: 50
The working capital float will be long, such as one year after release.
We need to burning money on marketing first, giving promo to attract
customer using Angkot Tracker. Usually the promo will be 6 - 12 months.
c. Economies of scale: 90


Nowadays, the economics scale of Angkot is high. By Angkot Tracker,

angkot will be more comfortable. Time and tariff also can be predicted. It can
increase the amount of passenger and the economics scale will larger.
6. Team: 83
a. Subject matter expertise: 85
Although Angkot Tracker is new, its not have a significant different
from other online transportation. So, the team will not be facing any
significant problem because they have experience in online transportation

b. Functional competence: 75
The team need to be expertise in online transportation to operate this
business. As a public service, the team may be got a new challenge to bring
online transportation that usually not sharing to be sharing but still

c. Supplier partnerships: 90
Angkot Tracker havent supplier since this business is business to
business between Angkot Tracker and angkot provider.

E. Scorecard Grand Oasis

1. Customer: 63
a. Unmet Need or Desire (80)
Grand Oasis can be used to anybody as a place to take a rest,
window shopping, and toilet stop. It will be located in strategic places and in
highway. It can help driver from driving too long and as the only place to
relieve stress in highway.
b. RIght Size Market or Segment (70)
Grand Oasis will be more focus on the competition in a small market
of rest area in highway, and will meet strong competitor from local
government rest area. They build Grand Oasis in strategic place as their
expand strategy.
c. Reliable Customer Channels (40)
Grand Oasis really rely on customer who wants to take a rest or make
toilet stop only.
2. Product: 70
a. Customer Focused Solution (90)
Grand Oasis is very focus on the customer need. As a place for driver
to relieve stress due to traffic or driving too long, to supports that Grand
Oasis make partnership with restaurant, branded clothing as an attraction for
the customer.
b. Low Barriers to Adoption (40)
Rest area like this product is still not attractive than building
commercial area in Business District. It is hard to convince big player to
come contribute in this project.
c. Clear Value Proposition (80)


Grand Oasis is a good long-term investment. Considering to the

location and facilities, it will make profit in no time.
3. Timing: 60
a. Recent Innovation Enabler (30)
The concept of grand Oasis was established more than 5 years ago,
so it is not innovative at all. But Grand Oasis join the emerging market when
the demand is increase.
b. Demand Already Established (70)
One of the advantages being as a follower is to know the market
condition. Further research of the market is tested to predict the market
expectation of rest area. In this case, Grand Oasis already studied the
market and hopefully will accommodate market needs.
c. No Signs of Commoditization (80)
As the number of visitor increase, Grand Oasis will create more profit.
Furthermore, partners will pay higher as the time goes (due to the trend).
4. Competition: 70
a. Clear Market Inefficiency (40)
For now, Grand Oasis is complete in stagnant market. It is due to the
obstacle on making high-way, and considering that not all highway capable
to integrate with rest area
b. Low Barrier to Entry (30)
First of all, now only local government could open the rest area.
Sometimes they made agreement with the chosen partner to build their
branch in new rest area, so the quota is limited and it is very hard to get the
c. Differentiable Position (70)
Grand Oasis special because they make partnership with branded
clothes for shopping, and chosen restaurant. They want to stand out while
local government make partnership with local brand and local restaurant.
5. Finance: 60
a. Low Sunk Cost (40)
This is a big project because it is a collaboration with many partner
and required up-front capital to convince the partner (rest area require large
land). For illustration, it requires 10 Billion Rupiah in Jakarta-Cikampek
highway and 20 Billion Rupiah in Purbaleunyi highway.
b. Working Capital Float (70)
All of the expense covered in the beginning. They use shared profit
10-15% between the investor and the developer.
c. Economies of Scale (70)
As the time goes by, more potential investor want to make rest area,
the cost of operation can be reduced (in existing highway).
6. Team: 90
a. Subject Matter Expertise (100)
Grand Oasis is established more than 5 years from the first rest area
built, and it is enough for the developer to study the market and the market
b. Functional Competence (80)


Rest area need the hacker to develop then design the area and the
hustler to review the current condition and dynamic follow the trend to make
customer comes.
c. Supplier Partnership (70)
This kind of project involved many parties, the investor, the developer,
the customer (user, the partners (shop, restaurant). They need to integrated
each other so they can calculate the exact price where it can make supply
chain profit.



Title: Angkot Tracker
Date: 27 February 2017
1. Customer
a. Market Segment:
1.Worker, student , housewifes.
b. Channels:
2,Application for angkot tracker
2. Value Creation
a. Logical Need
1.Angkot Tracker for effective and efficient transportation
b. Emotional Desire
1.Original idea and design Application
2.Useful and Easy to used
3.Can help every person
3. Product
a. Primary Function
1. Tracking Angkot Position
2. Tracking Angkot Passenger Position

b. Business Model Archetypes

1. Software Product
4. Competition
a. Differentiation :
1. Online Application for Local Government Transportation (Angkot)
2. New-way of using angkot
b. Competitive advantage :
1.Real-time GPS (tracking system)
2.Security (identity)
3. User-friendly (for both passenger and angkot driver)
5. Team
a. Core Team (hacker & hustler):
1. App Developer (product/tech)
2.Marketing (business development/sales)
b. Key Partnerships:
1.Application Programming Interface (API)
2.All angkot drivers that have all documents and able to drive angkot well
6. Finance
a. Sunk cost
To build online startup, usually needs developer team that consists of 4
people and it cost Rp, 20.000.000/month .Assume that developer team need
6 months (standards) to designing, the total cost is Rp, 120.000.000
b. Working capital :
Rp. 1,500,000,000- Rp. 2,000,000,000 for digital startup with online basis
(including building, human resource, technology, etc)


Elevator Pitch:
Angkot-tracker is the first online application for local transportation with integrated
system and GPS supports that create to modernize and improve services of public



A. Question List for Driver

1. Tell me about the problem of your job !

2. Tell me about current condition in driving angkot !
3. Which problem do you face ?
4. How do you currently deal with that problem ?
5. How about your expectation regarding to your job ?
6. What do you think about online application for transportation ?
7. Tell me about your expectation about online application for angkot !

B. Question List for Passenger

1. What do you feel about angkot nowadays?

2. Tell me about the problem when using angkot!
3. How do you currently deal with that problem?
4. What is your expectation to deal with the problem?
5. What do you think about online transportation with application?
6. Tell me about your expectation about online application!

C. Interview Result from Driver

Interviewee 1
Name : Untung Prihatin
Job : Angkot driver since 2007 ( 10 years)

Tell me about the problem of your job !

-susah dapat penumpang
-mesti membiayai keluarga
1. Tell me about current condition in driving angkot !
-mesti kejar setoran
2. Which problem do you face ?
- Banyak pengeluaran (bensin dan setoran)
- Banyaknya angkot lain di trayek yang sama
- Jalanan macet saat sore
3. How do you currently deal with that problem ?
-Kadang menyewakan angkot untuk mahasiswa (carter)
4. How about your expectation regarding to your job ?
-sistem setoran di hapus
-tidak ada tumpang tindih dalam mengambil penumpang
- ojek online di batasi
5. What do you think about online application for transportation ?
-Merebut pangsa angkot
6. Tell me about your expectation about online application for angkot !
-penumpang jadi makin banyak
-menambah pendapatan
-di kasih subsidi dari pemerintah (untuk gadget) dan pelatihan untuk memakai

Interviewee 2
Name : Mang Asep
Job : Angkot driver since 2010 ( 7 years)
1. susah dapat penumpang dan pendapatan pas-pasan
2. jalanan bandung padat sekaranng, penumpang sedikit karena musim hujan (jam tertentu)
3. Bersaing dengan uber, gojek, sama maceta
4. Menyerobot mobil dan motor. Terus ngetem
5. pemerintah membuat program agar masyarakat menaiki angkot
6. Banyak di gunakan oleh masyarakat (Booming)
7. Memudahkan supir angkot dalam mencari penumpang

D. Interview Result from Passenger

Interviewee 1
Name : Monica Stephanie
Job : Student
1. Supir masih ugal-ugalan, banyak angkot yang tidak ada tempat sampah
2. Cara menyetir yang sembarangan membuat banyak kecelakaan dan kriminalitas
3. Berdoa dan menjaga barang
4. Bisa santai di dalam angkot tanpa rasa khawatir
5. Faboulous
6. Simple interface, easy to use

Interviewee 2
Name : Imelda Lizal
Job : Student
1. Merupakan moda transportasi yang masih di butuhkan banyak orang terutama
mahasiswa (Need)
2. Waiting time yang lama dan tidak bisa turun di tempat yang kita inginkan (rute)
3. Naik Go-Jek
4. Bisa berhenti di tempat yang kita inginkan dan murah (ta
5. effective and efficient
6. Tidak memakan banyak data dan gampang di gunakan

Interviewee 3
Name : Tita
Job : Student
1. Lama banget ngetem, supir ugal-ugalan
2. Kecopetan (tasnya disilet), supirnya merokok
3. Tasnya didekap terus, bawa masker
4. Lebih aman, lebih sehat udaranya
5. Suka banget, karena lebih instan, cepat, praktis, hemat
6. Ga ngetem lagi, aman, ga ada yg ngerokok lagi

Interviewee 4
Name : Tini
Job : Student
1. Merasa resah karena banyaknya tindak kriminal akhir-akhir ini termasuk di angkot.

2. Ga tau
3. Sabar dan berpikir positif ketika naik angkot tersebut.
4. Agar nyaman ketika berkendara.
5. Saya pikir online transportation merupakan salah satu solusi yang bisa digunakan ketika
menggunakan jasa angkot sudah tidak nyaman karena berbagai hal.
6. Angkot app tidak ngetem lama lagi ketika menarik penumpang.

Interviewee 5
Name : Vivi
Job : Student
1. Panas, ngetem, ugal-ugalan, kotor, rawan kriminalitas.
2. Menikmatinya saja
3. -
4. Good idea buat online transportation
5. Kemungkinan tidak setuju untuk apps angkot.
6. -

Interviewee 6
Name : Nabila Husna
Job : Student
1. Angkot makin kesini makin tidak nyaman. Abang angkot sering menarik tarif yang lebih dari
semestinya. Lalu angkot sering kali memaksakan kapasitas untuk penumpang.
2. Waiting time yang lama dan berhenti di sembarang tempat
3. Kalau kelamaan nunggu naik transportasi umum lain
4. Tarif sesuai dengan semestinya dan isi angkot sesuai kapasitas
5. Aplikasi yang dibuat harus lebih mengefektifkan sistem angkot
6. Angkot tertib dan nyaman

Interviewee 7
Name : Florence Theodora
Job : Student
1. Jalannya makin ugal-ugalan, makin tidak teratur, sering berhenti di sembarang tempat,
lampu sen tidak digunakan.
2. Waiting time lama parah
3. Kalau kelamaan nunggu, turun dan naik transportasi umum lain ; Kalau engga terburu-buru
main Handphone di angkot
4. Angkotnya tertib diwaktu jadi engga ada nunggu kelamaan.
5. Lebih effective dan efficient
6. Aplikasi bisa menunjukan harus naik yang mana buat pergi dari satu tempat ke tempat lain.

Interviewee 8
Name : Vida Fitriani
Job : Student
1. Angkot gak layak ga enak. Panas. Kalau penuh, bau banget. Kalau ugal-ugalan ngeri. Mau
ngomong ke supirnya gak berani.
2. Rutenya. Ke itb dua kali angkot. Nggak ada tempat sampah padahal aturannya harus ada
tempat sampah. Kriminal juga ada serem banget. Pengamennya juga serem.
3. Supir ugal-ugalan nggak berani negur jadi kode-kode juga. Kode-kode juga kalau ngetem.
Kalau pengamen dicuekin.


4. Sopir ada semacam sertifikatnya, ada training. Cari sopir yang bisa nyopir, harus ahli, dan
attitudenya juga harus bagus. Dicekin terus beneran enggak ada tempat sampahnya.
5. Wah itu menarik banget sih. Soalnya suka sebel sama supir angkot waktu jaraknya deket
dan kita bayar pakai uang gedhe dia ngambilnya seenaknya. Kalau ada track udah jelas
tracknya jadi jelas juga kitanya gimana. Tapi keren banget idenya itu.
6. Harus bagus sih penampilannya. Beneran tarfinya gitu jadi bisa siap-siap juga kitanya.

Interviewee 9
Name : Syifa Aida Kardena
Job : Student
1. Lumayan nyaman tapi kadang mangnya ngasih tarif beda-beda, kadang kalau deket
harusnya 2000 tapi 3000 ; terus ngetem-ngetem gitu ; penumpangnya juga ada yang egois
pengen deket duduk deket pintu jadi susah masuknya ; kadang supirnya juga ada yang
selengekan gitu
2. Kalau ngetem angkotnya, biasa angkot ngetem jadi kita sabar dan estimasi waktunya lebih
lama ; Suka kotor, ada yang ada tempat sampah ada yang enggak, tiap sisi ada tempat
sampah harusnya
3. Naik angkot lebih awal ; Duduk paling depan
4. Kang emil ngatur angkotnya jadi lebih tertib karena suka berantakan gak jelas. Semua
angkot wajib ada tempat sampah. Angkot mikirin pelanggan, ngetem jangan lama-lama
5. Iya banget woy, aku tu setuju. Jadi ngasih tau kita mau ke buah batu kalau gojek mahal atau
gojek sibuk (rute). Cari di internet suka salah jadi kalau aplikasi bisa lebih valid.
6. Bagus sih, setuju. User friendly harusnya. Ada buat cari jurusan dan lokasi angkot


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