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Yerang Cho Enya

Grade 2
Instructional mode: Brainstorming, demonstrations, oral reports
Lesson: Proverb 18: 21

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
We should be careful about what we say. -Students will come up with one
Proverb 18:21. sentence together and say that to each
The tongue has the power of life and other (throughout the day).
death, and those who love it will eat its

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

- What does tongue do? - Students will understand the words that
- Have you ever been hurt by brings life (helpful and encouraging),
someones words? and words that can bring death
- Have you ever been helped by (discouraging and hurtful).
someones word?
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
Beginning the Lesson
5mins We will play Who am I do you know what is who am I game?
I will think of something, and give you guys a hint of what I have in my
mind. You will have 3 chances until next hint. Please raise your hand if
you want to guess.
Ready? Okay I do have something in mind.
It is one of our body parts.
It can be very helpful or very hurtful at the same time.
Its color is pink.
We use it to eat.
It can taste the food.
Developing the Lesson
15min Yes thats right, I was thinking about tongue.
s What do you think it will happen if we dont have tongue?
- we cant speak, we cant taste food etc.

Lets look at the Bible what does it say about tongue?

Proverbs 18 :21 (NIRV)
Your tongue has the power of life and death.
Those who love to talk will eat the fruit of their words.

Wow did you hear that?

The power of words can affect you and people who are around you.

What did the proverb say about tongue?

Lets have someone read it again
Yerang Cho Enya
Grade 2
Power of life and death what does it mean? Anyone know?
Do you guys remember how God created this world?
-by speaking words. God speaks life with His words. He will be happy if we
speak life to each other by our words.
- Power of life: can build someone up, encouraging, helping

On the other hand, what does it mean that words has power of death?
- Power of death: hurtful, mean words, discouraging
Any of you have ever hurt by someones words?
- Hear from one student.
:My experience
Any of you have ever helped by someones words?
- Hear from one student.
:My experience

10mi Closing the Lesson

ns The Bible said we can either bring life or death with our tongue right?
We dont want to bring death or let someone down by our words.
Our words are powerful!
Lets think of something that we can say to each other!
- I love being with you
- You are very important to God
- You are precious
- Thank you for helping me

Lets remember to say this sentence today!

End with a prayer.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Brainstorming together.

The Bible : Proverb 18:21
Proverbs 18 : 21 (NIRV)
21 Your tongue has the power of life and death.
Those who love to talk will eat the fruit of their

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