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Yerang Cho Enya

Grade 2B
Lesson: Guard your heart
Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Proverbs 4:23 At the end of the day, remind the
Above all else, guard your heart, for students again and complement the
everything you do flows from it. student who used encouraging words.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

What does our heart do? : controls our The student will . . .
actions and emotions. - know that everything we do is
from our heart.
Why do we need to protect our heart? : - know the reason why that we need
because everything comes out from it. to guard our heart.

How do we protect our heart? : By

learning Gods words and praying to
God (communicating with God)
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
Beginning the Lesson
2min How is everyone!
s I want everyone to do little exercise!
Can we hop in your square for ten second? I will count up to 10.

Now I want everyone to feel your wrist by put your two fingers on your

What can you feel something? Do you know what that beat is?
3min Its your heartbeat.
s Why do you think you can feel your heartbeat by putting your fingers on
your wrist?
Where is your heart? Its on your left side of your chest.

We can feel the heartbeat from our wrist because of our physical heart that
sends the blood to our whole body.

Developing the Lesson

Now that is what our physical heart does.
Does anybody know how we keep our physical heart healthy?
3min What did we just do?
s Eat vegetables and exercise!
Yerang Cho Enya
Grade 2B
What about our spiritual heart?

-the teacher will show them Inside Out characters.

Who is ths? Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Disgust
Have students to come up to the front and stick the characters one by one.
And talk about the each emotions.
These are the emotions that we can feel everyday.
Do you know where do they come from? All the emotions and feelings
comes from our spiritual heart.

Now lets look at the Bible and see what God says about our spiritual heart.
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it

5mins What does it mean that everything we do flows from our heart?

It means what we do and what we say or what we feel, all of them comes
out from our heart.
Is this meant our heart is very important?

Do you think we should protect our heart from bad thoughts and bad
feelings like anger and selfishness? yes.

Closing the Lesson

Put your hand out show me one!
2min First, we need to read Gods words. The Bible tells us what to do in our
s lives in a Godly way.
Last time we talked about our tongue, words right? Even what we say is
from our heart.

Second, we need to pray to God. Praying is a way of communicating with

God. We need to ask God to help us when we feel afraid or angry or sad.

Third, we should watch our words. What did we talk about on Monday? we
talked about tongue, our words have power.
Because everything we say it comes from where? : our heart.

Lets read the Bible verse one more time.

Today I want you guys to be careful of what you say. Can we do that?
And try to say encouraging words.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Ask questions

Yerang Cho Enya
Grade 2B

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