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We bring in more value to our customers

Working closely
with our
customers, third
party developers
and other stake
holders to

Ronn Kliger,
Energy Group Director
Analog Devices, Inc.

Analog Devices, a pioneer in electronic energy metering EI The present age belongs to smart grid
technology that needs installation and
upgrading of monitoring equipment along electrical
through early introduction of energy metrology components
transmission and distribution systems. What range
has been developing innovative Energy solutions. Their of solutions does Analog Devices provide to effect
electronic metering ICs accelerated the transition from efficiency measures in energy sector?
electromechanical to solid-state meters. ADI has a range of
products for variety of applications, fields and enjoys 45-year
T he electricity grid infrastructure has
remained virtually unchanged and
un-measured for over 50 years. In the future,
tradition of reliability, innovation, performance, and value in however, not having real-time data on the
status of the grid at any instant in time is
signal processing ICs. Addressing the growing technology becoming a problem that can no longer be
needs in the smart grid and related areas, Ronn Kliger, in an ignored. Power delivery management is, based
on the concept of having a known fixed
exclusive interview with Electrical India states, we have been amount of generated power available to meet
successful in consolidating our position in the Indian market. known or expected demand requirements

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based on historical usage profiles. its performance for a long period of electronic energy meter is the new
The grid, however, is now becoming time. About 20 years ago, both ability to measure and analyze the
severely challenged, not least with legislators and utility companies began presence of harmonics within
respect to the need to reduce power talking about improving services to distribution systems that have the
losses in the lines, transformers and end-customers by automating potential to damage transformers,
substation equipment, but in electricity meters and providing more electric motors, and sensitive industrial
addition, to allow for the supply onto capabilities. All-electronic energy equipment.
the grid of increasingly distributed meters played a key role in providing
generation, including Wind Turbines
and Solar PV. Demand too will
become far less predictable with the
the required functions. This included
sensors that measure current, input
signal conversion, digital signal
EI Would you brief our readers about
Analogs digital power management
and switching power application
need to enable a charging processing and communication. products?
infrastructure for electric vehicles.
All these facts and the expectation
that global electricity capacity will
Analog Devices had expertise in all of
A DI has established a technology
leadership in digital power
management products for ACDC and
double by 2030, means that our Grid isolated DCDC converters in industrial
must be monitored and protected to What makes and communication systems. What
a massively greater extent than it is makes ADIs approach somewhat
today. This impending revolution will
ADIs unique is the implementation of the
drive an ever increased dependence approach digital core in a state machine - with all
on micro - electronics and programming performed via a very
semiconductors. This is leading ADI somewhat unique is simple and easy to use graphic user
to engineer advanced signal interface (GUI). This gives customers
processing technology to serve the
the implementation the flexibility of digital power design
precision needs of reliably interfacing of the digital core in without the pain of complex
to and monitoring the high voltage programming. ADIs expertise in ADC
electricity grid. Through a network of a state machine - high speed converter technology
advanced sensors, from instrument combines with an innovative power
transformers to Rogowski Coils
with all solution to enable high efficiency
through to Optical sensors, accurate programming power design and communication of
and fast measurement, conversion, parametric information over I2C. ADI
digital processing & communication performed via a very has gained significant share, with the
of critical grid parameters will be flagship ADP1043/A, in a broad range
fundamental to the control of
simple and easy to of applications and was awarded the
protective relays, the monitoring of use graphic user EDN Prize for Innovation in 2009. The
voltage and current harmonics and team is very excited by introduction of
the metering of the total power and interface the ADP1047/48 digital power factor
energy at multiple nodes throughout correction family with accurate power
the grid infrastructure that will metering capability. These devices will
emerge in 21st century. these areas so we integrated all of the be used in higher power ACDC supplies
important functions within a new and motor control applications. The

EI Analog Devices is a pioneer in

electronic energy metering? Could
you enumerate advances made in this
family of ICs. Since the year 2000, we
have introduced over 30 different
energy meter products. Today we
digital power factor family combines
with the ADP1043A digital controller
and iCoupler family of products to form
sector? continue to innovate along many a complete power and signal solution

M eter technology dates back over

100 years when the first
dimensions of product performance
such as offering energy meter ICs that
to improve energy efficient design.

electromechanical meter
introduced known as a Ferraris

meter. This technology is still in use

support greater accuracy, wider
dynamic ranges for larger loads,
stronger protection against tamper and
EI What technological innovations
are in process with respect to
electrical industry? Could you detail
today particularly for residential meters better long-term field reliability. about Analogs 14-bit high-speed A/D
because it is inexpensive and maintains Another advance that is occurring in converters, recently released, specifically

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for use in test and measurement
applications, besides others? EI Would you share information on
converters for wind turbines and
Inverters and DC Optimizers. ADIs
range of precision amplifiers, and ADCs

I n the electrical test industry, many

innovations focus on minimizing the
cost of test. In production environments
industrial controls?

V ibration analysis is an important

tool in early identification of
directly addresses the challenges that
are posed by this need for greater
accuracy in current and voltage
the emphasis is on reducing test time developing problems in many industrial measurement. In addition, with the
by running more tests simultaneously. control applications. Bad bearings, trend away from transformer based
This requires higher speed and more worn gears, loose fittings, and Inverters, the need to reliably isolate,
accurate equipment to generate and misaligned equipment, in rotating both between the DC and AC sides as
analyze complicated waveforms or machines, including those used in the well as between the power and control
patterns. In a lab environment the larger 1MW + wind turbines, can have a sides is increasing. In fact, guaranteeing
emphasis is often on reducing the cost profound impact on the operational lifetimes of between 6 years and 20
of test equipment. Users can purchase lifetime, energy harvesting efficiency, years is emerging as a basic requirement
highly integrated, flexible test and maintenance costs of such systems. in the industry and after the Capacitor
equipment capable of several kinds of Detection and measurement of minute (Electroytic), the next must unreliable
measurements or they can go with a changes in such mechanical component in the system happens to
modular approach to customize their movements demands precision ADC be the optocoupler. ADIs introduction
test bench. Systems that need to converters with very high resolution of a completely new concept in
perform many kinds of analysis require making wind turbines an ideal isolation, based on magnetic rather
higher speed and lower noise application for ADIs broad range of than optical coupling, has
components to cover a wide range of 24-Bit Sigma-Delta ADCs. To further revolutionized this industry. Now, Solar
measurements. In contrast, a modular enhance this, ADI offers tri-axis, wide- Inverter manufacturers do not have to
system will often optimize specific bandwidth, embedded vibration worry about the limited lifetime of
aspects of performance while sensors, such as the ADIS16228 iSensor optocouplers as ADIs iCoupler
minimizing power consumption. vibration monitor as a complete, technology completely removes this
Analog Devices has several options for effective, and affordable wind turbine optical wear-out limitation.
analog and digital signal processing condition monitoring system Furthermore, this isolation functionality
ICs used in this equipment. For combining ADIs industry-leading is directly integrated within our ICs with
instance, we recently released two low iMEMS technology with our high functions including gate drivers,
power 14 bit ADC families. The AD9648 resolution Sigma-Delta converters and RS-485-Interfaces, CAN transceivers
can sample up to 125Msps, while the data (FFT) processing. Digital precision- and indeed, isolated ADCs.
AD9643 can sample at up to 250Msps. aligned tri-axial vibration monitoring
Both of these dual channel ADCs are
also available in single channel
versions. These parallel output ADCs
for wind is ideally suited for the signal
detection and machine health-analytics
in modern wind turbines, and highlights
EI How ubiquitous integrated circuit
technology has become with
special attention to its significant role in
combine low power and high both Analog Devices leadership in developing electrical technology? In
performance in a small package. To precision conversion and system other words, how relevant is the role of
further reduce the ADCs footprint integration for the demands of wind integrated circuit technology in electrical
Analog also offers two 14-bit ADCs energy generation. technology expansion everywhere?
with high speed serialized outputs.
AD9644 and AD9641 are dual and
single-channel ADCs with sample rates EI What advances has Analog made
in renewable generation and its
I ntegrated circuit technology has
played a key role in improving the
performance and reliability for many
of 80Msps to 155Msps. These ADCs scope in India? elements of electrical technology
use a JESD204A high speed serial
interface to reduce the number of
digital outputs, resulting in smaller
I n the evolving renewable generation
space, the increasing drive toward
Grid-tied Solar Photovoltaic (PV)
including generation, transmission and
distribution. The reason, IC technology
has grown so quickly, is because it
packages and simplified board layout. systems is placing ever greater offers much higher levels of integration
Using a high speed serial interface in demands on the quality of the electricity compared to using individual discrete
multi channel systems lowers the pin that can be injected onto the grid. This components. Very high integration
count requirements for the receiving will require sensors capable of making reduces system cost and improves
device which conserves board space more precise measurements of the key overall system reliability. On the
and minimizes cost. parameters in such PV Inverters, Micro distribution side, IC technology has

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enabled more accurate, more reliable electronic energy
meters that can communicate with back-offices via wireless
or PLC. On the transmission side, IC technology has enabled
better and more efficient ways to automate substations.
Lastly, on the generation side, IC technology has enabled
advances in renewable approaches such as inverters which
are used in PV cells for solar generation.

EI How have industrial automation systems evolved in the

past few years? What do you have to say about
programmable logic controllers distributed control systems?

W e see a number of key trends within the industrial

automation application space. From a systems
standpoint, the market trend is for increased input/
output channel density, within the same housing
constraints. This leads to challenges to design smaller
component ICs, and also to make them lower power to
handle the overall power dissipation density in the
confined space. ADI addresses this by using the latest
process technology enabling us to use the smallest
package ICs, higher levels of integration, combined with
the lowest power specifications, while keeping the
industry leading accuracy and performance. The other
key trend is in the requirement for more robust system
designs, which translates into a need for more durable
devices at the IC level. Our family of over voltage
protection amplifiers (e.g. ADA409x) are one example of
how we help our customers solve this problem.

EI Do you have any future plans for the Indian Market in

terms of expansion?

T he Indian Energy market is expanding into areas such

as Smart Grid, AMR and AMI and there is significant
amount of activity going on to define standards
and technologies to serve these emerging markets. We at
Analog Devices are well positioned to play an active role
in these emerging segments. We are working
closely with our customers, third party developers
and other stake holders to provide solutions to serve
these emerging markets.

EI What is your view on the competition and how effectively

you have managed to consolidate your position in the
Indian market?

A t Analog Devices, we particularly believe that we need

to differentiate our products from those of our other
manufacturers in terms of features, performance and
quality, so that we bring in more value to our customers. By
carefully choosing the markets to play in and generating
higher value through performance and differentiated
features in our products, we have been successful in
consolidating our position in the Indian market.

58October 2011Electrical India

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