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OF 2.2Spsees of New England studio Studio provides an engaging, iterative design process that helps customers develop solutions to their unique needs Our team brings the ability to create products through user based design in a way that enhances interaction, . integrates technology and inspires lifelong learning. i - i (= ) 3 deliver OFFICE ENVIRONMENTS observe detect The Client/Design team discover the needs of the user. This investigation is the foundation of Studio. Without a clear understanding of user needs, a physical solution is impossible. Observe. Question. Record. Detecting the Product Needs through U.b.D A ieck inspiration Reveal what from everyday <.is intuitive. interactions. Uncover the emotional Zrertt the pexperience. ormal flo\ Document behavior ‘and focus on action. Seek out extreme situations. Oscek flexible & enduring elo thatptin Eollaborate develop Development of the solution is both the most frustrating and the most fun. Collaboration, ideation, sketching, rendering and prototyping are at the center of the development process. This process is give-and-take Cle yA C deliver From Design to Engineering to Manutacturing/ Sourcing and Delivering ieee eee sec mele Wie hy SR and dates. Our engineering and manufacturing team conforms to all industry standards when meeting these dates deliver Manufacture. ments that foster interaction ond integrate technology, creating OFFICE ENVIRONMENTS of ew England studio learning is lifelong POWERED BY VANERUMSSTELTER

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