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A Business Plan for the welfare of society to
fight against Drugs Abuse with the main motive
of protecting our youth from the trap of Drugs.

Connaught Place, New Delhi, India
Contact Details:
011-4545XXXX, 011-4444XXXX
Plan Time Frame:
January 2017 to December 2017
DRUG FREE 15 November 2016
Political Issues:
Economic Issues:
Social Issues
Technological Issues
Navjyoti India Foundation
Product and Services
Business Strategy
Business Strength
Business Weakness
Agreement with them
FRIENDS- COME WITH ME AND BE DRUG FREE is a plan for a NGO which will be
working in field of Drug abuse to reduce the amount of youth who have stuck in the trap
of drugs and are getting addictive to them without thinking about the consequences it will
have on their future. This NGO will help people and make people aware how to tackle
with the drugs addictive people that are to addictive to them. We are for the youngsters
who feel scared to share this problem with anyone as we can help them without revealing
their identity in the society. The main target of this NGO will be making the youth aware
about this major issue and help government to make India Drugs free. The mission of my
NGO will be to build a state that capture the community to create surroundings towards
the prevention and reduction of drug abuse by youth and children. And we will bring all
the people together to support and help us so that our youth and children can build happy,
enhance quality of life, health, self-respect and successful lives free of drug abuse and
vision is to be the most effective non-profit organisation in the field of drug abuse for
youth and children in India. We will be working in partnership with the another NGO
known as NavJyoti as it has de-addictive centres and have a program to cure a person by
using homeopathy, yoga and meditation.
My business plan is about running a NGO in India with the main of prevent youth and
children which are moving towards the drugs living their life from heaven and going
towards hell. I want to help those teenagers who have become so addictive with them but
are not able to leave them. There are many children and teenagers those have started
taking drugs in the peer pressure, some takes due to the heavy workload of studies and
major population take it because it is a new trend that have been started in India and what
there in the trend youngsters follow them. Another thing for spoiling the children are the
Bollywood stars that show doing on silver screen and they do the same to follow them.
My plan is to organise rallies, seminars, conferences in the public places so that we can
get more and more people in touch with us and increase our networking and help us reach
the people addicted with the drugs. This problem is increasing at a rapid rate as many
people do suicide because of these addictive drugs even they have started committing
crimes for the drugs. I have chosen this SE process model and worked on this model for
the pest and swot analysis for the opportunity tools.
Source: Citation from SE Class Presentations
I am the best person for this project as I am the Vice president for the Youth Council of
Bhartiya Janta Party (Anon., n.d.) which is in power right now in India and know where
the youth is going and have organized many rallies, seminars, conferences for the
counselor of my area and actively participated for the welfare of the party and tried to
bring pride to my party, family and country with my social work.
India as one of the biggest developing country in the world with the worlds largest
number of youth population (Anon., 2014). The future of India is in the hands of youth.
As the world is modernising and getting tech savvy the youth of India is moving towards
the trap of drugs. Children are the most affected population in India which are affected by
the drugs as they start doing it in the school age. The children from the states of
Uttaranchal, Haryana and Meghalaya are mostly effected by cannabis. Adolescent drug
abuse is one of the major areas of concern in adolescent and young peoples behaviour. It
is estimated that, in India, by the time most boys reach the ninth grade, about 50 percent
of them have tried at least one of the substance of abuse nature. (Ahmad Nadeem,
2009)About 68.3% kids of Tripura used inhalants, followed by Madhya Pradesh at 66.5%
whereas in Maharashtra, this number stood at 60.6% with 49% in Sikkim. In Haryana,
this number stood at 46.7%, in Odisha at 40%, in Delhi and Rajasthan at 39%, in
Manipur at 32.3%, and in Meghalaya at 30.9%. In a startling fact, the use of heroin was
seen to be highest in Meghalaya at 27.3%, followed by Punjab at 19.3%. In Delhi, Uttar
Pradesh and West Bengal the usage stood at 9-10%. Injectable drugs also seem to be
popular amongst children, with 88.6% children from Mizoram, followed by Meghalaya
and Rajasthan at 25%. In Maharashtra, this number stands at 23.5%, in Punjab at 13%, in
Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Madhya Pradesh at 11%. (MISHRA, 2014) My purpose
plan is to start a NGO which will fight for the children against the drug abuse which
strengthens its roots in India. We want our youth to be on the right path as they are the
future of our country but if they will be going on this track then India will lose all its
development. The values that I will provide with this NGO is that how to help a person
came out of these drugs and change the whole situation of the country.
According to the report of (Anon., 2014) , statistics reveal that at least 25,426 people
have committed suicide due to the drug addiction problems in the last 10 years all over
the India which comes down to 7 per day, 211 per month and 2542 every year. The
number of suicides has been steadily increasing if we compare it since 2004. Although, if
we see through graph there is a tremendous jump from 2004 to 2013 of 149%. According
to the official data from the ministry of social justice and empowerment, our country has
around 3.4 million drug abuse people approximately.

Image Source: (Anon., 2014) (NCRB)

Even the Prime Minister of India Mr. Narender Modi addressed this issue in his Maan
Ki Baat that it is a very bad situation that youth is moving towards Drugs as they are the
assets to the country and nation cant see them in this abuse. Another shocking truth
about the situation of India is that drug abuse related suicides are more than the suicide
cases of dowry, poverty and other money related problems. Government is also taking
measures to control this problem. Figure under down shows the drugs sized from the
states by the government. The sized drugs include Amphetamine, Cannabis Plant,
Cocaine, Ephedrine, Ganja, Hashish, Heroin, Ketamne, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
(LSD), Methylenedioxy-N- Methylamphetamine(MDMA) etc.

Image Source: (Anon., 2014)

To build a state that capture the community to create surroundings towards the prevention
and reduction of drug abuse by youth and children. And we will bring all the people
together to support and help us so that our youth and children can build happy, enhance
quality of life, health, self-respect and successful lives free of drug abuse.
To make the youth of drug free with providing people a great healthy life.
To be the most effective non-profit organization in the field of drug abuse for youth and
children in India.
Register our organization as a Non-Profit Organization.
Change the social environment by further benchmarks to minimize the use of
drugs by the youth and children.
To help those children who want to overcome drugs but are scared to talk to
anyone about the problem as we will listen them and help them recover it.
Unique design of drugs abuse prevention programs and services.
To convince more and more youth for the support and help their friends, relatives
and other family members to overcome drugs abuse.

The output that I will be providing the society is that we will be conducting seminars,
conference, awareness camps in schools, colleges and other educational institutions as
our motto is to reach as many youngsters of our country. We can even organize camps in
the Raahgiri an event in which many youngsters gather on the roads and have fun on
every Sunday. We will even use blogs, social Media and media to higher our voices to
reach the ears of everyone as in every family of India one person is their whose is trapped
in the web of the Drugs. (Ahmad Nadeem, 2009)
Political Issues:
Changing Government Policies: The policies of government in India changes
regularly and this can be even good for my NGO or worse as India is a democratic
country and there are many parties who work in their own way and these policies
can be changes by them.
Law and Order: The law and order of India is very volatile as it is change in time
to time and even some laws are too old that they are made by the British and we
are still following them.
Economic Issues:
Tax Exemption: The main benefit we get from the government of India is that
there is no tax for the donations we get from people as the people who will give
us donations will be given rebate from the side of government.
Recession: The another issue for our organization will be recession as if there will
be recession people will earn less and will not donate money to our NGO and our
whole organization will work on the donations only.
Social Issues
Adoption of Western Culture: The main issue why youth is moving towards the
trap of drugs is that our country have started adopting western culture with
forgetting our religious and culture values.
Advertising: The another issue we will be face that in India doing advertising is
very huge task as we have to reach millions of people and the expenditure on this
factor will be huge.
Technological Issues
Less Reach of Internet: The main trouble for us will be as we will be operating
mostly from online portal only many rural areas dont have access to internet even
they dont know what internet is.
Less Knowledge about technology: As most of the population of India is from
the rural areas they dont know about the technology, how to use it and what they
can do with the help of it. The another reason why these people cannot use
technology as they are illiterate and dont know how to read and write.
Organisations mission and vision: The main strength of our NGO will be
mission and vision which is for the country to reduce the drug abuse among the
youth and children and gather the voices of the nation so that we can create a
network of people to make India Drug free.
Tax Exempt: As we are working as a NGO we will be exempted from the tax
which will help us in donations as many people find this type of NGOs for the
donation as they will get exemption in the tax if they will give donations.
Funding Problems: The main weakness for our NGO can be funding problems as
we have to find people to give donations for these drug awareness programs and
carry on the day to day activities by the organization.
Management Conflicts: As we are working for a NGO there can be management
conflicts as its not always that every member of the management have the same
plans and even there can be scam too as people from drug mafia can join our
NGO and can play the games like this to end up our organization.
Support from Media: As our NGO will be working for the country on Indias
biggest issue we will be getting support from media to gather people all over India
which can encourage them to work with us. This will widespread the name of our
organization which will help us to get more funding in the form of donations.
Emerging Volunteer Services: We have a great opportunity as many Indian
citizens now days have started given the volunteer services for NGOS which are
working on the wellbeing of the country as all of them are educated and know
what impact drugs are leaving on the people.
Anti-Social Elements: The major threat to our organization will be from the anti-
social elements like Drug Mafia, politicians and other NGOs working in this field
as all this work is done with the help of politicians only that drug dealers are
selling drugs for the profit so they will have huge power background.
Involvement of People: The another main threat to our organization will be
involvement of people as Indian citizens do not gather easily in a social task. It
will be a challenge to gather a majority of people together on this social issue.

Navjyoti India Foundation (Anon., n.d.) also works in the drug abuse. Navjyoti India
Foundation is a not-for-profit society, registered on January 5, 1988 by then 16 serving
police officers of Delhi Police and conceived by Dr Kiran Bedi, first woman IPS, and her
team of North district police, with the main objective of crime prevention through welfare
Product and Services: Navjyotis pioneer model for drug de-addiction is a
medico-psycho-social and spiritual model incorporating a 12-step program,
therapeutic community, yoga, homoeopathy and they even use their past
experience in solving the cases for the de-addiction.
Business Strategy: It is an NGO which has clinics, Rehabilitation centre in which
it runs different programs for different problems like child education, women
empowerment etc. to help people came out of the drugs addiction with the
program they offer.
Business Strength: The strength of the Navjyoti is that it is a 28 years old NGO
working in the different parts of Delhi having different clinics, Rehabilitation
Centers, vocational training centers, counseling services and provide sessions in
schools, colleges.
Business Weakness: The main weakness for the Navjyoti India Foundation is that
they not only deal with Drugs abuse as they also deal with the problems of child
education, women empowerment, community development and environment
problems where as our focus will be only on Drug abuse.
Agreement with them: We will get in an agreement with them for the
rehabilitation centers that we will send the youth and children to them for the
drugs de-addiction programs and help them cure the people and can arrange
sessions with them for schools, colleges and many more institutions and all the
funds collected by them in the partnership will be use for the expenses of the

Resources that I need to operate my NGO are written below:

Office: We need an office in the central Delhi so that we can operate our
operations from there. We have chosen Delhi for our first office because it is the
capital of India and all the working of the central government is done from the
Delhi only and there are many big companies with having offices here.
Website: As all our work will be mostly done through the website like we can
take donations from people through online transactions and even can tell people
about our workings and what we are doing and can promote our self through
social media. Even our website will have a online counseling option too for the
people who dont want to reveal their identities in public.
Phone: We will be having a 24x7 helpline number which will be working all the
Volunteers: We need a group of volunteers to be available with us when we will
be conducting rallies, seminars, conferences so that we can make as many people
join us to overcome this threat.


Serial Number Cost Heads Amount(Rupees)

1. Rent 1 Lac
2. Bills 20,000
3. Equipment Cost 30,000
4. Volunteers 1000 per volunteer
5. Maintenance Cost 20,000
6. Registration Cost 50,000
7. Events 1 lac approx. per event
8. Miscellaneous 50,000

WILL DO: As I have proposed this plan I really want to take this initiative to start and
complete my plan for welfare of the country as it is a growing concern for India in the
near future and we have to deal with it as we cant let our youth population travel on
wrong track as they are the future of nation and have to take India to get the title of
Developed India.

WILL TRANSFER: With the main focus of capturing the younger population towards
this matter I can even get my competitors in my plan to help me out as I want the youth
of India drug free. Being True Indian I will bring them with me and cut the roots of this
evil issue with immediate effect and help my county becomes more developed.

WILL NOT DO: As my competitor NGOs have their own rehab centers are working on
this issue I will leave this plan as purchasing a land for the rehab centre and employing
doctors for the care of the patients will be very tuff to gather where as it very difficult
task to gather all the Indians together and work on it.
Works Cited
Anon., 2014. India has worlds largest youth population: UN report. [Online]
Available at:
MISHRA, P. N., 2014. DNA-Daily News Analysis. [Online] Available at:
Anon., 2014. Hindustan Times. [Online] Available at:
Anon., n.d. Navjyoti India Foundation. [Online] Available at:
Anon., n.d. Bhartiye janta Party. [Online] Available at:
Ahmad Nadeem, B. R. A. V. K. P., 2009. SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN INDIA.
[Online] Available at:
Anon., n.d. NGOs of INDIA. [Online] Available at:

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